List of variables in dataset:
CASEID : Respondent ID number
rscrinf : Whether R is screener informant. (screener variable)
RDORMRES : Whether R is part of the sample dormitory residents. (screener variable)
ROSTSCRN : Number of HH members based on screener.(computed)
RSCREENHISP : R's Hispanic origin in screener.(computed)
RSCREENRACE : R's race as reported in screener.(computed)
RSCRNINF : R is screener informant
RSCRAGE : R's age as reported in screener
RSCRHISP : R's Hispanic origin as reported in the screener
RSCRRACE : R's race as reported in screener
randvar1 : Random variable for method use at last sex experiment.Year 1: Assigns 70% to separate question format sample, 30% to combined question format sample.Starting in Year 2: Assigns 100% to separate question format. (Computed in Flow Check A-1)
AGE_A : First, I'd like to know your age and date of birth. How old are you?
age_r : R's age at interview.(computed)
cmbirth : Century month of R's birth.(computed)
agescrn : R's age at screener.(computed)
MARSTAT : Now I'd like to ask about your marital status. Please look at Card 1. What is your current marital status?
FMARSTAT : What is your formal marital status? That is, are you widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?
fmarit : R's formal marital status at time of interview.(computed)
evrmarry : Whether R was ever married.(computed)
HISP : Now I have some questions about your ethnic background and your race. (You may have already told me this, but) Are you Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
HISPGRP : Are you Puerto Rican, Cuban, Mexican, or a member of some other group?
NUMRACE : Number of races R reported for self.
roscnt : Number of HH members based on HH roster. (computed)
HPLOCALE : Please look at Card 4. Where is your (husband/partner) currently living?
manrel : Whether man in HH is R's husband or cohabiting partner. (computed)
fl_rage : Whether R's age at screener differs from age at interview.(computed)
fl_rrace : Whether R's race at screener differs from race at interview.(computed)
fl_rhisp : Whether R's hispanic origin differs from hispanic origin at interview.(computed)
GOSCHOL : I'd like to talk about your education. I'd like to talk only about regular school. By regular school I mean elementary, junior high, high school, college, or graduate school. Are you now going to, or on vacation from, regular school?
VACA : Are you currently on vacation from regular school?
HIGRADE : Please look at Card A_3. What (is the highest grade or year of (regular) school you have ever attended?) /(grade or year of school are you in/were you in before vacation began)?
COMPGRD : (Did you complete/Have you completed) (that/your highest) (grade/year) of school?
HAVEDIP : Do you have either a high school diploma or a GED certificate, or both?
DIPGED : (Which one do you have?)
cmhsgrad : Century month of R's high school graduation.(computed)
HAVEDEG : Do you have any college or university degrees?
DEGREES : Please look at Card 7. What is the highest college or university degree you have?
wthparnw : Whether R is living with parents.(computed)
ONOWN : (Before you turned 18, did you ever live/Have you ever lived) away from your parents or guardians? Please include times you were away at college or in the Armed Forces. But, do not include times you were away at boarding school for elementary, middle, or high school, or living in an institution or jail or group home. Also, please do not include temporary supervised arrangements such as summer camp.
INTACT : Between your birth and (the present time/the time you first started living on your own/your 18th birthday), (have you always lived/did you always live) with both your (biological/adoptive) mother and (biological/adoptive) father?
PARMARR : Were your biological parents married to each other at the time you were born?
LVSIT14F : Now, think about when you were 14 years old. Looking at Card 9, what female and male parents or parent-figures were you living with at age 14?
LVSIT14M : (Now tell me the male parent or parent-figure you were living with when you were 14 years old.)
WOMRASDU : Who, if anyone, do you think of as the woman who mostly raised you when you were growing up?
MOMDEGRE : Please look at Card 17. What is the highest level of education (she/your mother) completed?
MOMWORKD : During most of the time you were growing up, that is when you were between the ages of 5 and 15, did she usually work full-time, part-time or did she not work for pay at all?
MOMCHILD : (Including yourself/Altogether), how many children did (she/your mother/your biological mother) have who were born alive to her?
MOMFSTCH : How old was (she/your biological mother) when she had her first child who was born alive?
MOM18 : Was she under 18, 18 to 19, 20 to 24, or 25 or older?
MANRASDU : Who, if anyone, do you think of as the man who mostly raised you when you were growing up?
DADDEGRE : Please look at Card 17. What is the highest level of education (he/your father) completed?
bothbiol : Whether R lives with both biological parents or not.(computed)
intact18 : Whether R lived in intact family from bith to age 18.(computed)
onown18 : Whether R lived on own before age 18.(computed)
WPLOCALE : where W/P lives if not in HH
womrel : Whether woman in HH is R's wife or cohabiting partner.(computed)
TIMESMAR : (Including your present marriage,) how many times have you been married?
EVCOHAB1 : Not including the (woman/women) you married, have you ever lived together with any other female sexual partner? By living together, I mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual residence. (Remember, do not include the woman/women who you married.)
NUMCOH1 : Not including the (woman/women) you married, how many other female sexual partners have you lived together with in your life? (Please include the woman you live with now.)
EVCOHAB2 : Have you ever lived together with a female sexual partner? By living together, I mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual residence.
NUMCOH2 : (Including the woman you live with now,) How many female sexual partners have you lived with in your life?
evrcohab : Whether R ever cohabited with a woman (excluding wives).(computed)
numwife : Number of times married.(computed)
numcohab : Number of females cohabited with (excluding wives).(computed)
numchild : Total number of people < 13 in the HH and RELAR = 3-8 (Computed in Flow Check A-15)
hhkids18 : Total number of people < 19 in the HH and RELAR = 3-10 (Computed in Flow Check A-15)
daught918 : Total number of daughters (SEX[x]=2) in the HH between 9-18 years and RELAR = 3 or 5 (Computed in Flow Check A-15)
nonbiokids : Total number of people < 19 in the HH, excluding biological children RELAR = 4-10 (Computed in Flow Check A-15)
EARNHS_M : In what month and year did you get your high school diploma? (MONTH)
EARNHS_Y : In what month and year did you get your high school diploma? (YEAR)
HISCHGRD : (Not counting your GED classes,) What is the highest grade of elementary, junior high or middle school, or high school you have ever attended?
lstgrade : Last elementary/junior high/high school grade R attended (Computed in Flow Check A-21b)
MYSCHOL_M : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?)? (MONTH)
MYSCHOL_Y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
cmlstsch : Century month of last attendance in grades 1-12 (Computed in Flow Check A-22)
EARNBA_M : In what month and year did you get your Bachelor's degree? (MONTH)
EARNBA_Y : In what month and year did you get your Bachelor's degree? (YEAR)
cmbagrad : Century month received Bachelor's degree (Computed in Flow Check A-23a)
PRIMLANG1 : AC-6 : What languages do you usually speak at home?
PRIMLANG2 : AC-6 : What languages do you usually speak at home? (2nd mention)
PRIMLANG3 : AC-6 : What languages do you usually speak at home? (3rd mention)
son918 : Total number of sons (SEX[x]=1) in the HH between 9-18 years and RELAR = 3 or 5 (Computed in Flow Check A-15)
r_foster : Whether R is living/has lived with a foster parent based on information from the household roster and childhood background questions (FC A-32a)
EVRFSTER : AG-13 : Did you ever live in state-sponsored foster care? This includes settings such as a family foster home, a relative foster home, a group home, institution, or supervised independent living.
MNYFSTER : AG-14 : In how many different foster care settings or locations have you lived?
DURFSTER : AG-15 : Looking at Card 11a, approximately how much time did you spend in foster care during your life?
EXPSCHL : AF-13 : Do you expect to go back to regular school at any time in the future?
EXPGRADE : AF-14 : Please look at Card 8. What is the highest grade or degree you expect to complete?
FOSTEREV : AG-13 : Did you ever live in state-sponsored foster care? This includes settings such as a family foster home, a relative foster home, a group home, institution, or supervised independent living.
AGEFSTER : AG-16 : The last time you left foster care, how old were you?
numbabes : Number of babies born alive to R (parity) (computed)
totplacd : Number of R's biological children she (or someone) placed for adoption (computed)
nplaced : Number of R's biological children she placed for adoption (based on BPA) (computed)
ndied : Number of R's biological children that died shortly after birth (based on BDS) (computed)
nadoptv : Number of R's biological children living with adoptive families (based on WHERENOW) (computed)
hasbabes : Whether R has had any live births (computed)
cmlastlb : CM for R's most recent live birth (computed)
cmfstprg : CM for R's first completed pregnancy (computed)
cmlstprg : CM for R's most recent completed pregnancy (computed)
MENARCHE : How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?
PREGNOWQ : Are you pregnant now?
MAYBPREG : Do you think you are probably pregnant or not?
NUMPREGS : (Including this pregnancy,) how many times have you been pregnant in your life?
everpreg : Whether R has ever been pregnant (computed)
currpreg : Whether R is currently pregnant (computed)
moscurrp : Number of Months Currently Pregnant (computed)
GIVEADPT : (Not including the (number) child(ren) that you already told me about,) have you ever placed (a/another) child born to you for adoption?
NGIVENAD : (Not including the child(ren) that you already told me about,) how many (other) children have you placed for adoption?
OTHERKID : (Not counting the child(ren) born to you,) have any children lived with you under your care and responsibility?
NOTHRKID : How many children?
SEXOTHKD : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (1st child)
RELOTHKD : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (1st child)
ADPTOTKD : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (1st child)
TRYADOPT : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]? (1st child)
TRYEITHR : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (1st child)
STILHERE : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (1st child)
cmokdcam : CM for Date Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R - 1st (computed)
OTHKDFOS : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (1st child)
cmokddob : CM for Non-Biological Child s Date of Birth - 1st (computed)
OTHKDSPN : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (1st child)
OTHKDRAC1 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (1st child; 1st mention)
OTHKDRAC2 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (1st child; 2nd mention)
KDBSTRAC : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 1st NONBIO CHILD), would you say best describes (his/her) racial background?
OKBORNUS : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (1st nonbio child)
OKDISABL1 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD2 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (2nd child)
RELOTHKD2 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (2nd child)
ADPTOTKD2 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (2nd child)
TRYADOPT2 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]?(2nd child)
TRYEITHR2 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (2nd child)
STILHERE2 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (2nd child)
cmokdcam2 : CM for Date Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R - 2nd (computed)
OTHKDFOS2 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (2nd child)
cmokddob2 : CM for Non-Biological Child's Date of Birth - 2nd (computed)
OTHKDSPN2 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (2nd child)
OTHKDRAC6 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd child; 1st mention)
OKBORNUS2 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (2nd nonbio child)
OKDISABL5 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation?(2nd child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD3 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (3rd child)
RELOTHKD3 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (3rd child)
ADPTOTKD3 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (3rd child)
TRYADOPT3 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]? (3rd child)
TRYEITHR3 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian?(3rd child)
STILHERE3 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you?(3rd child)
cmokdcam3 : CM for Date Non-biological child Came to Live with R- 3rd (computed)
OTHKDFOS3 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (3rd child)
cmokddob3 : CM for Non-Biological child's Date of Birth-3rd (computed)
OTHKDSPN3 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (3rd child)
OTHKDRAC11 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd child; 1st mention)
OKBORNUS3 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country?(3rd nonbio child)
OKDISABL9 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD4 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (4th child)
RELOTHKD4 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (4th child)
ADPTOTKD4 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (4th child)
TRYADOPT4 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]? (4th child)
TRYEITHR4 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (4th child)
STILHERE4 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (4th child)
cmokdcam4 : CM for Date Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R- 4th (computed)
OTHKDFOS4 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (4th child)
cmokddob4 : CM for Non-Biological Child's Date of Birth -4th (computed)
OTHKDSPN4 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (4th child)
OTHKDRAC16 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (4th child; 1st mention)
OKBORNUS4 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (4th nonbio child)
OKDISABL13 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (4th child)
SEXOTHKD5 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (5th child)
RELOTHKD5 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (5th child)
ADPTOTKD5 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (5th child)
TRYADOPT5 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]? (5th child)
TRYEITHR5 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (5th child)
STILHERE5 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (5th child)
cmokdcam5 : CM for Date Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R-5th (computed)
OTHKDFOS5 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (5th child)
cmokddob5 : CM for Non-Biological Child's Date of Birth -5th (computed)
OTHKDSPN5 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (5th child)
OTHKDRAC21 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (5th child; 1st mention)
OKBORNUS5 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (5th nonbio child)
OKDISABL17 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (5th child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD6 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (6th child)
RELOTHKD6 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (6th child)
ADPTOTKD6 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (6th child)
TRYADOPT6 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]? (6th child)
TRYEITHR6 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (6th child)
STILHERE6 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (6th child)
cmokdcam6 : CM for DATE Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R - 6th (computed)
OTHKDFOS6 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (6th child)
cmokddob6 : CM for Non-Biological Child's Date of Birth- 6th (computed)
OTHKDSPN6 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (6th child)
OTHKDRAC26 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (6th child; 1st mention)
OKBORNUS6 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (6th nonbio child)
OKDISABL21 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (6th child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD7 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (7th child)
RELOTHKD7 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (7th child)
ADPTOTKD7 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (7th child)
TRYADOPT7 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]? (7th child)
TRYEITHR7 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (7th child)
STILHERE7 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (7th child)
cmokdcam7 : CM for Date Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R - 7th (computed)
OTHKDFOS7 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (7th child)
cmokddob7 : CM for Non-Biological Child's Date of Birth - 7th (computed)
OTHKDSPN7 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (7th child)
OTHKDRAC31 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (7th child; 1st mention)
OKBORNUS7 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (7th nonbio child)
OKDISABL25 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (7th child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD8 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (8th child)
RELOTHKD8 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (8th child)
ADPTOTKD8 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (8th child)
TRYEITHR8 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (8th child)
STILHERE8 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (8th child)
cmokdcam8 : CM for Date Non-Biological Child Came to Live with R - 8th (computed)
OTHKDFOS8 : Was [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (8th child)
cmokddob8 : CM for Non-Biological Child's Date of Birth - 8th (computed)
OTHKDSPN8 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin? (8th child)
OTHKDRAC36 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (8th child; 1st mention)
OTHKDRAC37 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [OTHER NONBIO CHILD'S] race? Please select one or more groups. (8th child; 2nd mention)
KDBSTRAC8 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 8th NONBIO CHILD), would you say best describes (his/her) racial background?
OKBORNUS8 : Was (she/he/this child) born in the United States or in another country? (8th nonbio child)
OKDISABL29 : Does [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (8th child; 1st mention)
SEXOTHKD9 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (9th child)
RELOTHKD9 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (9th child)
ADPTOTKD9 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (9th child)
TRYEITHR9 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (9th child)
STILHERE9 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (9th child)
SEXOTHKD10 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (10th child)
RELOTHKD10 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (10th child)
ADPTOTKD10 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (10th child)
TRYEITHR10 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (10th child)
STILHERE10 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (10th child)
SEXOTHKD11 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (11th child)
RELOTHKD11 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (11th child)
ADPTOTKD11 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (11th child)
TRYEITHR11 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (11th child)
STILHERE11 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (11th child)
SEXOTHKD12 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (12th child)
RELOTHKD12 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (12th child)
ADPTOTKD12 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (12th child)
TRYEITHR12 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (12th child)
STILHERE12 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (12th child)
SEXOTHKD13 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (13th child)
RELOTHKD13 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (13th child)
ADPTOTKD13 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (13th child)
TRYEITHR13 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (13th child)
STILHERE13 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (13th child)
SEXOTHKD14 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (14th child)
RELOTHKD14 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (14th child)
ADPTOTKD14 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (14th child)
TRYEITHR14 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (14th child)
STILHERE14 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (14th child)
SEXOTHKD15 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (15th child)
RELOTHKD15 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (15th child)
ADPTOTKD15 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (15th child)
TRYEITHR15 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (15th child)
STILHERE15 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (15th child)
SEXOTHKD16 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (16th child)
RELOTHKD16 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (16th child)
ADPTOTKD16 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (16th child)
TRYEITHR16 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (16th child)
STILHERE16 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (16th child)
SEXOTHKD17 : [ASK IF NECESSARY:] Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] male or female? (17th child)
RELOTHKD17 : Please look at Card 20. When [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] began living with you, how was (she/he/this child) related to you? (17th child)
ADPTOTKD17 : Did you legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or become [OTHER NONBIO CHILD]'s legal guardian? (17th child)
TRYEITHR17 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] or to become (his/her/this child's) legal guardian? (17th child)
STILHERE17 : Is [OTHER NONBIO CHILD] still living with you? (17th child)
everadpt : R's experience with adoption (based on BJ series) (computed)
SEEKADPT : (Not counting children who have lived with you or children who live with you now,/At this time,) are you (currently) seeking to adopt a child?
CONTAGEM : (Not counting things you've done for any children you are currently in the process of adopting,) have you placed a newspaper ad or contacted an adoption agency, a lawyer, a doctor, or other source about adopting (another) child?
TRYLONG : (Again, not counting things you've done for any children you have adopted or are currently in the process of adopting,) how long have you been seeking to adopt (a/another) child?
KNOWADPT : Are you seeking to adopt a child whom you know?
CHOSESEX : If you could choose exactly the child you wanted, would you prefer to adopt a boy or a girl?
TYPESEXF : Would you accept a girl?
TYPESEXM : Would you accept a boy?
CHOSRACE : If you could choose exactly the child you wanted, would you prefer to adopt a black child, a white child, or a child of some other race?
TYPRACBK : Would you accept a black child?
TYPRACWH : Would you accept a white child?
TYPRACOT : Would you accept a child of some other race, neither black nor white?
CHOSEAGE : (If you could choose exactly the child you wanted) Would you prefer to adopt a child younger than 2 years, a child 2 to 5 years old, a child 6 to 12 years old, or a child 13 years old or older?
TYPAGE2M : Would you accept a child younger than 2 years?
TYPAGE5M : Would you accept a child 2 to 5 years old?
TYPAG12M : Would you accept a child 6 to 12 years old?
TYPAG13M : Would you accept a child 13 years old or older?
CHOSDISB : (If you could choose exactly the child you wanted), Would you prefer to adopt a child with no disability, a child with a mild disability, or a child with a severe disability?
TYPDISBN : Would you accept a child with no disability?
TYPDISBM : Would you accept a child with a mild disability?
TYPDISBS : Would you accept a child with a severe disability?
CHOSENUM : (If you could choose exactly the child you wanted), Would you prefer to adopt a single child or 2 or more brothers and sisters at once?
TYPNUM1M : Would you accept a single child?
TYPNUM2M : Would you accept 2 or more brothers and sisters at once?
EVWNTANO : (Not counting any children you are currently in the process of adopting,) have you ever considered adopting (another) child?
EVCONTAG : (Not counting any children you are in the process of adopting,) did you ever contact an adoption agency, a lawyer, a doctor, or other source about adopting (a/another) child?
TURNDOWN : Were you turned down for adoption, unable to find a child to adopt, or did you decide not to pursue adoption any further?
YQUITTRY : What were your reasons for deciding not to pursue adoption any further? Were they reasons having to do with the adoption process itself, reasons related to your own situation, or both?
APROCESS1 : Tell me which reasons related to adoption made you decide not to pursue adoption. Was it because the fees were too high, there were not enough kids available, or some other reason? (1st mention)
APROCESS2 : Tell me which reasons related to adoption made you decide not to pursue adoption. Was it because the fees were too high, there were not enough kids available, or some other reason? (2nd mention)
APROCESS3 : Tell me which reasons related to adoption made you decide not to pursue adoption. Was it because the fees were too high, there were not enough kids available, or some other reason? (3rd mention)
TALKPAR1 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old,) which, if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 did you ever talk with a parent or guardian about? [1st MENTIONED]
TALKPAR2 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old,) which, if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 did you ever talk with a parent or guardian about? [2ND MENTIONED]
TALKPAR3 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old,) which, if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 did you ever talk with a parent or guardian about? [3RD MENTIONED]
TALKPAR4 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old,) which, if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 did you ever talk with a parent or guardian about? [4TH MENTIONED]
TALKPAR5 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old,) which, if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 did you ever talk with a parent or guardian about? [5TH MENTIONED]
SEDNO : Now I'm interested in knowing about formal sex education you may have had. (Before you were 18,) (did / have) you ever had any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about how to say no to sex?
SEDNOG : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on how to say no to sex?
SEDBC : (Before you were 18,) (have / did) you ever have any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about methods of birth control?
SEDBCG : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on methods of birth control?
PLEDGE : (Did you ever take / Have you ever taken) a public or written pledge to remain a virgin until marriage?
EVEROPER : Some men have operations that make it impossible for them to father a child. Have you ever had a vasectomy or any other operation that makes it impossible for you to father a child?
TYPEOPER : What type of operation did you have? Was it a vasectomy or some other operation?
STEROPER : As far as you know, are you completely sterile from this operation; that is, does it make it impossible for you to father a baby in the future?
cmvasec : Century Month for date of respondent's vasectomy or other male sterilizing operation (Computed)
PLCSTROP : Please look at Card 25 and tell me where (your vasectomy / your sterilizing operation) was performed.
RVRSVAS : (Have you ever had surgery to reverse your vasectomy? / You said that you had surgery to reverse your vasectomy, is that right? )
cmrvrs : Century Month for date of respondent's vasectomy reversal (Computed)
rsurgstr : Whether Respondent is Surgically Sterile at Interview (Computed)
FATHPOSS : Some men are not physically able to father children. As far as you know, is it physically possible for you, yourself to biologically father a child in the future?
FATHDIFF : Some men are physically able to father a child, but would have difficulty doing so. As far as you know, would you have any difficulty fathering a child?
rstrstat : Respondent's Sterility Status at Time of Interview (Computed)
EVERSEX : The next section is about relationships with females. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a female (sometimes this is called making love, having sex, or going all the way)?
rhadsex : Whether Respondent Has Ever Had Sex (Heterosexual Vaginal Intercourse)(Computed)
SXMTONCE : Have you had sexual intercourse more than once?
YNOSEX : As you know, some people have had sexual intercourse by your age and others have not. Please look at Card 13 which lists some reasons that people give for not having sexual intercourse. What would you say is the most important reason why you have not had sexual intercourse up to now?
EVRCHIL : Now I'll ask you about biological children. By this I mean any children that you ever fathered, even if they don't live with you now or if they died or were adopted by someone else. Have you ever had any biological children?
EVRCHILN : How many biological children have you ever had?
father : Whether Respondent ever biologically fathered a child (Computed)
LIFEPRT : The next questions are about relationships with females. Please look at Card 14. How many different females have you ever had intercourse with? This includes any female you had intercourse with, even if it was only once or if you did not know her well.
lifeprts : Number of female sex partners in lifetime (Computed)
SXMON12 : (The next questions are about relationships with females. You said that you had sexual intercourse with a female once in your life. Was that in the last 12 months,/ Have you had sexual intercourse with this female in the last 12 months,) that is, since [M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE]?
MON12PRT : Please look at Card 15. How many different females have you had sexual intercourse with in the past 12 months, that is, since [M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE]?
mon12prts : Number of female sex partners in last 12 months (Computed)
sexstat : Summary of respondent's lifetime and recent sexual experience (Computed)
biokids : Number of Biological Children Respondent Has Ever Fathered (Computed)
adopkids : Number of Children Respondent Has Ever Adopted (Computed)
currprts : Number of current nonmarital/noncohabiting partners (Computed)
pregsnow : Number of women currently pregnant with respondent's child (Computed)
SEXFREQ : Now please think about the last four weeks. How many times have you had sexual intercourse with a female in the last four weeks?
CONFREQ : And, in the last four weeks, how many of the times that you had sexual intercourse with a female did you use a condom?
P1RLTN1 : Were you ever married to (MOST RECENT PARTNER'S NAME)?
P1CURRWIFE : Is she your current wife?
P1CURRSEP : Is she the woman you are separated from now?
P1RLTN2 : Did you ever live together with (MOST RECENT PARTNER'S NAME)?
P1COHABIT : Is she the woman you live with now ?
P2RLTN1 : Were you ever married to (2ND TO LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
P2CURRWIFE : Is she your current wife?
P2CURRSEP : Is she the woman you are separated from now?
P2RLTN2 : Did you ever live together with (2ND TO LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
P2COHABIT : Is she the woman you live with now ?
P3RLTN1 : Were you ever married to (3RD TO LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
P3CURRWIFE : Is she your current wife?
P3CURRSEP : Is she the woman you are separated from now?
P3RLTN2 : Did you ever live together with (3RD TO LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
P3COHABIT : Is she the woman you live with now?
p1relation : Relationship of last/most recent sex partner to respondent (Computed)
p2relation : Relationship of 2nd to last sex partner to respondent (Computed)
p3relation : Relationship of 3rd to last sex partner to respondent (Computed)
FIRST : Was (2ND- OR 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) the first female with whom you ever had sexual intercourse?
HOWPREG_N : How many weeks or months pregnant are you now? (NUMBER)
HOWPREG_P : (How many weeks or months pregnant are you now?) (UNIT - WEEKS OR MONTHS)
NOWPRGDK : Are you in your first trimester, in your second trimester, or in your third trimester?
npregs_s : Total number of pregnancies R has had (based on verified & chronologically sorted data) (Computed in Flow Check B-42d)
nbabes_s : Total number of liveborn babies R has had (based on verified and chronologically sorted data) (Computed in Flow Check B-42d)
cmpg1beg : Century month for start of first pregnancy (Computed in Flow Check B-42d)
DATKDCAM_M : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M : In what month and year was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC3 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL2 : Does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL3 : Does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
DATKDCAM_M2 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y2 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M2 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y2 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC7 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC8 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC2 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL6 : Does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL7 : Does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
DATKDCAM_M3 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y3 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M3 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y3 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC12 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC13 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC3 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL10 : Does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL11 : Does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
DATKDCAM_M4 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y4 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M4 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y4 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC17 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC18 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC4 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL14 : Does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL15 : Does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
DATKDCAM_M5 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y5 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M5 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y5 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC22 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC23 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC5 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL18 : Does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL19 : Does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
DATKDCAM_M6 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y6 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M6 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y6 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC27 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC28 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC6 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL22 : Does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL23 : Does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
DATKDCAM_M7 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y7 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (YEAR) (7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M7 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y7 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC32 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC33 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC7 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL26 : Does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL27 : Does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT8 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M8 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y8 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDDOB_M8 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y8 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
OTHKDRAC38 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL30 : Does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL31 : Does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT9 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M9 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y9 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam9 : Century month when 9th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS9 : Was [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M9 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y9 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob9 : Century month of 9th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN9 : Is [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC41 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC42 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC43 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC9 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS9 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL33 : Does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL34 : Does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL35 : Does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT10 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M10 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want `to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y10 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam10 : Century month when 10th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS10 : Was [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M10 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y10 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob10 : Century month of 10th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN10 : Is [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC46 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC47 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC48 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC10 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS10 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL37 : Does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL38 : Does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL39 : Does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT11 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M11 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y11 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam11 : Century month when 11th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS11 : Was [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M11 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
okddob_y11 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob11 : Century month of 11th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN11 : Is [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC51 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC52 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC53 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC11 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS11 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL41 : Does [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL42 : Does [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL43 : Does [NAME OF 11TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT12 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M12 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y12 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam12 : Century month when 12th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS12 : Was [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M12 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y12 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob12 : Century month of 12th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN12 : Is [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC56 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC57 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC58 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC12 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS12 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL45 : Does [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL46 : Does [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL47 : Does [NAME OF 12TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT13 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M13 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y13 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam13 : Century month when 13th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS13 : Was [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M13 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y13 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob13 : Century month of 13th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN13 : Is [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC61 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC62 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC63 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC13 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-13 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS13 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL49 : Does [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL50 : Does [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL51 : Does [NAME OF 13TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT14 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M14 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y14 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam14 : Century month when 14th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS14 : Was [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M14 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y14 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob14 : Century month of 14th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN14 : Is [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC66 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC67 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC68 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC14 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-14 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS14 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL53 : Does [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL54 : Does [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL55 : Does [NAME OF 14TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT15 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M15 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y15 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam15 : Century month when 15th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS15 : Was [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M15 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y15 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob15 : Century month of 15th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN15 : Is [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC71 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC72 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC73 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC15 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-15 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS15 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL57 : Does [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL58 : Does [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL59 : Does [NAME OF 15TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT16 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M16 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y16 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam16 : Century month when 16th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS16 : Was [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M16 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y16 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob16 : Century month of 16th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN16 : Is [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC76 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC77 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC78 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC16 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-16 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS16 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL61 : Does [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL62 : Does [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL63 : Does [NAME OF 16TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TRYADOPT17 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
DATKDCAM_M17 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y17 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam17 : Century month when 17th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS17 : Was [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M17 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y17 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob17 : Century month of 17th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN17 : Is [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC81 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC82 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC83 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC17 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-17 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS17 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL65 : Does [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL66 : Does [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL67 : Does [NAME OF 17TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
SEXOTHKD18 : If necessary, ask: (Is [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] male or female?)
RELOTHKD18 : Please look at Card 20. When [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] began living with you, how was (he / she / this child) related to you?
ADPTOTKD18 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] or become [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s legal guardian?
TRYADOPT18 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
TRYEITHR18 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] or to become (his / her / this child's) legal guardian?
STILHERE18 : Is [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] still living with you?
DATKDCAM_M18 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y18 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam18 : Century month when 18th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS18 : Was [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M18 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y18 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob18 : Century month of 18th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN18 : Is [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC86 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC87 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC88 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC18 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-18 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS18 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL69 : Does [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL70 : Does [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL71 : Does [NAME OF 18TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
SEXOTHKD19 : If necessary, ask: (Is [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] male or female?)
RELOTHKD19 : Please look at Card 20. When [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] began living with you, how was (he / she / this child) related to you?
ADPTOTKD19 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] or become [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s legal guardian?
TRYADOPT19 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
TRYEITHR19 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] or to become (his / her / this child's) legal guardian?
STILHERE19 : Is [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] still living with you?
DATKDCAM_M19 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y19 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam19 : Century month when 19th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS19 : Was [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M19 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y19 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob19 : Century month of 19th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN19 : Is [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC91 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC92 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC93 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC19 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-19 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS19 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL73 : Does [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL74 : Does [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL75 : Does [NAME OF 19TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
SEXOTHKD20 : If necessary, ask: (Is [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] male or female?)
RELOTHKD20 : Please look at Card 20. When [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] began living with you, how was (he / she / this child) related to you?
ADPTOTKD20 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] or become [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s legal guardian?
TRYADOPT20 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]?
TRYEITHR20 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] or to become (his / her / this child's) legal guardian?
STILHERE20 : Is [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] still living with you?
DATKDCAM_M20 : In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary. (MONTH) (20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
DATKDCAM_Y20 : (In what month and year did (he / she / this child) begin living with you? Use the information already recorded on the calendar to help you remember when this child was living with you. You may want to record this on the calendar, but it is not necessary.) (YEAR) (20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
cmokdcam20 : Century month when 20th nonbiological child came to live with R (Computed in Flow Check B-49)
OTHKDFOS20 : Was [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OKDDOB_M20 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born? (MONTH)
OKDDOB_Y20 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] born?) (YEAR)
cmokddob20 : Century month of 20th nonbiological child's birth (Computed in Flow Check B-52)
OTHKDSPN20 : Is [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
OTHKDRAC96 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (1st MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC97 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (2nd MENTIONED)
OTHKDRAC98 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD]'s race? Please select one or more groups. (3rd MENTIONED)
KDBSTRAC20 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES FROM BJ-20 OTHKDRAC), would you say best describes (his / her) racial background? (20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKBORNUS20 : Was (he / she / this child) born in the United States or in another country? (20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD)
OKDISABL77 : Does [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (1st MENTIONED)
OKDISABL78 : Does [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (2nd MENTIONED)
OKDISABL79 : Does [NAME OF 20TH NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD] have a physical disability, an emotional disturbance, or mental retardation? (3rd MENTIONED)
TALKPAR6 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old, which / Which), if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 (did you ever talk /have you ever talked) with a parent or guardian about? [6TH MENTIONED]
SEDNOSX : Did you receive instruction about how to say no to sex before or after the first time you had sex?
SEDBCSX : Did you receive instruction about methods of birth control before or after the first time you had sex?
SEDSTD : (Before you were 18, did / Have) you ever (have / had) any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about sexually transmitted diseases?
SEDSTDG : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on sexually transmitted diseases?
SEDSTDSX : Did you receive instruction about sexually transmitted diseases before or after the first time you had sex?
SEDHIV : (Before you were 18, did / Have) you ever (have / had) any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about how to prevent HIV/AIDS?
SEDHIVG : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on how to prevent HIV/AIDS?
SEDHIVSX : Did you receive instruction about how to prevent HIV/AIDS before or after the first time you had sex?
VASEC_M : In what month and year did you have your [vasectomy / sterilizing operation]? (Month)
VASEC_Y : In what month and year did you have your [vasectomy / sterilizing operation]? (Year)
VASREV_M : In what month and year did you have the reversal? (Month)
VASREV_Y : In what month and year did you have the reversal? (Year)
P1SXLAST_M : (Please think of the last/ That) time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that? (MONTH) (most recent partner)
P1SXLAST_Y : ((Please think of the last/ That) time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that?) (YEAR) (most recent partner)
cmlsxp1 : Century Month of last sex with most recent partner (Computed in Flow Check B_19)
P2SXLAST_M : (Please think of the last/That) time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that? (MONTH) (2nd most recent partner)
P2SXLAST_Y : ((Please think of the last/That) time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that?) (YEAR) (2nd most recent partner)
cmlsxp2 : Century Month of last sex with 2nd most recent partner (Computed in Flow Check B-27)
P3SXLAST_M : (Please think of the last/That) time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that? (MONTH) (3rd most recent partner)
P3SXLAST_Y : ((Please think of the last/That) time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that?) (YEAR) (3rd most recent partner)
cmlsxp3 : Century Month of last sex with 3rd most recent partner (Computed in Flow Check B-35)
HRDEMBRYO : BL-6 : Now I have one additional question about ways to become a parent. Have you ever heard of frozen embryo donation or frozen embryo adoption as a method of family building?
SEDWHBC : BA-11 : (Before you were 18, did / Have) you ever (have / had) any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about where to get birth control?
SEDWHBCG : BA-12 : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on where to get birth control?
SEDWBCSX : BA-13 : Did you receive instruction about where to get birth control before or after the first time you had sex?
SEDCOND : BA-14 : (Before you were 18, did / Have) you ever (have / had) any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about how to use a condom?
SEDCONDG : BA-15 : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on how to use a condom?
SEDCONSX : BA-16 : Did you receive instruction about how to use a condom before or after the first time you had sex?
SEDABST : BA-23 : (Before you were 18, did / Have) you ever (have / had) any formal instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place about waiting until marriage to have sex?
SEDABSTG : BA-24 : What grade were you in when you first received instruction on waiting until marriage to have sex?
SEDABSSX : BA-25 : Did you receive instruction about waiting until marriage to have sex before or after the first time you had sex?
P12MOCONO : BC-8a : Did you use a condom that time?
P12MOCON : BC-8b : Please look at Card 48. Thinking back over the past 12 months, that is since (interview month, interview year -1), would you say you used a condom with your partner or partners for sexual intercourse every time, most of the time, about half the time, some of the time, or none of the time?
TALKPAR7 : BA-4 : The next questions are about how you learned about sex and birth control. (Before you were 18 years old, which / Which), if any, of the topics shown on Card 23 (did you ever talk /have you ever talked) with a parent or guardian about? [7TH MENTIONED]
SEDBCLC1 : BA-8a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about methods of birth control? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDBCLC2 : BA-8a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about methods of birth control? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDBCLC3 : BA-8a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about methods of birth control? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDBCLC4 : BA-8a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you received that instruction about methods of birth control? [4TH MENTIONED]
SEDABLC1 : BA-23a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about waiting until marriage to have sex? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDABLC2 : BA-23a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about waiting until marriage to have sex? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDABLC3 : BA-23a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about waiting until marriage to have sex? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDABLC4 : BA-23a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about waiting until marriage to have sex? [4TH MENTIONED]
nbagecame1 : Age when 1st nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame2 : Age when 2nd nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame3 : Age when 3rd nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame4 : Age when 4th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame5 : Age when 5th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame6 : Age when 6th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame7 : Age when 7th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame8 : Age when 8th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame9 : Age when 9th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame10 : Age when 10th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame11 : Age when 11th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame12 : Age when 12th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame13 : Age when 13th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame14 : Age when 14th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame15 : Age when 15th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame16 : Age when 16th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame17 : Age when 17th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
nbagecame18 : Age when 18th nonbiological child came to live with R (computed in post-processing)
SRCEMBRYO_1 : BL-7 : Please look at Card 89. From which of these sources did you hear of embryo adoption or donation? [1ST MENTIONED]
SRCEMBRYO_2 : BL-7 : Please look at Card 89. From which of these sources did you hear of embryo adoption or donation? [2ND MENTIONED]
SRCEMBRYO_3 : BL-7 : Please look at Card 89. From which of these sources did you hear of embryo adoption or donation? [3RD MENTIONED]
SRCEMBRYO_4 : BL-7 : Please look at Card 89. From which of these sources did you hear of embryo adoption or donation? [4TH MENTIONED]
SRCEMBRYO_5 : BL-7 : Please look at Card 89. From which of these sources did you hear of embryo adoption or donation? [5TH MENTIONED]
SEDNOLC1 : BA-5a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to say no to sex? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDNOLC2 : BA-5a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to say no to sex? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDNOLC3 : BA-5a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to say no to sex? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDNOLC4 : BA-5a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to say no to sex? [4TH MENTIONED]
SEDWHLC1 : BA-11a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about where to get birth control? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDWHLC2 : BA-11a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about where to get birth control? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDWHLC3 : BA-11a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about where to get birth control? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDWHLC4 : BA-11a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about where to get birth control? [4TH MENTIONED]
SEDCONLC1 : BA-14a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to use a condom? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDCONLC2 : BA-14a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to use a condom? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDCONLC3 : BA-14a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to use a condom? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDCONLC4 : BA-14a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to use a condom? [4TH MENTIONED]
SEDSTDLC1 : BA-17a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about sexually transmitted diseases? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDSTDLC2 : BA-17a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDSTDLC3 : BA-17a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDSTDLC4 : BA-17a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about sexually transmitted diseases? [4TH MENTIONED]
SEDHIVLC1 : BA-20a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to prevent HIV/AIDS? [1ST MENTIONED]
SEDHIVLC2 : BA-20a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to prevent HIV/AIDS? [2ND MENTIONED]
SEDHIVLC3 : BA-20a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to prevent HIV/AIDS? [3RD MENTIONED]
SEDHIVLC4 : BA-20a : Looking at Card 23a, where did you receive that instruction about how to prevent HIV/AIDS? [4TH MENTIONED]
HSBVERIF : And you told me that your current husband is [CURRENT HUSBAND'S NAME REPORTED EARLIER]?
cmmarrhx : Century Month for Date of 1st Marriage (Computed)
AGEMARHX : How old were you when you got married (this [1st] time)?
HXAGEMAR : How old was (1st HUSBAND) when you got married?
cmhsbdobx : Century Month for 1st Husband's Date of Birth (Computed)
LVTOGHX : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (1st HUSBAND) live together before you got married?
cmpmcohx : Century Month Date When R Began Living (premaritally) with 1st husband (Computed)
ENGAGHX : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (1st HUSBAND)
HISPHX : (Is/Was) (1st HUSBAND) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
RACEHX1 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
RACEHX2 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
RACEHX3 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [3rd MENTIONED]
RACEHX4 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [4th MENTIONED]
BSTRACHX : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 1st HUSBAND), would you say best describes his racial background?
CHEDMARN : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education (1st HUSBAND IF CURRENT OR SEPARATED) has completed?
MARBEFHX : At the time you and he were married, had (1st HUSBAND) been married before?
KIDSHX : When you and he got married, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (1st HUSBAND)
NUMKDSHX : How many children did he have? (1st HUSBAND)
KIDLIVHX : Did (this child/any of his children from previous relationships) ever live with you and (1st HUSBAND)?
CHKID18A : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (1st HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
CHKID18B : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CB-14 NUMKDSHX] children are aged 18 years or younger now? (1st HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
WHRCHKDS1 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (1st HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [1ST MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS2 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (1st HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2nd MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS3 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (1st HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [3rd MENTIONED]
SUPPORCH : Does (1st HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND) regularly contribute to the financial support of (this child/these children) aged 18 or under?
MARENDHX : How did your (1st) marriage end?
cmhsbdiex : Century Month for Date When 1st Husband Died (Computed)
cmdivorcx : Century Month for Date of Divorce or Annulment From 1st Husband (Computed)
cmstphsbx : Century Month for Date R Stopped Living with 1st Husband (Computed)
cmmarrhx2 : Century Month for Date of 2nd Marriage (Computed)
AGEMARHX2 : How old were you when you got married this (2ND) time?
HXAGEMAR2 : How old was (2nd HUSBAND) when you got married?
cmhsbdobx2 : Century Month for 2nd Husband's Date of Birth (Computed)
LVTOGHX2 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (2nd HUSBAND) live together before you got married?
cmpmcohx2 : Century Month Date When R Began Living (premaritally) with 2nd husband (Computed)
ENGAGHX2 : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (2nd HUSBAND)
HISPHX2 : (Is/Was) (2nd HUSBAND) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
RACEHX6 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (2nd HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
RACEHX7 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (2nd HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
BSTRACHX2 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 2nd HUSBAND), would you say best describes his racial background?
CHEDMARN2 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education (2nd HUSBAND IF CURRENT OR SEPARATED) has completed?
MARBEFHX2 : At the time you and he were married, had (2nd HUSBAND) been married before?
KIDSHX2 : When you and he got married, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (2nd HUSBAND)
NUMKDSHX2 : How many children did he have? (2nd HUSBAND)
KIDLIVHX2 : Did (this child/any of his children from previous relationships) ever live with you and (2ND HUSBAND)?
CHKID18A2 : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (2nd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
CHKID18B2 : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CB-14 NUMKDSHX2] children are aged 18 years or younger now? (2nd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
WHRCHKDS5 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B2) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (2nd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relative, or somewhere else? [1st MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS6 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B2) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (2nd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2nd MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS7 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B2) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (2nd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [3rd MENTIONED]
SUPPORCH2 : Does (2nd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND) regularly contribute to the financial support of (this child/these children) aged 18 or under?
MARENDHX2 : How did your (2nd) marriage end?
cmhsbdiex2 : Century Month for Date When 2nd Husband Died (Computed)
cmdivorcx2 : Century Month for Date of Divorce or Annulment From 2nd Husband(Computed)
cmstphsbx2 : Century Month for Date R Stopped Living with 2nd Husband (Computed)
cmmarrhx3 : Century Month for Date of 3rd Marriage (Computed)
AGEMARHX3 : How old were you when you got married this (3rd) time?
HXAGEMAR3 : How old was (3rd HUSBAND) when you got married?
cmhsbdobx3 : Century Month for 3rd Husband's Date of Birth (Computed)
LVTOGHX3 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (3rd HUSBAND) live together before you got married?
cmpmcohx3 : Century Month Date When R Began Living (premaritally) with 3rd husband (Computed)
ENGAGHX3 : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (3rd HUSBAND)
HISPHX3 : (Is/Was) (3rd HUSBAND) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
RACEHX11 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (3rd HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
CHEDMARN3 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education (3rd HUSBAND IF CURRENT OR SEPARATED) has completed?
MARBEFHX3 : At the time you and he were married, had (3rd HUSBAND) been married before?
KIDSHX3 : When you and he got married, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (3rd HUSBAND)
NUMKDSHX3 : How many children did he have? (3rd HUSBAND)
KIDLIVHX3 : Did (this child/any of his children from previous relationships) ever live with you and (3RD HUSBAND)?
CHKID18A3 : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (3rd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
CHKID18B3 : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CB-14 NUMKDSHX3] children are aged 18 years or younger now? (3rd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
WHRCHKDS9 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B3) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (3rd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [1st MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS10 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B3) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (3rd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2nd MENTIONED]
SUPPORCH3 : Does (3rd HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND) regularly contribute to the financial support of (this child/these children) aged 18 or under?
MARENDHX3 : How did your (3rd) marriage end?
cmdivorcx3 : Century Month for Date of Divorce or Annulment From 3rd Husband (Computed)
cmstphsbx3 : Century Month for Date R Stopped Living with 3rd Husband (Computed)
cmmarrhx4 : Century Month for Date of 4th Marriage (Computed)
HXAGEMAR4 : How old was (4th HUSBAND) when you got married?
cmhsbdobx4 : Century Month for 4th Husband's Date of Birth (Computed)
LVTOGHX4 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (4th HUSBAND) live together before you got married?
cmpmcohx4 : Century Month for Date When R Began Living (premaritally) with 4th husband (Computed)
ENGAGHX4 : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (4th HUSBAND)
HISPHX4 : (Is/Was) (4th HUSBAND) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
RACEHX16 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (4th HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
RACEHX17 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (4th HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
BSTRACHX4 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 4th HUSBAND), would you say best describes his racial background?
CHEDMARN4 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education (4th HUSBAND IF CURRENT OR SEPARATED) has completed?
MARBEFHX4 : At the time you and he were married, had (4th HUSBAND) been married before?
KIDSHX4 : When you and he got married, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (4th HUSBAND)
NUMKDSHX4 : How many children did he have? (4th HUSBAND)
KIDLIVHX4 : Did (this child/any of his children from previous relationships) ever live with you and (4th HUSBAND)?
CHKID18A4 : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (4th HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
CHKID18B4 : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CB-14 NUMKDSHX4] children are aged 18 years or younger now? (4th HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND)
WHRCHKDS13 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B4) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (4th HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [1st MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS14 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B4) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (4th HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2nd MENTIONED]
SUPPORCH4 : Does (4th HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND) regularly contribute to the financial support of (this child/these children) aged 18 or under?
MARENDHX4 : How did your (4th) marriage end?
cmdivorcx4 : Century Month for Date of Divorce or Annulment From 4th Husband (Computed)
cmstphsbx4 : Century Month for Date R Stopped Living with 4th Husband (Computed)
cmmarrhx5 : Century Month for Date of 5th Marriage (Computed)
HXAGEMAR5 : How old was (5th HUSBAND) when you got married?
cmhsbdobx5 : Century Month for 5th Husband's Date of Birth
LVTOGHX5 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (5th HUSBAND) live together before you got married?
cmpmcohx5 : Century Month for Date When R Began Living (premaritally) with 5th husband (Computed)
ENGAGHX5 : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (5th HUSBAND)
HISPHX5 : (Is/Was) (5th HUSBAND) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
RACEHX21 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (5th HUSBAND)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
CHEDMARN5 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education (5th HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT OR SEPARATED) has completed?
MARBEFHX5 : At the time you and he were married, had (5th HUSBAND) been married before?
KIDSHX5 : When you and he got married, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (5th HUSBAND)
NUMKDSHX5 : How many children did he have? (5th HUSBAND)
KIDLIVHX5 : Did (this child/any of his children from previous relationships) ever live with you and (5th HUSBAND)?
cmmarrch : Century Month for Date of Marriage to Current Husband (Computed)
cmdobch : Century Month for Current Husband's Date of Birth (Computed)
prevhusb : Number of former husbands (Computed)
cmstrtcp : Century Month for date when R began cohabiting w/current partner (Computed)
CPHERAGE : How old were you when you began living with (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)?
CPHISAGE : How old was (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER) when you began living together?
cmdobcp : Century Month For Current Cohabiting Partner's Date Of Birth
CPENGAG1 : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)
WILLMARR : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that you and [CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER] will marry each other?
CPHISP : Is (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
CPRACE1 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
CPRACE2 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
CPBESTR : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER), would you say best describes (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background?
CPEDUC : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER) has completed?
CPKIDS : When you and (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER) first began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships?
CPNUMKDS : How many children did he have? (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)
CPKIDLIV : Did (this child/any of his children) ever live with you and (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)?
CPKID18A : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)
CPKID18B : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CC-14 CPNUMKDS] children, are aged 18 years or younger now? (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)
WHRCPKDS1 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CC-16b CPKID18B) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [1st MENTIONED]
WHRCPKDS2 : Where does (this child (aged 18 or younger) / these (NUMBER FROM CC-16b CPKID18B) children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER), with his or her mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2nd MENTIONED]
SUPPORCP : Does (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER) regularly contribute to the financial support of (this child/these children)?
cmstrthp : Century Month for date R began living with current husband or cohab partner (Computed)
cmdobhp : Century Month for R's current husband or cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
LIVEOTH : (Not counting anyone we've already talked about/Besides (CHPNAME AND (fill in all husbands named in HUSBNAMEX)),) have you ever lived together with (any other/a) man?
HMOTHMEN : With how many (other) men have you ever lived?
prevcohb : Number of former cohabiting partners (Computed)
cmcohstx : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 1st Former Partner (computed)
HERAGECX : How old were you when you began living with (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX : How old was he when you began living together? (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx : Century Month for 1st former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
HISPCX : Was (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
RACECX1 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
RACECX2 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
BSTRACCX : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER), would you say best describes his racial background?
MAREVCX : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx), had (1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 1st former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx2 : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 2nd Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX2 : How old were you when you began living with (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX2 : How old was he when you began living together? (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx2 : Century Month for 2nd former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX2 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx2), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX2 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx2), had (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS2 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx2 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 2nd former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx3 : Centry Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 3rd Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX3 : How old were you when you began living with (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX3 : How old was he when you began living together? (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx3 : Century Month for 3rd former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth
ENGAG1CX3 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx3), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX3 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx3), had (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS3 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx3 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 3rd former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx4 : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 4th Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX4 : How old were you when you began living with (4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX4 : How old was he when you began living together? (4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx4 : Century Month for 4th former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX4 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx4), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX4 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx4), had (4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS4 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx4 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 4th former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx5 : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 5th Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX5 : How old were you when you began living with (5TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX5 : How old was he when you began living together? (5TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx5 : Century Month for 5th former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX5 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx5), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (5TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX5 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx5), had (5TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS5 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (5TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx5 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 5th former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx6 : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 6th Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX6 : How old were you when you began living with (6TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX6 : How old was he when you began living together? (6TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx6 : Century Month for 6th former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX6 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx6), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (6TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX6 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx6), had (6TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS6 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (6TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx6 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 6th former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx7 : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 7th Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX7 : How old were you when you began living with (7TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX7 : How old was he when you began living together? (7TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx7 : Centry Month for 7th former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX7 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx7), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (7TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX7 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx7), had (7TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS7 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (7TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx7 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 7th former cohab partner (Computed)
cmcohstx8 : Century Month for Start Date of Cohabitation with R's 8th Former Partner (Computed)
HERAGECX8 : How old were you when you began living with (8TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)?
HISAGECX8 : How old was he when you began living together? (8TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmdobcx8 : Century Month for 8th former cohabiting partner's Date of Birth (Computed)
ENGAG1CX8 : At the time you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx8), were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (8TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
MAREVCX8 : When you began living together in (M/Y corresponding to cmcohstx8), had (8TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER) ever been married?
CXKIDS8 : When you and he began living together, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (8TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
cmstpcohx8 : Century Month for Date when R stopped cohabiting with 8th former cohab partner (Computed)
cmfstsex : Century Month for Date of First Sexual Intercourse (Computed)
AGEFSTSX : That very first time that you had sexual intercourse with a man, how old were you?
C_SEX18 : Were you less than 18 years old or were you 18 years or older?
C_SEX15 : Were you less than 15 years old or were you 15 or older?
C_SEX20 : Were you less than 20 years old or were you 20 or older?
GRFSTSX : What grade or year of school were you in that first time you had intercourse with a male?
SAMEMAN : Please look at this screen. Is (FIRST PARTNER) someone we talked about earlier? That is, was he someone you've been married to or lived with?
FPAGE : How old was (FIRST PARTNER) when you had sexual intercourse with him that first time?
FPRELAGE : Was he older than you, younger than you, or the same age? (FIRST PARTNER)
FPRELYRS : By how many years? (FIRST PARTNER)
KNOWFP : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (FIRST PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
STILFPSX : Do you consider him to be a current sexual partner? (FIRST PARTNER)
cmlsexfp : Century Month for Date of Last Sex With 1st Sexual Partner (computed)
cmfplast : Century Month for Date of Last or Only Sex With 1st Sexual Partner (Computed)
WHICH1ST : Which came first, your first sexual intercourse or your first menstrual period?
SEXAFMEN : Since your first menstrual period, have you had sexual intercourse?
cmsexafm : Century Month for Date of 1st Sex After Menarche (Computed)
AGESXAFM : Thinking back after your first menstrual period, how old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
AFMEN18 : Were you less than 18 years old or were you 18 years or older?
AFMEN15 : Were you less than 15 years old or were you 15 or older?
AFMEN20 : Were you less than 20 years old or were you 20 or older?
parts12 : Number of Partners in Last 12 Months (Computed)
PTSB4MAR : Including your (former) husband, how many male sexual partners did you have before you got married (the first time)?
WHOSNC1Y : You mentioned that you have had one sexual partner since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE). Is that (CURRENT HUSBAND/PARTNER)?
TALKALL : Have we already talked about (PRT1YNAMEX)? That is, is he your first partner, (or have you been married to or lived with him)?
P1YRAGE : Thinking now of (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx : Century Month for date when first had sex with 1st partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP : Do you consider (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx : Whether or not partner is current - 1st partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx : Century Month for date when last had sex with 1st partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx : Century Month for Last or Only Sex With 1st Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP : Is (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
p1yrace1 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
p1yrace2 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
p1yrace3 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [3rd MENTIONED]
P1YRACEB : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), would you say best describes his racial background?
P1YRN : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE2 : Thinking now of (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE2 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF2 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx2 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 2nd partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP2 : Do you consider (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx2 : Whether or not partner is current - 2nd partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx2 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 2nd partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx2 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 2nd Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC2 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP2 : Is (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE6 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRACE7 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
P1YRACEB2 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), would you say best describes his racial background?
P1YRN2 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (2ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE3 : Thinking now of (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE3 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (3ND REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF3 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx3 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 3rd partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP3 : Do you consider (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx3 : Whether or not partner is current - 3rd partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx3 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 3rd partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx3 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 3rd Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC3 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP3 : Is (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE11 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRACE12 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
P1YRACEB3 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), would you say best describes his racial background?
P1YRN3 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (3RD REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE4 : Thinking now of (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE4 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF4 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx4 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 4th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP4 : Do you consider (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx4 : Whether or not partner is current - 4th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx4 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 4th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx4 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 4th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC4 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP4 : Is (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE16 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN4 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (4TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE5 : Thinking now of (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE5 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF5 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx5 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 5th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP5 : Do you consider (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx5 : Whether or not partner is current - 5th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx5 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 5th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx5 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 5th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC5 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP5 : Is (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE21 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRACE22 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
P1YRACEB5 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), would you say best describes his racial background?
P1YRN5 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (5TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE6 : Thinking now of (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE6 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF6 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx6 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 6th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP6 : Do you consider (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx6 : Whether or not partner is current - 6th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx6 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 6th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx6 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 6th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC6 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP6 : Is (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE26 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN6 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (6TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE7 : Thinking now of (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE7 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF7 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx7 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 7th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP7 : Do you consider (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx7 : Whether or not partner is current - 7th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx7 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 7th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx7 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 7th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC7 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP7 : Is (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE31 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN7 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (7TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE8 : Thinking now of (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE8 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF8 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx8 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 8th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP8 : Do you consider (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx8 : Whether or not partner is current - 8th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx8 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 8th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx8 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 8th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC8 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP8 : Is (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE36 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN8 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (8TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE9 : Thinking now of (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE9 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF9 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx9 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 9th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP9 : Do you consider (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx9 : Whether or not partner is current - 9th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx9 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 9th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx9 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 9th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC9 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP9 : Is (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE41 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN9 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (9TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE10 : Thinking now of (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE10 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF10 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx10 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 10th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP10 : Do you consider (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx10 : Whether or not partner is current - 10th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx10 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 10th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx10 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 10th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC10 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP10 : Is (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE46 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN10 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (10TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE11 : Thinking now of (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE11 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF11 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx11 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 11th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP11 : Do you consider (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx11 : Whether or not partner is current - 11th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx11 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 11th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx11 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 11th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC11 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP11 : Is (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE51 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN11 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (11TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE12 : Thinking now of (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE12 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF12 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx12 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 12th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP12 : Do you consider (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx12 : Whether or not partner is current - 12th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx12 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 12th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx12 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 12th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC12 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP12 : Is (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE56 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN12 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (12TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE13 : Thinking now of (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE13 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF13 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx13 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 13th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP13 : Do you consider (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx13 : Whether or not partner is current - 13th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx13 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 13th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx13 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 13th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC13 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP13 : Is (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE61 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
P1YRN13 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (13TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE14 : Thinking now of (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE14 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF14 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx14 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 14th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP14 : Do you consider (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx14 : Whether or not partner is current - 14th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx14 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 14th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx14 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 14th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YEDUC14 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education he has completed? (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YHISP14 : Is (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
P1YRACE66 : Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1ST MENTIONED]
P1YRN14 : Please look at Card 24. How would you describe your current relationship with (14TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)?
P1YRAGE15 : Thinking now of (15TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE15 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (15TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF15 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (15TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx15 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 15th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP15 : Do you consider (15TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx15 : Whether or not partner is current - 15th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx15 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 15th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx15 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 15th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YRAGE16 : Thinking now of (16TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE16 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (16TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF16 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (16TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx16 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 16th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP16 : Do you consider (16TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx16 : Whether or not partner is current - 16th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx16 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 16th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx16 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 16th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YRAGE17 : Thinking now of (17TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE17 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (17TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF17 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (17TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx17 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 17th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP17 : Do you consider (17TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx17 : Whether or not partner is current - 17th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx17 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 17th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx17 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 17th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YRAGE18 : Thinking now of (18TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE18 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (18TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF18 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (18TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx18 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 18th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP18 : Do you consider (18TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx18 : Whether or not partner is current - 18th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx18 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 18th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx18 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 18th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YRAGE19 : Thinking now of (19TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE19 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (19TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF19 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (19TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx19 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 19th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP19 : Do you consider (19TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx19 : Whether or not partner is current - 19th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx19 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 19th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx19 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 19th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
P1YRAGE20 : Thinking now of (20TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with him?
P1YHSAGE20 : And how old was he when you first had sexual intercourse with him? (20TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)
P1YRF20 : Please look at Card 24. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (20TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER), how would you describe your relationship with him?
cmfsexx20 : Century Month for date when first had sex with 20th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
P1YCURRP20 : Do you consider (20TH REPORTED RECENT PARTNER) to be a current sexual partner?
pcurrntx20 : Whether or not partner is current - 20th partner in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlsexx20 : Century Month for date when last had sex with 20th partner reported in last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsxx20 : CM for Last or Only Sex With 20th Partner Reported in Last 12 months (Computed)
cmlstsx12 : Century Month of last sexual intercourse in last 12 months?
LASTSEX : Before we move on to the next section of the interview, let me make sure I have everything correct so far. You reported that you last had sex with (NAMES OF RECENT PARTNERS) in (M/Y OF LAST SEX WITH THEM). Is that correct?
cmdatlst : Century Month for date when last had sex with a male partner-if before last 12 months (Computed)
WHOLAST : Who was this last sexual partner?
cmlastsx : Century Month when last had sex with a male partner - defined for all Rs (Computed)
currprtt : Number of current male sexual partners-including curr H/P (Computed)
cmpart1y1 : Century Month for Date of Last or Only Sex with Most Recent Male Partner in Last 12 Months (Computed)
cmpart1y2 : Century Month for Date of Last or Only Sex With 2nd Most Recent Male Partner in Last 12 Months (Computed)
cmpart1y3 : Century Month for Date of Last or Only Sex With 3rd Most Recent Male Partner in Last 12 Months (Computed)
cmcurmar : Century Month when current marriage began [Computed]
HISAGEM : How old were you when you and [CURRENT WIFE] got married?
LIVTOGWF : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and your wife live together before you got married?
cmcurcoh : Century Month when Respondent began living with current wife or cohabiting partner [Computed]
HISAGEC : How old were you when you and [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] first started living together?
agemarc : Respondent's age when current marriage began [Computed]
agecohc : Respondent's age when began living with current cohabiting partner [Computed]
cmunionc : Century Month when current union began (began living with Wife/Partner)[Computed]
ageunionc : Respondent's age when current union began (began living with Wife/Partner) [Computed]
ENGATHEN : At the time you began living together, were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married? (CURRENT W/P)
CWPHISP : Is your [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
CWPRACE1 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER]'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
CWPRACE2 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER]'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPRACE3 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER]'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [3rd MENTIONED]
CWPRACEB : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR CWP), would you say best describes your [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER]'s background?
CWPEDUCN : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] has completed?
CWPBORN : Was [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] born outside the United States?
CWPMARBF : (At the time you and she were married, had / Has) [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] been married before?
cmfsxcwp : Century Month of date for 1st sexual intercourse with current wife/cohabiting partner [Computed]
CWPSX1AG : The very first time that you had sexual intercourse with your (wife/partner), how old were you?
agefsxcwp : Respondent's age at 1st sexual intercourse with current wife/cohabiting partner [Computed]
CWPSX1RL : Please look at Card 44. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER], how would you describe your relationship with her?
CWPFUSE : Please look at Card 45, which lists methods some people use to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. That first time that you had sexual intercourse with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER], did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
CWPFMET01 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [1st MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPFMET02 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2nd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPFMET03 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3rd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPFMET04 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [4th MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPOPSTR : As far as you know, has your (wife/partner) ever had an operation that made it impossible for her to have a baby?
CWPTYPOP1 : (You said that your (wife/partner) has had a sterilizing operation.) Which of these types of sterilizing operations did she have? Did she have a tubal ligation or tubal sterilization, a hysterectomy, or something else? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPTYPOP2 : (You said that your (wife/partner) has had a sterilizing operation.) Which of these types of sterilizing operations did she have? Did she have a tubal ligation or tubal sterilization, a hysterectomy, or something else? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPTOTST : As far as you know, did the operation make your (wife/partner) completely sterile, that is, is it completely impossible for her to have a baby?
CWPREVST : Has your (wife/partner) ever had surgery to reverse her tubal ligation?
psurgstr : Whether Respondent's Current Wife/Partner is Surgically Sterile at Interview [Computed]
CWPPOSS : Some women are not physically able to have children. As far as you know, is it physically possible for (CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER) to have a baby?
CWPDIFF : Some women are physically able to have another baby, but have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying the baby to term. As far as you know, would [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] have any difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a baby?
pstrstat : Respondent's Current Wife/Partner's Sterility Status at Time of Interview [Computed]
CWPLSTSX : When was the most recent time you had sexual intercourse with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER]? Was it within the last week, within the last four weeks, or more than four weeks ago?
cmlsxcwp : Century Month for date when last had sex with current wife/cohabiting partner [Computed]
CWPLUSE : Please look at Card 45. That last time that you had sexual intercourse with your (wife/partner), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
CWPLMET01 : Still looking at Card 45, that last time, what methods did you and she use? [1st MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET02 : Still looking at Card 45, that last time, what methods did you and she use? [2nd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET03 : Still looking at Card 45, that last time, what methods did you and she use? [3rd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET04 : Still looking at Card 45, that last time, what methods did you and she use? [4th MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLUSE1 : Please look at Card 46. That last time that you had sexual intercourse with your [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER], did you, yourself use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
CWPLMET11 : Still looking at Card 46, that last time, what methods did you use? [1st MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET12 : Still looking at Card 46, that last time, what methods did you use? [2nd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET13 : Still looking at Card 46, that last time, what methods did you use? [3rd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET14 : Still looking at Card 46, that last time, what methods did you use? [4th MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLUSE2 : Please look at Card 47. That last time that you had sexual intercourse with your (wife/partner), did she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
CWPLMET21 : Still looking at Card 47, that last time, what methods did she use? [1st MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET22 : Still looking at Card 47, that last time, what methods did she use? [2nd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET23 : Still looking at Card 47, that last time, what methods did she use? [3rd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPLMET24 : Still looking at Card 47, that last time, what methods did she use? [4th MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPRECBC : Please look at Card 19. During the last 12 months, did you or your (wife/partner) use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease when you had intercourse together? Please answer yes if you used a method even once.
CWPALLBC01 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the last 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [1st MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPALLBC02 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the last 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2nd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPALLBC03 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the last 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3rd MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPALLBC04 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the last 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [4th MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPALLBC05 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the last 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [5th MENTIONED; CWP]
CWPALLBC06 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the last 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [6th MENTIONED; CWP]
cwplsxuse : Use of contraceptive method at last sex with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
CWPBCMST : During the last 12 months, when you and your (wife/partner) had sex together, which method did you and she use most of the time?
CONDFREQ : During the last 12 months, what percent of the times that you and she had sex together did you use a condom? (CWP)
CWPNOFRQ : Please look at Card 48. During the last 12 months, that is since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), how often did you or she use any method when you had sex together? (CWP)
CWPBIOKD : Now I have some questions about children that you and your (wife/partner) may have had together. By this I mean, you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. Have you and [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] ever had a child together?
CWPNUMKD : Altogether, how many children have you had together? (CWP)
partfath : Whether Respondent had biological child with current Wife/Partner
bkidage21 : Current age of 1st biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp21 : Current age group of 1st biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh21 : Whether 1st biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar21 : Whether 1st biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX : (Is this child male or female?) (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob21 : Century Month Date of Birth for 1st biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
CWPCHMAR : Were you married to [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
CWPCHRES : Were you living together with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
CWPCHLRN : When did you find out that [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1st BIO CHILD)
CWPCHLIV1 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHLIV2 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE : How old is (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHLEG : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR : Did you ever live with (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT : Please look at Card 58. Right before [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] became pregnant with [1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP], did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant that time. (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
bkidage22 : Current age of 2nd biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp22 : Current age group of 2nd biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh22 : Whether 2nd biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar22 : Whether 2nd biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX2 : (Is this child male or female?) (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob22 : Century Month Date of Birth for 2nd biological child w/current Wife/Partner [Computed]
MULTBIRT2 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD]). Was this a multiple birth? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHMAR2 : Were you married to [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHRES2 : Were you living together with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN2 : When did you find out that [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV10 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHLIV11 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE2 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHLEG2 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP2 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR2 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT2 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] became pregnant with (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON2 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY2 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
bkidage23 : Current age of 3rd biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp23 : Current age group of 3rd biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh23 : Whether 3rd biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar23 : Whether 3rd biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX3 : (Is this child male or female?) (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob23 : Century Month Date of Birth for 3rd biological child w/current Wife/Partner [Computed]
MULTBIRT3 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHMAR3 : Were you married to [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHRES3 : Were you living together with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN3 : When did you find out that [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV19 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE3 : How old is (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHLEG3 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP3 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR3 : Did you ever live with (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP) ?
CWPCHFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT3 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] became pregnant with (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON3 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY3 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant that time. (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
bkidage24 : Current age of 4th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp24 : Current age group of 4th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh24 : Whether 4th biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar24 : Whether 4th biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX4 : (Is this child male or female?) (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob24 : Century Month Date of Birth for 4th biological child w/current Wife/Partner [Computed]
MULTBIRT4 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHRES4 : Were you living together with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN4 : When did you find out that [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV28 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHLEG4 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP4 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR4 : Did you ever live with (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) ?
CWPCHFAR4 : About how many miles away from here does (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT4 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] became pregnant with (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON4 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY4 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant that time. (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
bkidage25 : Current age of 5th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp25 : Current age group of 5th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh25 : Whether 5th biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar25 : Whether 5th biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX5 : (Is this child male or female?) (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob25 : Century Month Date of Birth for 5th biological child w/current Wife/Partner [Computed]
MULTBIRT5 : The birthday of this child is the same as [PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD]. Was this a multiple birth? (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHRES5 : Were you living together with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN5 : When did you find out that [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV37 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHLEG5 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP5 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR5 : Did you ever live with (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR5 : About how many miles away from here does (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT5 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] became pregnant with (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON5 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY5 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant that time. (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
bkidage26 : Current age of 6th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp26 : Current age group of 6th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh26 : Whether 6th biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar26 : Whether 6th biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX6 : (Is this child male or female?) (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob26 : Century Month Date of Birth for 6th biological child w/current Wife/Partner [Computed]
MULTBIRT6 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHRES6 : Were you living together with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV46 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
bkidage27 : Current age of 7th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidagegp27 : Current age group of 7th biological child with current Wife/Partner [Computed]
bkidhh27 : Whether 7th biological child with current Wife/Partner lives in household [Computed]
bkidmar27 : Whether 7th biological child born while Respondent married to current wife [Computed]
CWPCHSEX7 : (Is this child male or female?) (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
cmchdob27 : Century Month Date of Birth for 7th biological child w/current Wife/Partner [Computed]
MULTBIRT7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV55 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (7TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPPRGNW : Is your (wife/partner) pregnant with your child now?
CWPTRYPG : Are you and your (wife/partner) currently trying to get pregnant?
CWPTRYLG : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (CWP)
CWPCPWNT : Please look at Card 58. Right before [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCPSON : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (CWP; CURRENT PREGNANCY)
CWPCPHPY : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how You felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant that time. (CWP; CURRENT PREGNANCY)
CWPOTKID : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER] may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with [CURRENT WIFE/PARTNER], did she have any other children?
CWPOKNUM : How many children did she have? (CWP)
CWPOKAD : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (CWP)
CWPOKADN : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (CWP)
akidage21 : Current age of current Wife/Partner's child adopted by Respondent - 1st child [Computed]
akidagegp21 : Current age group of current Wife/Partner's child adopted by Respondent - 1st child [Computed]
akidhh21 : Whether 1st child of current Wife/Partner adopted by Respondent lives in household [Computed]
CWPOKSEX : (Thinking now of (1ST OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED), is / Is) this child male or female?
CWPOKLIV1 : Please look at Card 60. Where does (1ST OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPOKFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED) live?
akidage22 : Current age of current Wife/Partner's child adopted by Respondent - 2nd child [Computed]
akidagegp22 : Current age group of current Wife/Partner's child adopted by Respondent - 2nd child [Computed]
akidhh22 : Whether 2nd child of current Wife/Partner adopted by Respondent lives in household [Computed]
CWPOKSEX2 : (Thinking now of (2nd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED), is / Is) this child male or female?
CWPOKLIV8 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [2nd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPOKFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2nd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED) live?
CWPOKAGE2 : And how old is [2nd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] now?
akidage23 : Current age of current Wife/Partner's child adopted by Respondent - 3rd child [Computed]
akidagegp23 : Current age group of current Wife/Partner's child adopted by Respondent - 3rd child [Computed]
akidhh23 : Whether 3rd child of current Wife/Partner adopted by Respondent lives in household [Computed]
CWPOKSEX3 : (Thinking now of (3rd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED), is / Is) this child male or female?
CWPOKLIV15 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [3rd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPOKFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does (3rd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED) live?
CWPOKAGE3 : And how old is [3rd OF CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] now?
CWPNBEVR : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, have you and your (wife/partner) ever had any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (By this I mean that you or your (wife/partner) served as a formal or informal guardian to the child or that you were chiefly responsible for the child's care.)
CWPNBNUM : How many children?
CWPNBREL : When (this child/the children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
CWPNBRL : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage?
CWPNBFOS : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
CWPNBFS : How many?
CWPNBAD : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)?
CWPNBADN : How many children did you legally adopt?
AKIDHH31 : Whether child adopted by Respondent & Current Wife/Partner lives in household - 1st child [Computed]
CWPNBSEX : (Thinking now of (1ST OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP), is / Is) this child male or female?
CWPNBLIV1 : Please look at Card 60. Where does (1ST OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPNBFAR : About how many miles away from here does [1ST OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?
akidage31 : Current age of child Respondent & Current Wife/Partner adopted together - 1st child [Computed]
akidagegp31 : Current age of group child Respondent & Current Wife/Partner adopted together - 1st child [Computed]
AKIDHH32 : Whether child adopted by Respondent & Current Wife/Partner lives in household - 2nd child [Computed]
CWPNBSEX2 : (Thinking now of (2ND OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP), is / Is) this child male or female?
CWPNBLIV8 : Please look at Card 60. Where does (2ND OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPNBFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does [2ND OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?
akidage32 : Current age of child Respondent & Current Wife/Partner adopted together - 2nd child [Computed]
akidagegp32 : Current age group of child Respondent & Current Wife/Partner adopted together - 2nd child [Computed]
c_okakids : Number of wife/cohabiting partner's other children adopted by Respondent [Computed]
c_nbakids : Number of other non-biological children adopted by Respondent & current Wife/Partner [Computed]
WHMARHX_M : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 1ST HUSBAND] married? (MONTH)
WHMARHX_Y : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 1ST HUSBAND] married?) (YEAR)
DOBHUSBX_M : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (1ST HUSBAND)
DOBHUSBX_Y : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (1ST HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_M : In what month and year did you and he first start living together?(MONTH) (1ST HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_Y : (In what month and year did you and he first start living together?) (YEAR) (1ST HUSBAND)
hsbmult1 : Multiple races reported for 1st husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbrace1 : RACE-recode-like variable for 1st husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbhrace1 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 1st husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbnrace1 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 1st husband (computed in post-processing)
BIOHUSBX : You may have already told me this, but (do/did) you and [NAME OF 1ST HUSBAND] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMHX : How many biological children (have/did) you and he (had/have) together? (1ST HUSBAND)
WNDIEHX_M : In what month and year did [NAME OF 1ST HUSBAND] die? (MONTH)
WNDIEHX_Y : (In what month and year did [Name of 1ST HUSBAND] die?) (YEAR)
DIVDATHX_M : In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)? (MONTH) (1ST HUSBAND)
DIVDATHX_Y : (In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)?) (YEAR) (1ST HUSBAND)
WNSTPHX_M : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 1ST HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)? (MONTH)
WNSTPHX_Y : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 1ST HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)?) (YEAR)
WHMARHX_M2 : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND] married? (MONTH)
WHMARHX_Y2 : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 2 2ND HUSBAND] married?) (YEAR)
DOBHUSBX_M2 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (2ND HUSBAND)
DOBHUSBX_Y2 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (2ND HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_M2 : In what month and year did you and he first start living together? (MONTH) (2ND HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_Y2 : (In what month and year did you and he first start living together?) (YEAR) (2ND HUSBAND)
hsbmult2 : Multiple races reported for 2nd husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbrace2 : RACE-recode-like variable for 2nd husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbhrace2 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 2nd husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbnrace2 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 2nd husband (computed in post-processing)
BIOHUSBX2 : You may have already told me this, but (do/did) you and [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMHX2 : How many biological children (have/did) you and he (had/have) together? (2ND HUSBAND)
WNDIEHX_M2 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND] die? (MONTH)
WNDIEHX_Y2 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND] die?) (YEAR)
DIVDATHX_M2 : In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)? (MONTH) (2ND HUSBAND)
DIVDATHX_Y2 : (In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)?) (YEAR) (2ND HUSBAND)
WNSTPHX_M2 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)? (MONTH)
WNSTPHX_Y2 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)?) (YEAR)
WHMARHX_M3 : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] married? (MONTH)
WHMARHX_Y3 : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] married?) (YEAR)
DOBHUSBX_M3 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (3RD HUSBAND)
DOBHUSBX_Y3 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (3RD HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_M3 : In what month and year did you and he first start living together? (MONTH) (3RD HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_Y3 : (In what month and year did you and he first start living together?) (YEAR) (3RD HUSBAND)
hsbmult3 : Multiple races reported for 3rd husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbrace3 : RACE-recode-like variable for 3rd husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbhrace3 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 3rd husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbnrace3 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 3rd husband (computed in post-processing)
WHRCHKDS11 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? (3RD MENTIONED)
BIOHUSBX3 : You may have already told me this, but (do/did) you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMHX3 : How many biological children (have/did) you and he (had/have) together? (3RD HUSBAND)
WNDIEHX_M3 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] die? (MONTH)
WNDIEHX_Y3 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] die?) (YEAR)
cmhsbdiex3 : Date (century month) When 3rd Husband Died (Computed in Flow Check C-18)
DIVDATHX_M3 : In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)? (MONTH) (3RD HUSBAND)
DIVDATHX_Y3 : (In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)?) (YEAR) (3RD HUSBAND)
WNSTPHX_M3 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)? (MONTH)
WNSTPHX_Y3 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)?) (YEAR)
WHMARHX_M4 : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] married? (MONTH)
WHMARHX_Y4 : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] married?) (YEAR)
AGEMARHX4 : How old were you when you got (married /this [4TH] time)?
DOBHUSBX_M4 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (4TH HUSBAND)
DOBHUSBX_Y4 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (4TH HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_M4 : In what month and year did you and he first start living together? (MONTH) (4TH HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_Y4 : (In what month and yeardid you and he first start living together?) (YEAR) (4TH HUSBAND)
hsbmult4 : Multiple races reported for 4th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbrace4 : RACE-recode-like variable for 4th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbhrace4 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 4th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbnrace4 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 4th husband (computed in post-processing)
WHRCHKDS15 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [3RD MENTIONED]
BIOHUSBX4 : You may have already told me this, but (do/did) you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMHX4 : How many biological children (have/did) you and he (had/have) together?(4TH HUSBAND)
WNDIEHX_M4 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] die? (MONTH)
WNDIEHX_Y4 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] die?) (YEAR)
cmhsbdiex4 : Date (century month) When 4th Husband Died (Computed in Flow Check C-18)
DIVDATHX_M4 : In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)? (MONTH) (4TH HUSBAND)
DIVDATHX_Y4 : (In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)?) (YEAR) (4TH HUSBAND)
WNSTPHX_M4 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)? (MONTH)
WNSTPHX_Y4 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)?) (YEAR)
WHMARHX_M5 : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] married? (MONTH)
WHMARHX_Y5 : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] married?) (YEAR)
AGEMARHX5 : How old were you when you got (married /this [5TH] time)?
DOBHUSBX_M5 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (5TH HUSBAND)
DOBHUSBX_Y5 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (5TH HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_M5 : In what month and year did you and he first start living together? (MONTH) (5TH HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_Y5 : (In what month and year did you and he first start living together?) (YEAR) (5TH HUSBAND)
hsbmult5 : Multiple races reported for 5th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbrace5 : RACE-recode-like variable for 5th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbhrace5 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 5th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbnrace5 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 5th husband (computed in post-processing)
CHKID18A5 : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (5TH HUSBAND)
CHKID18B5 : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CB-14 NUMKDSHX] children are aged 18 years or younger now? (5TH HUSBAND)
WHRCHKDS17 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [1ST MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS18 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2ND MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS19 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [3RD MENTIONED]
SUPPORCH5 : Does [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND] regularly contribute to the financial support of [this child / these children] aged 18 or under?
BIOHUSBX5 : You may have already told me this, but [do/did] you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMHX5 : How many biological children (have/did) you and he (had/have) together? (5TH HUSBAND)
MARENDHX5 : How did your [5TH] marriage end?
WNDIEHX_M5 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] die? (MONTH)
WNDIEHX_Y5 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] die?) (YEAR)
cmhsbdiex5 : Date (century month) When 5th Husband Died (Computed in Flow Check C-18)
DIVDATHX_M5 : In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)? (MONTH) (5TH HUSBAND)
DIVDATHX_Y5 : (In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)?) (YEAR) (5TH HUSBAND)
cmdivorcx5 : Date (century month) of Divorce or Annulment From 5th Husband (Computed in Flow Check C-20)
WNSTPHX_M5 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)? (MONTH)
WNSTPHX_Y5 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)?) (YEAR)
cmstphsbx5 : Date (century month) R Stopped Living with 5th Husband (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
WHMARHX_M6 : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] married? (MONTH)
WHMARHX_Y6 : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] married?) (YEAR)
cmmarrhx6 : Date (century month) of 6th marriage (Computed in Flow Check C-7)
AGEMARHX6 : How old were you when you got (married /this [6TH] time)?
HXAGEMAR6 : How old was [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] when you got married?
DOBHUSBX_M6 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (6TH HUSBAND)
DOBHUSBX_Y6 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (6TH HUSBAND)
cmhsbdobx6 : Date of Birth (century month) for 6th husband (Computed in Flow Check C-8)
LVTOGHX6 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] live together before you got married?
STRTOGHX_M6 : In what month and year did you and he first start living together? (MONTH) (6TH HUSBAND)
STRTOGHX_Y6 : (In what month and year did you and he first start living together?) (YEAR) (6TH HUSBAND)
cmpmcohx6 : Date (century month) When R Began Premarital cohabitation with 6th Husband (Computed in Flow Check C-9)
ENGAGHX6 : At the time you began living together, were you and he engaged to be married or have definite plans to get married? (6TH HUSBAND)
HISPHX6 : (Is/Was) [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
CHEDMARN6 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] has completed?
MARBEFHX6 : At the time you and he were married, had [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] been married before?
KIDSHX6 : When you and he got married, did he have any children, either biological or adopted, from any previous relationships? (6TH HUSBAND)
NUMKDSHX6 : How many children did he have? (6TH HUSBAND)
KIDLIVHX6 : Did (this child / any of his children from previous relationships) ever live with you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND]?
CHKID18A6 : Is this child aged 18 years or younger now? (6TH HUSBAND)
CHKID18B6 : How many, if any, of these [NUMBER FROM CB-14 NUMKDSHX] children are aged 18 years or younger now? (6TH HUSBAND)
WHRCHKDS21 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [1ST MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS22 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [2ND MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS23 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [3RD MENTIONED]
BIOHUSBX6 : You may have already told me this, but [do/did] you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMHX6 : How many biological children (have/did) you and he (had/have) together? (6TH HUSBAND)
MARENDHX6 : How did your [6TH] marriage end?
WNDIEHX_M6 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] die? (MONTH)
WNDIEHX_Y6 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] die?) (YEAR)
cmhsbdiex6 : Date (century month) When 6th Husband Died (Computed in Flow Check C-18)
DIVDATHX_M6 : In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)? (MONTH) (6TH HUSBAND)
DIVDATHX_Y6 : (In what month and year did your (divorce become final / annulment take place)?) (YEAR) (6TH HUSBAND)
cmdivorcx6 : Date (century month) of Divorce or Annulment From 6th Husband (Computed in Flow Check C-20)
WNSTPHX_M6 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)? (MONTH)
WNSTPHX_Y6 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND] stop living together (for the last time)?) (YEAR)
cmstphsbx6 : Date (century month) R Stopped Living with 6th Husband (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
WNSTRTCP_M : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER] begin living together? (MONTH)
WNSTRTCP_Y : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER] begin living together?) (YEAR)
WNCPBRN_M : In what month and year was [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER ] born? (MONTH)
WNCPBRN_Y : (In what month and year was [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER ] born?) (YEAR)
curcohmult : Multiple races reported for current cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
curcohrace : RACE-recode-like variable for current cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
curcohhrace : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for current cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
curcohnrace : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for current cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
WHRCPKDS3 : Where (does this child / does this child aged 18 or younger / do these [NUMBER FROM CC-16b CPKID18A] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER], with (his or her / their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [3RD MENTIONED]
BIOCP : You may have already told me this, but do you and [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father?
BIONUMCP : How many biological children have you and he had together? (CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER)
STRTOTHX_M : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?(MONTH)
STRTOTHX_Y : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?) (YEAR)
WNBRNCX_M : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
WNBRNCX_Y : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
coh1mult : Multiple races reported for 1st former cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
coh1race : RACE-recode-like variable for 1st former cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
coh1hrace : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 1st former cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
coh1nrace : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 1st former cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
BIOFCPX : Did you and [NAME OF 1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMCX : How many biological children did you and he have together? (1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
STPTOGCX_M : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 1ST 1st FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time? (MONTH)
STPTOGCX_Y : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 1ST FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time?) (YEAR)
STRTOTHX_M2 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?(MONTH)
STRTOTHX_Y2 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?) (YEAR)
WNBRNCX_M2 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
WNBRNCX_Y2 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
BIOFCPX2 : Did you and [NAME OF 2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMCX2 : How many biological children did you and he have together? (2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
STPTOGCX_M2 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time? (MONTH)
STPTOGCX_Y2 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time?) (YEAR)
STRTOTHX_M3 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?(MONTH)
STRTOTHX_Y3 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?) (YEAR)
WNBRNCX_M3 : In what month and year was he born? (MONTH) (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
WNBRNCX_Y3 : (In what month and year was he born?) (YEAR) (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
BIOFCPX3 : Did you and [NAME OF 3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMCX3 : How many biological children did you and he have together? (3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
STPTOGCX_M3 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time? (MONTH)
STPTOGCX_Y3 : (In what month and yeardid you and [NAME OF 3RD FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time?) (YEAR)
STRTOTHX_M4 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?(MONTH)
STRTOTHX_Y4 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] begin living together?) (YEAR)
WNBRNCX_M4 : In what month and year was [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] born? (MONTH)
WNBRNCX_Y4 : (In what month and year was [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] born?) (YEAR)
BIOFCPX4 : Did you and [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] have any biological children together? By that, I mean you are the biological mother and he is the biological father.
BIONUMCX4 : How many biological children did you and he have together? (4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER)
STPTOGCX_M4 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time? (MONTH)
STPTOGCX_Y4 : (In what month and yeardid you and [NAME OF 4TH FORMER COHAB PARTNER] stop living together for the last time?) (YEAR)
COHCHANCE : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that you will (ever/ever again) live together with a man to whom you are not married?
MARRCHANCE : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that you will get married (again someday/someday)?
PMARCOH : Please look again at Card 21. What is the chance that you will live together with your future husband before getting married?
WNFSTSEX_M : Please look at the calendar and think back to the very first time in your life that you ever had sexual intercourse with a man. In what month and year was that? (MONTH)
WNFSTSEX_Y : Please look at the calendar and think back to the very first time in your life that you ever had sexual intercourse with a man. In what month and year was that? (YEAR)
WHOFSTPR : Which of these men listed on the screen was your first sexual partner?
LSTSEXFP_M : When was the last time you had sexual intercourse with him, that is, in what month and year? (MONTH) (FIRST PARTNER)
LSTSEXFP_Y : (When was the last time you had sexual intercourse with him, that is, in what month and year?) (YEAR) (FIRST PARTNER)
FPEDUC : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education [NAME OF FIRST PARTNER] has completed?
fsexmult : Multiple races reported for 1st sexual partner (computed in post-processing)
fsexrace : RACE-recode-like variable for 1st sexual partner (computed in post-processing)
fsexhrace : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 1st sexual partner (computed in post-processing)
fsexnrace : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 1st sexual partner (computed in post-processing)
FPRN : Please look at Card 85. How would you describe your current relationship with [NAME OF FIRST PARTNER]?
WNSEXAFM_M : Thinking back, after your first menstrual period, in what month and year did you have sexual intercourse for the first time? (MONTH)
WNSEXAFM_Y : Thinking back, after your first menstrual period, in what month and year did you have sexual intercourse for the first time? (YEAR)
MATCHFP : Is [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] the man you told us was your first partner ever?
MATCHHP : Is [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] any of the following husbands or partners we ve already talked about?
p1yrelp : Relationship of R to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-70)
P1YLSEX_M : In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER]? (MONTH)
P1YLSEX_Y : (In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER]?) (YEAR)
MATCHFP2 : Is [NAME OF 2ND MOST RECENT PARTNER] the man you told us was your first partner ever?
MATCHHP2 : Is [NAME OF 2ND MOST RECENT PARTNER] any of the following husbands or partners we've already talked about?
p1yrelp2 : Relationship of R to 2nd to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-70)
P1YLSEX_M2 : In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [NAME OF 2ND MOST RECENT PARTNER]? (MONTH)
P1YLSEX_Y2 : (In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [NAME OF 2ND MOST RECENT PARTNER]?) (YEAR)
MATCHFP3 : Is [NAME OF 3RD MOST RECENT PARTNER] the man you told us was your first partner ever?
MATCHHP3 : Is [NAME OF 3RD MOST RECENT PARTNER] any of the following husbands or partners we've already talked about?
p1yrelp3 : Relationship of R to 3rd to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-70)
P1YLSEX_M3 : In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [NAME OF 3RD MOST RECENT PARTNER]? (MONTH)
P1YLSEX_Y3 : (In what month and year did you last have sexual intercourse with [NAME OF 3RD MOST RECENT PARTNER]?) (YEAR)
P1YFSEX_M : In what month and year did you have sexual intercourse with him for the first time? (MONTH) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
P1YFSEX_Y : (In what month and year did you have sexual intercourse with him for the first time?) (YEAR) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
cmfsextot : Date (century month) of first or only sex with last partner in past 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-78)
p1ymult1 : Multiple races reported for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
p1yhrace1 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
p1ynrace1 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
P1YFSEX_M2 : In what month and year did you have sexual intercourse with him for the first time? (MONTH) (2ND MOST RECENT PARTNER)
P1YFSEX_Y2 : (In what month and year did you have sexual intercourse with him for the first time?) (YEAR) (2ND MOST RECENT PARTNER)
cmfsextot2 : Date (century month) of first or only sex with 2nd to last partner in past 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-78)
p1ymult2 : Multiple races reported for 2nd most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
p1yhrace2 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 2nd most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
p1ynrace2 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 2nd most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
P1YFSEX_M3 : In what month and year did you have sexual intercourse with him for the first time? (MONTH) (3RD MOST RECENT PARTNER)
P1YFSEX_Y3 : (In what month and year did you have sexual intercourse with him for the first time?) (YEAR) (3RD MOST RECENT PARTNER)
cmfsextot3 : Date (century month) of first or only sex with 3rd to last partner in past 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-78)
p1ymult3 : Multiple races reported for 3rd most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
p1yhrace3 : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 3rd most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
p1ynrace3 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 3rd most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
cmcurrp1 : Date (century month) of Last or Only Sex With Current Partner 1 (For Rs 15-17 Only) (Computed in Flow Check C-83)
cmcurrp2 : Date (century month) of Last or Only Sex With Current Partner 2 (For Rs 15-17 Only) (Computed in Flow Check C-83)
cmcurrp3 : Date (century month) of Last or Only Sex With Current Partner 3 (For Rs 15-17 Only) (Computed in Flow Check C-83)
MARRDATE_M : In what month and year were you and [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE] married? (MONTH)
MARRDATE_Y : (In what month and year were you and [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE] married?) (YEAR)
STRTWFCP_M : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] first start living together?(MONTH)
STRTWFCP_Y : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] first start living together?) (YEAR)
cmstrtwp : Century Month when current union began with current wife or cohabiting partner (Computed in Flow Check C-4)
CWPDOB_M : In what month and year was she born? (MONTH)
CWPDOB_Y : (In what month and year was she born?) (YEAR)
cmcwpdob : Century Month when R's current wife or cohabiting partner was born (Computed in Flow Check C-6)
cwpmult : Multiple races reported for current wife or cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
cwprace : RACE-recode-like variable for current wife or cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
cwphrace : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for current wife or cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
cwpnrace : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for current wife or cohabiting partner (computed in post-processing)
CWPSX1WN_M : Now I have some questions about the beginning of your relationship with [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER]. Think back to the very first time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that? (month)
CWPSX1WN_Y : Now I have some questions about the beginning of your relationship with [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER]. Think back to the very first time that you had sexual intercourse with her. In what month and year was that? (year)
CWPLSXWN_M : Think back to the most recent time that you had sexual intercourse with your (wife/partner). In what month and year was that?
CWPLSXWN_Y : Think back to the most recent time that you had sexual intercourse with your (wife/partner). In what month and year was that?
CWPLMET15 : Looking at Card 46b, that last time, what methods did you use? [2nd method; CWP]
DKCWPLUSE : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew?
CWPLMET201 : Looking at Card 47b, that last time, what methods did she use? [1st method; CWP]
CWPLMET202 : Looking at Card 47b, that last time, what methods did she use? [2nd method; CWP]
CWPLMET203 : Looking at Card 47b, that last time, what methods did she use? [3rd method; CWP]
DKCWPLMET : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew?
CWPCHDOB_M : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y : (In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob : Century Month Date of Birth for 1st biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHDOB_M2 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y2 : (In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob2 : Century Month Date of Birth for 2nd biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHDOB_M3 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y3 : (In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob3 : Century Month Date of Birth for 3rd biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHLIV20 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2ND MENTIONED]
CWPCHDOB_M4 : In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y4 : (In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob4 : Century Month Date of Birth for 4th biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHMAR4 : Were you married to [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of (4th BIO CHILD)'s birth?
CWPCHLIV29 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE4 : How old is (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHDOB_M5 : In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y5 : (In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob5 : Century Month Date of Birth for 5th biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHMAR5 : Were you married to [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of (5th BIO CHILD)'s birth?
CWPCHLIV38 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE5 : How old is (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHDOB_M6 : In what month and year was (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y6 : (In what month and year was (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob6 : Century Month Date of Birth for 6th biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHMAR6 : Were you married to [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of (6th BIO CHILD)'s birth?
CWPCHLRN6 : When did you find out that [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV47 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE6 : How old is (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHLEG6 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (6TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP6 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR6 : Did you ever live with (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR6 : About how many miles away from here does (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT6 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] became pregnant with (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON6 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY6 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant this time.(6TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHDOB_M7 : In what month and year was (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y7 : (In what month and year was (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
cmchdob7 : Century Month Date of Birth for 7th biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
CWPCHMAR7 : Were you married to [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of (7th BIO CHILD)'s birth?
CWPCHRES7 : Were you living together with [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN7 : When did you find out that [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV56 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (7TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE7 : How old is (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHLEG7 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (7TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP7 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR7 : Did you ever live with (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR7 : About how many miles away from here does (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT7 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] became pregnant with (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON7 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY7 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant this time.(7TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHSEX8 : (Is (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) male or female?)
CWPCHDOB_M8 : In what month and year was (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y8 : (In what month and year was (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
CMCHDOB8 : Century Month Date of Birth for 8th biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
MULTBIRT8 : The birthday of this child is the same as (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s. Was this a multiple birth?
CWPCHMAR8 : Were you married to [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of (8th BIO CHILD)'s birth?
CWPCHRES8 : Were you living together with [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN8 : When did you find out that [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV64 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (8TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHLIV65 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (8TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE8 : How old is (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHLEG8 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (8TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
CWPCHHOP8 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) was born?
CWPCHEVR8 : Did you ever live with (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR8 : About how many miles away from here does (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT8 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] became pregnant with (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON8 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY8 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant this time.(8TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPOKWTH : (Did this child / Did any of these children) ever live with you?
CWPOKWTHN : How many of these children lived with you?
CWPOKAD2 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV2 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV3 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKAD3 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY2 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR2 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV9 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV10 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKAD4 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY3 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR3 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV16 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV17 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKSEX4 : Asked in Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
CWPOKAD5 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY4 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR4 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV22 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV23 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV24 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKFAR4 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] live?
CWPOKAGE4 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] now?
CWPOKSEX5 : Asked in Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
CWPOKAD6 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY5 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR5 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV29 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV30 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV31 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKFAR5 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] live?
CWPOKAGE5 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] now?
CWPOKSEX6 : Asked in Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
CWPOKAD7 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY6 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR6 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV36 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV37 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV38 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKFAR6 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] live?
CWPOKAGE6 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] now?
CWPOKSEX7 : Asked in Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
CWPOKAD8 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
CWPOKTRY7 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR7 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV43 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV44 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV45 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED; 3rd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 3rd MENTIONED)
CWPOKFAR7 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] live?
CWPOKAGE7 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] now?
CWPNBREL2 : When [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS2 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD2 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBLIV2 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBREL3 : When [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS3 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD3 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY2 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR2 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBLIV9 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBREL4 : When [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS4 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD4 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY3 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR3 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX3 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV15 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV16 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR3 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE3 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL5 : When [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS5 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD5 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY4 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR4 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX4 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV22 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV23 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR4 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE4 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL6 : When [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS6 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD6 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY5 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR5 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX5 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV29 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV30 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR5 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE5 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL7 : When [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS7 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD7 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY6 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR6 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX6 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV36 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV37 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR6 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE6 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL8 : When [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS8 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD8 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY7 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR7 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX7 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV43 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV44 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR7 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE7 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL9 : When [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS9 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD9 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY8 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR8 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX8 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV50 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV51 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR8 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE8 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL10 : When [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS10 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD10 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY9 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR9 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX9 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV57 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV58 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR9 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE9 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
CWPNBREL11 : When [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
CWPNBFOS11 : Was this child a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBAD11 : Did you legally adopt this child or become [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]'s legal guardian?
CWPNBTRY10 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP]?
CWPNBTHR10 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPNBSEX10 : Asked In Year 1: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 2: Is this child male or female? (10th NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP)
CWPNBLIV64 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV65 : Asked in Year 1: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
CWPNBFAR10 : Asked in Year 1: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] live?Asked starting in Year 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] live?
CWPNBAGE10 : Asked in Year 1: How old is [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH CWP] now?Asked starting in Year 2: How old is [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] now?
WHRCPKDS4 : CC-17 : Where (does this child / does this child aged 18 or younger / do these [NUMBER FROM CC-16b CPKID18A] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF CURRENT COHABITING PARTNER], with (his or her / their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [4TH MENTIONED]
cmlsex : Date (century month) when last had sex with last partner reported in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-71)
pcurrnt : Whether or not partner is current - last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-73)
cmlsex2 : Date (century month) when last had sex with 2nd to last partner reported in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-71)
pcurrnt2 : Whether or not partner is current - 2nd to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-73)
cmlsex3 : Date (century month) when last had sex with 3rd to last partner reported in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-71)
PCURRNT3 : Whether or not partner is current - 3rd to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-73)
cmfsex : Date (century month) of 1st sex with last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-77)
cmfsex2 : Date (century month) of 1st sex with 2nd to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-77)
cmfsex3 : Date (century month) of 1st sex with 3rd to last partner in last 12 months (Computed in Flow Check C-77)
CWPCHSIG : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG2 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT2 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN2 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG3 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT3 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN3 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG4 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT4 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4thBIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN4 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG5 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT5 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN5 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG6 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT6 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN6 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (6th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG7 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT7 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN7 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (7th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSIG8 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT8 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN8 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHSEX9 : CG-5 : Is (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) male or female?
CWPCHDOB_M9 : CG-6m : In what month and year was (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born? (month)
CWPCHDOB_Y9 : CG-6y : (In what month and year was (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) born?) (year)
CMCHDOB9 : Century Month Date of Birth for 9th biological child with CWP (Computed in Flow Check C-21)
MULTBIRT9 : CG-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHMAR9 : CG-8 : Were you married to [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of (9th BIO CHILD)'s birth?
CWPCHRES9 : CG-9 : Were you living together with [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLRN9 : CG-10 : When did you find out that [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHLIV73 : CG-11 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (9TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
CWPCHLIV74 : CG-11 : Please look at Card 57. Where does (9TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
CWPCHAGE9 : CG-12 : How old is (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
CWPCHSIG9 : CG-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHCRT9 : CG-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s legal father?
CWPCHGEN9 : CG-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)'s father?
CWPCHEVR9 : CG-15 : Did you ever live with (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)?
CWPCHFAR9 : CG-16 : About how many miles away from here does (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP) live?
CWPCHWNT9 : CG-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF CURRENT WIFE OR COHABITING PARTNER] became pregnant with (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP), did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
CWPCHSON9 : CG-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (9th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPCHHPY9 : CG-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a zero means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your (wife/partner) was pregnant this time.(9TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)
CWPOKSEX8 : CI-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 8TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
CWPOKTRY8 : CI-8 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 8TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH]?
CWPOKTHR8 : CI-9 : Are you in the process of trying to legally adopt [NAME OF 8TH CHILD OF R'S CWP R LIVED WITH] or to become this child's legal guardian?
CWPOKLIV50 : CI-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (8TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
CWPOKLIV51 : CI-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does this child usually live now? (8TH OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
CWPOKFAR8 : CI-8 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 8TH CHILD OF R'S CWP'S CHILDREN R LIVED WITH] live?
WHRCHKDS4 : CB-17 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [Name of 1ST HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? (4TH MENTIONED)
WHRCHKDS8 : CB-17 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 2ND HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? (4TH MENTIONED)
WHRCHKDS12 : CB-17 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 3RD HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? (4TH MENTIONED)
WHRCHKDS16 : CB-17 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 4TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [4TH MENTIONED]
WHRCHKDS20 : CB-17 : Where (does this child/does this child aged 18 or younger/ these [NUMBER FROM CB-16b CHKID18B] children aged 18 or younger) live now? In this household with you and [NAME OF 5TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND], with (his or her/their) mother, with grandparents or other relatives, or somewhere else? [4TH MENTIONED]
FPOTHREL : CG-7a : Please look at Card 24. At the time you last had sexual intercourse with [NAME OF FIRST PARTNER], how would you describe your relationship with him?
P1YOTHREL : CI-8 : I have a few more questions about [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER]. Please look at Card 24. At the time you last had sexual intercourse with him, how would you describe your relationship with him?
P1YOTHREL2 : CI-8 : Now I have a few more questions about [NAME OF SECOND MOST RECENT PARTNER]. Please look at Card 24. At the time you last had sexual intercourse with him, how would you describe your relationship with him?
P1YOTHREL3 : CI-8 : Now I have a few more questions about [NAME OF THIRD MOST RECENT PARTNER]. Please look at Card 24. At the time you last had sexual intercourse with him, how would you describe your relationship with him?
CWPNBLIV3 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV10 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV17 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV24 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV31 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV38 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV45 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV52 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV59 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 9TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
CWPNBLIV66 : CJ-10 : Please look at Card 60. Where does [NAME OF 10TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH CWP] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
hsbrace6 : RACE-recode-like variable for 6th husband (computed in post-processing)
hsbnrace6 : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 6th husband (computed in post-processing)
SUPPORCH6 : CB-18 : Does [NAME OF 6TH HUSBAND IF HE IS CURRENT HUSBAND] regularly contribute to the financial support of (this child / these children) aged 18 or under?
CWPFMET05 : CC-5 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [5th method; CWP]
CWPSOONN : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPSOONN2 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY2 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPSOONN3 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY3 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPSOONN4 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY4 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPSOONN5 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY5 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPSOONN6 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (6TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY6 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (6TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPSOONN7 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (7TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY7 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (7TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPCPSNN : CH-5a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur with current wife/partner? (number of months or years)
CWPCPSNMY : CH-5b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur with current wife/partner? (unit-months or years)
CWPLATEN : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1st child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1st child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPLATEN2 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2nd child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY2 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2nd child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPLATEN3 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3rd child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY3 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3rd child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPLATEN4 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4th child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY4 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4th child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPLATEN5 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5th child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY5 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5th child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPLATEN6 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (6th child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY6 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (6th child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPLATEN7 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (7th child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY7 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (7th child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPSOONN8 : CG-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (8th BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPSOONMY8 : CG-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (8TH BIO CHILD WITH CWP)? (unit-months or years)
CWPLATEN8 : CG-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (8th child w/CWP)? (number of months or years)
CWPLATEMY8 : CG-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (8th child w/ CWP)? (unit- months/years)
CWPCPLATEN : CH-5c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur with current wife/partner? (number of months or years)
CWPCPLATEMY : CH-5d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur with current wife/partner? (unit-months or years)
EVERTUBS : Have you ever had both of your tubes tied, cut, or removed? This procedure is often called a tubal ligation or tubal sterilization.
EVERHYST : Have you ever had a hysterectomy, that is, surgery to remove your uterus?
EVEROVRS : Have you ever had both of your ovaries removed?
EVEROTHR : Have you ever had any other operation that makes it impossible for you to have a(nother) baby?
WHTOOPRC : Codes for Spontaneous Description of Other Operation
ONOTFUNC : Many women who have only one (tube tied/ovary removed) can still have babies because they are not completely sterile. As far as you know, are you completely sterile from this operation, that is, does it make it impossible for you to have a baby in the future?
DFNLSTRL : As far as you know, are you completely sterile from this operation, that is, does it make it impossible for you to have a baby in the future?
anyfster : Respondent Ever Had Sterilizing Operation Regardless of Reversal (COMPUTED)
fstrop12 : Respondent Had Sterilizing Operation in Last 12 Months (COMPUTED)
ANYOPSMN : Has (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) ever had a vasectomy or any other operation that would make it impossible for him to father a baby in the future?
DFNLSTRX : As far as you know, is he completely sterile from this operation, that is, does it make it impossible for him to father a baby in the future?
anymster : R's Current H/P Ever Had Sterilizing Operation Regardless of Reversal (COMPUTED)
PLCFEMOP : Looking at Card 25, please tell me where this operation was performed. (TUBAL LIGATION)
INPATIEN : When you had your tubal ligation, did you stay overnight in the hospital?
PAYRSTER1 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (1st MENTION FOR TUBAL LIGATION)
PAYRSTER2 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (2nd MENTION FOR TUBAL LIGATION)
PAYRSTER3 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (3rd MENTION FOR TUBAL LIGATION)
RHADALL : At the time you had your tubal ligation, had you, yourself, had all the children you wanted?
HHADALL : And what about your (husband/partner/husband or partner) (at the time)? At the time you had your tubal ligation, had he had all the children he wanted?
FMEDREAS1 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your tubal ligation? (1st MENTION)
FMEDREAS2 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your tubal ligation? (2nd MENTION)
FMEDREAS3 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your tubal ligation? (3rd MENTION)
FMEDREAS4 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your tubal ligation? (4th MENTION)
FMEDREAS5 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your tubal ligation? (5th MENTION)
BCREAS : At the time you had your tubal ligation, had you (or your (husband/partner/husband or partner)) been having problems with your method or methods of birth control?
BCWHYF : Was there a health or medical problem with the method of birth control you or your partner was using, or did you not like the method for some other reason? (TUBAL LIGATION)
MINCDNNR : You mentioned that the reasons for your tubal ligation were that... (REASONS REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DB-4 FMEDREAS1-6). Which one of these was the main reason that you had your tubal ligation?
PLCFEMOP2 : Looking at Card 25, please tell me where this operation was performed. (HYSTERECTOMY)
PAYRSTER6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (1st MENTION FOR HYSTERECTOMY)
PAYRSTER7 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (2nd MENTION FOR HYSTERECTOMY)
RHADALL2 : At the time you had your hysterectomy, had you, yourself, had all the children you wanted?
HHADALL2 : And what about your (husband/partner/husband or partner) (at the time)? At the time you had your hysterectomy, had he had all the children he wanted?
FMEDREAS7 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your hysterectomy? (1st MENTION)
FMEDREAS8 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your hysterectomy? (2st MENTION)
FMEDREAS9 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your hysterectomy? (3rd MENTION)
FMEDREAS10 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your hysterectomy? (4th MENTION)
FMEDREAS11 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your hysterectomy? (5th MENTION)
BCREAS2 : At the time you had your hysterectomy, had you (or your (husband/partner/husband or partner)) been having problems with your method or methods of birth control?
BCWHYF2 : Was there a health or medical problem with the method of birth control you or your partner was using, or did you not like the method for some other reason? (HYSTERECTOMY)
MINCDNNR2 : You mentioned that the reasons for your hysterectomy were that... (REASONS REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DB-4 FMEDREAS7-12). Which one of these was the main reason that you had your hysterectomy?
PLCFEMOP3 : Looking at Card 25, please tell me where this operation was performed. (OVARY REMOVAL)
PAYRSTER11 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (1st MENTION FOR OVARY REMOVAL)
PAYRSTER12 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (2nd MENTION FOR OVARY REMOVAL)
RHADALL3 : At the time you had your ovary removal, had you, yourself, had all the children you wanted?
HHADALL3 : And what about your (husband/partner/husband or partner) (at the time)? At the time you had your ovary removal, had he had all the children he wanted?
FMEDREAS13 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your ovary removal? (1st MENTION)
FMEDREAS14 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your ovary removal? (2nd MENTION)
FMEDREAS15 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your ovary removal? (3rd MENTION)
FMEDREAS16 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your ovary removal? (4th MENTION)
BCREAS3 : At the time you had your ovary removal, had you (or your (husband/partner/husband or partner)) been having problems with your method or methods of birth control?
BCWHYF3 : Was there a health or medical problem with the method of birth control you or your partner was using, or did you not like the method for some other reason? (OVARY REMOVAL)
MINCDNNR3 : You mentioned that the reasons for your ovary removal were that... (REASONS REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DB-4 FMEDREAS13-18). Which one of these was the main reason that you had your ovary removal?
PLCFEMOP4 : Looking at Card 25, please tell me where this operation was performed. (OTHER FEMALE OPERATION)
PAYRSTER16 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (1st MENTION FOR OTHER FEMALE OPERATION)
PAYRSTER17 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (2nd MENTION FOR OTHER FEMALE OPERATION)
RHADALL4 : At the time you had your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby, had you, yourself, had all the children you wanted?
HHADALL4 : And what about your (husband/partner/husband or partner) (at the time)? At the time you had your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby, had he had all the children he wanted?
FMEDREAS19 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (1st MENTION)
FMEDREAS20 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (2nd MENTION)
FMEDREAS21 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (3rd MENTION)
FMEDREAS22 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (4th MENTION)
BCREAS4 : At the time you had your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby, had you or your (husband/partner/husband or partner) been having problems with your method or methods of birth control?
BCWHYF4 : Was there a health or medical problem with the method of birth control you or your partner was using, or did you not like the method for some other reason? (OTHER FEMALE OPERATION)
MINCDNNR4 : You mentioned that the reasons for your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby were that... (REASONS REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DB-4 FMEDREAS19-24). Which one of these was the main reason that you had your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby?
cmtublig : Date (century month) for Respondent's Tubal Ligation/Sterilization (COMPUTED)
cmhyst : Date (century month) for Respondent's Hysterectomy (COMPUTED)
cmovarem : Date (century month) For Respondent's Ovary Removal (COMPUTED)
cmotsurg : Date (century month) For Respondent's Other Sterilizing Operation (COMPUTED)
cmoper1 : Date (century month) For Respondent's 1st (or only) Sterilizing Operation (COMPUTED)
plcoper1 : Place where R had her first (or only) sterilization operation (if >= Jan 97) (COMPUTED)
OPERSAME : Did you have the tubal ligation and hysterectomy in the same operation in [M/Y], or were these separate operations?
OPERSAME2 : Did you have the tubal ligation and ovary removal in the same operation in [M/Y], or were these separate operations?
OPERSAME3 : Did you have the tubal ligation and the other surgery that made it impossible for you to have a baby in the same operation in [M/Y], or were these separate operations?
OPERSAME4 : Did you have the hysterectomy and ovary removal in the same operation in [M/Y], or were these separate operations?
OPERSAME5 : Did you have the hysterectomy and the other surgery that made it impossible for you to have a baby in the same operation in [M/Y], or were these separate operations?
OPERSAME6 : Did you have the ovary removal and the other surgery that made it impossible for you to have a baby in the same operation in [M/Y], or were these separate operations?
cmmaleop : Date (century month) for Respondent's Current Husband/Partner's Sterilizing Operation (COMPUTED)
WITHIMOP : You may have already told me this, but were you in a relationship with him at the time he had his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)?
PLACOPMN : Looking at Card 25, please tell me where this operation was performed.
PAYMSTER1 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER)'s operation was paid. (1st MENTION)
PAYMSTER2 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER)'s operation was paid. (2ND MENTION)
PAYMSTER3 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER)'s operation was paid. (3rd MENTION)
RHADALLM : At the time (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) had his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation), had you, yourself, had all the children you wanted?
HHADALLM : And what about him? At the time he had his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation), had he had all the children he wanted?
MEDREAS1 : Please look at Card 27. Did he have any of these medical reasons for having his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)? (1st MENTION)
MEDREAS2 : Please look at Card 27. Did he have any of these medical reasons for having his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)? (2nd MENTION)
BCREASM : At the time he had his vasectomy, had you or (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) been having problems with your method or methods of birth control?
BCWHYM : Was there a health or medical problem with the method of birth control you or he was using, or did you not like the method for some other reason?
MINCDNMN : You mentioned that the reasons that (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) had (vasectomy/sterilizing operation) were that... (REASONS REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DB-12 MEDREAS1-6). Which one of these was the main reason that he had (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)?
REVSTUBL : (Have you ever had surgery to reverse your tubal sterilization? / Earlier you mentioned that you had your tubal sterilization reversed. Is this correct?)
cmligrev : Date (century month) of Respondent's Reversal of Tubal Sterilization (COMPUTED)
REVSVASX : (Has (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) ever had surgery to reverse his vasectomy? / Earlier you mentioned that (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) has had his vasectomy reversed. Is this correct?)
cmvasrev : Date (century month) For Respondent's Current Husband/Partner's Vasectomy Reversal (COMPUTED)
onlytbvs : Whether Respondent and Husband/Partner's Only Sterilizing Operations were Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy (COMPUTED)
RWANTRVT : As things look to you now, if your tubal sterilization could be reversed safely, would you want to have it reversed?
MANWANTT : Would (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) like you to have your tubal sterilization reversed?
RWANTREV : As things look to you now, if (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER)'s vasectomy could be reversed safely, would you want to have it reversed?
MANWANTR : Would (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) like to have his vasectomy reversed?
VASANY : Did (your former husband/the man you used to live with/any of the (NUMBER) men you used to live with/any of your (NUMBER) former husbands/any of the (NUMBER) men you used to live with, including your (NUMBER) former husband(s)) ever have a vasectomy -- either before you began living together or during the time you lived together?
POSIBLPG : Now I have a few more questions about your physical ability to have a(nother) baby at some time in the future. Some women are not physically able to have children. As far as you know, is it physically possible for you, yourself, to have a(nother) baby?
REASIMPR : What is the reason it is impossible for you to have a baby in the future? Is it ...
POSIBLMN : What about (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER)? As far as you know, is it physically possible for him to father a baby in the future?
REASIMPP : What is the reason it is impossible for (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) to father a baby in the future? Is it ...
CANHAVER : Some women are physically able to have a(nother) baby, but have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying the baby to term. As far as you know, would you, yourself, have any difficulty getting pregnant (again) or carrying a(nother) baby (after this pregnancy)?
REASDIFF1 : Please look at Card 28. What is the reason that it would be difficult for you to have a(nother) baby? (1st MENTION)
REASDIFF2 : Please look at Card 28. What is the reason that it would be difficult for you to have a(nother) baby? (2nd MENTION)
REASDIFF3 : Please look at Card 28. What is the reason that it would be difficult for you to have a(nother) baby? (3rd MENTION)
REASDIFF4 : Please look at Card 28. What is the reason that it would be difficult for you to have a(nother) baby? (4th MENTION)
REASDIFF5 : Please look at Card 28. What is the reason that it would be difficult for you to have a(nother) baby? (5th MENTION)
CANHAVEM : As far as you know, does (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) have any difficulty fathering a baby?
PREGNONO : At any time has a medical doctor ever advised you never to become pregnant (again)?
REASNONO1 : Please look at Card 29 and tell me why the doctor advised you not to become pregnant? (1st MENTION)
REASNONO2 : Please look at Card 29 and tell me why the doctor advised you not to become pregnant? (2nd MENTION)
REASNONO3 : Please look at Card 29 and tell me why the doctor advised you not to become pregnant? (3rd MENTION)
THISWOM : (Is [LAST PARTNER'S NAME] (your current wife/the woman you live with now)?)
PXRELAT : Now I have some questions about your relationship with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME). You have said that you (were married to/lived with/were never married to and never lived with) (LAST PARTNER'S NAME). Is that correct?
PXRELAT2 : Were you ever married to or did you ever live together with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
THISWOM2 : (Is [2nd-to-last PARTNER'S NAME] (your current wife/the woman you live with now)?)
PXRELAT3 : Now I have some questions about your relationship with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME). You have said that you (were married to/lived with/were never married to and never lived with) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME). Is that correct?
PXRELAT4 : Were you ever married to or did you ever live together with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
THISWOM3 : (Is [3rd-to-last PARTNER'S NAME] (your current wife/the woman you live with now)?)
PXRELAT5 : Now I have some questions about your relationship with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME). You have said that you (were married to/lived with/were never married to and never lived with) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME). Is that correct?
PXRELAT6 : Were you ever married to or did you ever live together with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)?
cmmarp : Century Month of marriage to former wife (last partner)[Computed]
AGEMARR : How old were you when you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) got married?
agemarp : Respondent's age at marriage to former wife (last partner) [Computed]
LIVTOGN : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) live together before you got married?
cmcohp : Century Month of date began cohabiting with former Wife/Partner (last partner) [Computed]
AGELIV : How old were you when you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) first started living together?
agecohp : Respondent's age when began cohabiting with former Wife/Partner (last partner) [Computed]
cmunionp : Century Month of date of beginning of cohabitation or marriage (if no premarital cohabitation) with former Wife/Partner (last partner) [Computed]
ageunionp : Respondent's age at beginning of cohabitation or marriage (if no premarital cohabitation) with former Wife/Partner (last partner) [Computed]
ENGAGTHN : At the time you first started living together, were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married? (LAST PARTNER)
MARREND : How did your marriage end? (LAST PARTNER)
cmwidp : Century Month of date when former wife died (last partner) [Computed]
cmdivp : Century Month of date when divorce from former wife was finalized (last partner) [Computed]
cmstopp : Century Month of date when last lived with former Wife/Partner (last partner) [Computed]
cmmarp2 : Century Month of date of marriage to former wife (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
AGEMARR2 : How old were you when you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) got married?
agemarp2 : Respondent's age at marriage to former wife (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
LIVTOGN2 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) live together before you got married?
cmcohp2 : Century Month of date began cohabiting with former wife (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
AGELIV2 : How old were you when you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) first started living together?
agecohp2 : Respondent's age when began cohabiting with former Wife/Partner (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
cmunionp2 : Century Month of beginning of cohab or marriage (if no cohab) with former Wife/Partner (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
ageunionp2 : Respondent's age at beginning of cohab or marriage (if no cohab) with former Wife/Parnter (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
ENGAGTHN2 : At the time you first started living together, were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married? (2nd-to-last partner in last 12 months)
MARREND2 : How did your marriage end? (2nd-to-LAST PARTNER)
cmdivp2 : Century Month of date when divorce from former wife was finalized (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
cmstopp2 : Century Month of date last lived with former Wife/Partner (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
cmmarp3 : Century Month of date of marriage to former wife (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
AGEMARR3 : How old were you when you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) got married?
agemarp3 : Respondent's age at marriage to former wife (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
LIVTOGN3 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) live together before you got married?
cmcohp3 : Century Month of date respondent began cohabiting with former Wife/Partner (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
AGELIV3 : How old were you when you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) first started living together?
agecohp3 : Respondent's age when began cohabiting with former Wife/Partner (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
cmunionp3 : Century Month of beginning date of cohabiting or marriage (if no cohab) with former Wife/Partner (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
ageunionp3 : Respondent's age at beginning of cohab or marriage (if no cohab) with former Wife/Partner (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
ENGAGTHN3 : At the time you first started living together, were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
MARREND3 : How did your marriage end? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
cmwidp3 : Century Month of date when former wife died (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
cmdivp3 : Century Month when divorce from former wife was finalized (3rd-to-last partner)[Computed]
cmstopp3 : Century Month last lived with former Wife/Partner (3rd-to-last partner)[Computed]
PXCURR : Do you consider (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) a current sexual partner?
p1currprt : Does Respondent consider her a current sexual partner (last partner) [Computed]
PXMARRY : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) will marry each other?
PXCURR2 : Do you consider (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) a current sexual partner?
p2currprt : Does respondent consider her a current sexual partner (2nd-to-last partner) [Computed]
PXMARRY2 : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) will marry each other?
PXCURR3 : Do you consider (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) a current sexual partner?
p3currprt : Whether respondent considers her a current sexual partner (3rd-to-last partner) [Computed]
PXMARRY3 : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) will marry each other?
PXLAST : Now please think about the last time that you had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME). Was that within the last week, within the last four weeks, or more than four weeks ago?
cmlsxp : Century Month of last sex with last partner [Computed]
PXLUSE : Please look at Card 45. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLMETH01 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED METHOD]
PXLMETH02 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED METHOD]
PXLMETH03 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED METHOD]
PXLMETH04 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED METHOD]
PXLRUSE : Please look at Card 46. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you, yourself, use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLRMETH1 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH2 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH3 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH4 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXLPUSE : Please look at Card 47. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLPMETH1 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH2 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH3 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH4 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
lsxusep : Method used at last sex (last partner) [Computed]
PXLSXPRB : That (last) time, could [LAST PARTNER'S NAME] have used a method that you didn't know about?
PXMTONCE : (Have you had / Did you have) sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) more than once?
mtoncep : Had sex with last partner more than once [Computed]
PXPAGE : How old was (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) when you last had sex with her?
PXRELAGE : Is she older than you, younger than you, or about the same age? (LAST PARTNER)
PXRELYRS : By how many years? (LAST PARTNER)
PXFRLTN1 : Please look at Card 44. At the time you (first / last) had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how would you describe your relationship with her?
PXHISP : Is (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
PXRACE1 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
PXRACE2 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
PXRACE3 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [3rd MENTIONED]
PXBEST : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DD-16 PXRACE), would you say best describes (LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background?
PXLAST2 : Now please think about the last time that you had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME). Was that within the last week, within the last four weeks, or more than four weeks ago?
PXLUSE2 : Please look at Card 45. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLMETH11 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLMETH12 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXLMETH13 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXLMETH14 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXLRUSE2 : Please look at Card 46. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you, yourself, use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLRMETH5 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH6 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH7 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH8 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXLPUSE2 : Please look at Card 47. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLPMETH8 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH9 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH10 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH11 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
lsxusep2 : Method used at last sex with 2nd-to-last sexual partner [Computed]
PXLSXPRB2 : That (last) time, could [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME] have used a method that you didn't know about?
PXMTONCE2 : Have you had (did you have) sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) more than once?
mtoncep2 : Had sex with 2nd-to-last sexual partner more than once [Computed]
PXPAGE2 : How old was (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) when you last had sex with her?
PXRELAGE2 : Is she older than you, younger than you, or about the same age? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXRELYRS2 : By how many years? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXFRLTN3 : Please look at Card 44. At the time you (first / last) had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how would you describe your relationship with her?
PXHISP2 : Is (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
PXRACE6 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1ST MENTIONED]
PXRACE7 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2ND MENTIONED]
PXBEST2 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DD-16 PCRACE6-10), would you say best describes (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background?
PXLAST3 : Now please think about the last time that you had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME). Was that within the last week, within the last four weeks, or more than four weeks ago?
PXLUSE3 : Please look at Card 45. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLMETH21 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLMETH22 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXLMETH23 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXLMETH24 : Still looking at Card 45, that (last) time, what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXLRUSE3 : Please look at Card 46. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you, yourself, use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLRMETH9 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH10 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH11 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXLRMETH12 : Still looking at Card 46 that (last) time, what methods did you, yourself, use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXLPUSE3 : Please look at Card 47. That (last) time that you had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXLPMETH15 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH16 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH17 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH18 : Still looking at Card 47, that (last) time, what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
lsxusep3 : Method used at last sex with 3rd-to-last partner [Computed]
PXLSXPRB3 : That (last) time, could [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME] have used a method that you didn't know about?
PXMTONCE3 : Have you had (did you have) sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) more than once?
mtoncep3 : Had sex with 3rd-to-last partner more than once [Computed]
PXPAGE3 : How old was (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) when you last had sex with her?
PXRELAGE3 : Is she older than you, younger than you, or about the same age? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXRELYRS3 : By how many years? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXFRLTN5 : Please look at Card 44. At the time you (first / last) had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how would you describe your relationship with her?
PXHISP3 : Is (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin?
PXRACE11 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1ST MENTIONED]
PXRACE12 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2ND MENTIONED]
PXBEST3 : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN DD-16 PCRACE11-15), would you say best describes (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME)'s racial background? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXDOB_M : In what month was (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) born?
PXDOB_Y : In what year was (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) born?
PXEDUC : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education she has completed? (LAST PARTNER)
PXMARBF : (Has (LAST PARTNER) ever been married/ At the time you and (LAST PARTNER) (were married/started living together), had she been married before?
PXANYCH : When your relationship with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) began, did she have any biological, adopted, or foster children?
PXANYCHN : Altogether, how many children did she have? (LAST PARTNER)
PXABLECH : Some women are not physically able to have children. As far as you know, is it physically possible for (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) to have a baby?
PXDOB_M2 : In what month was (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) born?
PXDOB_Y2 : In what year was (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) born?
PXEDUC2 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education she has completed? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXMARBF2 : (Has (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever been married/ At the time you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) (were married/started living together), had she been married before?
PXANYCH2 : When your relationship with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) began, did she have any biological, adopted, or foster children?
PXANYCHN2 : Altogether, how many children did she have? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXABLECH2 : Some women are not physically able to have children. As far as you know, is it physically possible for (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) to have a baby?
PXDOB_M3 : In what month was (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) born?
PXDOB_Y3 : In what year was (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) born?
PXEDUC3 : Please look at Card 11. What is the highest level of education she has completed? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXMARBF3 : (Has (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) ever been married/ At the time you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) (were married/started living together), had she been married before?
PXANYCH3 : When your relationship with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) began, did she have any biological, adopted, or foster children?
PXANYCHN3 : Altogether, how many children did she have? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXABLECH3 : Some women are not physically able to have children. As far as you know, is it physically possible for (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) to have a baby?
cmfsxp : Century Month of date of first sex with last partner [Computed]
PXAGFRST : The very first time that you had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how old were you?
agefsxp : Age at first sex with last partner [Computed]
PXFRLTN2 : Please look at Card 44. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how would you describe your relationship with her?
PXFUSE : Please look at Card 45. That first time that you had sexual intercourse with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXFMETH01 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXFMETH02 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXFMETH03 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXFMETH04 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXFMETH05 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [LAST PARTNER; 5th MENTIONED]
cmfsxp2 : Century Month of first sex with 2nd-to-last sexual partner [Computed]
PXAGFRST2 : The very first time that you had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how old were you?
agefsxp2 : Age of first sex with 2nd-to-last sexual partner [Computed]
PXFRLTN4 : Please look at Card 44. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how would you describe your relationship with her?
PXFUSE2 : Please look at Card 45. That first time that you had sexual intercourse with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXFMETH11 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXFMETH12 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXFMETH13 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXFMETH14 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXFMETH15 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 5TH MENTIONED]
cmfsxp3 : Century Month of first sex with 3rd-to-last partner [Computed]
PXAGFRST3 : The very first time that you had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how old were you?
agefsxp3 : Age of first sex with last 3rd-to-last partner [Computed]
PXFRLTN6 : Please look at Card 44. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), how would you describe your relationship with her?
PXFUSE3 : Please look at Card 45. That first time that you had sexual intercourse with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
PXFMETH21 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXFMETH22 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXFMETH23 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXFMETH24 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXFMETH25 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 5TH MENTIONED]
PXANYUSE : Please look at Card 45. During the past 12 months, did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease when you had intercourse together? Please answer yes if you used a method even once. (LAST PARTNER)
PXMETHOD01 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD02 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD03 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD04 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD05 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [LAST PARTNER; 5th MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD06 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [LAST PARTNER; 6th MENTIONED]
PXMSTUSE : During the past 12 months, when you had sex together which method did you and she use most of the time? (LAST PARTNER)
PXCONFRQ : During the past 12 months, what percent of the times that you and she had sex together did you use a condom? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNOFREQ : Please look at Card 48. During the last 12 months, that is since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), how often did you or she use any method to prevent pregnancy or disease when you had sex together? (LAST PARTNER)
PXANYUSE2 : Please look at Card 45. During the past 12 months, did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease when you had intercourse together? Please answer yes if you used a method even once. (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXMETHOD11 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD12 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD13 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD14 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD15 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 5TH MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD16 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 6TH MENTIONED]
PXMSTUSE2 : During the past 12 months, when you had sex together which method did you and she use most of the time? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCONFRQ2 : During the past 12 months, what percent of the times that you and she had sex together did you use a condom? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNOFREQ2 : Please look at Card 48. During the last 12 months, that is since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), how often did you or she use any method to prevent pregnancy or disease when you had sex together? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXANYUSE3 : Please look at Card 45. During the past 12 months, did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease when you had intercourse together? Please answer yes if you used a method even once. (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXMETHOD21 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD22 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD23 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD24 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD25 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 5TH MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD26 : Please look at Card 45. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 6TH MENTIONED]
PXMSTUSE3 : During the past 12 months, when you had sex together which method did you and she use most of the time? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCONFRQ3 : During the past 12 months, what percent of the times that you and she had sex together did you use a condom? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNOFREQ3 : Please look at Card 48. During the last 12 months, that is since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), how often did you or she use any method to prevent pregnancy or disease when you had sex together? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCHILD : Now I have some questions about children that you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. (Have you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever had / Did you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever have) a child together?
PXCHILDN : Altogether, how many children have you had together? (LAST PARTNER)
PXCXSEX : (Is (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) male or female?)
cmchdob31 : Century month of date of birth for 1st child with last partner [Computed]
kidage : Current age of biological child with last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidmar : Was 1st child born while respondent married to last partner [Computed]
kidagegp : Current agegroup of 1st child with last partner [Computed]
kidliv : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 1st child's birth [Computed]
kidhh : Whether 1st child with last partner lives in household [Computed]
PXCXMARB : Were you married to (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES : Were you living together with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW : When did you find out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1st BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV01 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
PXCXLIV02 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
PXCXAGE : How old is (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER : Did you ever live with (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT : Please look at Card 58. Right before (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (1st BIO CHILD)
PXSOON : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1st BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (1st BIO CHILD)
PXCXSEX2 : (Is (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) male or female?)
cmchdob32 : Century month date of birth for 2nd child with last partner [Computed]
kidage2 : Current age of biological child with last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidmar2 : Was 2nd child born while Respondent married to last partner [Computed]
kidagegp2 : Current agegroup of 2nd child with last partner [Computed]
kidliv2 : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 2nd child's birth [Computed]
kidhh2 : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 2nd child's birth [Computed]
MULTBIRT12 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXCXRES2 : Were you living together with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW2 : When did you find out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
PXCXLIV12 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
PXCXLAW2 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP2 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER2 : Did you ever live with (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT2 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXSOON2 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG2 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXCXSEX3 : (Is (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) male or female?)
cmchdob33 : Century month date of birth for 3rd child with last partner [Computed]
KIDAGE3 : Current age of biological child with last partner - 3rd child [Computed]
KIDMAR3 : Was 3rd child born while Respondent married to last partner [Computed]
KIDAGEGP3 : Current agegroup of 3rd child with last partner [Computed]
KIDLIV3 : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 3rd child's birth [Computed]
KIDHH3 : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 3rd child's birth [Computed]
MULTBIRT13 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXCXRES3 : Were you living together with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW3 : When did you find out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV21 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
PXCXLIV22 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
PXCXLAW3 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP3 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER3 : Did you ever live with (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT3 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXSOON3 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG3 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXCXSEX4 : (Is (4th BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) male or female?)
cmchdob34 : Century month date of birth for 4th child with last partner [Computed]
KIDAGE4 : Current age of biological child with last partner - 4th child [Computed]
KIDMAR4 : Was 4th child born while Respondent married to last partner [Computed]
KIDAGEGP4 : Current agegroup of 4th child with last partner [Computed]
KIDLIV4 : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 4th child's birth [Computed]
KIDHH4 : Whether Respondent was living with last partner at the time of 4th child's birth [Computed]
PXCXKNOW4 : When did you find out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4th BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXCXLIV31 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
PXCXFAR4 : About how many miles away from here does (4th BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT4 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (4th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON4 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4th BIO CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG4 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (4th BIO CHILD)
PXCHILD2 : Now I have some questions about children that you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. (Have you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever had / Did you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever have) a child together?
PXCHILDN2 : Altogether, how many children have you had together? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
cmchdob41 : Century Month of date of birth for 1st child with 2nd-to-last partner [Computed]
kidage11 : Current age of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidmar11 : Was child born while respondent was married to 2nd-to-last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidagegp11 : Current age group of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidliv11 : Whether respondent was living with 2nd-to-last partner at the time of child's birth - 1st child [Computed]
kidhh11 : Whether child with 2nd-to-last partner lives in household - 1st child [Computed]
PXCXRES11 : Were you living together with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW11 : When did you find out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV101 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
PXCXLIV102 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [2ND MENTIONED]
PXCXAGE11 : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW11 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP11 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER11 : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR11 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT11 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXSOON11 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG11 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
cmchdob42 : Century Month of date of birth for 2nd child with 2nd-to-last partner [Computed]
kidage12 : Current age of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidmar12 : Was child born while respondent was married to 2nd-to-last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidagegp12 : Current age group of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidliv12 : Whether respondent was living with 2nd-to-last partner at the time of child's birth - 2nd child [Computed]
kidhh12 : Whether child with 2nd-to-last partner lives in household - 2nd child [Computed]
MULTBIRT22 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD'S NAME). Was this a multiple birth? (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXRES12 : Were you living together with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW12 : When did you find out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV111 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
PXCXAGE12 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW12 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP12 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER12 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR12 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT12 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXSOON12 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG12 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD)
cmchdob43 : Century Month of date of birth for 3rd child with 2nd-to-last partner [Computed]
kidage13 : Current age of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 3rd child [Computed]
kidmar13 : Was child born while respondent was married to 2nd-to-last partner - 3rd child [Computed]
kidagegp13 : Current age group of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 3rd child [Computed]
kidliv13 : Whether respondent was living with 2nd-to-last partner at the time of child's birth - 3rd child [Computed]
kidhh13 : Whether child with 2nd-to-last partner lives in household - 3rd child [Computed]
PXCXRES13 : Were you living together with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW13 : When did you find out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3RD BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV121 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
PXCXLAW13 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP13 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXFAR13 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT13 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3RD BIO CHILD)
PXSOON13 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG13 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (3RD BIO CHILD)
cmchdob44 : Century Month date of birth for 4th child with 2nd-to-last partner [Computed]
kidage14 : Current age of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 4th child [Computed]
kidmar14 : Was child born while respondent was married to 2nd-to-last partner - 4th child [Computed]
kidagegp14 : Current age group of biological child with 2nd-to-last partner - 4th child [Computed]
kidliv14 : Whether respondent was living with 2nd-to-last partner at the time of child's birth - 4th child [Computed]
kidhh14 : Whether child wtih 2nd-to-last partner lives in household - 4th child [Computed]
PXCXRES14 : Were you living together with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW14 : When did you find out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV131 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
PXCXLAW14 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP14 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXFAR14 : About how many miles away from here does (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT14 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXSOON14 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG14 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND-T0-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXCHILD3 : Now I have some questions about children that you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. (Have you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever had / Did you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) ever have) a child together?
PXCHILDN3 : Altogether, how many children have you had together? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
cmchdob51 : Century Month of date of birth for 1st child w/3rd-to-last partner [Computed]
kidage21 : Current age of biological child with 3rd-to-last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidmar21 : Was child born while respondent was married to 3rd-to-last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidagegp21 : Current age group of biological child with 3rd-to-last partner - 1st child [Computed]
kidliv21 : Whether respondent was living with 3rd-to-last partner at the time of child's birth - 1st child [Computed]
kidhh21 : Whether child with 3rd-to-last partner lives in household - 1st child [Computed]
PXCXMARB21 : Were you married to (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES21 : Were you living together with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW21 : When did you find out that (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV201 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
PXCXLIV202 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [2ND MENTIONED]
PXCXAGE21 : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW21 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP21 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER21 : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR21 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT21 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (Right before she became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have another child at some time in the future?) (1ST BIO CHILD)
PXSOON21 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG21 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
cmchdob52 : Century Month of date of birth for 2nd child w/3rd-to-last partner [Computed]
kidage22 : Current age of biological child with 3rd-to-last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidmar22 : Was child born while respondent was married to 3rd-to-last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidagegp22 : Current age group of biological child with 3rd-to-last partner - 2nd child [Computed]
kidliv22 : Whether respondent was living with 3rd-to-last partner at the time of child's birth - 2nd child [Computed]
kidhh22 : Whether child with 3rd-to-last partner lives in household - 2nd child [Computed]
PXCXRES22 : Were you living together with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW22 : When did you find out that (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV211 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
PXCXLAW22 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP22 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXFAR22 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT22 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXHPYPG22 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD)
PXCPREG : Is (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) pregnant with your child now?
PXTRYING : Are you and (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) currently trying to get pregnant?
PTRYLONG : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (LAST PARTNER)
PXRWANT : Please look at Card 58. Right before (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
PXRSOON : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (CURRENT PREG WITH LAST PARTNER)
PXCPFEEL : Please look the scale on Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about this pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about this pregnancy. Please tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant this time. (CURRENT PREG)
PXCPREG2 : Is (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) pregnant with your child now?
PXTRYING2 : Are you and (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) currently trying to get pregnant?
PTRYLONG2 : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXRWANT2 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
PXRSOON2 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (CURRENT PREG WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCPFEEL2 : Please look the scale on Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about this pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about this pregnancy. Please tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant this time. (CURRENT PREG)
PXCPREG3 : Is (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) pregnant with your child now?
PXTRYING3 : Are you and (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) currently trying to get pregnant?
PTRYLONG3 : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXRWANT3 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
PXRSOON3 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (CURRENT PREG WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCPFEEL3 : Please look the scale on Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about this pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about this pregnancy. Please tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (3RD-TO-LAST ARTNER'S NAME) was pregnant this time. (CURRENT PREG)
PXOTKID : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (LAST PARTNER'S NAME) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did she have any children?
PXOKNUM : How many children did she have? (LAST PARTNER)
PXOKAD : Did you legally adopt (this child/any of these children)? (LAST PARTNER)
PXOKADN : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (LAST PARTNER)
akidhh41 : Whether child of last partner respondent adopted lives in household - 1st child [Computed]
akidage41 : Current age of last partner's child respondent adopted - 1st child [Computed]
akidagegp41 : Current age group of last partner's child respondent adopted - 1st child [Computed]
PXOKSEX : ((Thinking now of (1ST CHILD OF LAST PARTNER ADOPTED BY R), is / Is) this child male or female?)
PXOKLIV1 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? [1ST CHILD OF LAST PARTNER ADOPTED BY R; 1st MENTIONED]
PXOKLIV2 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? [1ST CHILD OF LAST PARTNER ADOPTED BY R; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXOKFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST CHILD OF LAST PARTNER ADOPTED BY R) live?
PXOTKID2 : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did she have any children?
PXOKNUM2 : How many children did she have? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKAD2 : Did you legally adopt (this child/any of these children)? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOTKID3 : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER'S NAME), did she have any children?
PXOKNUM3 : How many children did she have? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKAD3 : Did you legally adopt (this/any of these) children? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBEVR : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your (wife/partner) ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBNUM : How many children? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBREL : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBRL : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBFOS : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBAD : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBADN : How many children did you legally adopt? (LAST PARTNER)
PXNBXSEX : ((Thinking now of (1ST NON-BIO ADOPTED CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER), is /Is) this child male or female?)
PXNBLIV1 : Please look at Card 62. Where does (1ST NON-BIO ADOPTED CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1ST MENTIONED]
akidhh51 : Whether other nonbiological child respondent adopted with last partner lives in household-1st child (COMPUTED)
akidage51 : Age of other nonbiological child respondent adopted with last partner - 1st child (COMPUTED)
akidagegp51 : Age group of other nonbiological child respondent adopted with last partner - 1st child (COMPUTED)
PXNBFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST NON-BIO ADOPTED CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) live?
PXNBXSEX2 : ((Thinking now of (2ND NON-BIO ADOPTED CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER), is /Is) this child male or female?)
PXNBLIV9 : Please look at Card 62. Where does (2ND NON-BIO ADOPTED CHILD WITH LAST PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
akidhh52 : Whether other nonbiological child respondent adopted with last partner lives in household-2nd child (COMPUTED)
akidage52 : Age of other nonbiological child respondent adopted with last partner - 2nd child (COMPUTED)
akidagegp52 : Age group of other nonbiological child respondent adopted with last partner - 2nd child (COMPUTED)
d_okakids : Number of last partner's children adopted by respondent [Computed]
d_nbakids : Number of other nonbio children adopted by respondent with last partner [Computed]
PXNBEVR2 : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your (wife/partner) ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBNUM2 : How many children? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBREL2 : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBRL2 : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBFOS2 : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBAD2 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
d_nbakids2 : Number of other nonbio children adopted by respondent with 2nd-to-last partner [Computed]
PXNBEVR3 : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your (wife/partner) ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBNUM3 : How many children? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBREL3 : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBRL3 : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBFOS3 : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXNBAD3 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
d_nbakids3 : Number of other nonbiological children adopted by respondent w/3rd-to-last sexual partner [Computed]
fstsexage : Age at first sexual intercourse (based on CMFSTSEX) [Computed]
FPAGE18 : Were you less than 18 or were you 18 years old or older? (1ST SEXUAL PARTNER)
FPAGE15 : Were you less than 15 or were you 15 years old or older? (1ST SEXUAL PARTNER)
FPAGE20 : Were you less than 20 or were you 20 years old or older? (1ST SEXUAL PARTNER)
FPPAGE : How old was (FIRST SEXUAL PARTNER'S NAME) when you had sexual intercourse with her that first time?
FPRLTN : Please look at Card 44. At the time you first had sexual intercourse with (FIRST SEXUAL PARTNER'S NAME/your first partner), how would you describe your relationship with her?
FPUSE : Please look at Card 45. That first time that you had sexual intercourse with (FIRST SEXUAL PARTNER'S NAME), did you or she use any methods to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease?
FPMETH01 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [1ST SEXUAL PARTNER; 1ST MENTIONED]
FPMETH02 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [1ST SEXUAL PARTNER; 2ND MENTIONED]
FPMETH03 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [1ST SEXUAL PARTNER; 3RD MENTIONED]
FPMETH04 : Still looking at Card 45, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [1ST SEXUAL PARTNER; 4TH MENTIONED]
FPPROBE : That first time, could (FIRST SEXUAL PARTNER'S NAME) have used a method that you didn't know about?
ESSURE : Have you ever had a tubal sterilization procedure called "Essure"? This is not generally considered an operation, but it makes it impossible for you to have a baby.
sterclin : Whether R had a sterilizing operation or procedure at a "clinic" site within last year (Computed in Flow Check D-13)
DFNLSTRM : As far as you know, is he completely sterile from this operation, that is, does it make it impossible for him to father a baby in the future?
DATFEMOP_M : When did you have your tubal sterilization? (MONTH)
DATFEMOP_Y : When did you have your tubal sterilization? (YEAR)
PAYRSTER4 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (4th MENTION FOR TUBAL STERILIZATION)
DATFEMOP_M2 : When did you have your hysterectomy? (MONTH)
DATFEMOP_Y2 : When did you have your hysterectomy? (YEAR)
PAYRSTER8 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (3rd MENTION FOR HYSTERECTOMY)
PAYRSTER9 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (4th MENTION FOR HYSTERECTOMY)
DATFEMOP_M3 : When did you have your ovaries removed? (MONTH)
DATFEMOP_Y3 : When did you have your ovaries removed? (YEAR)
PAYRSTER13 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (3rd MENTION FOR OVARY REMOVAL)
PAYRSTER14 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (4th MENTION FOR OVARY REMOVAL)
FMEDREAS17 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your ovaries removed? (5th MENTION)
DATFEMOP_M4 : When did you have your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (MONTH)
DATFEMOP_Y4 : When did you have your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (YEAR)
PAYRSTER18 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (3rd MENTION FOR OTHER FEMALE OPERATION)
PAYRSTER19 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for this operation was paid. (4th MENTION FOR OTHER FEMALE OPERATION)
FMEDREAS23 : Please look at Card 26. Did you have any of these medical reasons for having your operation that made it impossible for you to have a baby? (5th MENTION)
OPERSAME1 : Did you have the tubal sterilization and hysterectomy in the same operation in [M/Y OF TUBAL STERILIZATION], or were these separate operations?
DATEOPMN_M : When did [NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER] have his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)? (MONTH)
DATEOPMN_Y : When did [NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER] have his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)? (YEAR)
MEDREAS3 : Please look at Card 27. Did he have any of these medical reasons for having his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)? (3rd MENTION)
MEDREAS4 : Please look at Card 27. Did he have any of these medical reasons for having his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation)? (4th MENTION)
DATRVSTB_M : In what month and year did you have your tubal sterilization reversed? (MONTH)
DATRVSTB_Y : In what month and year did you have your tubal sterilization reversed? (YEAR)
DATRVVEX_M : In what month and year did [NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER] have the reversal? (MONTH)
DATRVVEX_Y : In what month and year did [NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER] have the reversal? (YEAR)
MARDATEN_M : In what month and year were you and she married? (Month) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
MARDATEN_Y : (In what month and year were you and she married?) (Year) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_M : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (Month) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_Y : (In what month and year did you and she first start living together?) (Year) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
WIFEDIED_M : In what month and year did [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] die? (Month)
WIFEDIED_Y : (In what month and year did [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] die?) (Year)
DIVORFIN_M : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (Month) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
DIVORFIN_Y : (In what month and year did your divorce become final?) (Year) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
ANNULLED_M : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (Month) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
ANNULLED_Y : (In what month and year did your annulment take place?) (Year) (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
cmannp : Century Month of date when marriage with former wife was annulled (MOST RECENT PARTNER) (Computed in Flow Check D-12)
STOPLIVE_M : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] last stop living together? (Month)
STOPLIVE_Y : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] last stop living together?) (YEAR)
MARDATEN_M2 : In what month and year were you and she married? (Month) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
MARDATEN_Y2 : (In what month and year were you and she married?) (Year) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_M2 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (Month) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_Y2 : (In what month and year did you and she first start living together?) (Year) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
WIFEDIED_M2 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] die? (Month)
WIFEDIED_Y2 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] die?) (Year)
cmwidp2 : Century Month of date when former wife died (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) (Computed in Flow Check D-10)
DIVORFIN_M2 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (Month) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
DIVORFIN_Y2 : (In what month and year did your divorce become final?) (Year) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
ANNULLED_M2 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (Month) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
ANNULLED_Y2 : (In what month and year did your annulment take place?) (Year) (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
cmannp2 : Century Month of date when marriage with former wife was annulled (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) (Computed in Flow Check D-12)
STOPLIVE_M2 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] last stop living together? (Month)
STOPLIVE_Y2 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] last stop living together?) (Year)
MARDATEN_M3 : In what month and year were you and she married? (Month) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
MARDATEN_Y3 : (In what month and year were you and she married?) (Year) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_M3 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (Month) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_Y3 : (In what month and year did you and she first start living together?) (Year) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
WIFEDIED_M3 : In what month and year did [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] die? (Month)
WIFEDIED_Y3 : (In what month and year did [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] die?) (Year)
DIVORFIN_M3 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (Month) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
DIVORFIN_Y3 : (In what month year did your divorce become final?) (Year) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
ANNULLED_M3 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (Month) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
ANNULLED_Y3 : (In what month and year did your annulment take place?) (Year) (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
cmannp3 : Century Month of date when marriage with former wife was annulled (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) (Computed in Flow Check D-12)
STOPLIVE_M3 : In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] last stop living together? (Month)
STOPLIVE_Y3 : (In what month and year did you and [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] last stop living together?) (Year)
DKPXLPUSE : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew? (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXLPMETH01 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [MOST RECENT PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH02 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [MOST RECENT PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH03 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [MOST RECENT PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH04 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [MOST RECENT PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
DKPXLPMETH : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew? (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXLMETH15 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLMETH16 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXLMETH17 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
DKPXLPUSE2 : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew? (2nd-to-last partner)
PXLPMETH12 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH13 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH14 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
DKPXLPMETH2 : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew? (2nd-to-last partner)
PXLMETH27 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXLMETH28 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLMETH29 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXLMETH30 : Looking at Card 45b, [that time / that last time], what methods did you and she use? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
DKPXLPUSE3 : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew? (3rd-to-last partner)
PXLPMETH23 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH24 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH25 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH26 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
DKPXLPMETH3 : Is it that you don't recall right now, or that you never knew? (3rd-to-last partner)
cmdobp : Century Month of date of birth of recent partner (MOST RECENT PARTNER) [Computed in Flow Check D-24b]
cmdobp2 : Century Month of date of birth of recent partner (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) [Computed in Flow Check D-24b]
cmdobp3 : Century Month of date of birth of recent partner (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) [Computed in Flow Check D-24b]
PXSXFRST_M : Now I have some questions about the very first time that you had sexual intercourse with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER]. That very first time, in what month and year was that? (MONTH)
PXSXFRST_Y : (That very first time, in what month and year was that?) (YEAR) [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER]
PXSXFRST_M2 : Now I have some questions about the very first time that you had sexual intercourse with [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER]. That very first time, in what month and year was that? (MONTH)
PXSXFRST_Y2 : (That very first time, in what month and year was that?) (YEAR) [2ND-TO-LAST- PARTNER]
PXFMETH16 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXFMETH17 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXSXFRST_M3 : Now I have some questions about the very first time that you had sexual intercourse with [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER]. That very first time, in what month and year was that? (MONTH)
PXSXFRST_Y3 : (That very first time, in what month and year was that?) (YEAR) [3RD-TO-LAST- PARTNER]
PXFMETH27 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXFMETH28 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXFMETH29 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD17 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD27 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD28 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD29 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 3rd MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD30 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXCXBORN_M : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob11 : Century month of date of birth for 1st child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
MULTBIRT11 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXCXBORN_M2 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y2 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob12 : Century month of date of birth for 2nd child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
PXCXMARB2 : Were you married to [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXCXAGE2 : How old is (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXBORN_M3 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y3 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob13 : Century month of date of birth for 3rd child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
PXCXMARB3 : Were you married to [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXCXAGE3 : How old is (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXBORN_M4 : In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y4 : In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob14 : Century month of date of birth for 4th child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
MULTBIRT14 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXCXMARB4 : Were you married to [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (4th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES4 : Were you living together with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV32 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE4 : How old is (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW4 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP4 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER4 : Did you ever live with (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)?
PXCXBORN_M5 : In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y5 : In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob15 : Century month of date of birth for 5th child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
MULTBIRT15 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXCXMARB5 : Were you married to [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES5 : Were you living together with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW5 : When did you find out that [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV41 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV42 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE5 : How old is (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW5 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP5 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER5 : Did you ever live with (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR5 : About how many miles away from here does (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) live?
PXWANT5 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (5th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON5 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXHPYPG5 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that [LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (5th BIO CHILD)
PXCXBORN_M6 : In what month and year was (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y6 : In what month and year was (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob16 : Century month of date of birth for 6th child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
MULTBIRT16 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXCXMARB6 : Were you married to [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (6th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES6 : Were you living together with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (6TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW6 : When did you find out that [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (6TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV51 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV52 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE6 : How old is (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW6 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP6 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER6 : Did you ever live with (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR6 : About how many miles away from here does (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) live?
PXWANT6 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (6th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON6 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (6th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXHPYPG6 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that [LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (6th BIO CHILD)
PXCXBORN_M7 : In what month and year was (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y7 : In what month and year was (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob17 : Century month of date of birth for 7th child with most recent partner [Computed in Flow Check D-36]
MULTBIRT17 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXCXMARB7 : Were you married to [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (7th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES7 : Were you living together with [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (7TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW7 : When did you find out that [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (7TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV61 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV62 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE7 : How old is (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW7 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP7 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER7 : Did you ever live with (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR7 : About how many miles away from here does (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) live?
PXWANT7 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF MOST RECENT PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (7th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON7 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (7th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXHPYPG7 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that [LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (7th BIO CHILD)
PXCXBORN_M11 : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y11 : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT21 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB11 : Were you married to [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
PXCXBORN_M12 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y12 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
PXCXMARB12 : Were you married to [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV112 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXBORN_M13 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y13 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT23 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB13 : Were you married to [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV122 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE13 : How old is (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXEVER13 : Did you ever live with (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXBORN_M14 : In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y14 : In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT24 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB14 : Were you married to [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (4th BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV132 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE14 : How old is (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXEVER14 : Did you ever live with (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXSEX15 : Is (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) male or female?
PXCXBORN_M15 : In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y15 : In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT25 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB15 : Were you married to [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES15 : Were you living together with [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW15 : When did you find out that [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV141 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV142 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE15 : How old is (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW15 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP15 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER15 : Did you ever live with (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR15 : About how many miles away from here does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT15 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (5th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON15 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG15 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (5th BIO CHILD)
PXCXBORN_M21 : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y21 : In what month and year was (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT31 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXBORN_M22 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y22 : In what month and year was (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT32 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB22 : Were you married to [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV212 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE22 : How old is (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXEVER22 : Did you ever live with (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXSOON22 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXSEX23 : Is (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) male or female?
PXCXBORN_M23 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (MONTH)
PXCXBORN_Y23 : In what month and year was (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT33 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB23 : Were you married to [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES23 : Were you living together with [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW23 : When did you find out that [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3RD BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV221 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV222 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE23 : How old is (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXLAW23 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
PXCXHOP23 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) was born?
PXCXEVER23 : Did you ever live with (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR23 : About how many miles away from here does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT23 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXSOON23 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXHPYPG23 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that your [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (3rd BIO CHILD)
PXTRYLONG : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXTRYLONG2 : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXTRYLONG3 : How long have you and she been trying to get pregnant? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKWTH : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXOKWTHN : How many of these children lived with you? (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXOKADP1 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (MOST RECENT PARTNER)
PXOKSEX2 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV9 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKLIV10 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR2 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE2 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX3 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV17 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKLIV18 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR3 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE3 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX4 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV25 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKLIV26 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR4 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE4 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKADP2 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKADN2 : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKWTH2 : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKWTHN2 : How many of these children lived with you? (2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKSEX11 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV81 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR11 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE11 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX12 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV89 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR12 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE12 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX13 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV97 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR13 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE13 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX14 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV105 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR14 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE14 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
d_okakids2 : Number of 2nd-to-last partner's children adopted by respondent (Computed in Flow Check D-47)
PXOKADP3 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKADN3 : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKWTH3 : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKWTHN3 : How many of these children lived with you? (3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXOKSEX21 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV161 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR21 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE21 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX22 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV169 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR22 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE22 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
PXOKSEX23 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV177 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR23 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKAGE23 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
d_okakids3 : Number of 3rd-to-last partner's children adopted by respondent (Computed in Flow Check D-47)
PXNBSEX : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER), is) this child male or female?
PXNBSEX2 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER), is) this child male or female?
PXNBFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER) live?
FPFIRST_M : The next section is about your first sexual experience with a female. Please think back to the very first time in your life that you ever had sexual intercourse with a female. In what month and year was that? (MONTH)
FPFIRST_Y : (Please think back to the very first time in your life that you ever had sexual intercourse with a female. In what month and year was that?) (YEAR)
rfsxagegp : Respondent's estimated age at first sexual intercourse (if age unknown, otherwise this is 0) [Computed in Flow Check D-61]
anytubal : Whether R has ever had a tubal sterilization, regardless of reversal (Computed in Flow Check D-5)
hyst : R is surgically sterile at interview due to hysterectomy (Computed in Flow Check D-5)
ovarem : R is surgically sterile at interview due to ovary removal (Computed in Flow Check D-5)
othr : R is surgically sterile at interview due to other female operation (Computed in Flow Check D-5)
anyvas : R's current H/P ever had a vasectomy, regardless of later reversal (Computed in Flow Check D-7)
othrm : R's current husband or cohabiting partner ever had any other sterilizing operation (computed in Flow check D-7)
VASJAN4YR : DB-8b : Did he have his (vasectomy/sterilizing operation) since [cmjan4yr_fill]?
tubs : R is surgically sterile at interview due to tubal sterilization, either unreversed or reversal failure (Computed in Flow Check D-22)
vasect : R's current H/P surgically sterile at interview due to vasectomy, either unreversed or reversal failure (Computed in Flow Check D-22)
pxcurrprt : Whether most recent partner is current or not (Computed in Flow Check D-14)
pxcurrprt2 : Whether 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER is current or not (Computed in Flow Check D-14)
pxcurrprt3 : Whether 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER is current or not (Computed in Flow Check D-14)
PXLPMETH21 : DD-8 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 1st MENTIONED]
PXLPMETH22 : DD-8 : Looking at Card 47b, [that time / that last time], what methods did she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 2nd MENTIONED]
PXFMETH30 : DF-5 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 4th MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD18 : DG-2 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER; 5th MENTIONED]
PXMETHOD31 : DG-2 : Please look at Card 45b. Including any methods you may have already told me about and methods you may have used only once, during the past 12 months, which of these methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER; 5th MENTIONED]
PXCXLIV03 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV13 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG2 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT2 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN2 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV23 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG3 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT3 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN3 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV33 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG4 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT4 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN4 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV103 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG11 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT11 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN11 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV113 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG12 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT12 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN12 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV123 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG13 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT13 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN13 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV133 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG14 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT14 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN14 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV143 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG15 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT15 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN15 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5th BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV203 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG21 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT21 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN21 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXLIV213 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXCXSIG22 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT22 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN22 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXOKSEX5 : DJ-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV33 : DJ-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR5 : DJ-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKSEX6 : DJ-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKLIV41 : DJ-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR6 : DJ-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXOKSEX24 : DJ-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKAD24 : DJ-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
PXOKLIV185 : DJ-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR24 : DJ-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXNBLIV17 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR3 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] live?
PXNBREL4 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS4 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV25 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR4 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] live?
PXNBREL5 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS5 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV33 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR5 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] live?
PXNBREL11 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS11 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV81 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR11 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] live?
PXCXSIG5 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT5 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN5 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXSIG23 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT23 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN23 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXOKSEX15 : DJ-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKAD15 : DJ-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
PXOKLIV113 : DJ-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
PXOKFAR15 : DJ-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
PXNBREL12 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS12 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV89 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR12 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] live?
PXSOONN : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIOCHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN2 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY2 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN3 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY3 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN4 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY4 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN11 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY11 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN12 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY12 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN13 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY13 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN14 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY14 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN21 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY21 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN22 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY22 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXSOONN23 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY23 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXCXSEX24 : DH-5 : Is (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) male or female?
PXCXBORN_Y24 : DH-6y : In what month and year was (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT34 : DH-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB24 : DH-8 : Were you married to [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (4th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES24 : DH-9 : Were you living together with [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW24 : DH-10 : When did you find out that [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV231 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV232 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE24 : DH-12 : How old is (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXSIG24 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT24 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN24 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXEVER24 : DH-15 : Did you ever live with (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR24 : DH-16 : About how many miles away from here does (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT24 : DH-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (4th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON24 : DH-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXSOONN24 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY24 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXHPYPG24 : DH-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how youfelt when you found out that your [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (4th BIO CHILD)
PXCXSEX25 : DH-5 : Is (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) male or female?
PXCXBORN_Y25 : DH-6y : In what month and year was (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT35 : DH-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD)'s. Was this a multiple birth? (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXCXMARB25 : DH-8 : Were you married to [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5th BIO CHILD)
PXCXRES25 : DH-9 : Were you living together with [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] at the time of the birth? (5TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXKNOW25 : DH-10 : When did you find out that [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5TH BIO CHILD)
PXCXLIV241 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXCXLIV242 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXCXAGE25 : DH-12 : How old is (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
PXCXSIG25 : DH-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXCRT25 : DH-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s legal father?
PXCXGEN25 : DH-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)'s father?
PXCXEVER25 : DH-15 : Did you ever live with (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)?
PXCXFAR25 : DH-16 : About how many miles away from here does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) live?
PXWANT25 : DH-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before [NAME OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (5th BIO CHILD)
PXSOON25 : DH-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
PXSOONN25 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY25 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXHPYPG25 : DH-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how youfelt when you found out that your [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] was pregnant this time. (5th BIO CHILD)
PXRSOONN : DI-5a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (CURRENT PREGNANCY WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXRSOONMY : DI-5b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (CURRENT PREGNANCY WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXRSOONN2 : DI-5a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (CURRENT PREGNANCY WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXRSOONMY2 : DI-5b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (CURRENT PREGNANCY WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXRSOONN3 : DI-5a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (CURRENT PREGNANCY WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXRSOONMY3 : DI-5b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (CURRENT PREGNANCY WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXOKSEX25 : DJ-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
PXOKAD25 : DJ-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
PXNBLIV2 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV10 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV18 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBREL13 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS13 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBREL14 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS14 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBREL15 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS15 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBREL16 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS16 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 6TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBREL17 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS17 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 7TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBREL18 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS18 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 8TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
LASTPER : DF-6 : How long ago did your last period start?
TRYPREG12 : DF-7 : At any point within the past 12 months, were you trying to get pregnant?
PXLATEN : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st bio child with most recent partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st bio child with most recent partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN2 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd bio child with most recent partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY2 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd bio child with most recent partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN3 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd bio child with most recent partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY3 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd bio child with most recent partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN4 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th bio child with most recent partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY4 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th bio child with most recent partner) (unit- months or years)
PXCXLIV43 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER] usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXSOONN5 : DH-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENT PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
PXSOONMY5 : DH-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH MOST RECENTPARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
PXLATEN5 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th bio child with most recent partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY5 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th bio child with most recent partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN11 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY11 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN12 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY12 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN13 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY13 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN14 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY14 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th bio child with 2nd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN21 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY21 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXLATEN22 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY22 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXCXLIV223 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXLATEN23 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY23 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXCXLIV233 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXLATEN24 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY24 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXCXLIV243 : DH-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5th BIO CHILD WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER) usually live now? (3rd MENTIONED)
PXLATEN25 : DH-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (number of months/years)
PXLATEMY25 : DH-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th bio child with 3rd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXRLATEN : DI-5c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (current pregnancy with most recent partner) (number of months or years)
PXRLATEMY : DI-5d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (current pregnancy with most recent partner) (unit- months or years)
PXRLATEN2 : DI-5c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (current pregnancy with 2nd-to-last partner) (number of months or years)
PXRLATEMY2 : DI-5d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (current pregnancy with 2nd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXRLATEN3 : DI-5c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (current pregnancy with 3rd-to-last partner) (number of months or years)
PXRLATEMY3 : DI-5d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (current pregnancy with 3rd-to-last partner) (unit- months or years)
PXOKLIV34 : DJ-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV82 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV90 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBREL21 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS21 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV161 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV162 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR21 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] live?
PXNBREL22 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS22 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV169 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV170 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR22 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] live?
PXNBREL23 : DK-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER], when) [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] began living with you was he or she the child of a relative by blood or marriage?
PXNBFOS23 : DK-5 : Was [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
PXNBLIV177 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
PXNBLIV178 : DK-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
PXNBFAR23 : DK-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER] live?
FPMETH05 : DL-12 : Looking at Card 45b, that first time, what methods did you and she use to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease? (5th MENTIONED)
PILL : Have you ever used birth control pills?
CONDOM : Have you ever used condoms or rubbers with a partner?
VASECTMY : Have you ever had sex with a partner who had a vasectomy?
WIDRAWAL : Have you ever had sex with a partner who used withdrawal or "pulling out"?
DEPOPROV : (Have you ever used) Depo-Provera or injectables (or shots)?
NORPLANT : (Have you ever used) Norplant (implants)?
RHYTHM : Have you ever used rhythm or safe period by calendar to prevent pregnancy?
TEMPSAFE : (Have you ever used) Natural family planning or safe period by temperature or cervical mucus test to prevent pregnancy?
MORNPILL : (Have you ever used) "Morning after" pills or Emergency Contraception?
ECTIMESX : How many different times have you used emergency contraception?
ECREASON1 : Did you use emergency contraception because you were worried your birth control method would not work, you didn't use birth control that time, or for some other reason?
ECREASON2 : Did you use emergency contraception because you were worried your birth control method would not work, you didn't use birth control that time, or for some other reason?
DIAFRAGM : (Have you ever used) a diaphragm with or without jelly or cream?
WOCONDOM : (Have you ever used) Female condoms or vaginal pouches?
FOAMALON : (Have you ever used) Foam?
JELCRMAL : (Have you ever used) Jelly or cream (other than with a diaphragm)?
CERVLCAP : (Have you ever used) A Cervical cap?
SUPPOSIT : (Have you ever used) A Suppository or an insert?
TODAYSPG : (Have you ever used) The TodayTM sponge?
IUD : (Have you ever used) An IUD, coil, or loop?
LUNELLE : (Have you ever used) Lunelle, a once-a-month injection?
PATCH : (Have you ever used) The contraceptive patch?
OTHRMETH : Have you used any other methods?
newmeth : Code for other method specified in EA-20
everused : R ever used any method (from EA series and sterilization from Sect D) (computed)
METHDISS : Some people try a method and then don't use it again, or stop using it, because they are not satisfied with the method. Did you ever stop using a method because you were not satisfied with it in some way?
METHSTOP01 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied?
METHSTOP02 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied? (2nd mention)
METHSTOP03 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied?(3rd mention)
METHSTOP04 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied? (4th mention)
METHSTOP05 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied? (5th mention)
METHSTOP06 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied? (6th mention)
METHSTOP07 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied?(7th mention)
METHSTOP08 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied? (8th mention)
METHSTOP09 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied?(9th mention)
METHSTOP10 : Please look at Card 31. What method or methods did you stop because you were not satisfied?(10th mention)
REASDISS101 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 1st reason)
REASDISS102 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 2nd reason)
REASDISS103 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 3rd reason)
REASDISS104 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 4th reason)
REASDISS105 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 5th reason)
REASDISS106 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 6th reason)
REASDISS107 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 7th reason)
REASDISS108 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 8th reason)
REASDISS109 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 9th reason)
REASDISS110 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (1st method, 10th reason)
REASDISS201 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 1st reason)
REASDISS202 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 2nd reason)
REASDISS203 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 3rd reason)
REASDISS204 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 4th reason)
REASDISS205 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 5th reason)
REASDISS206 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 6th reason)
REASDISS207 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 7th reason)
REASDISS208 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 8th reason)
REASDISS209 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 9th reason)
REASDISS210 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 10th reason)
REASDISS211 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 11th reason)
REASDISS212 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 12th reason)
REASDISS213 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 13th reason)
REASDISS214 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (2nd method, 14th reason)
REASDISS301 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (3rd method, 1st reason)
REASDISS302 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (3rd method, 2nd reason)
REASDISS303 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (3rd method, 3rd reason)
REASDISS304 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (3rd method, 4th reason)
REASDISS305 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (3rd method, 5th reason)
REASDISS401 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with [the Pill/the condom/Norplant/Depo-Provera]? (4th method, 1st reason)
numdiss : Total number of responses to EA-20 METHSTOP that equal pill, condom, depo-provera, or Norplant (computed)
FIRSMETH01 : The very first time you ever used a birth control method, which method on Card 33 did you use? If you used more than one method that first time, please tell me about each one. For example, a woman's partner might use a condom and she might use the pill on the same occasion. (1st mention)
FIRSMETH02 : The very first time you ever used a birth control method, which method on Card 33 did you use? If you used more than one method that first time, please tell me about each one. For example, a woman's partner might use a condom and she might use the pill on the same occasion. (2nd mention)
FIRSMETH03 : The very first time you ever used a birth control method, which method on Card 33 did you use? If you used more than one method that first time, please tell me about each one. For example, a woman's partner might use a condom and she might use the pill on the same occasion. (3rd mention)
FIRSMETH04 : The very first time you ever used a birth control method, which method on Card 33 did you use? If you used more than one method that first time, please tell me about each one. For example, a woman's partner might use a condom and she might use the pill on the same occasion. (4th mention)
numfirsm : total number of responses in EB-1 FIRSMETH (computed)
numfirsm1 : total number of responses in EB-1 FIRSMETH (prescription methods)
numfirsm2 : total number of responses in EB-1 FIRSMETH (non-prescription methods)(computed)
drugdev : Yes if 1st method was drug or device, no otherwise (computed)
FIRSTIME1 : Please look at Card 34. Thinking again of the very first time you ever used a method of birth control, when was it? Was it the first time you had intercourse, less than a month after your first intercourse, one to three months after your first intercourse, four to twelve months after your first intercourse, or more than twelve months after your first intercourse?
FIRSTIME2 : Please look at Card 34. Thinking again of the very first time you ever used a method of birth control, when was it? Was it before your first intercourse, the first time you had intercourse, less than a month after your first intercourse, one to three months after your first intercourse, four to twelve months after your first intercourse, or more than twelve months after your first intercourse?
NOMETH : Including your first sex, how many times did you have sexual intercourse before you used a method of birth control?
cmfstuse : Date (century month) of first method use - partial universe (computed) (Now, please look at your calendar, and tell me in what month and year you first used a method (for any reason).
cmfirsm : Date (century month) of first method use - total universe (computed)
AGEFSTUS : How old were you the first time you used a method for any reason?
PLACGOTF1 : Please look at Card 36. Where did you get the [FIRST METHOD USED] (1st non-prescription method mentioned)?
PLACGOTF2 : Please look at Card 36. Where did you get the [FIRST METHOD USED] (2nd non-prescription method mentioned)?
PLACGOTF9 : Please look at Card 36. Where did you get the [FIRST METHOD USED]? (1st prescription method mentioned)?
PLACGOTF10 : Please look at Card 36. Where did you get the [FIRST METHOD USED]? (2nd prescription method mentioned)?
USEFRSTS : Did you use any birth control method the first time you had intercourse?
usefstsx : Whether R used a method at first sex - total universe (computed)
NOMETH2 : Including your first sex, how many times did you have sexual intercourse before you used a method of birth control during sexual intercourse?
MTHFRSTS01 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. (1st mention)
MTHFRSTS02 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. (2nd mention)
MTHFRSTS03 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. (3rd mention)
MTHFRSTS04 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. (4th mention)
mthfstsx01 : Method used at first sex - total universe (1st mention)(computed)
mthfstsx02 : Method used at first sex - total universe (2nd mention)(computed)
mthfstsx03 : Method used at first sex - total universe (3rd mention)(computed)
mthfstsx04 : Method used at first sex - total universe (4th mention)(computed)
mthfstsx05 : Method used at first sex - total universe (5th mention)(computed)
INTR_EC3 : Many women have times when they are not having intercourse at all, for example, because of pregnancy, separation, not dating anyone, illness, or other reasons. I'd like to know the months since (the first time you had intercourse, which was in [DATE OF FIRST SEX]/ January, 1998) that you did not have intercourse at all for the entire month. First, let's make sure you have other information on your calendar. Since ([DATE OF FIRST SEX]/January 1998), have there been any times when you were not having intercourse at all for one month or more?
MONSX1177 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) January 1998 (computed)
MONSX1178 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) February 1998 (computed)
MONSX1179 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) March 1998 (computed)
MONSX1180 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) April 1998 (computed)
MONSX1181 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) May 1998 (computed)
MONSX1182 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) June 1998 (computed)
MONSX1183 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) July 1998 (computed)
MONSX1184 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) August 1998 (computed)
MONSX1185 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) September 1998 (computed)
MONSX1186 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) October 1998 (computed)
MONSX1187 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) November 1998 (computed)
MONSX1188 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) December 1998 (computed)
MONSX1189 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) January 1999 (computed)
MONSX1190 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) February 1999 (computed)
MONSX1191 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) March 1999 (computed)
MONSX1192 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) April 1999 (computed)
MONSX1193 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) May 1999 (computed)
MONSX1194 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) June 1999 (computed)
MONSX1195 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) July 1999 (computed)
MONSX1196 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) August 1999 (computed)
MONSX1197 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) September 1999 (computed)
MONSX1198 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) October 1999 (computed)
MONSX1199 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) November 1999 (computed)
MONSX1200 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) December 1999 (computed)
MONSX1201 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) January 2000 (computed)
MONSX1202 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) February 2000 (computed)
MONSX1203 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) March 2000 (computed)
MONSX1204 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) April 2000 (computed)
MONSX1205 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) May 2000 (computed)
MONSX1206 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) June 2000 (computed)
MONSX1207 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) July 2000 (computed)
MONSX1208 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) August 2000 (computed)
MONSX1209 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) September 2000 (computed)
MONSX1210 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) October 2000 (computed)
MONSX1211 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) November 2000 (computed)
MONSX1212 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) December 2000 (computed)
MONSX1213 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) January 2001 (computed)
MONSX1214 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) February 2001 (computed)
MONSX1215 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) March 2001 (computed)
MONSX1216 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) April 2001 (computed)
MONSX1217 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) May 2001 (computed)
MONSX1218 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) June 2001 (computed)
MONSX1219 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) July 2001 (computed)
MONSX1220 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) August 2001 (computed)
MONSX1221 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) September 2001 (computed)
MONSX1222 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) October 2001 (computed)
MONSX1223 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) November 2001 (computed)
MONSX1224 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) December 2001 (computed)
MONSX1225 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) January 2002 (computed)
MONSX1226 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) February 2002 (computed)
MONSX1227 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) March 2002 (computed)
MONSX1228 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) April 2002 (computed)
MONSX1229 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) May 2002 (computed)
MONSX1230 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) June 2002 (computed)
MONSX1231 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) July 2002 (computed)
MONSX1232 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) August 2002 (computed)
MONSX1233 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) September 2002 (computed)
MONSX1234 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) October 2002 (computed)
MONSX1235 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) November 2002 (computed)
MONSX1236 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) December 2002 (computed)
MONSX1237 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) January 2003 (computed)
MONSX1238 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) February 2003 (computed)
MONSX1239 : (Now I need to enter those months into the computer. Would you prefer that I look at your calendar, or would you rather tell me the months? If Respondent is reading the months: Please tell me the months that you had intercourse, starting with [January 1998/DATE OF FIRST SEX].) March 2003 (computed)
cmstrtmc : Century month for date of starting month of method calendar (computed)
cmendmc : Century month for date of ending month of method calendar(computed)
CMDATBGN : Date (century month) began using method/method combination (computed) When did you start using (this method/that method combination)? If you used (this method/that method combination) on and off prior to (DATE OF START OF CALENDAR), please tell me when you started using the method (combination) most recently prior to (DATE OF START OF CALENDAR). (If you used the methods at different times during that month, please tell me when you started using the pill most recently before (DATE OF START OF CALENDAR).)
SIMSEQ : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX01 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX02 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX03 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX04 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX26 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX27 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX28 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX29 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX51 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX52 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX53 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 1999)
MTHUSIMX54 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan 1999)
nummult : Number of methods reported in Jan 1999 (computed)
SAMEAllYear2 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (February 1999)
SIMSEQ2 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (February 1999)
MTHUSIMX101 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX102 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX103 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX104 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX126 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX127 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX128 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX129 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb 1999)
MTHUSIMX151 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb. 1999)
MTHUSIMX152 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb. 1999)
MTHUSIMX153 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb. 1999)
MTHUSIMX154 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb. 1999)
nummult2 : Number of Methods Reported in (Feb 1999) (Computed)
SAMEAllYear3 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (March 1999)
SIMSEQ3 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (March 1999)
MTHUSIMX201 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Mar 1999)
MTHUSIMX202 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Mar 1999)
MTHUSIMX203 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Mar 1999)
MTHUSIMX204 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Mar 1999)
MTHUSIMX226 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX227 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX228 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX229 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX251 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX252 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX253 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - March 1999)
MTHUSIMX254 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - March 1999)
nummult3 : Number of methods reported in Mar 1999 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear4 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (April 1999)
SIMSEQ4 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (April 1999)
MTHUSIMX301 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - April 1999
MTHUSIMX302 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX303 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX304 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX326 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX327 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX328 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX329 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX351 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX352 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX353 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - April 1999)
MTHUSIMX354 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - April 1999)
nummult4 : Number of methods reported in April 1999 (Computed)
METHHIST051 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 1999 (1st mention)
METHHIST052 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 1999 (2nd mention)
METHHIST053 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 1999 (3rd mention)
METHHIST054 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 1999 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear5 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (May 1999)
SIMSEQ5 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (May 1999)
MTHUSIMX401 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX402 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX403 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX404 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX426 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX427 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX428 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX429 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX451 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX452 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX453 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May 1999)
MTHUSIMX454 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May 1999)
nummult5 : Number of methods reported in May 1999 (Computed)
METHHIST061 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 1999 (1st mention)
METHHIST062 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 1999 (2nd mention)
METHHIST063 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 1999 (3rd mention)
METHHIST064 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 1999 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear6 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (June 1999)
SIMSEQ6 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (June 1999)
MTHUSIMX501 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX502 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX503 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX504 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX526 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX527 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX528 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX529 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX551 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX552 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX553 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - June 1999)
MTHUSIMX554 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - June 1999)
nummult6 : Number of methods reported in June 1999 (Computed)
METHHIST071 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 1999 (1st mention)
METHHIST072 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 1999 (2nd mention)
METHHIST073 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 1999 (3rd mention)
METHHIST074 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 1999 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear7 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (July 1999)
SIMSEQ7 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (July 1999)
MTHUSIMX601 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX602 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX603 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX604 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX626 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX627 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX628 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX629 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX651 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX652 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX653 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - July 1999)
MTHUSIMX654 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - July 1999)
nummult7 : Number of Methods Reported in July 1999 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear8 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (August 1999)
SIMSEQ8 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (August 1999)
MTHUSIMX701 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX702 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX703 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX704 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX726 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX727 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX728 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX729 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX751 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX752 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX753 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - August 1999)
MTHUSIMX754 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - August 1999)
nummult8 : Number of Methods Reported in August 1999 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear9 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (September 1999)
SIMSEQ9 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (September 1999)
MTHUSIMX801 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX802 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX803 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX804 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX826 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX827 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX828 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX829 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX851 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX852 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX853 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - September 1999)
MTHUSIMX854 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - September 1999)
nummult9 : Number of Methods Reported in (September 1999)
SAMEAllYear10 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (October 1999)
SIMSEQ10 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (October 1999)
MTHUSIMX901 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX902 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX903 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX904 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX926 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX927 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX928 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX929 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX951 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX952 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX953 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - October 1999)
MTHUSIMX954 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - October 1999)
nummult10 : Number of Methods Reported in (October 1999) (Computed)
SAMEAllYear11 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (November 1999)
SIMSEQ11 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1001 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1002 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1003 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1004 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1026 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1027 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1028 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1029 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1051 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1052 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1053 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - November 1999)
MTHUSIMX1054 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - November 1999)
nummult11 : Number of Methods Reported in (November 1999) (Computed)
SAMEAllYear12 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (December 1999)
SIMSEQ12 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1101 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1102 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1103 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1104 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1126 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1127 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1128 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1129 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1151 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1152 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1153 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - December 1999)
MTHUSIMX1154 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - December 1999)
nummult12 : Number of Methods Reported in (December 1999) (Computed)
SIMSEQ13 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1201 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1202 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1203 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1204 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1226 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1227 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1228 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1229 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1251 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1252 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1253 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2000)
MTHUSIMX1254 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2000)
nummult13 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan 2000 (Computed)
sameallyear14 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (February 2000)
SIMSEQ14 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (February 2000)
MTHUSIMX1301 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1302 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1303 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1304 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1326 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1327 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1328 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1329 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1351 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1352 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1353 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2000)
MTHUSIMX1354 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2000)
nummult14 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb 2000 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear15 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (March 2000)
SIMSEQ15 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1401 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1402 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1403 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1404 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1426 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1427 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1428 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1429 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1451 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1452 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1453 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - March 2000)
MTHUSIMX1454 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - March 2000)
nummult15 : Number of Methods Reported in Mar 2000 (Computed)
sameallyear16 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (April 2000)
SIMSEQ16 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1501 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1502 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1503 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1504 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1526 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1527 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1528 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1529 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1551 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1552 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1553 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - April 2000)
MTHUSIMX1554 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - April 2000)
nummult16 : Number of Methods Reported in Apr 2000 (Computed)
METHHIST171 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2000 (1st mention)
METHHIST172 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2000 (2nd mention)
METHHIST173 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2000 (3rd mention)
METHHIST174 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2000 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear17 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (May 2000)
SIMSEQ17 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1601 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1602 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1603 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1604 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1626 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1627 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1628 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1629 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1651 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1652 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1653 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May 2000)
MTHUSIMX1654 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May 2000)
nummult17 : Number of Methods Reported in May 2000 (Computed)
METHHIST181 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2000 (1st mention)
METHHIST182 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2000 (2nd mention)
METHHIST183 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2000 (3rd mention)
METHHIST184 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2000 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear18 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (June 2000)
SIMSEQ18 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1701 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1702 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1703 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1704 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1726 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1727 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1728 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1729 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1751 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1752 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1753 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - June 2000)
MTHUSIMX1754 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - June 2000)
nummult18 : Number of Methods Reported in June 2000 (Computed)
METHHIST191 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2000 (1st mention)
METHHIST192 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2000 (2nd mention)
METHHIST193 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2000 (3rd mention)
METHHIST194 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2000 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear19 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (July 2000)
SIMSEQ19 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1801 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1802 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1803 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1804 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1826 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1827 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1828 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1829 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1851 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1852 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1853 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - July 2000)
MTHUSIMX1854 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - July 2000)
nummult19 : Number of Methods Reported in July 2000 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear20 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Aug 2000)
SIMSEQ20 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1901 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1902 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1903 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1904 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1926 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1927 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1928 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1929 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1951 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1952 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1953 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2000)
MTHUSIMX1954 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2000)
nummult20 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug 2000 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear21 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Sept 2000)
SIMSEQ21 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Sept 2000)
MTHUSIMX2001 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2002 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2003 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2004 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2026 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2027 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2028 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2029 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2051 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2052 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2053 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2000)
MTHUSIMX2054 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2000)
nummult21 : Number of Methods Reported in Sep 2000 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear22 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Oct 2000)
SIMSEQ22 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2101 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2102 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2103 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2104 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2126 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2127 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2128 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2129 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2151 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2152 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2153 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2000)
MTHUSIMX2154 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2000)
nummult22 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct 2000 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear23 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Nov 2000)
SIMSEQ23 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2201 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2202 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2203 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2204 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2226 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2227 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2228 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2229 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2251 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2252 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2253 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2000)
MTHUSIMX2254 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2000)
nummult23 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov 2000 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear24 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Dec 2000)
SIMSEQ24 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2301 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2302 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2303 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2304 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2326 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2327 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2328 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2329 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2351 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2352 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2353 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2000)
MTHUSIMX2354 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2000)
nummult24 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec 2000 (Computed)
SIMSEQ25 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2401 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2402 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2403 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2404 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2426 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2427 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2428 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2429 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2451 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2452 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2453 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2001)
MTHUSIMX2454 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2001)
nummult25 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear26 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Feb 2001)
SIMSEQ26 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2501 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2502 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2503 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2504 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2526 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2527 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2528 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2529 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2551 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2552 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2553 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2001)
MTHUSIMX2554 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2001)
nummult26 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear27 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Mar 2001)
SIMSEQ27 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2601 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2602 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2603 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2604 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2626 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2627 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2628 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2629 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2651 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2652 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2653 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2001)
MTHUSIMX2654 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2001)
nummult27 : Number of Methods Reported in Mar 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear28 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Apr 2001)
SIMSEQ28 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2701 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2702 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2703 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2704 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2726 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2727 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2728 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2729 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2751 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2752 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2753 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2001)
MTHUSIMX2754 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2001)
nummult28 : Number of Methods Reported in Apr 2001 (Computed)
METHHIST291 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2001 (1st mention)
METHHIST292 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2001 (2nd mention)
METHHIST293 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2001 (3rd mention)
METHHIST294 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2001 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear29 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (May 2001)
SIMSEQ29 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2801 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2802 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2803 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2804 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2826 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2827 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2828 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2829 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2851 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2852 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2853 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May 2001)
MTHUSIMX2854 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May 2001)
nummult29 : Number of Methods Reported in May 2001 (Computed)
METHHIST301 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2001 (1st mention)
METHHIST302 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2001 (2nd mention)
METHHIST303 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2001 (3rd mention)
METHHIST304 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2001 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear30 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Jun 2001)
SIMSEQ30 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2901 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2902 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2903 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2904 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2926 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2927 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2928 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2929 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2951 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2952 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2953 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2001)
MTHUSIMX2954 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2001)
nummult30 : Number of Methods Reported in Jun 2001 (Computed)
METHHIST311 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2001 (1st mention)
METHHIST312 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2001 (2nd mention)
METHHIST313 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2001 (3rd mention)
METHHIST314 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2001 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear31 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Jul 2001)
SIMSEQ31 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3001 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3002 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3003 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3004 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3026 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3027 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3028 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3029 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3051 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3052 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3053 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2001)
MTHUSIMX3054 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2001)
nummult31 : Number of Methods Reported in Jul 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear32 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Aug 2001)
SIMSEQ32 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3101 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3102 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3103 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3104 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3126 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3127 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3128 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3129 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3151 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3152 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3153 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2001)
MTHUSIMX3154 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2001)
nummult32 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear33 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Sep 2001)
SIMSEQ33 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3201 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3202 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3203 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3204 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3226 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3227 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3228 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3229 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3251 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3252 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3253 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2001)
MTHUSIMX3254 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2001)
nummult33 : Number of Methods Reported in Sep 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear34 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Oct 2001)
SIMSEQ34 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3301 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3302 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3303 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3304 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3326 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3327 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3328 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3329 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3351 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3352 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3353 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2001)
MTHUSIMX3354 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2001)
nummult34 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear35 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Nov 2001)
SIMSEQ35 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3401 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3402 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3403 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3404 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3426 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3427 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3428 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3429 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3451 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3452 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3453 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2001)
MTHUSIMX3454 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2001)
nummult35 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov 2001 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear36 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Dec 2001)
SIMSEQ36 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3501 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3502 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3503 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3504 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3526 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3527 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3528 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3529 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3551 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3552 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3553 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2001)
MTHUSIMX3554 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2001)
nummult36 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec 2001 (Computed)
SIMSEQ37 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3601 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3602 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3603 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3604 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3626 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3627 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3628 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3629 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3651 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3652 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3653 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2002)
MTHUSIMX3654 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2002)
nummult37 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear38 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Feb 2002)
SIMSEQ38 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3701 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3702 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3703 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3704 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3726 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3727 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3728 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3729 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3751 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3752 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3753 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2002)
MTHUSIMX3754 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2002)
nummult38 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear39 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Mar 2002)
SIMSEQ39 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3801 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3802 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3803 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3804 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3826 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3827 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3828 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3829 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3851 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3852 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3853 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2002)
MTHUSIMX3854 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2002)
nummult39 : Number of Methods Reported in Mar 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear40 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Apr 2002)
SIMSEQ40 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3901 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3902 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3903 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3904 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3926 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3927 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3928 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3929 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3951 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3952 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3953 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2002)
MTHUSIMX3954 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Apr 2002)
nummult40 : Number of Methods Reported in Apr 2002 (Computed)
METHHIST411 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2002 (1st mention)
METHHIST412 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2002 (2nd mention)
METHHIST413 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2002 (3rd mention)
METHHIST414 : ENTER METHOD USED IN MAY 2002 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear41 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (May 2002)
SIMSEQ41 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4001 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4002 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4003 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4004 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4026 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4027 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4028 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4029 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4051 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4052 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4053 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May 2002)
MTHUSIMX4054 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May 2002)
nummult41 : Number of Methods Reported in May 2002 (Computed)
METHHIST421 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2002 (1st mention)
METHHIST422 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2002 (2nd mention)
METHHIST423 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2002 (3rd mention)
METHHIST424 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JUNE 2002 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear42 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Jun 2002)
SIMSEQ42 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4101 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4102 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4103 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4104 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4126 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4127 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4128 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4129 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4151 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4152 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4153 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2002)
MTHUSIMX4154 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jun 2002)
nummult42 : Number of Methods Reported in Jun 2002 (Computed)
METHHIST431 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2002 (1st mention)
METHHIST432 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2002 (2nd mention)
METHHIST433 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2002 (3rd mention)
METHHIST434 : ENTER METHOD USED IN JULY 2002 (4th mention)
SAMEAllYear43 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Jul 2002)
SIMSEQ43 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4201 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4202 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4203 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4204 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4226 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4227 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4228 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4229 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4251 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4252 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4253 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2002)
MTHUSIMX4254 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jul 2002)
nummult43 : Number of Methods Reported in Jul 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear44 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Aug 2002)
SIMSEQ44 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4301 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4302 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4303 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4304 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4326 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4327 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4328 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4329 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4351 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4352 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4353 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2002)
MTHUSIMX4354 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug 2002)
nummult44 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear45 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Sep 2002)
SIMSEQ45 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4401 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4402 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4403 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4404 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4426 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4427 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4428 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4429 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4451 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4452 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4453 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2002)
MTHUSIMX4454 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sep 2002)
nummult45 : Number of Methods Reported in Sep 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear46 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Oct 2002)
SIMSEQ46 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4501 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4502 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4503 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4504 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4526 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4527 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4528 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4529 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4551 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4552 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4553 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2002)
MTHUSIMX4554 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct 2002)
nummult46 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear47 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Nov 2002)
SIMSEQ47 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4601 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4602 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4603 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4604 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4626 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4627 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4628 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4629 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4651 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4652 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4653 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2002)
MTHUSIMX4654 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov 2002)
nummult47 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov 2002 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear48 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Dec 2002)
SIMSEQ48 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4701 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4702 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4703 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4704 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4726 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4727 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4728 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4729 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4751 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4752 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4753 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2002)
MTHUSIMX4754 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec 2002)
nummult48 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec 2002 (Computed)
SIMSEQ49 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4801 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4802 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4803 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4804 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4826 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4827 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4828 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4829 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4851 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4852 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4853 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2003)
MTHUSIMX4854 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan 2003)
nummult49 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan 2003 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear50 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Feb 2003)
SIMSEQ50 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4901 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4902 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4903 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4904 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4926 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4927 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4928 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4929 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4951 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4952 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4953 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2003)
MTHUSIMX4954 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb 2003)
nummult50 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb 2003 (Computed)
SAMEAllYear51 : I'm about to enter that you used [METHOD] every month from [THIS MONTH] through [DECEMBER OF THAT YEAR or INTERVIEW if this is the interview year]. Is that correct? (Mar 2003)
SIMSEQ51 : Did you use those methods together, that is, at the same time, or did you use them at different times during the month? (Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5001 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5002 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5003 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5004 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5026 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5027 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5028 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5029 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5051 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5052 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5053 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2003)
MTHUSIMX5054 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Mar 2003)
nummult51 : Number of Methods Reported in Mar 2003 (Computed)
currmeth1 : Method used in month of interview (1st mention) (computed)
currmeth2 : Method used in month of interview (2nd mention) (computed)
currmeth3 : Method used in month of interview (3rd mention) (computed)
currmeth4 : Method used in month of interview (4th mention) (computed)
lastmonmeth1 : Method used in month before interview (1st mention) (computed)
lastmonmeth2 : Method used in month before interview (2nd mention) (computed)
lastmonmeth3 : Method used in month before interview (3rd mention) (computed)
lastmonmeth4 : Method used in month before interview (4th mention) (computed)
USELSTP : Looking at Card 33, the (last) time you had intercourse with [LAST PARTNER IN PAST 12 MONTHS] in [DATE], did you or he use any method?
LSTMTHP11 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 1st method)
LSTMTHP12 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 2nd method)
LSTMTHP13 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 3rd method)
LSTMTHP14 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 4th method)
USEFSTP : Looking at Card 33, the first time you had intercourse with [LAST PARTNER IN PAST 12 MONTHS] in [DATE], did you or he use any method?
FSTMTHP11 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 1st method)
FSTMTHP12 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 2nd method)
FSTMTHP13 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 3rd method)
FSTMTHP14 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 4th method)
USELSTP2 : Looking at Card 33, the (last) time you had intercourse with [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER IN PAST 12 MONTHS] in [DATE], did you or he use any method?
LSTMTHP21 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 1st method)
LSTMTHP22 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 2nd method)
LSTMTHP23 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 3rd method)
LSTMTHP24 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 4th method)
USEFSTP2 : Looking at Card 33, the first time you had intercourse with [2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER IN PAST 12 MONTHS] in [DATE], did you or he use any method?
FSTMTHP21 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 1st method)
FSTMTHP22 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 2nd method)
FSTMTHP23 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 3rd method)
FSTMTHP24 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (2nd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 4th method)
USELSTP3 : Looking at Card 33, the (last) time you had intercourse with [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER IN PAST 12 MONTHS] in [DATE], did you or he use any method?
LSTMTHP31 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 1st method)
LSTMTHP32 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 2nd method)
LSTMTHP33 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 3rd method)
LSTMTHP34 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,last sex: 4th method)
USEFSTP3 : Looking at Card 33, the first time you had intercourse with [3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER IN PAST 12 MONTHS] in [DATE], did you or he use any method?
FSTMTHP31 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 1st method)
FSTMTHP32 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 2nd method)
FSTMTHP33 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 3rd method)
FSTMTHP34 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you use? (3rd-to-last partner in past 12 mons,first sex: 4th method)
WYNOTUSE : Is the reason you are not using a method of birth control now because you, yourself, want to become pregnant as soon as possible?
HPPREGQ : And your partner, does he want you to become pregnant as soon as possible?
DURTRY_N : How long have you been trying to become pregnant? (number of months or years)
DURTRY_P : (How long have you been trying to become pregnant?) (whether number in EH-2a DURTRY_N was months or years)
numplac1 : Number of non-prescription methods used last month (computed)
numplac2 : Number of prescription methods used last month (computed)
PLACCUR1 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (non-prescription method - 1st mentioned)
PLACCUR2 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (non-prescription method - 2nd mentioned)
PLACCUR3 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (non-prescription method - 3rd mentioned)
PLACCUR4 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (non-prescription method - 4th mentioned)
PLACCUR9 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (prescription method - 1st mentioned)
PLACCUR10 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (prescription method - 2nd mentioned)
PLACCUR11 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (prescription method - 3rd mentioned)
PLACCUR12 : Please look at Card 36. You may have already told me, but where did you get the [METHOD] you used last month? (prescription method - 4th mentioned)
YUSEPILL1 : Now I would like to know all of the reasons for your recent pill use. Have you used it for birth control, cramps or pain during menstrual period, treatment for acne, treatment for endometriosis, or for some other reason? (1st mention)
YUSEPILL2 : Now I would like to know all of the reasons for your recent pill use. Have you used it for birth control, cramps or pain during menstrual period, treatment for acne, treatment for endometriosis, or for some other reason? (2nd mention)
YUSEPILL3 : Now I would like to know all of the reasons for your recent pill use. Have you used it for birth control, cramps or pain during menstrual period, treatment for acne, treatment for endometriosis, or for some other reason? (3rd mention)
YUSEPILL4 : Now I would like to know all of the reasons for your recent pill use. Have you used it for birth control, cramps or pain during menstrual period, treatment for acne, treatment for endometriosis, or for some other reason? (4th mention)
YUSEPILL5 : Now I would like to know all of the reasons for your recent pill use. Have you used it for birth control, cramps or pain during menstrual period, treatment for acne, treatment for endometriosis, or for some other reason? (5th mention)
TYPEPILL2 : This chart shows types of oral contraceptive pills that are available for women today. Please tell me the number next to the type that you are currently using or used most recently.
PST4WKSX : Now please think about the last four weeks. How many times have you had sexual intercourse with a male in the last four weeks?
PSWKCOND1 : Did you use a condom?
PSWKCOND2 : How many of those times did you use a condom?
FWVERIFY : I need to check whether we've already talked about (1st FORMER WIFE). We talked about (your recent / some of your recent) sexual partners, that is, women you had sex with in the past 12 months. Is (1st FORMER WIFE) one of your recent sexual partners that we already talked about?
fwver : 1st Former Wife Not Previously Discussed in Interview [Computed]
FWVERIFY2 : I need to check whether we've already talked about (2ND FORMER WIFE). We talked about (your recent / some of your recent) sexual partners, that is, women you had sex with in the past 12 months. Is (2ND FORMER WIFE) one of your recent sexual partners that we already talked about?
fwver2 : 2nd Former Wife Not Previously Discussed in Interview [Computed]
FWVERIFY3 : I need to check whether we've already talked about (3RD FORMER WIFE). We talked about (your recent / some of your recent) sexual partners, that is, women you had sex with in the past 12 months. Is (3RD FORMER WIFE) one of your recent sexual partners that we already talked about?
fwver3 : 3rd Former Wife Not Previously Discussed in Interview [Computed]
fcverify : I need to check whether we've already talked about (1st FORMER COHABITING PARTNER). We talked about (your recent / some of your recent) sexual partners, that is, women you had sex with in the past 12 months. Is (1st FORMER COHABITING PARTNER) one of your recent sexual partners that we already talked about?
fcver : 1st Former Cohabiting Partner Not Previously Discussed in Interview [Computed]
exrelation : Relationship with Each Woman in E - 1st Former Cohab or Wife
cmmarw : Century Month of Marriage (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
AGEMARRN : How old were you when you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) got married?
agemarw : Respondent's Age at Marriage (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
LIVTOGN4 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) live together before you got married?
cmcohw : Century Month at Start of Premarital Cohabitation (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
AGELIV4 : How old were you when you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) first started living together?
agecohw : Respondent's Age When Began Premarital Cohabitation (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
cmunionw : Century Month When Coresidence (Union) Began (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
ageunionw : Respondent's Age When Coresidence (Union) Began (1st Former Wife) [COMPUTED]
ENGAGTHN4 : At the time you first started living together with [1ST FORMER WIFE], were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married?
MARREND4 : How did your marriage end? (1st FORMER WIFE)
cmwidw : Century Month When Wife Died (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
cmdivw : Centry Month When Divorce Final (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
cmannw : Century Month When Marriage Annulled (1st Former Wife) [Computed]
cmstopw : Century Month R Stopped Living with 1st Former Wife [Computed]
cmmarw2 : Century Month of Marriage - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
AGEMARRN2 : How old were you when you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) got married?
agemarw2 : Respondent's Age at Marriage - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
LIVTOGN5 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) live together before you got married?
cmcohw2 : Century Month at Start of Premarital Cohabitation - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
AGELIV5 : How old were you when you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) first started living together?
agecohw2 : Respondent's Age When Began Premarital Cohabitation - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
cmunionw2 : Century Month When Coresidence (Union) Began - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
ageunionw2 : Respondent's Age When Coresidence (Union) Began - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
ENGAGTHN5 : At the time you first started living together with [2ND FORMER WIFE], were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married?
MARREND5 : How did your marriage end? (2nd former wife)
cmdivw2 : Century Month When Divorce Final - 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
cmannw2 : Century Month When Marriage Annulled - 2nd Former Wife[Computed]
cmstopw2 : Century Month Stopped Living with 2nd Former Wife [Computed]
cmmarw3 : Century Month of Marriage (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
AGEMARRN3 : How old were you when you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) got married?
agemarw3 : Respondent's Age at Marriage (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
LIVTOGN6 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) live together before you got married?
cmcohw3 : Century Month at Start of Premarital Cohabitation (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
AGELIV6 : How old were you when you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) first started living together?
agecohw3 : Respondent's Age When Began Premarital Cohabitation (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
cmunionw3 : Century Month When Coresidence (Union) Began (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
ageunionw3 : Respondent's Age When Coresidence (Union) Began (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
ENGAGTHN6 : At the time you first started living together with [3RD FORMER WIFE], were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married?
MARREND6 : How did your marriage end? (3rd former wife)
cmwidw3 : Century Month When Wife Died (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
cmdivw3 : Century Month When Divorce Final (3rd former Wife) [COMPUTED]
cmstopw3 : Century Month Stopped Living with 3rd former Wife [COMPUTED]
FSTUNION : Who did you live with first, [NAME OF 1st FORMER COHABITING PARTNER] or your (first) wife?
cmcohfc11 : Century Month Began Living with 1st Premarital Cohabiting Partner
agecohfc11 : Respondent's Age When Began Living with 1st Premarital Cohabiting Partner
ENGAGTHN14 : At the time you first started living together with [1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER], were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married?
cmstopfc11 : Century Month Stopped Living with 1st Premarital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
FWPDOB_M : Now I have some more questions about (1ST FORMER WIFE). In what month was (1ST FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPDOB_Y : In what year was (1ST FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPAGE : How old was (1ST FORMER WIFE) when (she died/ your divorce became final/your annulment took place/ you and she last stopped living together)?
FWPHISP : (Was/Is (1ST FORMER WIFE) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin)?
FWPRACE1 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (1ST FORMER WIFE)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
FWPRACE2 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (1ST FORMER WIFE)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPRACEB : Which of these groups, that is (RACES REPORTED FOR 1st FORMER WIFE), would you say best describes your (1ST FORMER WIFE)'s racial background?
FWPMARBF : At the time you and she (were married/ started living together), had she ever been married? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPDOB_M2 : Now I have some more questions about (2ND FORMER WIFE). In what month and year was (2ND FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPDOB_Y2 : Now I have some more questions about (2ND FORMER WIFE). In what month and year was (2ND FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPAGE2 : How old was (2ND FORMER WIFE) when (she died/ your divorce became final/your annulment took place/ you and she last stopped living together)?
FWPMARBF2 : At the time you and she (were married/ started living together), had she ever been married? (2nd former wife)
FWPDOB_M3 : Now I have some more questions about (3RD FORMER WIFE). In what month was (3RD FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPDOB_Y3 : In what year was (3RD FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPAGE3 : How old was (3RD FORMER WIFE) when (she died/ your divorce became final/your annulment took place/ you and she last stopped living together)?
FWPMARBF3 : At the time you and she (were married/ started living together), had she ever been married? (3rd former wife)
FWPAGE11 : How old was (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) when (she died/ your divorce became final/your annulment took place/ you and she last stopped living together)?
FWPHISP11 : (Was/Is (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) Hispanic or Latino, or of Spanish origin)?
FWPRACE51 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
FWPRACE52 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPRACE53 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPRACE54 : Which of the groups shown on Card 2 describes (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [4th MENTIONED]
FWPRACEB11 : Which of these groups, that is (RESPONSES REPORTED BY R IN EC-4 FWPRACE51-55), would you say best describes your (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)'s racial background?
FWPMARBF11 : At the time you and she (were married/ started living together), had she ever been married? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPBIOKD : Now I have some questions about children that you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. Did you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) ever have a child together?
FWPNUMKD : Altogether, how many children did you have together? (1st FORMER WIFE)
kidliv31 : Respondent living w/1st former wife at time of 1st bio child's birth [Computed]
kidage31 : Current age of 1st biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidagegp31 : Current age group of 1st biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidhh31 : Whether 1st biological child w/1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
kidmar31 : Whether 1st biological child born while R was married to 1st former wife [Computed]
FWPCHSEX : (Is (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
cmchdob61 : Century Month date of birth for 1st biological child w/1st former wife (section ED)
FWCHMARB : Were you married to (1st FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHRES : Were you living together with (1st FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHLRN : When did you find out that (1st FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV01 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV02 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1st FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST CHILD with 1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
kidliv32 : Respondent living w/1st former wife at time of 2nd biological child's birth [Computed]
kidage32 : Current age of 2nd biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidagegp32 : Current age group of 2nd biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidhh32 : Whether 2nd biological child w/1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
kidmar32 : Whether 2nd biological child born while R was married to 1st former Wife [Computed]
FWPCHSEX2 : (Is (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
cmchdob62 : I : Century Month date of birth for 2nd biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
FWCHMARB2 : Were you married to (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES2 : Were you living together with (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2nd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN2 : When did you find out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2nd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV12 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE2 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG2 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP2 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR2 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT2 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2nd BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON2 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG2 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. [2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE]
kidliv33 : Respondent living w/1st former wife at time of 3rd biological child's birth [Computed]
kidage33 : Current age of 3rd biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidagegp33 : Current age group of 3rd biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidhh33 : Whether 3rd biological child w/1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
kidmar33 : Whether 3rd biological child born while R was married to 1st former Wife [Computed]
FWPCHSEX3 : (Is (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
cmchdob63 : Century Month date of birth for 3rd biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
FWPCHRES3 : Were you living together with (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN3 : When did you find out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3rd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV21 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV22 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE3 : How old is (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG3 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP3 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR3 : Did you ever live with (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT3 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3rd BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON3 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3rd BIO CHILD with 1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG3 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (3rd BIO CHILD)
kidage34 : Current age of 4th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidmar34 : Whether 4th biological child born while R was married to 1st former Wife [Computed]
kidagegp34 : Current age group of 4th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidhh34 : Whether 4th biological child w/1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
kidliv34 : Respondent living w/1st former wife at time of biological child's birth [Computed]
FWPCHSEX4 : (Is (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
cmchdob64 : Century Month of date of birth for 4th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
MULTBIRT44 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (4th BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHRES4 : Were you living together with (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (4th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV31 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE4 : How old is (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG4 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP4 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR4 : Did you ever live with (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR4 : About how many miles away from here does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT4 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (4th BIO CHILD)
FWPHPYPG4 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (4th BIO CHILD)
kidage35 : Current age of 5th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidmar35 : Whether 5th biological child born while Respondent was married to 1st former Wife [Computed]
kidagegp35 : Current age group of 5th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed]
kidhh35 : Whether 5th biological child w/1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
kidliv35 : Respondent was living w/1st former wife at time of 5th biological child's birth [Computed]
FWPCHSEX5 : (Is (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
cmchdob65 : Century Month of date of birth for 5th biological child w/1st former wife [COMPUTED]
FWPCHLIV41 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE5 : How old is (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG5 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP5 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR5 : Did you ever live with (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR5 : About how many miles away from here does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPBIOKD2 : Now I have some questions about children that you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. Did you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) ever have a child together?
FWPNUMKD2 : Altogether, how many children did you have together? (2nd former wife)
cmchdob71 : DOB for 1st biological child w/2nd former Wife [COMPUTED]
kidage41 : Current age of 1st biological child w/2nd former Wife [COMPUTED]
kidmar41 : Whether 1st biological child was born while R was married to 2nd former Wife [COMPUTED]
kidagegp41 : Current age group of 1st biological child w/2nd former Wife [COMPUTED]
kidhh41 : Whether 1st biological child with 2nd former Wife lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv41 : R living with 2nd former Wife at time of 1st biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHSEX11 : (Is (1ST CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHRES11 : Were you living together with (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN11 : When did you find out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1st BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV101 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV102 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE11 : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG11 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP11 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR11 : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR11 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT11 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON11 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG11 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
cmchdob72 : DOB for 2nd biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidage42 : Current age of 2nd biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidmar42 : Whether 2nd biological child was born while R was married to 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidagegp42 : Current age grou of 2nd biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidhh42 : Whether 2nd biological child with 2nd former wife lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv42 : R was living with 2nd former wife at time of 2nd biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHSEX12 : (Is (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHRES12 : Were you living together with (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV111 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE12 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) now? Is (he/she) less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG12 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP12 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHFAR12 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) live?
cmchdob73 : DOB for 3rd biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidage43 : Current age of 3rd biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidmar43 : Whether 3rd biological child was born while Respondent was married to 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidagegp43 : Current age group of 3rd biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidhh43 : Whether 3rd biological child with 2nd former wife lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv43 : Respondent was living with 2nd former wife at time of 3rd biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHSEX13 : (Is (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHLIV121 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHFAR13 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) live?
cmchdob74 : DOB for 4th biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidage44 : Current age of 4th biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidmar44 : Whether 4th biological child was born while R was married to 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidagegp44 : Current age of 4th biological child with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidhh44 : Whether 4th biological child with 2nd former wife lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv44 : R was living with 2nd former wife at time of 4th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHSEX14 : (Is (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHLIV131 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHFAR14 : About how many miles away from here does (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPBIOKD3 : Now I have some questions about children that you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. Did you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) ever have a child together?
FWPNUMKD3 : Altogether, how many children did you have together? (3rd former wife)
cmchdob81 : Century Month of date of birth for 1st biological child w/3rd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidage51 : Current age of 1st biological child w/3rd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidmar51 : Whether 1st biological child was born while R was married to 3rd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidagegp51 : Current age group of 1st biological child w/3rd former wife [COMPUTED]
kidhh51 : Whether 1st biological child w/3rd former wife lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv51 : R was living w/3rd former wife at time of 1st biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHSEX21 : (Is (1ST BIO CHILD with 3RD FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHRES21 : Were you living together with (3RD FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN21 : When did you find out that (3RD FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV201 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE21 : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG21 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP21 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR21 : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR21 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT21 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (3RD FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPHPYPG21 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (3RD FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPBIOKD11 : Now I have some questions about children that you and (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. Did you and (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) ever have a child together?
FWPNUMKD11 : Altogether, how many children did you have together? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
kidage131 : Current age of 1st biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp131 : Current age group of 1st biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidhh131 : Whether 1st biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv131 : R was living w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner at the time of 1st biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
cmchdob161 : Century Month for date of birth for 1st biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
FWPCHRES101 : Were you living together with (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN101 : When did you find out that (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1001 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1002 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE101 : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG101 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP101 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was born?
FWPCHEVR101 : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)?
FWPCHFAR101 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) live?
FWPRWANT101 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON101 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPHPYPG101 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
cmchdob162 : Century Month for date of birth for 2nd biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidage132 : Current age of 2nd biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp132 : Current age group of 2nd biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidhh132 : Whether 2nd biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv132 : Respondent was living w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner at the time of 2nd biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHRES102 : Were you living together with (1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN102 : When did you find out that (1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1011 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1012 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE102 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG102 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP102 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was born?
FWPCHEVR102 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)?
FWPCHFAR102 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) live?
FWPRWANT102 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON102 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPHPYPG102 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD)
cmchdob163 : Century month for date of birth of 3rd biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidage133 : Current age of 3rd biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp133 : Current age group of 3rd biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidhh133 : Whether 3rd biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv133 : Respondent was living w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner at the time of 3rd biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
MULTBIRT143 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHRES103 : Were you living together with (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN103 : When did you find out that (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1021 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE103 : How old is (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG103 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP103 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was born?
FWPCHFAR103 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) live?
FWPRWANT103 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPHPYPG103 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant that time. (3RD BIO CHILD)
cmchdob164 : Century month for date of birth of 4th biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidage134 : Current age of 4th biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp134 : Current age group of 4th biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidhh134 : Whether 4th biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv134 : Respondent was living w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner at the time of 4th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHRES104 : Were you living together with (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) at the time of the birth? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1031 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLEG104 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP104 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was born?
FWPCHFAR104 : About how many miles away from here does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) live?
cmchdob165 : Century Month for date of birth of 5th biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidage135 : Current age of 5th biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp135 : Current age group of 5th biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [COMPUTED]
kidhh135 : Whether 5th biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner lives in household [COMPUTED]
kidliv135 : Respondent was living w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner at the time of 5th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
FWPCHRES105 : Were you living together with (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) at the time of the birth? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1041 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLEG105 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP105 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) was born?
FWPOTKID : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (1ST FORMER WIFE) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (1ST FORMER WIFE), did she have any children?
FWPOKNUM : How many children did she have? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKAD : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKADN : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
AKIDHH101 : Whether 1st former wife's child adopted by Respondent lives in household - 1st child [Computed]
FWPOKSEX : (Thinking now of (1ST CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED), is /Is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV1 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV2 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED) live?
akidage101 : Current age of 1st former wife's child adopted by R - 1st child [Computed]
akidagegp101 : Current age group of 1st former wife's child adopted by R - 1st child [Computed]
akidage102 : Current age of 1st former wife's child adopted by R - 2nd child [Computed]
akidagegp102 : Current age group of 1st former wife's child adopted by R - 2nd child [Computed]
akidhh102 : Whether 1st former wife's child adopted by R lives in household - 2nd child [Computed]
FWPOKSEX2 : Thinking now of (2ND CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED), is this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV9 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2nd CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED) live?
akidage103 : Current age of 1st former wife's child adopted by R - 3rd child [Computed]
akidagegp103 : Current age group of 1st former wife's child adopted by R - 3rd child [Computed]
akidhh103 : Whether 1st former wife's child adopted by R lives in household - 3rd child [Computed]
FWPOKSEX3 : Thinking now of (3RD CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED), is this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV17 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3rd CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED) live?
FWPOTKID2 : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (2ND FORMER WIFE) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (2ND FORMER WIFE), did she have any children?
FWPOKNUM2 : How many children did she have? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKAD2 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
akidage121 : Current age of 1st child of 2nd former wife adopted by R [COMPUTED]
akidagegp121 : Current age group of 1st child of 2nd former wife adopted by R [COMPUTED]
akidhh121 : Whether 1st child of 2nd former wife adopted by R lives in the household [COMPUTED]
FWPOKSEX11 : (Thinking now of (1ST CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED), is /Is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV81 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? [1ST CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED]
FWPOKFAR11 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE'S R ADOPTED) live?
FWPOTKID3 : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (3RD FORMER WIFE) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (3RD FORMER WIFE), did she have any children?
FWPOKNUM3 : How many children did she have? (3rd former wife)
FWPOKAD3 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (3rd former wife)
FWPOTKID11 : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER), did she have any children?
FWPOKNUM11 : How many children did she have? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPOKAD11 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
akidage301 : Current age of 1st Pre-Marital Cohabiting Partner's child adopted by R - 1st child [COMPUTED]
akidagegp301 : Current age group of 1st Pre-Marital Cohabiting Partner's child adopted by R - 1st child [COMPUTED]
akidhh301 : Whether 1st Pre-Marital Cohabiting Partner's child adopted by R lives in household - 1st child [COMPUTED]
FWPOKSEX101 : (Thinking now of (1ST CHILD OF 1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED), is /Is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV801 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? [1ST CHILD OF 1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED]
FWPOKFAR101 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST CHILD OF 1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED) live?
FWPNBEVR : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your former wife ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBNUM : How many children? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBREL : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBRL : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBFOS : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBFS : How many? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBAD : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBADN : How many children did you legally adopt or become legal guardian to? (1st FORMER WIFE)
akidage111 : Current age of other NONBIO child adopted by R with first former wife - 1st child [Computed]
akidagegp111 : Current age group of other NONBIO child adopted by R with 1st former wife - 1st child [Computed]
akidhh111 : 1st other NONBIO child R adopted by R with 1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
FWPNBSEX : (Thinking now of (1st NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE), is/Is) this child male or female?
FWPNBFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1st OTHER NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE) live?
akidage112 : Current age of other NONBIO child adopted by R with 1st former wife - 2nd child [Computed]
akidagegp112 : Current age group of other NONBIO child adopted by R with 1st former wife - 2nd child [Computed]
akidhh112 : 2nd other NONBIO child adopted by R with 1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
FWPNBSEX2 : (Thinking now of (2ND NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE), is/Is) this child male or female?
FWPNBLIV9 : Please look at Card 62. Where does (2ND NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPNBFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND NONBIO CHILD ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE) live?
e_okakids : Number of 1st Former Wife's Children R Adopted [Computed]
e_nbakids : Number of Other Nonbiological Children Adopted w/ 1st Former Wife [Computed]
exrelation2 : Relationship with Each Woman - 2ND Former Wife [Computed]
FWPNBEVR2 : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your former wife ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBNUM2 : How many children?(2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBREL2 : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBRL2 : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBFOS2 : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBAD2 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
akidage131 : Current age of 1st NONBIO child adopted by R with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
akidagegp131 : Current age group of 1st NONBIO child adopted by R with 2nd former wife [COMPUTED]
akidhh131 : I : 1st NONBIO child R adopted with 1st former wife lives in household [Computed]
FWPNBSEX11 : (Thinking now of (1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE]), is/Is) this child male or female?
FWPNBLIV81 : Please look at Card 62. Where does (1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPNBFAR11 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE) live?
e_okakids2 : Number of 2nd Former Wife/Cohabiting Partner's Children R Adopted [Computed]
e_nbakids2 : Number of Other Nonbiological Children Adopted w/2nd former wife/partner [Computed]
exrelation3 : Relationship with Each Woman in E - 3rd Former Wife [COMPUTED]
FWPNBEVR3 : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your former wife ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? (3rd FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBNUM3 : How many children? (3rd former wife)
FWPNBREL3 : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (3rd former wife)
FWPNBFOS3 : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (3rd former wife)
FWPNBAD3 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (3rd former wife)
e_okakids3 : Number of 3rd Former Wife's Children Resdponent Adopted [COMPUTED]
exrelation11 : Relationship with Each Woman in E - 1st premarital cohabiting partner
FWPNBEVR11 : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and your (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER) ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility?
FWPNBREL11 : When the (child/children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the child of a relative by blood or by marriage? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPNBRL11 : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPNBFOS11 : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPNBAD11 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of the children under your care and responsibility)? (1ST PREMARITAL COHABITING PARTNER)
e_okakids11 : Number of 1st Premarital Cohabiting Partner's Children R Adopted [Computed]
RING : (Have you ever used) The vaginal contraceptive ring (or "NuvaRing")?
ECREASON3 : Did you use emergency contraception because you were worried your birth control method would not work, you didn't use birth control that time, or for some other reason? - 3rd Reason
ECRX : (The last time you used it,) Did you get the emergency contraception with or without a prescription?
ECWHERE : Asked in Year 2: Please look at Card 36. (The last time you used it, where/Where) did you get the emergency contraception?Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 36. (The last time you used it, where/Where) did you get the (prescription for the) emergency contraception?
ECWHEN : (The last time you used it,) was that within the last 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1)?
OTHRMETH01 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 1st Method
OTHRMETH02 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 2nd Method
OTHRMETH03 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 3rd Method
OTHRMETH04 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 4th Method
OTHRMETH05 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 5th Method
OTHRMETH06 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 6th Method
OTHRMETH07 : On the right side of Card 30 is a list of some other methods of birth control. Which, if any, of the methods listed on that card have you ever used? Please tell me the method even if you have only used it once. - 7th Method
REASPILL01 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 1st
REASPILL02 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 2nd
REASPILL03 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 3rd
REASPILL04 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 4th
REASPILL05 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 5th
REASPILL06 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 6th
REASPILL07 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 7th
REASPILL08 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 8th
REASPILL09 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Pill? - 9th
stoppill1 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of pill: 1st mention
stoppill2 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of pill: 2nd mention
stoppill3 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of pill: 3rd mention
stoppill4 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of pill: 4th mention
REASCOND01 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 1st
REASCOND02 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 2nd
REASCOND03 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 3rd
REASCOND04 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 4th
REASCOND05 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 5th
REASCOND06 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 6th
stopcond1 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of condom: 1st mention
stopcond2 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of condom: 2nd mention
REASDEPO01 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 1st
REASDEPO02 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 2nd
REASDEPO03 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 3rd
REASDEPO04 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 4th
REASDEPO05 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 5th
stopdepo1 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of Depo-Provera: 1st mention
stopdepo2 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of Depo-Provera: 2nd mention
stopdepo3 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of Depo-Provera: 3rd mention
stopdepo4 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of Depo-Provera: 4th mention
stopdepo5 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of Depo-Provera: 5th mention
REASLUNL01 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Lunelle injectable? - 1st
REASLUNL02 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Lunelle injectable? - 2nd
REASLUNL03 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the Lunelle injectable? - 3rd
stoplunl1 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of Lunelle: 1st mention
REASPTCH01 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the contraceptive patch? - 1st
REASPTCH02 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the contraceptive patch? - 2nd
REASPTCH03 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the contraceptive patch? - 3rd
REASPTCH04 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the contraceptive patch? - 4th
REASPTCH05 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the contraceptive patch? - 5th
REASPTCH06 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the contraceptive patch? - 6th
stopptch1 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of contraceptive patch: 1st mention
stopptch2 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of contraceptive patch: 2nd mention
stopptch3 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of contraceptive patch: 3rd mention
FIRSMETH1 : What was the first birth control method you ever used for any reason? If you used more than one method, please tell me about each one. Please refer to Card 33. - 1st method
FIRSMETH2 : What was the first birth control method you ever used for any reason? If you used more than one method, please tell me about each one. Please refer to Card 33. - 2nd method
FIRSMETH3 : What was the first birth control method you ever used for any reason? If you used more than one method, please tell me about each one. Please refer to Card 33. - 3rd method
FIRSMETH4 : What was the first birth control method you ever used for any reason? If you used more than one method, please tell me about each one. Please refer to Card 33. - 4th method
drugdev2 : Yes if 1st method was drug or device, no otherwise (Computed in Flow Check E-14) (2nd method)
drugdev3 : Yes if 1st method was drug or device, no otherwise (Computed in Flow Check E-14) (3rd method)
drugdev4 : Yes if 1st method was drug or device, no otherwise (Computed in Flow Check E-14) (4th method)
mthfstsx1 : Method used at first sex - total universe (1st mention)(Computed in Flow Check E-18 and E-32)
mthfstsx2 : Method used at first sex - total universe (2nd mention)(Computed in Flow Check E-18 and E-32)
mthfstsx3 : Method used at first sex - total universe (3rd mention)(Computed in Flow Check E-18 and E-32)
mthfstsx4 : Method used at first sex - total universe (4th mention)(Computed in Flow Check E-18 and E-32)
WNFSTUSE_M : Now, please look at your calendar, and tell me in what month and year you first used a method (for any reason). (MONTH)
WNFSTUSE_Y : Now, please look at your calendar, and tell me in what month and year you first used a method (for any reason). (YEAR)
fmethprs : Whether 1st [drug/device] method used was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-25) - 1st method
fmethprs2 : Whether 1st [drug/device] method used was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-25) - 2nd method
fmethprs3 : Whether 1st [drug/device] method used was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-25) - 3rd method
fmethprs4 : Whether 1st [drug/device] method used was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-25) - 4th method
PLACGOTF3 : Asked in Year 1 and 2: Please look at Card 36. [Where did you get the prescription for the (Pill / Depo-Provera / implant / diaphragm / cervical cap / IUD / Lunelle / contraceptive patch / contraceptive ring / Emergency contraception) / Where did you get the (condom / female condom / foam / jelly or cream / suppository / sponge)]?Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 36. [Where did you get the prescription for the (Pill / Depo-Provera / implant / diaphragm / cervical cap / IUD / Lunelle / contraceptive patch / contraceptive ring) / Where did you get the (condom / female condom / foam / jelly or cream / suppository / sponge / Emergency contraception)]? - 3rd method
PLACGOTF4 : Asked in Year 1 and 2: Please look at Card 36. [Where did you get the prescription for the (Pill / Depo-Provera / implant / diaphragm / cervical cap / IUD / Lunelle / contraceptive patch / contraceptive ring / Emergency contraception) / Where did you get the (condom / female condom / foam / jelly or cream / suppository / sponge)]?Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 36. [Where did you get the prescription for the (Pill / Depo-Provera / implant / diaphragm / cervical cap / IUD / Lunelle / contraceptive patch / contraceptive ring) / Where did you get the (condom / female condom / foam / jelly or cream / suppository / sponge / Emergency contraception)]? - 4th method
MTHFRSTS1 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. - 1st method
MTHFRSTS2 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. - 2nd method
MTHFRSTS3 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. - 3rd method
MTHFRSTS4 : Which method did you use the first time you had intercourse? The methods are listed on Card 33. If you used more than one method at the same time, please tell me about that. - 4th method
cmmonsx : Century month being referred to in MONSX (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [January of interview year-3]
cmmonsx2 : Century month being referred to in MONSX2 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX2 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [February of interview year-3]
cmmonsx3 : Century month being referred to in MONSX3 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX3 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [March of interview year-3]
cmmonsx4 : Century month being referred to in MONSX4 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX4 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [April of interview year-3]
cmmonsx5 : Century month being referred to in MONSX5 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX5 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [May of interview year-3]
cmmonsx6 : Century month being referred to in MONSX6 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX6 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [June of interview year-3]
cmmonsx7 : Century month being referred to in MONSX7 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX7 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [July of interview year-3]
cmmonsx8 : Century month being referred to in MONSX8 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX8 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [August of interview year-3]
cmmonsx9 : Century month being referred to in MONSX9 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX9 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [September of interview year-3]
cmmonsx10 : Century month being referred to in MONSX10 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX10 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [October of interview year-3]
cmmonsx11 : Century month being referred to in MONSX11 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX11 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [November of interview year-3]
cmmonsx12 : Century month being referred to in MONSX12 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX12 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [December of interview year-3]
cmmonsx13 : Century month being referred to in MONSX13 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX13 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [January of interview year-2]
cmmonsx14 : Century month being referred to in MONSX14 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX14 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [February of interview year-2]
cmmonsx15 : Century month being referred to in MONSX15 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX15 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [March of interview year-2]
cmmonsx16 : Century month being referred to in MONSX16 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX16 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [April of interview year-2]
cmmonsx17 : Century month being referred to in MONSX17 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX17 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [May of interview year-2]
cmmonsx18 : Century month being referred to in MONSX18 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX18 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [June of interview year-2]
cmmonsx19 : Century month being referred to in MONSX19 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX19 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [July of interview year-2]
cmmonsx20 : Century month being referred to in MONSX20 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX20 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [August of interview year-2]
cmmonsx21 : Century month being referred to in MONSX21 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX21 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [September of interview year-2]
cmmonsx22 : Century month being referred to in MONSX22 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX22 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [October of interview year-2]
cmmonsx23 : Century month being referred to in MONSX23 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX23 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [November of interview year-2]
cmmonsx24 : Century month being referred to in MONSX24 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX24 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [December of interview year-2]
cmmonsx25 : Century month being referred to in MONSX25 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX25 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [January of interview year-1]
cmmonsx26 : Century month being referred to in MONSX26 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX26 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [February of interview year-1]
cmmonsx27 : Century month being referred to in MONSX27 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX27 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [March of interview year-1]
cmmonsx28 : Century month being referred to in MONSX28 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX28 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [April of interview year-1]
cmmonsx29 : Century month being referred to in MONSX29 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX29 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [May of interview year-1]
cmmonsx30 : Century month being referred to in MONSX30 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX30 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [June of interview year-1]
cmmonsx31 : Century month being referred to in MONSX31 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX31 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [July of interview year-1]
cmmonsx32 : Century month being referred to in MONSX32 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX32 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [August of interview year-1]
cmmonsx33 : Century month being referred to in MONSX33 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX33 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [September of interview year-1]
cmmonsx34 : Century month being referred to in MONSX34 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX34 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [October of interview year-1]
cmmonsx35 : Century month being referred to in MONSX35 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX35 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [November of interview year-1]
cmmonsx36 : Century month being referred to in MONSX36 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX36 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [December of interview year-1]
cmmonsx37 : Century month being referred to in MONSX37 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX37 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [January of interview year]
cmmonsx38 : Century month being referred to in MONSX38 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX38 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [February of interview year]
cmmonsx39 : Century month being referred to in MONSX39 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX39 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [March of interview year]
cmmonsx40 : Century month being referred to in MONSX40 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX40 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [April of interview year]
cmmonsx41 : Century month being referred to in MONSX41 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX41 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [May of interview year]
cmmonsx42 : Century month being referred to in MONSX42 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX42 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [June of interview year]
cmmonsx43 : Century month being referred to in MONSX43 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX43 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [July of interview year]
cmmonsx44 : Century month being referred to in MONSX44 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX44 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [August of interview year]
cmmonsx45 : Century month being referred to in MONSX45 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX45 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [September of interview year]
cmmonsx46 : Century month being referred to in MONSX46 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX46 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [October of interview year]
cmmonsx47 : Century month being referred to in MONSX47 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX47 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [November of interview year]
cmmonsx48 : Century month being referred to in MONSX48 (Computed in Flow Check E-34a)
MONSX48 : Did the respondent mark an "X" in this month or mention intercourse occurred during: [December of interview year]
intr_ed4a : The next questions are about birth control methods you may have used between (START DATE OF METHOD CALENDAR) and (END DATE OF METHOD CALENDAR). Remember that this also refers to methods men use, such as condoms, vasectomy, and withdrawal. As we discussed earlier, you had a hysterectomy in (DATE OF HYSTERECTOMY). Since (START DATE OF METHOD CALENDAR), have you used any birth control methods for any reason, such as preventing disease?
nummcmon : Number of months of method calendar asked about (Computed in Flow Check E-41)
DATBEGIN_M : When did you start using (this method/that method combination)? If you used (this method/that method combination) on and off before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR), please tell me when you started using the method (combination) most recently before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR). If you used the methods at different times during that month, please tell me when you started using the pill most recently before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR). (month)
DATBEGIN_Y : (When did you start using (this method/that method combination)? If you used (this method/that method combination) on and off prior to (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR), please tell me when you started using the method (combination) most recently before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR). If you used the methods at different times during that month, please tell me when you started using the pill most recently before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR).) (year)
cmdatbegin : CM for date began method reported in 1st month of method calendar (Computed in Flow Check E-49)
lstmonmeth1 : Method used in month before interview - 1st mention (Computed in Flow Check E-54)
lstmonmeth2 : Method used in month before interview - 2nd mention (Computed in Flow Check E-54)
lstmonmeth3 : Method used in month before interview - 3rd mention (Computed in Flow Check E-54)
lstmonmeth4 : Method used in month before interview - 4th mention (Computed in Flow Check E-54)
pill_12 : Whether used pill in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
diaph_12 : Whether used diaphragm in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
iud_12 : Whether used IUD in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
implant_12 : Whether used hormonal implants (Norplant or Implanon) in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
depo_12 : Whether used Depo-Provera injectables in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
cervc_12 : Whether used cervical cap in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
mpill_12 : Whether used emergency contraception in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
lunel_12 : Whether used Lunelle injectable in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
patch_12 : Whether used contraceptive patch in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
ring_12 : Whether used contraceptive ring in the 12 months before interview (Computed in Flow Check E-55)
METHX1 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX2 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX3 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-3]-3rd mention
METHX4 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX5 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX6 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX7 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX8 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX9 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX10 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX11 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX12 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX13 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX14 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX15 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX16 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX17 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX18 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX19 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX20 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX21 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX22 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX23 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX24 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX25 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX26 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX27 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX28 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX29 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX30 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX31 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX32 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX33 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX34 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX35 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX36 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX37 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX38 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX39 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX40 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX41 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX42 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX43 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX44 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX45 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-3] - 1st mention
METHX46 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-3]-2nd mention
METHX47 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-3] - 3rd mention
METHX48 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-3]-4th mention
METHX49 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX50 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX51 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-2]-3rd mention
METHX52 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX53 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX54 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX55 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX56 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX57 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX58 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX59 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX60 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX61 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX62 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX63 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX64 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX65 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX66 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX67 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX68 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX69 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX70 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX71 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX72 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX73 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX74 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX75 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX76 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX77 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX78 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX79 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX80 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX81 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX82 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX83 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX84 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX85 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX86 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX87 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX88 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX89 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX90 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX91 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX92 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX93 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-2] - 1st mention
METHX94 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-2]-2nd mention
METHX95 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-2] - 3rd mention
METHX96 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-2]-4th mention
METHX97 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-1]-1st mention
METHX98 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX99 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-1]-3rd mention
METHX100 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX101 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX102 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX103 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX104 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX105 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX106 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX107 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX108 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX109 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX110 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX111 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX112 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX113 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX114 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX115 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX116 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX117 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX118 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX119 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX120 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX121 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX122 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX123 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX124 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX125 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX126 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX127 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX128 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX129 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX130 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX131 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX132 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX133 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX134 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX135 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX136 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX137 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX138 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX139 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX140 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX141 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-1] - 1st mention
METHX142 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-1]-2nd mention
METHX143 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-1] - 3rd mention
METHX144 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr-1]-4th mention
METHX145 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX146 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX147 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr]-3rd mention
METHX148 : Method(s) used in Jan [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX149 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX150 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX151 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX152 : Method(s) used in Feb [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX153 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX154 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX155 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX156 : Method(s) used in March [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX157 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX158 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX159 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX160 : Method(s) used in April [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX161 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX162 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX163 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX164 : Method(s) used in May [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX165 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX166 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX167 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX168 : Method(s) used in June [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX169 : th : Method(s) used in July [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX170 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX171 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX172 : Method(s) used in July [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX173 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX174 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX175 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX176 : Method(s) used in Aug [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX177 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX178 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX179 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX180 : Method(s) used in Sept [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX181 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX182 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX183 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX184 : Method(s) used in Oct [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX185 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX186 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX187 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX188 : Method(s) used in Nov [interview yr]-4th mention
METHX189 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr] - 1st mention
METHX190 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr]-2nd mention
METHX191 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr] - 3rd mention
METHX192 : Method(s) used in Dec [interview yr]-4th mention
cmmhcalx1 : Century month of Jan [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx2 : Century month of Feb [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx3 : Century month of March [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx4 : Century month of April [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx5 : Century month of May [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx6 : Century month of June [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx7 : Century month of July [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx8 : Century month of Aug [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx9 : Century month of Sept [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx10 : Century month of Oct [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx11 : Century month of Nov [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx12 : Century month of Dec [interview yr-3] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx13 : Century month of Jan [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx14 : Century month of Feb [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx15 : Century month of March [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx16 : Century month of April [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx17 : Century month of May [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx18 : Century month of June [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx19 : Century month of July [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx20 : Century month of Aug [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx21 : Century month of Sept [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx22 : Century month of Oct [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx23 : Century month of Nov [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx24 : Century month of Dec [interview yr-2] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx25 : Century month of Jan [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx26 : Century month of Feb [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx27 : Century month of March [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx28 : Century month of April [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx29 : Century month of May [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx30 : Century month of June [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx31 : Century month of July [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx32 : Century month of Aug [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx33 : Century month of Sept [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx34 : Century month of Oct [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx35 : Century month of Nov [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx36 : Century month of Dec [interview yr-1] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx37 : Century month of Jan [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx38 : Century month of Feb [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx39 : Century month of March [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx40 : Century month of April [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx41 : Century month of May [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx42 : Century month of June [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx43 : Century month of July [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx44 : Century month of Aug [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx45 : Century month of Sept [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx46 : Century month of Oct [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx47 : Century month of Nov [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
cmmhcalx48 : Century month of Dec [interview yr] in the method history calendar (computed in Flow Check E-44)
nummultx1 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx2 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx3 : Number of Methods Reported in March [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx4 : Number of Methods Reported in April [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx5 : Number of Methods Reported in May [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx6 : Number of Methods Reported in June [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx7 : Number of Methods Reported in July [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx8 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx9 : Number of Methods Reported in Sept [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx10 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx11 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx12 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx13 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx14 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx15 : Number of Methods Reported in March [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx16 : Number of Methods Reported in April [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx17 : Number of Methods Reported in May [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx18 : Number of Methods Reported in June [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx19 : Number of Methods Reported in July [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx20 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx21 : Number of Methods Reported in Sept [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx22 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx23 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx24 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx25 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx26 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx27 : Number of Methods Reported in March [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx28 : Number of Methods Reported in April [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx29 : Number of Methods Reported in May [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx30 : Number of Methods Reported in June [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx31 : Number of Methods Reported in July [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx32 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx33 : Number of Methods Reported in Sept [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx34 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx35 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx36 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx37 : Number of Methods Reported in Jan [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx38 : Number of Methods Reported in Feb [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx39 : Number of Methods Reported in March [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx40 : Number of Methods Reported in April [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx41 : Number of Methods Reported in May [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx42 : Number of Methods Reported in June [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx43 : Number of Methods Reported in July [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx44 : Number of Methods Reported in Aug [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx45 : Number of Methods Reported in Sept [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx46 : Number of Methods Reported in Oct [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx47 : Number of Methods Reported in Nov [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
nummultx48 : Number of Methods Reported in Dec [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-42)
salmx1 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx2 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx3 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST -Mar [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx4 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx5 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx6 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx7 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx8 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx9 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx10 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx11 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx12 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx13 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx14 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx15 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx16 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx17 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx18 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx19 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx20 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx21 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx22 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx23 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx24 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx25 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx26 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx27 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx28 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx29 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx30 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx31 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx32 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx33 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx34 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx35 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx36 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx37 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx38 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx39 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx40 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx41 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx42 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx43 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx44 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx45 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx46 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx47 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
salmx48 : Flag indicating whether " Same as last month" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx1 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx2 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx3 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx4 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx5 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx6 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx7 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx8 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx9 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx10 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx11 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx12 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr-3] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx13 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx14 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx15 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx16 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx17 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx18 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx19 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx20 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx21 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx22 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx23 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx24 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr-2] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx25 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx26 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx27 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx28 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx29 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx30 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx31 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx32 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx33 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx34 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx35 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx36 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr-1] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx37 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Jan [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx38 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Feb [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx39 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Mar [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx40 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - April [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx41 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - May [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx42 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - June [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx43 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - July [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx44 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Aug [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx45 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Sept [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx46 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Oct [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx47 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Nov [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
sayx48 : Flag indicating whether " Same all year" was original answer to ED-6 METHHIST - Dec [interview yr] (computed in Flow Check E-44)
SIMSEQX1 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Jan [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX2 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Feb [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX3 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Mar [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX4 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - April [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX5 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - May [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX6 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - June [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX7 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - July [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX8 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Aug [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX9 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Sept [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX10 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Oct [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX11 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Nov [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX12 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Dec [interview yr-3]
SIMSEQX13 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Jan [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX14 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Feb [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX15 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Mar [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX16 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - April [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX17 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - May [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX18 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - June [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX19 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - July [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX20 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Aug [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX21 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Sept [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX22 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Oct [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX23 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Nov [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX24 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Dec [interview yr-2]
SIMSEQX25 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Jan [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX26 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Feb [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX27 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Mar [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX28 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - April [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX29 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - May [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX30 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - June [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX31 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - July [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX32 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Aug [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX33 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Sept [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX34 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Oct [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX35 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Nov [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX36 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Dec [interview yr-1]
SIMSEQX37 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Jan [interview yr]
SIMSEQX38 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Feb [interview yr]
SIMSEQX39 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Mar [interview yr]
SIMSEQX40 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - April [interview yr]
SIMSEQX41 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - May [interview yr]
SIMSEQX42 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - June [interview yr]
SIMSEQX43 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - July [interview yr]
SIMSEQX44 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Aug [interview yr]
SIMSEQX45 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Sept [interview yr]
SIMSEQX46 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Oct [interview yr]
SIMSEQX47 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Nov [interview yr]
SIMSEQX48 : ED-10 Use Methods Together or at Different Times - Dec [interview yr]
MTHSIMX1 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX2 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX3 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX4 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX5 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX6 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX7 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX8 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX9 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX10 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX11 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX12 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX13 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX14 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX15 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX16 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX17 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX18 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX19 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX20 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX21 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX22 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX23 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX24 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX25 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX26 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX27 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX28 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX29 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX30 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX31 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX32 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX33 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX34 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX35 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX36 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX37 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX38 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX39 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX40 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX41 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX42 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX43 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX44 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX45 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX46 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX47 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX48 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX49 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX50 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX51 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX52 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX53 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX54 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX55 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX56 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX57 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX58 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX59 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX60 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX61 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX62 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX63 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX64 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX65 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX66 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX67 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX68 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX69 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX70 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX71 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX72 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX73 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX74 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX75 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX76 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX77 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX78 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX79 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX80 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX81 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX82 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX83 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX84 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX85 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX86 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX87 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX88 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX89 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX90 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX91 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX92 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX93 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX94 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX95 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX96 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX97 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX98 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX99 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX100 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX101 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX102 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX103 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX104 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX105 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX106 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX107 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX108 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX109 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX110 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX111 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX112 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX113 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX114 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX115 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX116 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX117 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX118 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX119 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX120 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX121 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX122 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX123 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX124 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX125 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX126 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX127 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX128 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX129 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX130 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX131 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX132 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX133 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX134 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX135 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX136 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX137 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX138 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX139 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX140 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX141 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX142 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX143 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX144 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-3])
MTHSIMX145 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX146 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX147 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX148 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX149 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX150 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX151 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX152 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX153 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX154 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX155 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX156 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX157 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX158 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX159 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX160 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX161 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX162 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX163 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX164 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX165 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX166 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX167 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX168 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX169 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX170 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX171 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX172 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX173 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX174 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX175 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX176 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX177 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX178 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX179 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX180 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX181 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX182 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX183 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX184 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX185 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX186 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX187 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX188 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX189 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX190 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX191 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX192 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX193 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX194 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX195 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX196 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX197 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX198 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX199 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX200 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX201 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX202 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX203 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX204 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX205 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX206 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX207 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX208 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX209 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX210 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX211 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX212 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX213 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX214 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX215 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX216 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX217 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX218 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX219 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX220 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX221 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX222 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX223 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX224 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX225 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX226 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX227 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX228 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX229 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX230 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX231 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX232 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX233 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX234 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX235 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX236 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX237 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX238 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX239 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX240 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX241 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX242 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX243 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX244 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX245 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX246 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX247 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX248 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX249 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX250 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX251 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX252 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX253 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX254 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX255 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX256 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX257 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX258 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX259 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX260 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX261 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX262 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX263 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX264 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX265 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX266 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX267 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX268 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX269 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX270 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX271 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX272 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX273 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX274 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX275 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX276 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX277 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX278 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX279 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX280 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX281 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX282 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX283 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX284 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX285 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX286 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX287 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX288 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-2])
MTHSIMX289 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX290 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX291 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX292 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX293 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX294 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX295 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX296 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX297 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX298 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX299 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX300 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX301 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX302 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX303 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX304 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX305 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX306 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX307 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX308 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX309 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX310 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX311 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX312 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX313 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX314 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX315 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX316 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX317 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX318 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX319 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX320 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX321 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX322 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX323 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX324 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX325 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX326 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX327 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX328 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX329 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX330 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX331 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX332 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX333 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX334 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX335 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX336 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX337 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX338 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX339 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX340 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX341 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX342 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX343 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX344 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX345 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX346 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX347 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX348 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX349 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX350 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX351 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX352 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX353 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX354 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX355 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX356 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX357 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX358 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX359 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX360 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX361 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX362 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX363 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX364 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX365 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX366 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX367 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX368 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX369 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX370 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX371 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX372 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX373 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX374 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX375 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX376 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX377 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX378 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX379 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX380 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX381 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX382 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX383 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX384 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX385 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX386 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX387 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX388 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX389 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX390 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX391 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX392 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX393 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX394 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX395 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX396 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX397 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX398 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX399 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX400 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX401 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX402 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX403 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX404 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX405 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX406 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX407 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX408 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX409 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX410 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX411 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX412 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX413 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX414 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX415 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX416 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX417 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX418 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX419 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX420 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX421 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX422 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX423 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX424 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX425 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX426 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX427 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX428 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX429 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX430 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX431 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX432 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr-1])
MTHSIMX433 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX434 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX435 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX436 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX437 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX438 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX439 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX440 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX441 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX442 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX443 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX444 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Jan [interview yr])
MTHSIMX445 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX446 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX447 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX448 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX449 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX450 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX451 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX452 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX453 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX454 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX455 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX456 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Feb [interview yr])
MTHSIMX457 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX458 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX459 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX460 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX461 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX462 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX463 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX464 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX465 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX466 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX467 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX468 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - March [interview yr])
MTHSIMX469 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX470 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX471 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX472 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX473 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX474 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX475 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX476 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX477 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX478 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX479 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX480 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - April [interview yr])
MTHSIMX481 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX482 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX483 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX484 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX485 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX486 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX487 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX488 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX489 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX490 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX491 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX492 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - May [interview yr])
MTHSIMX493 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX494 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX495 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX496 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX497 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX498 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX499 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX500 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX501 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX502 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX503 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX504 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - June [interview yr])
MTHSIMX505 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX506 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX507 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX508 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX509 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX510 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX511 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX512 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX513 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX514 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX515 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX516 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - July [interview yr])
MTHSIMX517 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX518 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX519 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX520 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX521 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX522 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX523 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX524 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX525 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX526 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX527 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX528 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Aug [interview yr])
MTHSIMX529 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX530 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX531 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX532 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX533 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX534 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX535 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX536 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX537 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX538 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX539 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX540 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Sept [interview yr])
MTHSIMX541 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX542 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX543 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX544 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX545 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX546 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX547 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX548 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX549 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX550 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX551 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX552 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Oct [interview yr])
MTHSIMX553 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX554 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX555 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX556 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX557 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX558 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX559 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX560 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX561 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX562 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX563 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX564 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Nov [interview yr])
MTHSIMX565 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX566 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX567 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX568 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 1st combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX569 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX570 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX571 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX572 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 2nd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX573 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (1st method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX574 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (2nd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX575 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (3rd method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr])
MTHSIMX576 : During that month, which (of those methods/other methods), if any, did you use at the same time? (4th method used in 3rd combo - Dec [interview yr])
LSTMTHP1 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (1st Mention; LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP2 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (2nd Mention; LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP3 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (3rd Mention; LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP4 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (4th Mention; LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP1 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (1st mention; LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP2 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (2nd mention;LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP3 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (3rd mention; LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP4 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (4th mention; LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP5 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (1ST Mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP6 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (2ND Mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP7 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (3RD Mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP8 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (4TH Mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP5 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (1ST mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP6 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (2ND mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP7 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (3RD mention;2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP8 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (4th mention; 2ND-TO-LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP9 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (1ST Mention; 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
LSTMTHP10 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (2ND Mention; 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP9 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (1ST mention; 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
FSTMTHP10 : Which method or methods on Card 33 did you or he use? - (2ND mention; 3RD-TO-LAST PARTNER)
DURTRY : How long have you been trying to become pregnant? (NUMBER)
DURTRYYM : (How long have you been trying to become pregnant?) (UNIT-MONTHS OR YEARS)
WHYNOUSING1 : Please look at Card 43a. Which of the following statements applies to you right now? You are not using birth control because. . . (1st mention)
WHYNOUSING2 : Please look at Card 43a. Which of the following statements applies to you right now? You are not using birth control because. . . (2nd mention)
WHYNOUSING3 : Please look at Card 43a. Which of the following statements applies to you right now? You are not using birth control because. . . (3rd mention)
WHYNOUSING4 : Please look at Card 43a. Which of the following statements applies to you right now? You are not using birth control because. . . (4th mention)
WHYNOUSING5 : Please look at Card 43a. Which of the following statements applies to you right now? You are not using birth control because. . . (5th mention)
MAINNOUSE : Which one of these is the main reason that you are not using birth control?
cmethprs : Whether [drug/device] method used in month before interview was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-92) - 1st Method
cmethprs2 : Whether [drug/device] method used in month before interview was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-92) - 2nd Method
cmethprs3 : Whether [drug/device] method used in month before interview was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-92) - 3rd Method
cmethprs4 : Whether [drug/device] method used in month before interview was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-92) - 4th Method
cmethprs5 : Whether [drug/device] method used in month before interview was prescription or non-prescription (Computed in Flow Check E-92) - 5th Method
PLACCUR : Please look at Card 36. You may already have told me, but where did you get the [prescription for the Pill / condom / sterilizing operation / prescription for Depo-Provera / prescription for the implant / prescription for diaphragms / female condom / foam / jelly or cream / prescription for the cervical cap / suppository / the sponge / prescription for the IUD / prescription for emergency contraception / prescription for Lunelle / prescription for the contraceptive patch/the contraceptive ring] you used last month? - 1st method
PLACEC : Please look at card 36. Earlier you reported using emergency contraception within the past two years. Where did you get the emergency contraception (the last time you used it)?
PLACEC2 : Please look at card 36. Earlier you reported using emergency contraception within the past two years. Where did you get the emergency contraception (the last time you used it)?
PLACEC3 : Please look at card 36. Earlier you reported using emergency contraception within the past two years. Where did you get the emergency contraception (the last time you used it)? (3rd mention)
PLACEC4 : Please look at card 36. Earlier you reported using emergency contraception within the past two years. Where did you get the emergency contraception (the last time you used it)? (4th mention)
YUSEPILL6 : Now I would like to know all of the reasons for your recent pill use. Have you used it for birth control, cramps or pain during menstrual period, treatment for acne, treatment for endometriosis, to regulate your menstrual periods, or for some other reason? - 6th
nformwife : Number of Former Wives (Computed in Flow Check E-1)
nformcohab : Number of Former Cohabiting Partners (Computed in Flow Check E-1)
FWMAREND_M : In what month and year were you and she married? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWMAREND_Y : In what month and year were you and she married? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
STRTLIVE_M4 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
STRTLIVE_Y4 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
WIFEDIED_M4 : In what month and year did (1ST FORMER WIFE) die?
WIFEDIED_Y4 : In what month and year did (1ST FORMER WIFE) die?
DIVORFIN_M4 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
DIVORFIN_Y4 : In what month and year did your divorce become final?(1ST FORMER WIFE)
ANNULLED_M4 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
ANNULLED_Y4 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
STOPLIVE_M4 : In what month and year did you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
STOPLIVE_Y4 : In what month and year did you and (1ST FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
FWMAREND_M2 : In what month and year were you and she married? (2nd former wife)
FWMAREND_Y2 : In what month and year were you and she married? (2nd former wife)
STRTLIVE_M5 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (2nd former wife)
STRTLIVE_Y5 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (2nd former wife)
WIFEDIED_M5 : In what month and year did (2ND FORMER WIFE) die?
WIFEDIED_Y5 : In what month and year did (2ND FORMER WIFE) die?
cmwidw2 : Century Month When Wife Died - 2nd Former Wife [Computed in Flow Check E-11]
DIVORFIN_M5 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (2nd former wife)
DIVORFIN_Y5 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (2nd former wife)
ANNULLED_M5 : In what month and year did your annulment take place?(2nd former wife)
ANNULLED_Y5 : In what month and year did your annulment take place?(2nd former wife)
STOPLIVE_M5 : In what month and year did you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
STOPLIVE_Y5 : In what month and year did you and (2ND FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
FWMAREND_M3 : In what month and year were you and she married? (3rd former wife)
FWMAREND_Y3 : In what month and year were you and she married? (3rd former wife)
STRTLIVE_M6 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (3rd former wife)
STRTLIVE_Y6 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (3rd former wife)
WIFEDIED_M6 : In what month and year did (3RD FORMER WIFE) die?
WIFEDIED_Y6 : In what month and year did (3RD FORMER WIFE) die?
DIVORFIN_M6 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (3rd former wife)
DIVORFIN_Y6 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (3rd former wife)
ANNULLED_M6 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (3rd former wife)
ANNULLED_Y6 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (3rd former wife)
cmannw3 : Century Month When Marriage Annulled (3rd former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-13]
STOPLIVE_M6 : In what month and year did you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
STOPLIVE_Y6 : In what month and year did you and (3RD FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
STRTLIVE_M14 : In what month did you and she first start living together? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
STRTLIVE_Y14 : In what year did you and she first start living together? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
AGELIV14 : How old were you when you and (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) first started living together?
STOPLIVE_M14 : In what month did you and (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) last stop living together?
STOPLIVE_Y14 : In what year did you and (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) last stop living together?
cmfwpdob : Century month (date) when 1st former wife was born (computed in Flow Check E-15)
wif1mult : Multiple races reported for 1st former wife (computed in post-processing)
wif1race : RACE-recode-like variable for 1st former wife (computed in post-processing)
wif1hrace : HISPRACE-recode-like variable for 1st former wife (computed in post-processing)
wif1nrace : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for 1st former wife (computed in post-processing)
cmfwpdob2 : Century month (date) when 2nd former wife was born (computed in Flow Check E-15)
cmfwpdob3 : Century month (date) when 3rd former wife was born (computed in Flow Check E-15)
FWPDOB_M11 : Now I have some more questions about (1ST COHABITING PARTNER). In what year was (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPDOB_Y11 : Now I have some more questions about (1ST COHABITING PARTNER). In what month was (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmfwpdob11 : Century month (date) when 1st cohabiting partner was born (computed in Flow Check E-15)
FWPCHDOB_M : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT41 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHLIV03 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1st BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHDOB_M2 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y2 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT42 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (2nd BIO child with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHLIV13 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHDOB_M3 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y3 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT43 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (3rd BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB3 : Were you married to (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (3rd BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV23 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHDOB_M4 : In what month and year was (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y4 : In what month and year was (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
FWCHMARB4 : Were you married to (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (4th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN4 : When did you find out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV32 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV33 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPSOON4 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4th BIO CHILD with 1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHDOB_M5 : In what month and year was (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y5 : In what month and year was (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob45 : Century Month of date of birth for 5th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT45 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (5th BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB5 : Were you married to (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (5th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES5 : Were you living together with (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (5th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN5 : When did you find out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV42 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV43 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPRWANT5 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (5th BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON5 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5th BIO CHILD with 1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG5 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (5th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHSEX6 : (Is (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHDOB_M6 : In what month and year was (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y6 : In what month and year was (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob46 : Century Month of date of birth for 6th biological child w/1st former wife [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT46 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (6th BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB6 : Were you married to (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (6th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES6 : Were you living together with (1ST FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (6th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN6 : When did you find out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (6th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV51 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV52 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV53 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3RD MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE6 : How old is (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG6 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP6 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR6 : Did you ever live with (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR6 : About how many miles away from here does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT6 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (6th BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON6 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (6th BIO CHILD with 1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG6 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (6th BIO CHILD)
FWPCHDOB_M11 : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y11 : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT51 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB11 : Were you married to (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV103 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHDOB_M12 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y12 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT52 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB12 : Were you married to (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN12 : When did you find out that (2ND FORMER WIFER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV112 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV113 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHEVR12 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)?
FWPRWANT12 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON12 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2ND BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG12 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHDOB_M13 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (MONTH)
FWPCHDOB_Y13 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob53 : DOB for 3rd biological child with 2nd former wife [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT53 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB13 : Were you married to (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES13 : Were you living together with (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN13 : When did you find out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV122 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV123 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE13 : How old is (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG13 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP13 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR13 : Did you ever live with (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)?
FWPRWANT13 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON13 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3RD BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG13 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHDOB_M21 : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y21 : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT61 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY NAMED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB21 : Were you married to (3RD FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV202 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV203 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPSOON21 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPCHSEX22 : (Is (2ND BIO CHILD with 3RD FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHDOB_M22 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y22 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT62 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY NAMED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB22 : Were you married to (3RD FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES22 : Were you living together with (3RD FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN22 : When did you find out that (3RD FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV211 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV212 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV213 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE22 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG22 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP22 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR22 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR22 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT22 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (3RD FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON22 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG22 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (3RD FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHSEX23 : (Is (3RD BIO CHILD with 3RD FORMER WIFE) male or female?)
FWPCHDOB_M23 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y23 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT63 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY NAMED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB23 : Were you married to (3RD FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES23 : Were you living together with (3RD FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN23 : When did you find out that (3RD FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV221 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV222 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV223 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE23 : How old is (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHLEG23 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
FWPCHHOP23 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) was born?
FWPCHEVR23 : Did you ever live with (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR23 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT23 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (3RD FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON23 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPHPYPG23 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (3RD FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (3RD BIO CHILD)
FWPCHDOB_M101 : In what month was (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y101 : In what year was (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob141 : Century Month for date of birth for 1st biological child w/1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT141 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHLIV1003 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHDOB_M102 : In what month was (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y102 : In what year was (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born? (YEAR)
cmchdob142 : Century Month for date of birth for 2nd biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT142 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHLIV1013 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHDOB_M103 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y103 : In what month and year was (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
cmchdob143 : Century month for date of birth of 3rd biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
FWPCHLIV1022 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1023 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHEVR103 : Did you ever live with (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)?
FWPSOON103 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHDOB_M104 : In what month was (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y104 : In what year was (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
cmchdob144 : Century month for date of birth of 4th biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT144 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHLRN104 : When did you find out that (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1032 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1033 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE104 : How old is (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHEVR104 : Did you ever live with (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)?
FWPRWANT104 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON104 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPHPYPG104 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant that time. (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHDOB_M105 : In what month was (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y105 : In what year was (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
cmchdob145 : Century Month for date of birth of 5th biological child 2nd Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT145 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHLRN105 : When did you find out that (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1042 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1043 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE105 : How old is (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHEVR105 : Did you ever live with (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)?
FWPCHFAR105 : About how many miles away from here does (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) live?
FWPRWANT105 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON105 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPHPYPG105 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant that time. (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPOKWTH : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKWTHN : How many of these children lived with you? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKADP1 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (1ST FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKLIV10 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV18 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKSEX4 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD4 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV25 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV26 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 2nd MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR4 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE4 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF MOST RECENT PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKWTH2 : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKWTHN2 : How many of these children lived with you? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKADP2 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKADN2 : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKSEX12 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD12 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV89 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR12 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE12 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX13 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD13 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV97 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR13 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE13 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKWTH3 : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKWTHN3 : How many of these children lived with you? (3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKADP3 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKADN3 : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKSEX21 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD21 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV161 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR21 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE21 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX22 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD22 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV169 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED;1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR22 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE22 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX23 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD23 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV177 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR23 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE23 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX24 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD24 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV185 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR24 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE24 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX25 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD25 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] or become [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV193 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR25 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE25 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKWTH11 : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPOKWTHN11 : How many of these children lived with you? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPOKADP11 : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children)? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPOKADN11 : How many of these children did you legally adopt? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPOKSEX102 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV809 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR102 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE102 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX103 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV817 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR103 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE103 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX104 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV825 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR104 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE104 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX105 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV833 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR105 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE105 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPOKSEX106 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED], is) this child male or female?Asked starting in Year 3: (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV841 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED; 1st MENTIONED)Asked starting in Year 3: Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR106 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] live?Asked starting in Year 3: About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKAGE106 : Asked in Years 1 and 2: How old is [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R ADOPTED] now?Asked starting in Year 3: How old is [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] now?
FWPNBLIV1 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBSEX3 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE], is) this child male or female?
FWPNBLIV17 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] live?
FWPNBSEX4 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE], is) this child male or female?
FWPNBLIV25 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR4 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] live?
FWPNBADN2 : How many children did you legally adopt? (2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBRL3 : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage? (3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBADN3 : How many children did you legally adopt? (3RD FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBSEX21 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE], is) this child male or female?
FWPNBLIV161 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR21 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] live?
e_nbakids3 : Number of other nonbiological children R adopted with 3rd former wife (Computed in Flow Check E-36)
FWPNBADN11 : How many children did you legally adopt? (1ST COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPNBSEX101 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER], is) this child male or female?
FWPNBLIV801 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR101 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R ADOPTED WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] live?
e_nbakids11 : Number of other nonbiological children R adopted with his 1st cohabiting partner (Computed in Flow Check E-36)
stoppill5 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of pill: 5th mention
stoppill6 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of pill: 6th mention
REASCOND07 : EA-19 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the condom? - 7th
REASDEPO06 : EA-20 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 6th
REASDEPO07 : EA-20 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 7th
REASDEPO08 : EA-20 : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with Depo-Provera? - 8th
TYPEIUD : EA-21 : Which type of IUD was it that you decided not to use because you were not satisfied with it? Was it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, or was it a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena, or was it another type?
REASIUD01 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 1st
REASIUD02 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 2nd
REASIUD03 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 3rd
REASIUD04 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 4th
REASIUD05 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 5th
stopiud1 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of IUD 1st mention
stopiud2 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of IUD 2nd mention
stopiud3 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of IUD 3rd mention
stopiud4 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of IUD 4th mention
stopiud5 : Open-ended response to reason(s) for discontinuation of IUD 5th mention
PLACGOTF : EB-5 : Please look at Card 36. [Where did you get the prescription for the (Pill / Depo-Provera / implant / diaphragm / cervical cap / IUD / Lunelle / contraceptive patch / contraceptive ring) / Where did you get the (condom / female condom / foam / jelly or cream / suppository / sponge / Emergency contraception)]? - 1st method
MC1MONS1 : ED-9a : I have entered that in (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR) you used [METHOD]. For how many months altogether had you been using (METHOD) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?
MC1SIMSQ : ED-9b : I have entered that in (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR) you used ((METHOD 1) and (METHOD 2)/(METHOD 1), (METHOD 2), (METHOD 3), etc). Did you use (any of) them at different times during the month or did you use them (all) at the same time?
MC1MONS2 : ED-9c : For how many months altogether had you been using ((METHOD 1) and (METHOD 2)/(METHOD 1), (METHOD 2), (METHOD 3), etc). together, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?
MC1MONS3 : ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))?
IUDTYPE : EJ-3 : Now I have one question on your recent IUD use. You mentioned that you used the IUD within the past 2 months. Which type (are you using / did you use)? (Is / Was) it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, or (is/was) it a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD< such as Mirena, or (is/was) it another type?
FWVERIFY4 : EA-2 : I need to check whether we've already talked about [NAME OF 4TH FORMER WIFE]. We talked about [YOUR RECENT/SOME OF YOUR RECENT] sexual partners, that is, women you had sex with in the past 12 months. Is [NAME OF 4TH FORMER WIFE] one of your recent sexual partners in the last 12 months that we already talked about?
fwver4 : 4TH Former Wife Not Previously Discussed in Interview (Computed in Flow Check E-2a)
exrelation4 : Relationship with Each Woman in E - 4TH Former Wife [Computed in Flow Check E-5b]
FWMAREND_M4 : EB-2 : In what month and year were you and she married? (4th former wife)
FWMAREND_Y4 : EB-2 : In what month and year were you and she married? (4th former wife)
cmmarw4 : Century Month of Marriage ( 4TH former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-7]
AGEMARRN4 : EB-3 : How old were you when you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) got married?
LIVTOGN7 : EB-4 : Some couples live together without being married. By living together, we mean having a sexual relationship while sharing the same usual address. Did you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) live together before you got married?
STRTLIVE_M7 : EB-5 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (4TH former wife)
STRTLIVE_Y7 : EB-5 : In what month and year did you and she first start living together? (4TH former wife)
cmcohw4 : Century Month at Start of Premarital Cohabitation (4TH former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-8]
AGELIV7 : EB-6 : How old were you when you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) first started living together?
cmunionw4 : Century Month When Coresidence (Union) Began (4TH former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-9]
ENGAGTHN7 : EB-7 : At the time you first started living together with [4TH FORMER WIFE], were you and she engaged to be married or did you have definite plans to get married?
MARREND7 : EB-8 : How did your marriage end? (4TH former wife)
WIFEDIED_M7 : EB-9 : In what month and year did (4TH FORMER WIFE) die?
WIFEDIED_Y7 : EB-9 : In what month and year did (4TH FORMER WIFE) die?
cmwidw4 : Century Month When Wife Died (4TH former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-11]
DIVORFIN_M7 : EB-10 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (4TH former wife)
DIVORFIN_Y7 : EB-10 : In what month and year did your divorce become final? (4TH former wife)
cmdivw4 : Century Month When Divorce Final (4TH former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-12]
ANNULLED_M7 : EB-11 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (4TH former wife)
ANNULLED_Y7 : EB-11 : In what month and year did your annulment take place? (4TH former wife)
cmannw4 : Century Month When Marriage Annulled (4TH former Wife) [Computed in Flow Check E-13]
STOPLIVE_M7 : EB-12 : In what month and year did you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
STOPLIVE_Y7 : EB-12 : In what month and year did you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) last stop living together?
cmstopw4 : Century Month Stopped Living with 4TH former Wife [Computed in Flow Check E-14]
FWPDOB_M4 : EC-1 : In what year was (4th FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
FWPDOB_Y4 : EC-1 : In what year was (4th FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
cmfwpdob4 : Century month (date) when 4th former wife was born (computed in Flow Check E-15)
FWPAGE4 : EC-2 : How old was (4TH FORMER WIFE) when (she died/ your divorce became final/your annulment took place/ you and she last stopped living together)?
FWPMARBF4 : EC-6 : At the time you and she (were married/ started living together), had she ever been married? (4TH former wife)
FWPCHSIG : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG2 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT2 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN2 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG3 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT3 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN3 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG4 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT4 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN4 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG5 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT5 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN5 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG11 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT11 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN11 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG12 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT12 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN12 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG13 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT13 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN13 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG21 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT21 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN21 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG22 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT22 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN22 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHSIG23 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT23 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN23 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 3rd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPBIOKD4 : ED-1 : Now I have some questions about children that you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) may have had together. By this I mean that you were the biological father and she was the biological mother. Did you and (4TH FORMER WIFE) ever have a child together?
FWPCHSIG101 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHCRT101 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN101 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1st BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHSIG102 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHCRT102 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN102 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2nd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHSIG103 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHCRT103 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN103 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3rd BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHSIG104 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHCRT104 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN104 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHSIG105 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHCRT105 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN105 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHSEX106 : ED-5 : (Is (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) male or female?)
FWPCHDOB_M106 : ED-6 : In what month was (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
FWPCHDOB_Y106 : ED-6 : In what year was (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) born?
cmchdob146 : Century Month for date of birth of 6th biological child 1st Pre-marital Cohabiting Partner [Computed in Flow Check E-20]
MULTBIRT146 : ED-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPCHRES106 : ED-9 : Were you living together with (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) at the time of the birth? (6TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN106 : ED-10 : When did you find out that (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (6TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV1051 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1052 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV1053 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE106 : ED-12 : How old is (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHSIG106 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (6th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (6th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHCRT106 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (6th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN106 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (6th BIO CHILD WITH 1st COHABITING PARTNER)'s father?
FWPCHEVR106 : ED-15 : Did you ever live with (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)?
FWPCHFAR106 : ED-16 : About how many miles away from here does (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER) live?
FWPRWANT106 : ED-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (6TH BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON106 : ED-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (6TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)
FWPHPYPG106 : ED-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a zero means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (1ST COHABITING PARTNER) was pregnant that time. (6TH BIO CHILD)
FWPOKSEX5 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD5 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV33 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV34 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR5 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX6 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD6 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV41 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV42 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (6TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR6 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX7 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD7 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV49 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV50 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (7TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR7 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF 1ST FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX14 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD14 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV105 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR14 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
e_okakids4 : Number of 4th former wife's children R adopted (Computed in Flow Check E-29)
FWPOTKID4 : EE-1 : EE-1 : Now I would like to ask you about any other children, whether biological, adopted, foster or legally guarded children, that [NAME OF 4TH FORMER WIFE] may have had. Please be sure to include all of her children, even if they never lived with you. When you began living with [NAME OF 4TH FORMER WIFE], did she have any children?
FWPOKNUM4 : EE-2 : How many children did she have? (4TH FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKWTH4 : EE-3 : Did (this child / any of these children) ever live with you? (4TH FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKWTHN4 : EE-4 : How many of these children lived with you? (4TH FORMER WIFE)
FWPOKSEX31 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD31 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV241 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR31 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX107 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV849 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (7TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR107 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX108 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 8TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV857 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (8TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR108 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 8TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX109 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 9TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV865 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (9TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR109 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 9TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX110 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 10TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKLIV873 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (10TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR110 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 10TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPNBREL12 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS12 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV89 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR12 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE] live?
e_nbakids4 : Number of other nonbiological children R adopted with 4th former wife (Computed in Flow Check E-36)
FWPNBEVR4 : EF-1 : Besides any children that we may have talked about already, did you and [NAME OF 4TH FORMER WIFE] ever have any other children live with you under your care and responsibility? Please do not include any of your biological children, [NAME OF 4TH FORMER WIFE]'s biological children, or children from previous relationships.
FWPNBREL101 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS101 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBREL102 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS102 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV809 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR102 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] live?
SDAYCBDS : EA-7b : (Have you ever used) the "Standard Days Method" or "CycleBeads" to prevent pregnancy? These methods identify days 8 to 19 of the cycle as days a woman can get pregnant, or "unsafe" days.
EVIUDTYP1 : EA-15a : Which type or types of IUD have you ever used, out of the following types: a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or another type? - 1st mention
EVIUDTYP2 : EA-15a : Which type or types of IUD have you ever used, out of the following types: a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or another type? - 2nd mention
TYPEIUD_1 : EA-21 : Which type or types of IUD was it that you decided not to use because you were not satisfied with it? Was it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, or was it a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or was it another type? - 1st mention
TYPEIUD_2 : EA-21 : Which type or types of IUD was it that you decided not to use because you were not satisfied with it? Was it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, or was it a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or was it another type? - 2nd mention
whynotpg1 : EH-2cc : Could you say a bit more about why you do not think you can get pregnant? (1st mention)
whynotpg2 : EH-2cc : Could you say a bit more about why you do not think you can get pregnant? (2nd mention)
YUSEPILL7 : EJ-1 : Now I have a question about your recent pill use. Please look at Card 43b and tell me the reason or reasons for your recent pill use. - 7th mention
COND1BRK : EL-3a : That time you used the condom in the past 4 weeks, did it break or completely fall off during intercourse or withdrawal?
COND1OFF : EL-3b : Was the condom used for only part of the time during intercourse? That is, was it put on after you started having sex, or taken off during sex but before ejaculation?
CONDBRFL : EL-3c : Of those (number of times from EL-3 PSWKCOND2) times that you used a condom, how many times did the condom break or completely fall off during intercourse or withdrawal?
CONDOFF : EL-3d : Of those (number of times from EL-3 PSWKCOND2) times that you used a condom, how many times was the condom used for only part of the time during intercourse? That is, how many time was the condom put on after you started having sex, or taken off during sex but before ejaculation?
MISSPILL : EL-3e : Still thinking about the past 4 weeks, how many pills that you were supposed to take did you miss? Would you say you never missed a pill, missed only one pill, or missed two or more pills?
FWPOKLIV82 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV90 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV98 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV162 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV170 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV178 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV186 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV194 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV802 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV810 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV818 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPOKLIV826 : EE-8 : Where does this child usually live now? (4TH CHILD OF 1ST COHABITING PARTNER R LIVED WITH; 2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV2 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV10 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV18 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBREL4 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS4 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV26 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV82 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV802 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV810 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBREL103 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS103 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV817 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV818 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR103 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] live?
FWPNBREL104 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS104 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV825 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV826 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR104 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] live?
FWPNBREL105 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS105 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV833 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBLIV834 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR105 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 1ST COHABITING PARTNER] live?
WHENPILL : EA-17a : Now, think about the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]. During that time, did you stop using the pill because you were not satisfied with it?
WHENCOND : EA-18e : Now, think about the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]. During that time, did you stop using the condom becuse you were not satisfied with it?
WHENIUD : EA-20e : Now, think about the last 12 months, that is since, [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]. During that time, did you stop using the IUD because were not satisfied, with it?
REASIUD06 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 6th
REASIUD07 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 7th
REASIUD08 : EA-21a : Looking at Card 32, What was the reason or reasons you were not satisfied with the IUD? - 8th
WYNOLSTP : EF-1b : Is the reason you did not use a method of birth control because you, yourself, wanted to become pregnant? (last partner)
HPLSTP : EF-1c : And your partner, did he want you to become pregnant? (last partner)
LPIUDTYP : EF-2b : Please look at Card 30a. Which type of IUD did you use? Was it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or another type? (last partner)
WYNOLSTP2 : EF-1b : Is the reason you did not use a method of birth control because you, yourself, wanted to become pregnant? (2nd-to-last partner)
HPLSTP2 : EF-1c : And your partner, did he want you to become pregnant? (2nd-to-last partner)
LPIUDTYP2 : EF-2b : Please look at Card 30a. Which type of IUD did you use? Was it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or another type? (2nd-to-last partner)
WYNOLSTP3 : EF-1b : Is the reason you did not use a method of birth control because you, yourself, wanted to become pregnant? (3rd-to-last partner)
HPLSTP3 : EF-1c : And your partner, did he want you to become pregnant? (3rd-to-last partner)
LPIUDTYP3 : EF-2b : Please look at Card 30a. Which type of IUD did you use? Was it a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, or another type? (3rd-to-last partner)
YUSEIUD1 : EJ-3a : Now, please look at Card 43b and tell me the reason or reasons for your recent IUD use. - 1st mention
YUSEIUD2 : EJ-3a : Now, please look at Card 43b and tell me the reason or reasons for your recent IUD use. - 2nd mention
YUSEIUD3 : EJ-3a : Now, please look at Card 43b and tell me the reason or reasons for your recent IUD use. - 3rd mention
YUSEIUD4 : EJ-3a : Now, please look at Card 43b and tell me the reason or reasons for your recent IUD use. - 4th mention
YUSEIUD5 : EJ-3a : Now, please look at Card 43b and tell me the reason or reasons for your recent IUD use. - 5th mention
ekmethod : Recently used method chosen for EK series. (Computed in Flow Check E-98b)
CURBCPLC : EK-1 : Please look at Card 25. Where did you get the [METHOD] you used recently?
NUMPILLS : EK-2 : How many months' supply of birth control pills did you get the last time you got some?
CURBCPAY1 : EK-3 : Please look at Card 16a and tell me all the ways in which you paid for your [METHOD] the last time you got this method. (1st mention)
CURBCPAY2 : EK-3 : Please look at Card 16a and tell me all the ways in which you paid for your [METHOD] the last time you got this method. (2nd mention)
CURBCPAY3 : EK-3 : Please look at Card 16a and tell me all the ways in which you paid for your [METHOD] the last time you got this method. (3rd mention)
CURBCINS : EK-4 : The last time you got this method, did you have any kind of health insurance or Medicaid?
NOUSEINS1 : EK-5 : Please look at Card 43c. Why did you not use your insurance to pay for your method supplies? - 1ST MENTIONED
NOUSEINS2 : EK-5 : Please look at Card 43c. Why did you not use your insurance to pay for your method supplies? - 2ND MENTIONED
NOUSEINS3 : EK-5 : Please look at Card 43c. Why did you not use your insurance to pay for your method supplies? - 3RD MENTIONED
CURBCAMT : EK-6 : Please look at Card 43d. How much did you pay for your co-payment or out-of-pocket payment when you received the method?
NOCOST1 : EK-7 : If you did not have to worry about cost and could use any type of contraceptive method available, would you want to use a different method?
NOCOST2 : EK-8 : If you did not have to worry about cost and could use any type of contraceptive method available, would you want to use a method?
FWPSOONN : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN2 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY2 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN3 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY3 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN4 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY4 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN5 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY5 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 1ST FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN11 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY11 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN12 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY12 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN13 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY13 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPCHDOB_Y14 : ED-6 : In what month and year was (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT54 : ED-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB14 : ED-8 : Were you married to (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES14 : ED-9 : Were you living together with (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN14 : ED-10 : When did you find out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV132 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE14 : ED-12 : How old is (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHSIG14 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT14 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN14 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHEVR14 : ED-15 : Did you ever live with (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)?
FWPRWANT14 : ED-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON14 : ED-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPSOONN14 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY14 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPHPYPG14 : ED-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (4TH BIO CHILD)
FWPSOONN21 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY21 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN22 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY22 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN23 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY23 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPNUMKD4 : ED-2 : Altogether, how many children did you have together? (4th former wife)
FWPSOONN101 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY101 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN102 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY102 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN103 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY103 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
FWPSOONN104 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY104 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH BIO CHILD with 1st COHABITING PARTNER)? (unit-months or years)
FWPOKSEX15 : EE-6 : (Is / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD15 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV113 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (5TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR15 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH CHILD OF 2ND FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPNBREL21 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS21 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBAD21 : EF-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH or become [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 3RD FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPNBREL22 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS22 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBLIV169 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR22 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 3RD FORMER WIFE] live?
EVIUDTYP3 : EA-15a : EA-15a: Please look at Card 30a. Which type or types of IUD have you ever used: a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, or Kyleena, or another type? [3RD MENTIONED]
TYPEIUD_3 : EA-21 : EA-21: Please look at Card 30a. Which type or types of IUD did you stop using because you were not satisfied: a copper-bearing IUD such as Copper-T or ParaGard, a Levonorgestrel or hormonal IUD, such as Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, or Kyleena, or another type [3RD MENTIONED]?
LARC10 : EA-22a : Now think about the past 10 years. Have you used an implant or IUD during that time?
LARCREMV : EA-22b : (You may have already told me about this, but in the past 10 years, that is, since [TENYRS_FILL], did you ever want to get an implant or IUD removed for any reason?)/(Many women who have used an implant or IUD get it removed at some point. In the past 10 years, that is, since [TENYRS_FILL], did you ever want to get an implant or IUD removed?)
REMOVWHY_1 : EA-22c : Please look at show card 32a. Please tell me the reason or reasons you wanted to get an implant or IUD removed. [1ST MENTIONED]
REMOVWHY_2 : EA-22c : Please look at show card 32a. Please tell me the reason or reasons you wanted to get an implant or IUD removed. [2ND MENTIONED]
REMOVWHY_3 : EA-22c : Please look at show card 32a. Please tell me the reason or reasons you wanted to get an implant or IUD removed. [3RD MENTIONED]
REMOVWHY_4 : EA-22c : Please look at show card 32a. Please tell me the reason or reasons you wanted to get an implant or IUD removed. [4TH MENTIONED]
REMOVWHY_5 : EA-22c : Please look at show card 32a. Please tell me the reason or reasons you wanted to get an implant or IUD removed. [5TH MENTIONED]
REMOVDIF : EA-22d : In the past 10 years, that is, since [TENYRS_FILL], did you ever have difficulty getting an implant or IUD removed?
REMVDIFY_1 : EA-22e : Please look at show card 32b. Please tell me the reason or reasons you had difficulty getting an implant or IUD removed. [1ST MENTIONED]
REMVDIFY_2 : EA-22e : Please look at show card 32b. Please tell me the reason or reasons you had difficulty getting an implant or IUD removed. [2ND MENTIONED]
REMVDIFY_3 : EA-22e : Please look at show card 32b. Please tell me the reason or reasons you had difficulty getting an implant or IUD removed. [3RD MENTIONED]
YUSEIUD6 : EJ-3a : No QTEXT string.
FWPLATEN : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 1st former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 1st former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN2 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 1st former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY2 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 1st former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN3 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd child with 1st former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY3 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd child with 1st former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN4 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th child with 1st former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY4 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th child with 1st former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN11 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 2nd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY11 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 2nd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN12 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 2nd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY12 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 2nd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN13 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd child with 2nd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY13 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd child with 2nd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPCHLIV133 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPLATEN14 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th child with 2nd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY14 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th child with 2nd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPCHSEX15 : ED-5 : Is (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE) male or female?
FWPCHDOB_Y15 : ED-6 : In what month and year was (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT55 : ED-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWCHMARB15 : ED-8 : Were you married to (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES15 : ED-9 : Were you living together with (2ND FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN15 : ED-10 : When did you find out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV141 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV142 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV143 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE15 : ED-12 : How old is (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHSIG15 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT15 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN15 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2nd FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHEVR15 : ED-15 : Did you ever live with (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR15 : ED-16 : About how many miles away from here does (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE) live?
FWPRWANT15 : ED-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (2ND FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future? (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON15 : ED-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (5TH BIO CHILD with 2ND FORMER WIFE)
FWPSOONN15 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY15 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH BIO CHILD WITH 2ND FORMER WIFE)? (unit-months or years)
FWPLATEN15 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th child with 2nd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY15 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th child with 2nd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPHPYPG15 : ED-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (2ND FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (5TH BIO CHILD)
FWPLATEN21 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 3rd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY21 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 3rd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN22 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 3rd former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY22 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 3rd former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPCHSEX31 : ED-5 : Is (1ST BIO CHILD with 4TH FORMER WIFE) male or female?
FWPCHDOB_Y31 : ED-6 : In what month and year was (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
FWCHMARB31 : ED-8 : Were you married to (4TH FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1st BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES31 : ED-9 : Were you living together with (4TH FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN31 : ED-10 : When did you find out that (4TH FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV301 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED] : No QTEXT string.
FWPCHLIV302 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV303 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED
FWPCHAGE31 : ED-12 : How old is (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHSIG31 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT31 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN31 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHEVR31 : ED-15 : Did you ever live with (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR31 : ED-16 : About how many miles away from here does (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) life?
FWPRWANT31 : ED-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (4TH FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON31 : ED-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)
FWPSOONN31 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY31 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)? (unit - months or years)
FWPLATEN31 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 4th former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY31 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 4th former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPHPYPG31 : ED-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a zero means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (4TH FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (1ST BIO CHILD)
FWPCHSEX32 : ED-5 : Is (2ND BIO CHILD with 4TH FORMER WIFE) male or female?
FWPCHDOB_Y32 : ED-6 : In what month and year was (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) born? (YEAR)
MULTBIRT72 : ED-7 : The birthday of this child is the same as (PREVIOUSLY NAMED CHILD), was this a multiple birth? [2ND CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE]
FWCHMARB32 : ED-8 : Were you married to (4TH FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHRES32 : ED-9 : Were you living together with (4TH FORMER WIFE) at the time of the birth? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLRN32 : ED-10 : When did you find out that (4TH FORMER WIFE) was pregnant? Was it during the pregnancy or after the child was born? (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPCHLIV311 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV312 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
FWPCHLIV313 : ED-11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
FWPCHAGE32 : ED-12 : How old is (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
FWPCHSIG32 : ED-13a : Did you ever sign the application for (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHCRT32 : ED-13b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s legal father?
FWPCHGEN32 : ED-14 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)'s father?
FWPCHEVR32 : ED-15 : Did you ever live with (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)?
FWPCHFAR32 : ED-16 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE) life?
FWPRWANT32 : ED-17 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (4TH FORMER WIFE) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPSOON32 : ED-18 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)
FWPSOONN32 : ED-18a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)? (number of months or years)
FWPSOONMY32 : ED-18b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND BIO CHILD WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE)? (unit - months or years)
FWPLATEN32 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 4th former wife) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY32 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 4th former wife) (unit- months or years)
FWPHPYPG32 : ED-19 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a zero means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (4TH FORMER WIFE) was pregnant that time. (2ND BIO CHILD)
FWPLATEN101 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 1st cohabiting partner) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY101 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st child with 1st cohabiting partner) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN102 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 1st cohabiting partner) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY102 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd child with 1st cohabiting partner) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN103 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd child with 1st cohabiting partner) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY103 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd child with 1st cohabiting partner) (unit- months or years)
FWPLATEN104 : ED-18c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th child with 1st cohabiting partner) (number of months or years)
FWPLATEMY104 : ED-18d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th child with 1st cohabiting partner) (unit- months or years)
FWPOKSEX32 : EE-6 : (Is/Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD32 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV249 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (2ND CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1ST MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR32 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 2ND CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPOKSEX33 : EE-6 : (Is/Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH], is) this child male or female?
FWPOKAD33 : EE-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPOKLIV257 : EE-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (3RD CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1ST MENTIONED)
FWPOKFAR33 : EE-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
FWPNBNUM4 : EF-2 : How many children? (4TH FORMER WIFE)
FWPNBREL31 : EF-4 : When [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
FWPNBFOS31 : EF-5 : Was [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
FWPNBSEX31 : EF-6 : (Is/Thinking now of [NAME OF 1ST NONBIO CHILD R CARED FOR WITH 4TH FORMER WIFE], is) this child male or female?
FWPNBAD31 : EF-7 : Did you legally adopt [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] or become [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH]'s legal guardian?
FWPNBLIV241 : EF-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does this child usually live now? (1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH; 1st MENTIONED)
FWPNBFAR31 : EF-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 1ST CHILD OF 4TH FORMER WIFE R LIVED WITH] live?
BTHCON12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) A method of birth control or a prescription for a method?
MEDTST12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) A check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method?
BCCNS12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Counseling or information about birth control?
STCNS12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Counseling or information about getting sterilized?
EMCON12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Emergency contraception or the 'Morning-after pill,' or a prescription for it?
ECCNS12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Counseling or information about Emergency contraception or the 'morning-after pill?'
FOLLOW12 : Earlier you mentioned you have used the [METHOD(S) MENTIONED FROM SECTION E] in the past 12 months. Did you receive (it/any/either) of them at a visit to a doctor or medical care provider within the past 12 months?
PRGTST12 : (You may have already told me, but/In the past 12 months have you received) A pregnancy test?
ABORT12 : (In the past 12 months have you received) An abortion?
PAP12 : (In the past 12 months have you received) A Pap smear?
PELVIC12 : (In the past 12 months have you received) A pelvic exam?
PRENAT12 : (You may have told me this already, but in the past 12 months have your received) prenatal care?
PARTUM12 : (In the past 12 months have you received) Post-pregnancy care?
STDTST12 : In the past 12 months, have you received counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease?
NUMBCVIS : You said that in the past 12 months you received the following services: (SERVICES REPORTED in fstrop12, FA-1b BTHCON12 thru FA-1G ECCNS12 AND FA-3a PRGTST12 thru FA-3g STDTST12). Did you receive those services during a single visit, or in more than one visit?
BC12PLCX : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive a method of birth control or a prescription for a method?
BC12PLCX2 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method?
BC12PLCX3 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive counseling or information about birth control?
BC12PLCX4 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive counseling or information about getting sterilized?
BC12PLCX5 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive emergency contraception or the 'morning-after pill,' or a prescription for it?
BC12PLCX6 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive counseling or information about emergency contraception or the 'morning-after pill?
BC12PLCX7 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive a pregnancy test?
BC12PLCX8 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive an abortion?
BC12PLCX9 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive a pap smear?
BC12PLCX10 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive a pelvic exam?
BC12PLCX11 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive prenatal care?
BC12PLCX12 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive post-pregnancy care?
BC12PLCX13 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease ?
BC12PLCX14 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (MONTH/YEAR), where did you receive (SERVICES REPORTED in fstrop12, FA-1b BTHCON12 thru FA-1G ECCNS12 AND FA-3a PRGTST12 thru FA-3g STDTST12)?
PGTSTBC2 : During your visit in the past 12 months when you received a pregnancy test, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about using birth control?
PAPPLBC2 : During your visit in the past 12 months when you received a Pap smear or a pelvic exam, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about using birth control?
PAPPELEC : During your visit in the past 12 months when you received a Pap test or a pelvic exam, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about using emergency contraception or the 'morning-after pill'?
STDTSCON : During your visit in the past 12 months when you received STD testing or treatment, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about using condoms to prevent disease?
BC12PAY11 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY12 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY13 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY21 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY22 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY23 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY31 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY32 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY33 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY41 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY42 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY43 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY51 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY52 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY53 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY61 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY62 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill' was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY63 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY71 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY72 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY73 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY81 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY82 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY91 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY92 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY93 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY101 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY102 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY103 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY111 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY112 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY113 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY121 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY122 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY123 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY131 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY132 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY133 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAY141 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (SERVICES REPORTED in fstrop12, FA-1b BTHCON12 thru FA-1G ECCNS12 AND FA-3a PRGTST12 thru FA-3g STDTST12) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAY142 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (SERVICES REPORTED in fstrop12, FA-1b BTHCON12 thru FA-1G ECCNS12 AND FA-3a PRGTST12 thru FA-3g STDTST12) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAY143 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (SERVICES REPORTED in fstrop12, FA-1b BTHCON12 thru FA-1G ECCNS12 AND FA-3a PRGTST12 thru FA-3g STDTST12) was paid. (3rd mention)
REGCAR12 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd Method BC or Prescription) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR13 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd Check-up for Birth Control) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR14 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd counselign for BC) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR15 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd counseling for sterilization) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR16 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd EC/prescription) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR17 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd counseling on EC) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR18 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd pregnancy test) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR19 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd an abortion) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR20 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd a pap smear) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR21 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd pelvic exam) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR22 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd prenatal) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR23 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd post-pregnancy care) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR24 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd counsel/test/treat/STD) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
REGCAR25 : Is this Clinic (Rec'd all services in 1 visit) your regular place for medical care, or do you go somewhere else for medical care?
STCLSAME : Did you receive your sterilizing operation from the same clinic you named earlier or from a different clinic?
STREGCAR : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care?
FCONDOM : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Free condoms (from a clinic)?
FFOAM : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Free foam or jelly (from a clinic)?
FORAL : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Free oral contraceptive pills (from a clinic)?
RORAL : (In the past 12 months, have you received) Reduced-price oral contraceptive pills (from a clinic)?
SLSCSRV : In the past 12 months, have you paid for any clinic services on a sliding scale based on your income?
FSTSVC12 : You told me that in the last 12 months you received (a) birth control service(s) from a doctor or medical care provider. (Were any of these services/Was this) the first birth control service you ever received in your life?
cmfstsvc : CM Received 1st Birth Control Service [computed]
B4AFSTIN : Was it before or after the first time you had intercourse (in [DATE OF FIRST INTERCOURSE])?
TMAFTIN : How long after your first intercourse did you receive your first birth control service(s)? Was it...
BCPLCFST : Please look at Card 25. Where did you receive your first birth control service(s)?
EVERFPC : Since your first menstrual period (when you were [AGE AT MENARCHE]), have you ever visited a clinic for any kind of medical or birth control service?
KNDMDHLP : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic?
OTBCHIL : You told me that you have had (no biological children with the women/ one biological child with one of the women /[NUMBER] biological children with the women) we already talked about. Now, please think of other sexual partners you have had in your life. (As far as you know / Not counting the child we already talked about, as far as you know / Not counting the children we already talked about, as far as you know), did you ever have any (other) biological children with any of them?
OTBPROBE : Could you have fathered a child with any of these women that you don't know about?
OTBCHILN : How many biological children have you had?
OTBSAME : Do these children have the same biological mother?
cmchdob171 : Century Month for 1st other biological child's date of birth [COMPUTED]
OBCMLIV : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX01 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX02 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX03 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCAGE : How old is (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
kidage141 : Current age of 1st other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp141 : Current age group of 1st other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidliv141 : Resondent was living w/mother at time of 1st other biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
kidhh141 : Whether 1st other biological child lives in household [COMPUTED]
OBCLAWX : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOPX : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVERX : Did you ever live with (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [1st OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX2 : (Is (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
cmchdob172 : Century Month for 2nd other biological child's date of birth [COMPUTED]
MULTBIRT152 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth?
OBCMLIV2 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX2 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX11 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCAGE2 : How old is (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
kidage142 : Current age of 2nd other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp142 : Current age group of 2nd other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidliv142 : Respondent living w/mother at time of 2nd other biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
kidhh142 : Whether 2nd other biological child lives in household [COMPUTED]
OBCLAWX2 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOPX2 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVERX2 : Did you ever live with (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX2 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX2 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [2nd OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX2 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX3 : (Is (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
cmchdob173 : Century Month for 3rd other biological child's date of birth [COMPUTED]
MULTBIRT153 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth?
OBCMAGEX3 : When (CHILD) was born, how old was (MOTHER of 3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCMLIV3 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX3 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX21 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCAGE3 : How old is (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
kidage143 : Current age group of 3rd other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp143 : Current age group of 3rd other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidliv143 : Respondent living w/mother at time of 3rd other biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
kidhh143 : Whether 3rd other biological child lives in household [COMPUTED]
OBCLAWX3 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOPX3 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVERX3 : Did you ever live with (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX3 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX3 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [3rd OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX3 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX4 : (Is (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
cmchdob174 : Century Month for 4th other biological child's date of birth [COMPUTED]
MULTBIRT154 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth?
OBCMLIV4 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX4 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX31 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCAGE4 : How old is (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
kidage144 : Current age of 4th other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp144 : Current age group of 4th other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidliv144 : Respondent living w/mother at time of 4th other biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
kidhh144 : Whether 4th other biological child lives in household [COMPUTED]
OBCLAWX4 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOPX4 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVERX4 : Did you ever live with (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR4 : About how many miles away from here does (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX4 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX4 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [4th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX4 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX5 : (Is (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
cmchdob175 : Century Month for 5th other biological child's date of birth [COMPUTED]
OBCMLIV5 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX5 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX41 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCAGE5 : How old is (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
kidage145 : Current age of 4th other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp145 : Current age group of 5th other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidliv145 : Respondent living w/mother at time of 5th other biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
kidhh145 : Whether 5th other biological child lives in household [COMPUTED]
OBCLAWX5 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOPX5 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVERX5 : Did you ever live with (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR5 : About how many miles away from here does (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX5 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX5 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [5th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX5 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX6 : (Is (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
cmchdob176 : Century Month for 6th other biological child's date of birth [COMPUTED]
OBCMLIV6 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX6 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX51 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
kidage146 : Current age of 6th other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidagegp146 : Current age group of 6th other biological child w/nonmarital partner [COMPUTED]
kidliv146 : Respondent living w/mother at time of 6th other biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
kidhh146 : Whether 6th other biological child lives in household [COMPUTED]
OBCLAWX6 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOPX6 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVERX6 : Did you ever live with (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR6 : About how many miles away from here does (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX6 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX6 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [6th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX6 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OTACHIL : The next question is about (children/ other children) who may have lived with you under your care and responsibility. By this I mean that you served as a formal or informal guardian to the child or that you were chiefly responsible for the child's care. (Besides any children that we may have talked about already, have / Have) you ever had any (children/ other children) like this under your care and responsibility?
OTACHILN : (Besides any children that we may have talked about already, how / How) many (children/ other children) have ever lived with you under your care and responsibility?
OTNBREL : When (this child/the children) began living with you, was (he or she/any of them) the (child/children) of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBRL : How many were children of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS : Was (this child/any of the children) a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBFS : How many?
OTNBAD : Did you legally adopt (this child / any of these children under your care and responsibility)?
OTNBADN : How many children did you legally adopt?
f_akids : Number of Other Children Adopted (from section F) [COMPUTED]
OTNBSEX : (Thinking now of (1ST OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED), is/ Is) this child male or female?
OTNBLIV1 : Please look at Card 62. Where does (1ST OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
akidhh321 : Whether 1st other nonbiological child adopted by respondent lives in household [COMPUTED]
OTNBFAR : About how many miles away from here does (1ST OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED) live?
akidage321 : Current age of 1st other nonbiological child adopted by respondent [COMPUTED]
akidagegp321 : Current age group of 1st other nonbiological child adopted by respondent [COMPUTED]
OTNBSEX2 : (Thinking now of (2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED), is/ Is) this child male or female?
OTNBLIV9 : Please look at Card 62. Where does (2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
akidhh322 : Whether 2nd other nonbiological child adopted by respondent lives in household [COMPUTED]
OTNBFAR2 : About how many miles away from here does (2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED) live?
akidage322 : Current age of 2nd other nonbiological child adopted by respondent [COMPUTED]
akidagegp322 : Current age group of 2nd other nonbiological child adopted by respondent [COMPUTED]
OTPREG : Sometimes pregnancies do not result in a live birth, but end in miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. As far as you know, have you ever had a pregnancy with a woman that ended in miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion?
OTPRGPRB : Could you have ever had a pregnancy like this with a woman that you didn't know about?
OTPRGN : How many pregnancies?
OTPRGEND : Please look at Card 63. In which of the ways shown on this card did that pregnancy end?
OTMSN : How many pregnancies ended in miscarriage?
OTSTN : How many pregnancies ended in stillbirth?
OTABN : How many pregnancies ended in abortion?
TOTPRG : Altogether, including pregnancies that ended in live birth, pregnancies that ended in miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, and pregnancies that are ongoing, as far as you know, how many times have you ever made someone pregnant?
NUMLIFE : Altogether, how many different females have you ever had intercourse with? This includes any female you had intercourse with, even if it was only once or if you did not know her well.
otpregs : Number of Pregnancies Ending in Miscarriage/Stillbirth/Abortion [COMPUTED]
totpregs_c : Total Number of Pregnancies Collected Throughout Interview [COMPUTED]
totpregs_r : Total Number of Times Respondent Reports He Made Someone Pregnant [COMPUTED]
anykids : Whether Respondent Ever Had Biological or Adopted Children [COMPUTED]
bkidliv : R living w/child's mother at time of 1st bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv2 : R living w/child's mother at time of 2nd bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv3 : R living w/child's mother at time of 3rd bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv4 : R living w/child's mother at time of 4th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv5 : R living w/child's mother at time of 5th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv6 : R living w/child's mother at time of 6th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv7 : R living w/child's mother at time of 7th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv8 : R living w/child's mother at time of 8th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv9 : R living w/child's mother at time of 9th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
bkidliv10 : R living w/child's mother at time of 10th bio child's birth [COMPUTED]
biodob1 : Century Month date of birth - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob2 : Century Month date of birth - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob3 : Century Month date of birth - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob4 : Century Month date of birth - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob5 : Century Month date of birth - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob6 : Century Month date of birth - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob7 : Century Month date of birth - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob8 : Century Month date of birth - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob9 : Century Month date of birth - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biodob10 : Century Month date of birth - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex1 : Sex of child - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex2 : Sex of child - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex3 : Sex of child - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex4 : Sex of child - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex5 : Sex of child - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex6 : Sex of child - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex7 : Sex of child - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex8 : Sex of child - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex9 : Sex of child - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biosex10 : Sex of child - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage1 : Age of child - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage2 : Age of child - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage3 : Age of child - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage4 : Age of child - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage5 : Age of child - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage6 : Age of child - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage7 : Age of child - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage8 : Age of child - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage9 : Age of child - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
bioage10 : Age of child - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohh1 : Is 1st biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh2 : Is 2nd biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh3 : Is 3rd biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh4 : Is 4th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh5 : Is 5th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh6 : Is 6th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh7 : Is 7th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh8 : Is 8th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh9 : Is 9th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biohh10 : Is 10th biological child in respondent's household [COMPUTED]
biomar1 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 1st biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar2 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 2nd biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar3 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 3rd biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar4 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 4th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar5 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 5th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar6 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 6th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar7 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 7th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar8 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 8th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar9 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 9th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biomar10 : Was respondent married to mother at time of 10th biological child's birth [COMPUTED]
biocohb1 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 1st biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb2 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 2nd biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb3 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 3rd biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb4 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 4th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb5 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 5th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb6 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 6th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb7 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 7th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb8 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 8th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb9 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 9th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biocohb10 : Was respondent living with mother at time of 10th biological child's birth (married or cohabiting) [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg1 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg2 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg3 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg4 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg5 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg6 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg7 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg8 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg9 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolrnpg10 : When respondent learned of pregnancy - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolgpat1 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 1st biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat2 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 2nd biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat3 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 3rd biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat4 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 4th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat5 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 5th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat6 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 6th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat7 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 7th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat8 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 8th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat9 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 9th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biolgpat10 : Has legal paternity been established (if unmarried at 10th biological child's birth) [COMPUTED]
biohspat1 : Was paternity established at hospital - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat2 : Was paternity established at hospital - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat3 : Was paternity established at hospital - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat4 : Was paternity established at hospital - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat5 : Was paternity established at hospital - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat6 : Was paternity established at hospital - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat7 : Was paternity established at hospital - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat8 : Was paternity established at hospital - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat9 : Was paternity established at hospital - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohspat10 : Was paternity established at hospital - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
biolvevr1 : Has respondent ever lived with 1st biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr2 : Has respondent ever lived with 2nd biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr3 : Has respondent ever lived with 3rd biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr4 : Has respondent ever lived with 4th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr5 : Has respondent ever lived with 5th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr6 : Has respondent ever lived with 6th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr7 : Has respondent ever lived with 7th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr8 : Has respondent ever lived with 8th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr9 : Has respondent ever lived with 9th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biolvevr10 : Has respondent ever lived with 10th biological child (if not living with child now) [COMPUTED]
biohwfar1 : How far away does 1st biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar2 : How far away does 2nd biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar3 : How far away does 3rd biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar4 : How far away does 4th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar5 : How far away does 5th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar6 : How far away does 6th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar7 : How far away does 7th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar8 : How far away does 8th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar9 : How far away does 9th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biohwfar10 : How far away does 10th biological child live [COMPUTED]
biowant1 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant2 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant3 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant4 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant5 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant6 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant7 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant8 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant9 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biowant10 : Wantedness of pregnancy - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon1 : Timing of pregnancy - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon2 : Timing of pregnancy - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon3 : Timing of pregnancy - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon4 : Timing of pregnancy - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon5 : Timing of pregnancy - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon6 : Timing of pregnancy - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon7 : Timing of pregnancy - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon8 : Timing of pregnancy - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon9 : Timing of pregnancy - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohsoon10 : Timing of pregnancy - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg1 : Happiness about pregnancy - 1st biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg2 : Happiness about pregnancy - 2nd biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg3 : Happiness about pregnancy - 3rd biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg4 : Happiness about pregnancy - 4th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg5 : Happiness about pregnancy - 5th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg6 : Happiness about pregnancy - 6th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg7 : Happiness about pregnancy - 7th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg8 : Happiness about pregnancy - 8th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg9 : Happiness about pregnancy - 9th biological child [COMPUTED]
biohpypg10 : Happiness about pregnancy - 10th biological child [COMPUTED]
STEROP12 : (In the past 12 months, have you received) a sterilizing operation?
nummth12 : # of BC Methods used (drug/device) Last 12 Months (Computed in Flow Check F-2)
STDSVC12 : In the past 12 months, have you received counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease?
numsvc12 : # of Services Received in Last 12 Months (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
idclinic : # of times identified a clinic as source of service (Computed in Flow Check F-8aa)
BC12PAYX11 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method or specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX12 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method or specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX13 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method or specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX21 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX22 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX23 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX31 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX32 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX33 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX41 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX42 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX43 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX51 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX52 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX61 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX62 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX63 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX71 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX72 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX73 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX81 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX82 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX91 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX92 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX93 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX101 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX102 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX103 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX111 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX112 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX113 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX121 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX122 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX131 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX132 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX133 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX141 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (sterilizing operation) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX142 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (sterilizing operation) was paid. (2nd mention)
drugdeve : # of Birth Control Methods (drug/device) Ever Used (Computed in Flow Check F-17)
WNFSTSVC_M : Now I'd like to know about the very first time you received a birth control service from a doctor or medical care provider. In what month and year did you receive your first birth control service? (Month)
WNFSTSVC_Y : (Now I'd like to know about the very first time you received a birth control service from a doctor or medical care provider. In what month and year did you receive your first birth control service?) (Year)
FSTSERV1 : Please look at Show Card 86, which service or services did you get that first time? (1st mention)
FSTSERV2 : Which service or services did you get that first time? (2nd mention)
FSTSERV3 : Which service or services did you get that first time? (3rd mention)
FSTSERV4 : Which service or services did you get that first time? (4th mention)
FSTSERV5 : Which service or services did you get that first time? (5th mention)
FSTSERV6 : Which service or services did you get that first time? (6th mention)
KNDMDHLP01 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (1st mention)
KNDMDHLP02 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (2nd mention)
KNDMDHLP03 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (3rd mention)
KNDMDHLP04 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (4th mention)
KNDMDHLP05 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (5th mention)
KNDMDHLP06 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (6th mention)
KNDMDHLP07 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (7th mention)
KNDMDHLP08 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (8th mention)
OBCDOB_M : In what month and year was (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y : In what month and year was (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob151 : Century Month for 1st other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
MULTBIRT151 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCLAW : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER : Did you ever live with (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCDOB_M2 : In what month and year was (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y2 : In what month and year was (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob152 : Century Month for 2nd other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
OBCLIVEX12 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX13 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCLAW2 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP2 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER2 : Did you ever live with (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCDOB_M3 : In what month and year was (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y3 : In what month and year was (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob153 : Century Month for 3rd other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
OBCLIVEX22 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX23 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCLAW3 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP3 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER3 : Did you ever live with (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCDOB_M4 : In what month and year was (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y4 : In what month and year was (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob154 : Century Month for 4th other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
OBCLIVEX32 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX33 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCLAW4 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP4 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER4 : Did you ever live with (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCDOB_M5 : In what month and year was (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y5 : In what month and year was (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob155 : Century Month for 5th other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
MULTBIRT155 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCLIVEX42 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX43 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCLAW5 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP5 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER5 : Did you ever live with (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCDOB_M6 : In what month and year was (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y6 : In what month and year was (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob156 : Century Month for 6th other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
MULTBIRT156 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCLIVEX52 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX53 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCAGE6 : How old is (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
OBCLAW6 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP6 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER6 : Did you ever live with (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCSEXX7 : (Is (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
OBCDOB_M7 : In what month and year was (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y7 : In what month and year was (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob157 : Century Month for 7TH other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
MULTBIRT157 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCMLIV7 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX7 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX61 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX62 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX63 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCAGE7 : How old is (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
OBCLAW7 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP7 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER7 : Did you ever live with (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR7 : About how many miles away from here does (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX7 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX7 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX7 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX8 : (Is (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
OBCDOB_M8 : In what month and year was (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y8 : In what month and year was (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob158 : Century Month for 8TH other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
MULTBIRT158 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCMLIV8 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX8 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX71 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX72 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX73 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCAGE8 : How old is (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
OBCLAW8 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP8 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER8 : Did you ever live with (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR8 : About how many miles away from here does (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX8 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX8 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX8 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OBCSEXX9 : (Is (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
OBCDOB_M9 : In what month and year was (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
OBCDOB_Y9 : In what month and year was (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
cmchdob159 : Century Month for 9TH other biological child's date of birth (Computed in Flow Check F-6)
MULTBIRT159 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCMLIV9 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX9 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX81 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX82 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX83 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCAGE9 : How old is (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
OBCLAW9 : Has your legal paternity been established? That is, did you sign any document that identifies you as the legal father of (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Or has a court ruled that you are the father?
OBCHOP9 : Did you establish paternity at the hospital when [9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD] was born?
OBCEVER9 : Did you ever live with (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR9 : About how many miles away from here does (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX9 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX9 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCHPYX9 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OTNBLIV2 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 1ST OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBLIV10 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBSEX3 : (Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED], is/ Is) this child male or female?
OTNBLIV17 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR3 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R ADOPTED] live?
bioadopt : Total Number of Biological or Adopted Children R Has Reported [Computed in Flow Check F-21a]
biomult1 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 1st (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult2 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 2nd (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult3 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 3rd (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult4 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 4th (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult5 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 5th (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult6 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 6th (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult7 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 7th (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult8 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 8th (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult9 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 9th (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomult10 : Is child part of a multiple birth - 10th (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp1 : Age group of 1st biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp2 : Age group of 2nd biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp3 : Age group of 3rd biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp4 : Age group of 4th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp5 : Age group of 5th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp6 : Age group of 6th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp7 : Age group of 7th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp8 : Age group of 8th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp9 : Age group of 9th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
bioagegp10 : Age group of 10th biological child (if DK age) (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom1 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 1st biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom2 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 2nd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom3 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 3rd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom4 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 4th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom5 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 5th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom6 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 6th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom7 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 7th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom8 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 8th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom9 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 9th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biomom10 : Relationship of child's biological mother to R - R's 10th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng11 : Where is child living now - R's 1st biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng12 : Where is child living now - R's 1st biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng13 : Where is child living now - R's 1st biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng21 : Where is child living now - R's 2nd biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng22 : Where is child living now - R's 2nd biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng23 : Where is child living now - R's 2nd biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng31 : Where is child living now - R's 3rd biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng32 : Where is child living now - R's 3rd biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng33 : Where is child living now - R's 3rd biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng41 : Where is child living now - R's 4th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng42 : Where is child living now - R's 4th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng43 : Where is child living now - R's 4th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng51 : Where is child living now - R's 5th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng52 : Where is child living now - R's 5th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng53 : Where is child living now - R's 5th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng61 : Where is child living now - R's 6th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng62 : Where is child living now - R's 6th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng63 : Where is child living now - R's 6th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng71 : Where is child living now - R's 7th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng72 : Where is child living now - R's 7th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng73 : Where is child living now - R's 7th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng81 : Where is child living now - R's 8th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng82 : Where is child living now - R's 8th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng83 : Where is child living now - R's 8th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng91 : Where is child living now - R's 9th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng92 : Where is child living now - R's 9th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng93 : Where is child living now - R's 9th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng101 : Where is child living now - R's 10th biological child, 1st mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng102 : Where is child living now - R's 10th biological child, 2nd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng103 : Where is child living now - R's 10th biological child, 3rd mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
BC12PLCX15 : FA-5 : Please look at Card 25. During the past 12 months, that is since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1), where did you receive counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease?
BC12PAYX1 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX2 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX3 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX4 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (specific service(s) all received in one visit) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX7 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX8 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX9 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX10 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a method of birth control or a prescription for a method) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX14 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX15 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX19 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX20 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about birth control) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX25 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (sterilizing operation) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX26 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (sterilizing operation) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX27 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (sterilizing operation) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX37 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX38 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX44 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX45 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX49 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX50 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pregnancy test) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX55 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX56 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX57 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX67 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX68 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX69 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX74 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX75 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX79 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX80 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (post-pregnancy care) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX85 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (1st mention)
BC12PAYX86 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (2nd mention)
BC12PAYX87 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (3rd mention)
REGCAR12_F_01 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (specific service(s) all received in one visit)
REGCAR12_F_02 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (methd BC/prescription)
REGCAR12_F_03 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (A check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method)
REGCAR12_F_04 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (Counseling or information about birth control)
REGCAR12_F_05 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (sterilizing operation)
REGCAR12_F_06 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (Counseling or information about getting sterilized)
REGCAR12_F_07 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (emergency contraception or a prescription for it)
REGCAR12_F_08 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (Counseling or info about Emergency contraception)
REGCAR12_F_09 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (pregnancy test)
REGCAR12_F_10 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (an abortion)
REGCAR12_F_11 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (a pap smear)
REGCAR12_F_12 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (pelvic exam)
REGCAR12_F_13 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (prenatal care)
REGCAR12_F_14 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (Post-pregnancy care)
REGCAR12_F_15 : FA-9 : Is this clinic your regular place for medical care, or do you usually go somewhere else for medical care? (counseling for, or been tested or treated for a STD)
KNDMDHLP09 : FC-2 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (9th mention)
KNDMDHLP10 : FC-2 : What kind of medical help did you receive at the clinic? (10th mention)
LASTPAP : FD-2 : Do you think your last Pap test was...?
MREASPAP : FD-3 : What was the main reason you had your most recent Pap test? Was it part of a routine exam, because of a medical problem you were having, or some other reason?
AGEFPAP : FD-4 : At what age did you have your first Pap test?
AGEFPAP2 : FD-4a : Were you younger than 18, 18-21, 22-29, or 30 or older at your first Pap test?
ABNPAP3 : FD-5 : Have you had a Pap test in the last 3 years where the results were not normal?
INTPAP : FD-6 : How often do you think you will need to have a Pap test for regular cancer screening?
PELWPAP : FE-1 : You reported you had a pelvic exam in the past 12 months. Was the pelvic exam done at the same visit as your Pap test?
LASTPEL : FE-2 : Do you think your last pelvic exam was...?
MREASPEL : FE-3 : What was the main reason you had your most recent pelvic exam -was it part of a routine exam, because of a medical problem, or some other reason?
AGEFPEL : FE-4 : At what age did you have your first pelvic exam?
AGEPEL2 : FE-4a : Were you younger than 18, 18-21, 22-29, or 30 or older at your first Pelvic exam?
INTPEL : FE-5 : How often do you think you will need to have a pelvic exam?
EVHPVTST : FF-2 : Have you ever had an HPV test -where a doctor or nurse put an instrument in the vagina and took a sample to test for the HPV virus?
HPVWPAP : FF-3 : You reported you had a Pap test in the past 12 months. Was the HPV test done at the same time as your Pap test?
LASTHPV : FF-3c : When was your last HPV test?
MREASHPV : FF-4 : What was the main reason you had your most recent HPV test -was it part of a routine exam, because of a medical problem, or some other reason?
AGEFHPV : FF-5 : At what age did you have your first HPV test?
AGEHPV2 : FF-5a : Were you younger than 18, 18-21, 22-29, or 30 or older at your first HPV test?
INTHPV : FF-6 : How often do you think you will need to have an HPV test?
OBCLIVEX04 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX14 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG2 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT2 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN2 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX24 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG3 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT3 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN3 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX34 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG4 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT4 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN4 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX44 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG5 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT5 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN5 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX54 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG6 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT6 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN6 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX64 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG7 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT7 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN7 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCLIVEX74 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [4th MENTIONED]
OBCCHSIG8 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT8 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish that you are (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s legal father?
OBCCHGEN8 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test or other genetic test as (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OTNBREL2 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS2 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 2ND OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBREL3 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS3 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBREL4 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 4TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 4TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS4 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 4TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV25 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR4 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 4TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
OTNBREL5 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 5TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 5TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS5 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 5TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV33 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 5TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR5 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 5TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
OTNBREL6 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 6TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 6TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS6 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 6TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV41 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 6TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR6 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 6TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
OTNBREL7 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 7TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 7TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS7 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 7TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV49 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 7TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR7 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 7TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
OTNBREL8 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 8TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 8TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS8 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 8TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV57 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 8TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR8 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 8TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
OTNBREL9 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 9TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 9TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS9 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 9TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV65 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 9TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR9 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 9TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
OTNBREL10 : FB-4 : (When / Thinking now of [NAME OF 10TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR], when) [NAME OF 10TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] began living with you, was he or she the child of a relative by blood or by marriage?
OTNBFOS10 : FB-5 : Was [NAME OF 10TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] a foster or related child who was placed in your home by a court, child welfare department, or social service agency?
OTNBLIV73 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 10TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (1st MENTIONED)
OTNBFAR10 : FB-9 : About how many miles away from here does [NAME OF 10TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] live?
biolivng14 : Where is child living now - R's 1st biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng24 : Where is child living now - R's 2nd biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng34 : Where is child living now - R's 3rd biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng44 : Where is child living now - R's 4th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng54 : Where is child living now - R's 5th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng64 : Where is child living now - R's 6th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng74 : Where is child living now - R's 7th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng84 : Where is child living now - R's 8th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biolivng94 : Where is child living now - R's 9th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig1 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 1st biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig2 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 2nd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig3 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 3rd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig4 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 4th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig5 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 5th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig6 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 6th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig7 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 7th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig8 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 8th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig9 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 9th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt1 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 1st biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt2 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 2nd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt3 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 3rd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt4 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 4th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt5 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 5th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt6 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 6th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt7 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 7th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt8 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 8th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt9 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 9th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen1 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 1st biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen2 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 2nd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen3 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 3rd biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen4 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 4th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen5 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 5th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen6 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 6th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen7 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 7th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen8 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 8th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen9 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 9th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
BARRIER1 : FA-3h : You reported that you did not receive any of these services in the past 12 months. Please look at card 69c. Which of the reasons shown on this card explain why you did not receive any of these services? (1st mention)
BARRIER2 : FA-3h : You reported that you did not receive any of these services in the past 12 months. Please look at card 69c. Which of the reasons shown on this card explain why you did not receive any of these services? (2nd mention)
BARRIER3 : FA-3h : You reported that you did not receive any of these services in the past 12 months. Please look at card 69c. Which of the reasons shown on this card explain why you did not receive any of these services? (3rd mention)
BARRIER4 : FA-3h : You reported that you did not receive any of these services in the past 12 months. Please look at card 69c. Which of the reasons shown on this card explain why you did not receive any of these services? (4th mention)
WHYPSTD : FA-5e : Please look at Card 25b. In the past 12 months you received a test for a sexually transmitted disease from a [Place wherereceived STD test]. What is the main reason that you chose this place for care?
BC12PAYX16 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a check-up or medical test related to using a birth control method) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX28 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (sterilizing operation) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX34 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about getting sterilized) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX39 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (3rd mention)
BC12PAYX40 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (emergency contraception or the 'morning-after' pill) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX46 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (counseling or information about emergency contraception or 'the morning-after pill') was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX58 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (an abortion) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX64 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pap smear) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX70 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (a pelvic exam) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX76 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (prenatal care) was paid. (4th mention)
BC12PAYX88 : FA-6 : Looking at Card 16, please tell me all of the ways in which the bill for (testing for a sexually transmitted disease) was paid. (4th mention)
OBCCHSIG9 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT9 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish you are (9th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHGEN9 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test as (9th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
biolivng104 : Where is child living now - R's 10th biological child, 4th mention (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochsig10 : Did R sign application for birth certificate or other paternity document for this child, if unmarried at birth of 10th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochcrt10 : Did R go to court to establish paternity for this child, if unmarried at birth of 10th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
biochgen10 : Was R's paternity established by blood or genetic test for this child, if unmarried at birth of 10th biological child (Computed in Post-Processing)
BARRIER5 : FA-3h : You reported that you did not receive any of these services in the past 12 months. Please look at card 69c. Which of the reasons shown on this card explain why you did not receive any of these services? (5th mention)
BARRIER6 : FA-3h : You reported that you did not receive any of these services in the past 12 months. Please look at card 69c. Which of the reasons shown on this card explain why you did not receive any of these services? (6th mention)
BCCLARC : FA-5f : (During your visit in the past 12 months) when you received counseling or information about birth control, did a doctor or medical provider talk with you about a contraceptive implant or an IUD?
ASKSMOKE : FG-2 : In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider asked you whether you smoke cigarettes or use other kinds of tobacco?
ASKPREG : FG-3 : In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider asked you whether you wanted to get pregnant or have a baby?
ASKFOLIC : FG-4 : In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider advised you to take a vitamin with folic acid?
OBCSOONN : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (1ST OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN2 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY2 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (2ND OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN3 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY3 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (3RD OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN4 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY4 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (4TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN5 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY5 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (5th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN6 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY6 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (6TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN7 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY7 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (7TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN8 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY8 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (8TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSOONN9 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY9 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (9TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCSEXX10 : FA-8 : (Is (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) male or female?)
OBCDOB_Y10 : FA-9 : In what month and year was (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) born?
MULTBIRT160 : FA-10 : The birthday of this child is the same as (ANOTHER CHILD). Was this a multiple birth? (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD REPORTED IN SECTION F)
OBCMLIV10 : FA-12 : Were you living together with (MOTHER OF 10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) at the time of the birth?
OBCKNOWX10 : FA-13 : When did you find out that (MOTHER OF 10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant with (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? Was it during the pregnancy or after (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was born?
OBCLIVEX91 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [1st MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX92 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [2nd MENTIONED]
OBCLIVEX93 : FA-14 : Please look at Card 61. Where does (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) usually live now? [3rd MENTIONED]
OBCAGE10 : FA-15 : How old is (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) now? Is [he/she] less than 5 years old, 5 to 18 years old, or 19 years or older?
OBCCHSIG10 : FA-16a : Did you ever sign the application for (TENTH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s birth certificate or sign a statement that legally says you are (TENTH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHCRT10 : FA-16b : Did you have to go to court to establish you are (10th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCCHGEN10 : FA-17 : Were you legally identified by a blood test as (10th OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)'s father?
OBCEVER10 : FA-18 : Did you ever live with (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)?
OBCFAR10 : FA-19 : About how many miles away from here does (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) live?
OBCRWANX10 : FA-20 : Please look at Card 58. Right before (MOTHER OF 10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) became pregnant, did you, yourself, want to have a child at some time in the future?
OBCSOONX10 : FA-21 : Would you say that the pregnancy came sooner than you wanted, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? [10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD]
OBCSOONN10 : FA-21a : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (number of months or years)
OBCSOONMY10 : FA-21b : How much sooner than you wanted did the pregnancy occur (10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD)? (unit-months or years)
OBCHPYX10 : FA-22 : Please look at Card 59. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy about that pregnancy, and a ten means that you were very happy about that pregnancy. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out that (MOTHER OF 10TH OTHER BIOLOGICAL CHILD) was pregnant that time.
OTNBLIV18 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 3RD OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBLIV26 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 4TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBLIV34 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 5TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBLIV42 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 6TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBLIV50 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 7TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTNBLIV58 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 8TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
biohowsn1 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 1st biological child
biohowsn2 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 2nd biological child
biohowsn3 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 3rd biological child
biohowsn4 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 4th biological child
biohowsn5 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 5th biological child
biohowsn6 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 6th biological child
biohowsn7 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 7th biological child
biohowsn8 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 8th biological child
biohowsn9 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 9th biological child
biohowsn10 : How much sooner than R wanted did this pregnancy occurred - R's 10th biological child
TALKPROV_1 : FA-5a : FA-5a: During your visit in the past 12 months when you received one of these services, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about any of the following? [1ST MENTIONED]
TALKPROV_2 : FA-5a : FA-5a: During your visit in the past 12 months when you received one of these services, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about any of the following? [2ND MENTIONED]
TALKPROV_3 : FA-5a : FA-5a: During your visit in the past 12 months when you received one of these services, did a doctor or medical provider talk to you about any of the following? [3RD MENTIONED]
WHYNOSTD : FA-5e1 : FA-5e1: In the past 12 months you did not receive a test for a sexually transmitted disease. Please look at show Card 25c. Which one of these reasons would you say is the main reason why you have not been tested for a sexually transmitted disease?
TALKDM : FG-5 : FG-5: In the past 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider talked with you about using a condom at the same time as a female method of contraception?
PROVRESP : FH-1 : FH-1: How did this provider rate on respecting you as a person?
PROVSAYBC : FH-2 : FH-2: How did this provider rate with respect to letting you say what mattered most to you about your birth control method?
PROVPREBC : FH-3 : FH-3: How did this provider rate on taking your preferences about birth control seriously?
PROVINFOBC : FH-4 : FH-4: How did this provider rate on giving you enough information to make the best decision about your birth control method?
OBCLATEN : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (1st other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN2 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY2 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (2nd other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN3 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY3 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (3rd other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN4 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY4 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (4th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN5 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY5 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (5th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN6 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (6th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY6 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (6th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN7 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (7th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY7 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (7th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN8 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (8th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY8 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (8th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN9 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (9th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY9 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (9th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OBCLATEN10 : FA-21c : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (10th other biological child) (number of months or years)
OBCLATEMY10 : FA-21d : How much later than you wanted did the pregnancy occur? (10th other biological child) (unit- months or years)
OTNBLIV66 : FB-8 : Please look at Card 62. Where does [NAME OF 9TH OTHER NONBIOLOGICAL CHILD R CARED FOR] usually live now? (2nd MENTIONED)
AGENONLB : FC-7a : (When you had this pregnancy that did not end with a live birth/Thinking of the first time you ever had a pregnancy with a woman that did not end with a live birth,) how old were you when the pregnancy ended?
HERAGENLB : FC-7b : Thinking of this same pregnancy, how old was the mother when this pregnancy ended?
RWANT : (Looking to the future, do/If it were possible would) you, yourself, want to have (a/nother) baby at some time (after this pregnancy is over/in the future)?
PROBWANT : (Do you think you probably want or probably do not want/If it were possible do you think you would probably want or probably not want) to have (a/nother) baby at some time (after this pregnancy is over/in the future)?
PWANT : (If it were possible, would/Looking to the future, does/Does) (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) want to have (a/nother) baby at some time (after this pregnancy is over/in the future)? Would you say...
JINTEND : Do you and (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) intend to have (a/nother) baby at some time (after this pregnancy is over/in the future)? (Intend refers to what you and your (husband/partner) are actually going to try to do.)
JSUREINT : Of course, sometimes things do not work out exactly as we intend them to, or something makes us change our minds. In your case, how sure are you that you and (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) will (not) have (a/nother) baby (after this pregnancy is over)? Would you say ...
JINTENDN : (Not counting your current pregnancy,) How many (more) babies do you and (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER) intend to have? (Intend refers to what you and your (husband/partner) are actually going to try to do.)
JEXPECTL : Many people aren't sure, but still have some idea about the future. As you expect things to work out for you and (NAME OF CURRENT HUSBAND OR COHABITING PARTNER), what is the largest number of (additional) babies you and he expect to have (after this pregnancy is over)?
JEXPECTS : What is the smallest number of (additional) babies you and he expect to have (after this pregnancy is over)?
INTEND : Looking to the future, do you intend to have (a/nother) baby at some time (after this pregnancy is over)? (Intend refers to what you are actually going to try to do.)
SUREINT : Of course, sometimes things do not work out exactly as we intend them to, or something makes us change our minds. In your case, how sure are you that you will (not) have (a/nother) baby (after this pregnancy is over)? Would you say very sure, somewhat sure, or not at all sure?
INTENDN : (Not counting your current pregnancy,) How many (more) babies do you intend to have?
EXPECTL : Many people aren't sure, but still have some idea about the future. As you expect things to work out for you, what is the largest number of (additional) babies you, yourself, expect to have (after this pregnancy is over)?
EXPECTS : What is the smallest number of (additional) babies you, yourself, expect to have (after this pregnancy is over)?
crall : # of eligible coresidential children [COMPUTED]
crallu5 : # of eligible coresidential children < age 5 [COMPUTED]
crall518 : # of eligible coresidential children ages 5-18 [COMPUTED]
crmalu5 : # of eligible male coresidential children < age 5 [COMPUTED]
crmal518 : # of eligible male coresidential children ages 5-18 [COMPUTED]
crfemu5 : # of eligible female coresidential children < age 5 [COMPUTED]
crfem518 : # of eligible female coresidential children ages 5-18 [COMPUTED]
ncall : # of noncoresidential children [COMPUTED]
ncallu5 : # of noncoresidential children < age 5 [COMPUTED]
ncall518 : # of noncoresidential children ages 5-18 [COMPUTED]
ncmalu5 : # of male noncoresidential children < age 5 [COMPUTED]
ncmal518 : # of male noncoresidential children ages 5-18 [COMPUTED]
ncfemu5 : # of female noncoresidential children < age 5 [COMPUTED]
ncfem518 : # of female noncoresidential children ages 5-18 [COMPUTED]
CROUTG : Please look at Card 64. In the last 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), how often would you say you spent time with (this child/ either of these children/ any of these children) on an outing away from the home to places such as museums, zoos, movies, sports, etc.?
CRRELG : Please look at Card 64. (Thinking about (the child age 5 to 18 who lives / the children age 5 to 18 who live) in your household), in the last 12 months, how often did you go to religious services with (him/her/any of them)?
CRPTA : In the last 12 months, did you go to a parent-teacher conference or PTA meeting at (this child's school/either of the children's schools/ any of the children's schools)?
INTROGA4 : Please look at Card 65. (Still thinking about the (child age 5 to 18 / children age 5 to 18), in the last four weeks, how often did you do the following things with (him/her/any of them)?
CRHELP : (In the last four weeks, how often did you...) Help with homework or check that (he/she/they) did (his/her/their) homework? (If your (child is/children are) on vacation from school, please think of the last four weeks that (he was/she was/they were) in school. )
CRTALK : (In the last four weeks, how often did you ... ) Talk with (him/her/either of them/any of them) about things that happened during the day?
CRTAKE : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take (him/her/either of them/any of them) to or from (his/her/their) activities?
CRMEAL : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Eat meals with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
INTROGA9 : (Now I'd like to ask some questions about (the child under age 5 who lives / the children under age 5 who live) in your household.) Please look at Card 65. In the last four weeks, how often did you do the following things for (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
CRFEED : (In the last four weeks, how often did you...) Feed (him/her/either of them/any of them) or eat meals with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
CRBATH : (In the last four weeks, how often did you...) Bathe, diaper, or dress (him/her/either of them/any of them) or help (him/her/either of them/any of them) to bathe, dress, or use the toilet?
CRPLAY : (In the last four weeks, how often did you...) Play with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
CRREAD : (In the last four weeks, how often did you...) Read to (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
CRGOOD : Please look at Card 66. (All/ Thinking of both of the children who live with you, all/ Thinking of all of the children who live with you, all) in all, how good a job do you think you do as a father to (this child / these children)?
NCVISIT : Please look at Card 64. During the last 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), about how often did you see or have a visit with (this child/ either of these children/any of these children)?
NCSATVIS : Please look at Card 67. On this scale, 1 means very dissatisfied and 10 means very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you with how often you see or have a visit with (this child / these children)?
NCOUTG : Please look at Card 64. In the last 12 months, how often would you say you spent time with (this child/ either of these children/any of these children) on an outing away from the home to places such as museums, zoos, movies, sports, etc.?
NCRELG : Please look at Card 64. (Thinking about (the child age 5 to 18 who does/the children age 5 to 18 who do) not live with you), in the last 12 months, how often did you go to religious services with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
NCPTA : In the last 12 months, did you go to a parent-teacher conference or PTA meeting at (this child's school/ either of the children's schools / any of the children's schools)?
INTROGB6 : Please look at Card 65. (Still thinking about (the child age 5 to 18 who does / the children age 5 to 18 who do) not live with you.) In the last four weeks, how often did you do the following things with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
NCHELP : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Help with homework or check that (he/she/they) did (his/her/their) homework? (If your (child is/children are) on vacation from school, please think of the last four weeks that (he was/she was/ they were) in school.)
NCTALK : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Talk with (him/her/either of them/any of them) about things that happened during the day?
NCTAKE : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take (him/her/either of them/any of them) to or from (his/her/their) activities?
NCMEAL : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Eat meals with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
INTROGB11 : (Now I'd like to ask some questions about (the child under age 5 who does / the children under age 5 who do) not live with you.) Still looking / Please look at Card 65. In the last four weeks, how often did you do the following things for (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
NCFEED : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Feed (him/her/either of them/any of them) or eat meals with (him/her/either of them/any of them) ?
NCBATH : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Bathe, diaper or dress (him/her/either of them/any of them) or help (him/her/either of them/any of them) to bathe, dress, or use the toilet?
NCPLAY : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Play with (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
NCREAD : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Read to (him/her/either of them/any of them)?
NCGOOD : Please look at Card 66. (All/ Thinking of both of the children who do not live with you, all/ Thinking of all of the children who do not live with you, all) in all, how good a job do you think you do as a father to (this child/ these children)?
NCMONEY : Now I have a few questions about your financial support of (this child/these children). In the last 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), did you contribute money or child support for (this child/ either of the children/any of the children)'s upbringing?
NCREG : Did you do this on a regular basis, or once in a while?
chsuppyr : Child support paid yearly for non-coresidential children 18 or younger
NCAGREE : Was any of (this/the) amount paid as the result of a child support order?
NCAGREEN : For how many children is there a legal agreement about child support?
NCEMAIL : GB_2a : Asked starting in Year 2: Please look at Card 64. During the last 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1), about how often did you talk on the phone with or exchange E-mail with (this child/ either of these children/any of these children)?
JINTNEXT : GB-6 : When do you and [CHPNAME] expect your (next/ first) child to be born (after this pregnancy)? Would you say, within the next 2 years, 2-5 years from now, or more than 5 years from now?
INTNEXT : GC_6 : When do you expect your (first/next child) to be born (after this pregnancy)? Would you say, within the next 2 years, 2 - 5 years from now, or more than 5 years from now?
rfage : Age of focal residential child (FC G-2)
rfsex : Gender of focal residential child (FC G-2)
ROUTG04 : GA_1 : Please look at Card 65. In the last four weeks, how often did you Spend time with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] on an outing away from home to places such as museums, zoos, movies, sports, playground, park, etc.?
RMEAL04 : GA_2 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Eat evening meals together with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
RERRAND04 : GA_3 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] along while doing errands like going to the grocery store, post office, or bank?
RPLAY04 : GA_4 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Play with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] or play games with him/her?
RREAD04 : GA_5 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Read to [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
RAFFECT04 : GA_6 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Show [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] physical affection (kiss, hug, stroke hair, etc.)?
RPRAISE04 : GA_7 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Praise [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] for doing something worthwhile?
RFEED04 : GA_8 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Feed [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
RBATH04 : GA_9 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Give [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] a bath?
RDIAPER04 : GA_10 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Diaper or help him/her use the toilet?
RBED04 : GA_11 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Put him/her to bed?
RAPPT04 : GA_12 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] to or from appointments such as a doctor's visit?
RDISC04 : GA_13 : Most children misbehave from time to time. In the last 4 weeks, how often did you discipline [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] by putting him/her in time out, taking away privileges, or spanking him/her?
ROUTG518 : GA_14 : Please look at Card 65. (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Spend time with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] on an outing away from home to places such as museums, zoos, movies, sports, playground, park, etc.?
RMEAL518 : GA_15 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Eat evening meals together with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
RERRAND518 : GA_16 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] along while doing errands like going to the grocery store, post office, or bank?
RAFFECT518 : GA_17 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Show [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] physical affection (kiss, hug, stroke hair, etc.)?
RPRAISE518 : GA_18 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Praise [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] for doing something worthwhile?
RTAKE518 : GA_19 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] to or from activities?
RAPPT518 : GA_20 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] to/from appointments such as doctor's visits?
RHELP518 : GA_21 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Help your child with his/her homework or check that he/she did it?
RDISC518 : GA_22 : Most children misbehave from time to time. In the last four weeks, how often did you discipline [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] by putting him/her in time out, taking away privileges, or spanking him/her?
RCLFR518 : GA_23 : Please look at Card 65a. How much would you say that you know about [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD]'s close friends?
RDO518 : GA_24 : How much would you say that you know about what [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY CORESIDENTIAL CHILD] is doing when not at home?
nrfage : Age of focal noncoresidential child (computed in Flow Check G-10)
nrfsex : Gender of focal nonresident child (computed in Flow check G-10)
NRVISIT04 : GB_1 : Please look at Card 65. During the last 4 weeks, about how often did you see or have a visit with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NRSATVIS04 : GB_2 : Please look at Card 67. On this scale, 0 means very dissatisfied and 10 means very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you with how often you see or have a visit with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NROUTG04 : GB_3 : Please look at Card 65. (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Spend time with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] on an outing away from home to places such as museums, zoos, movies, sports, playground, park, etc.?
NRMEAL04 : GB_4 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Eat evening meals together with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NRERRAND04 : GB_5 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] along while doing errands like going to the grocery store, post office, or bank?
NROVRNT04 : GB_6 : (In the last four weeks, how often did ... )[NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] stay overnight with you?
NRPLAY04 : GB_7 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Play with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] or play games with him/her?
NRREAD04 : GB_8 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Read to [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NRAFFECT04 : GB_9 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Show [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] physical affection (kiss, hug, stroke hair, etc.)?
NRPRAISE04 : GB_10 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Praise [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] for doing something worthwhile?
NRFEED04 : GB_11 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Feed [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NRBATH04 : GB_12 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Give [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] a bath?
NRDIAPER04 : GB_13 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Diaper or help him/her use the toilet?
NRBED04 : GB_14 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Put him/her to bed?
NRAPPT04 : GB_15 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] to or from appointments such as a doctor's visit?
NRDISC04 : GB_16 : Most children misbehave from time to time. In the last 4 weeks, how often did you discipline [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] by putting him/her in time out, taking away privileges, or spanking him/her?
NRVISIT518 : GB_17 : Please look at Card 65. During the last 4 weeks, about how often did you see or have a visit with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NRSATVIS518 : GB_18 : Please look at Card 67. On this scale, 0 means very dissatisfied and 10 means very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you with how often you see or have a visit with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NROUTG518 : GB_19 : Please look at Card 65. (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Spend time with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] on an outing away from home to places such as museums, zoos, movies, sports, playground, park, etc.?
NRMEAL518 : GB_20 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Eat evening meals together with [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]?
NRERRAND518 : GB_21 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] along while doing errands like going to the grocery store, post office, or bank?
NROVRNT518 : GB_22 : (In the last four weeks, how often did... ) [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] stay overnight with you?
NRAFFECT518 : GB_23 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Show [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] physical affection (kiss, hug, stroke hair, etc.)?
NRPRAISE518 : GB_24 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Praise [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] for doing something worthwhile?
NRTAKE518 : GB_25 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] to or from activities?
NRAPPT518 : GB_26 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Take [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] to/from appointments such as doctor's visits?
NRHELP518 : GB_27 : (In the last four weeks, how often did you... ) Help your child with his/her homework or check that he/she did it?
NRDISC518 : GB_28 : Most children misbehave from time to time. In last 4 weeks, how often did you discipline [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] by putting him/her in time out, taking away privileges, or spanking him/her?
NRCLFR518 : GB_29 : Please look at Card 65a. How much would you say that you know about [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]'s close friends?
NRDO518 : GB_30 : How much would you say that you know about what [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD] is doing when not at home?
NRMONEY : GC_1 : Now I have a few questions about your financial support of [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]. In the last 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1), did you contribute money or child support for [NAME OF YOUNGEST OR ONLY NONCORESIDENTIAL CHILD]'s upbringing?
NREG : GC_2 : Did you do this on a regular basis, or once in a while?
NRAGREE : GC_4 : Was any of the amount paid as the result of a child support order?
nrchsuppyr : Yearly child support paid for non-coresidential focal child 18 or younger (computed in post-processing)
COPARENT : GD-1 : Please look at Card 84. For the following statement, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. [NAME NONCORESIDENTIAL FOCAL CHILD]'s mother and I are a good parenting team...
HLPPRG : (During any of your relationships,) (have/did) you (or your husband/or your husband or partner at the time) ever been to a doctor or other medical care provider to talk about ways to help you become pregnant?
HOWMANYR : In how many of your relationships did you seek medical help in order to become pregnant?
SEEKWHO1 : Was that with your current (husband/partner) or another partner?
SEEKWHO2 : Have you sought help with your current (husband/partner)?
TYPALLPG : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have ever received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (1st MENTIONED)
TYPALLPG2 : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have ever received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (2nd MENTIONED)
TYPALLPG3 : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have ever received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (3rd MENTIONED)
TYPALLPG4 : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have ever received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (4th MENTIONED)
TYPALLPG5 : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have ever received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (5th MENTIONED)
TYPALLPG6 : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have ever received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (6th MENTIONED)
WHOTEST : Who was it that had infertility testing? Was it you, him, or both of you?
WHARTIN : Were you inseminated with sperm from your husband or partner only, from some other donor only, or from both?
OTMEDHEP : Which of these other types of medical help listed on Card 53 did either of you receive for becoming pregnant? (1st MENTIONED)
OTMEDHEP2 : Which of these other types of medical help listed on Card 53 did either of you receive for becoming pregnant? (2nd MENTIONED)
OTMEDHEP3 : Which of these other types of medical help listed on Card 53 did either of you receive for becoming pregnant? (3rd MENTIONED)
OTMEDHEP4 : Which of these other types of medical help listed on Card 53 did either of you receive for becoming pregnant? (4th MENTIONED)
INSCOVPG : Did either of you have private health insurance to cover any of the costs of medical help for becoming pregnant?
cmpgvis1 : Date (century month) of First Visit for Medical Help to Get Pregnant (COMPUTED)
TRYLONG2 : When you first went for medical help (in M/Y for R's 1st visit for medical help to become pregnant), how many months or years had you (and your (husband/partner)) been trying to become pregnant? (NUMBER)
UNIT_TRYLONG : (When you first went for medical help (in M/Y for R's 1st visit for medical help to become pregnant), how many months or years had you (and your (husband/partner)) been trying to become pregnant?) (UNITS - MONTHS OR YEARS)
HLPPGNOW : Are you currently pursuing medical help to become pregnant?
cmpgvisl : Date (century month) of Last/Most Recent Visit for Medical Help to Get Pregnant (COMPUTED)
NUMVSTPG : During the last 12 months, that is, since [M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE], how many visits have you (or your (husband/partner)) made to a doctor or other medical care provider to help you get pregnant?
prgvisit : Number of Visits in Last 12 Months for Medical Help to Get Pregnant (COMPUTED)
HLPMC : (Not counting routine check-ups, prenatal care, or advice about a pregnancy,) have you ever been to a doctor or other medical care provider to talk about ways to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss?
TYPALLMC : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (1st MENTIONED)
TYPALLMC2 : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (2nd MENTIONED)
TYPALLMC3 : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (3rd MENTIONED)
TYPALLMC4 : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (4th MENTIONED)
TYPALLMC5 : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (5th MENTIONED)
MISCNUM : When you first went for medical help for preventing miscarriage, how many pregnancies had you lost, if any?
INFRTPRB : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (1st MENTIONED)
INFRTPRB2 : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (2nd MENTIONED)
INFRTPRB3 : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (3rd MENTIONED)
INFRTPRB4 : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (4th MENTIONED)
INFRTPRB5 : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (5th MENTIONED)
INFRTPRB6 : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (6th MENTIONED)
DUCHFREQ : Some women douche after intercourse or at other times, while other women do not. Looking at Card 56, during the past 12 months, that is, since [M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE], how often, if at all, did you douche?
DUCHWHEN : When you douched in the past 12 months, was it only after sexual intercourse, only at other times, or both?
PID : Have you ever been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, womb, or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or P.I.D.?
PIDSYMPT : Were you having any symptoms, such as pain or vaginal discharge or bleeding, that caused you to go for treatment?
PIDTX : How many different times have you been treated for a pelvic infection or P.I.D.?
cmpidlst : Date (century month) of Last/Most Recent PID Treatment (COMPUTED)
DIABETES : Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you that you had diabetes or 'sugar'?
GESTDIAB : Were you ever told you had diabetes when you were not pregnant?
OVACYST : (You may have already told me this, but) Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you had an ovarian cyst?
UF : (You may have already told me this, but) Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you had fibroid tumors or myomas in your uterus?
ENDO : (You may have already told me this, but) Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you had endometriosis?
OVUPROB : (You may have already told me this, but) Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you had problems with ovulation or menstruation?
LIMITED : The following 2 questions are about other health problems or impairments you may have. Are you limited in any way in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems?
EQUIPMNT : Do you now have any health problem that requires you to use special equipment, such as a cane, a wheelchair, a special bed, or a special telephone?
DONBLD85 : First, I'll ask you about blood donations you may have made to the Red Cross or other blood banks because all blood donated in recent years has been routinely tested for HIV before it can be used. (Since March 1985,) Have you (ever) donated blood at the Red Cross, at a bloodmobile, at a blood drive, or at other blood banks?
HIVTEST : (Apart from testing that may have been done with your blood donations,) Have you ever had your blood tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?
cmhivtst : Date (century month) of Last (or Most Recent) HIV Test (COMPUTED)
PLCHIV : Please look at Card 72. Where did you have that blood test for HIV in [M/Y reported in cmhivtst]?
HIVTST : Please look at Card 73. Why did you have that HIV test? (1st MENTIONED)
HIVTST2 : Please look at Card 73. Why did you have that HIV test? (2nd MENTIONED)
HIVTST3 : Please look at Card 73. Why did you have that HIV test? (3rd MENTIONED)
TALKDOCT : Did a doctor or other medical care provider talk with you about AIDS after you had this HIV test?
AIDSTALK : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (1st MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK02 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (2nd MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK03 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (3rd MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK04 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (4th MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK05 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK06 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (6th MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK07 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (7th MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK08 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (8th MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK09 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (9th MENTIONED)
AIDSTALK10 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (10th MENTIONED)
RETROVIR : Please tell me if you think the following statement is definitely true, probably true, probably false, or definitely false, or if you don't know whether it is true or false. "There is a treatment available for pregnant women who are infected with the HIV virus to prevent passing the virus to their baby."
PREGHIV : The last time you were pregnant (before you became pregnant this time), were you tested for the HIV virus when you visited the doctor for prenatal care?
TYPALLPG1 : (Think about all of the medical help you or your partners have D21 received to help you become pregnant.) Which of the services shown on Card 52 (have/did) you or (your husband/partner/previous partner/they) (had/have) (to help you become pregnant)? (1st MENTIONED)
OTMEDHEP1 : Which of these other types of medical help listed on Card 53 did either of you receive for becoming pregnant? (1st MENTIONED)
OTMEDHEP5 : Which of these other types of medical help listed on Card 53 did either of you receive for becoming pregnant? (5th MENTIONED)
FSTHLPPG_M : Please look at the calendar to help you remember when you (or your (husband/partner)) made your first visit to seek medical help for becoming pregnant. In what month and year was that? (month)
FSTHLPPG_Y : (Please look at the calendar to help you remember when you (or your husband / or your partner) made your first visit to seek medical help for becoming pregnant. In what month and year was that?) (year)
RCNTPGH_M : Again, please look at your calendar to help you remember. In what month and year was your (most recent / last) visit for help to become pregnant? (Month)
RCNTPGH_Y : (Again, please look at your calendar to help you remember. In what month and year was your (most recent / lastD45) visit for help to become pregnant?) (Year)
TYPALLMC1 : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (1st MENTIONED)
TYPALLMC6 : Which of the services shown on Card 54 have you ever received to help you prevent miscarriage or pregnancy loss? (6th MENTIONED)
INFRTPRB1 : Looking at Card 55, when you went for medical help to (become pregnant/ prevent miscarriage/ to become pregnant and prevent miscarriage), were you ever told that you or your husband or partner had any of the following infertility problems shown on the card? (1st MENTIONED)
LSTPIDTX_M : In what month and year did you last receive treatment for a pelvic infection or P.I.D.? (Month)
LSTPIDTX_Y : (In what month and year did you last receive treatment for a pelvic infection or P.I.D.?) (Year)
WHENHIV_M : (Not including blood donations,) In what month and year was your last test for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS? (Month)
WHENHIV_Y : ((Not including blood donations,) In what month and year was your last test for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?) (Year)
HIVTSTYR : Did you have this last HIV test since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]?
RAPIDHIV : When you had this last test for HIV (in [M/Y of last HIV test]), was it a rapid test where you could get your results in a couple of hours or less?
HIVSOON : How soon after your last test for HIV did you receive your results? Was it...
HIVKIND : Did this test use a swab from your mouth, blood from your finger, or blood from your arm?
WHOSUGG : Who suggested you should be tested -- a doctor or other medical care provider, a sexual partner, or someone else?
AIDSTALK01 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (1st MENTIONED)
HPVKNOW : Have you ever heard of Human Papillomavirus or HPV? This is different from Human Immunodeficiency virus or HIV, which we were just talking about.
VACCKNOW : HPV is a common sexually transmitted virus that can cause genital warts and cervical cancer in women. A vaccine to prevent the HPV infections most commonly associated with warts and cervical cancer is available for women 9-26 years of age and is sometimes called the cervical cancer vaccine, HPV shot, or Gardasil. Before today, have you ever heard of the cervical cancer vaccine, HPV shot, or Gardasil?
EVERVACC : Have you received the cervical cancer vaccine, also known as the HPV shot or Gardasil?
VACCPROB : How likely is it that you will receive the HPV shot in the next 12 months?
WHYNOVAC : Please look at Card 74b. What is the main reason you are not likely to get the HPV shot in the next 12 months?
DAUGHTVAC : Now I have a few questions about your (youngest) daughter who is currently between the ages of 9 and 18. Has she received the cervical cancer vaccine, also known as the HPV shot or Gardasil?
DAUGHTPRB : How likely is it that she will receive the HPV shot in the next 12 months?
DAUGHTWHY : Please look at Card 74c. What is the main reason your (youngest) daughter who is currently 9 to 18 years old is not likely to get the HPV shot in the next 12 months?
DEAF : HD-11 : Do you have serious difficulty hearing?
BLIND : HD-12 : Do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses?
DIFDECIDE : HD-13 : Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions?
DIFWALK : HD-14 : Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?
DIFDRESS : HD-15 : Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?
DIFOUT : HD-16 : Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?
EVRCANCER : HD-17 : Now I would like to ask you about cancer. Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you had cancer?
AGECANCER : HD-17a : At what age were you first told that you had cancer?
CANCTYPE : HD-17b : What type of cancer was it? If you had cancer more than once, please say what your first cancer was.
PRECANCER : HD-17c : There are different types of diagnoses when you talk about cervical cancer. I'm going to describe 3 different scenarios, and you tell me which one you had. The first one is an abnormal Pap test result, which may be suspicious for cancer but no real cancer is found. The second one is called pre-cancer (sometimes called cervical intraepithelial lesion or CIN). And the third one is actual cervical cancer. Do you know which one you had?
MAMMOG : HD-18 : A mammogram is an x-ray taken only of the breast by a machine that presses against the breast. Have you ever had a mammogram?
AGEMAMM1 : HD-18a : How old were you when you had your first mammogram?
REASMAMM1 : HD-18b : What was the main reason you had this first mammogram? Was it...
FAMHYST : HD-19 : Thinking of your blood relatives, dead or alive, has your mother, sister, aunt or grandmother been diagnosed with breast cancer on either side of the family?
FAMRISK : HD-20 : The next few questions ask about your opinions on factors related to breast cancer risk. Do you think that having a family history of breast cancer increases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer a lot, a little, or not at all or do you have no opinion?
PILLRISK : HD-21 : Do you think that taking birth control pills or oral contraceptives increases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer a lot, a little, or not at all or do you have no opinion?
ALCORISK : HD-22 : Do you think that drinking alcoholic beverages increases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer a lot, a little, or not at all or do you have no opinion?
CANCFUTR : HD-23 : How likely do you think it is that you will get breast cancer in the future?
CANCWORRY : HD-24 : Please look at Card 84. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I am often bothered by thoughts or worry about my chances of getting breast cancer.
DONBLOOD : HE-1 : First, I'll ask you about blood and blood product donations you may have made to the Red Cross or other blood banks. By blood products, we mean such things as plasma, platelets, and marrow. Have you ever donated blood or blood products at the Red Cross, at a bloodmobile, at a blood drive, or at other blood banks?
NOHIVTST : HE-2b : Which one of these reasons shown on Card 88 would you say is the MAIN reason why you have not been tested for HIV?
HIVRESULT : HE-3d : After your last test for HIV, did you find out your test result?
WHYNOGET : HE-3e : What was the main reason why you did not find out your test result?
AIDSTALK11 : HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (11th MENTIONED)
HPVSHOT1 : HF-2 : How old were you when you received your first HPV vaccine shot?
HPVSEX1 : HF-2b : Earlier you reported having your first sexual intercourse at this same age. Which occurred first - your first sexual intercourse or your first HPV vaccine shot?
HPVSHOT2 : HF-5 : How old was she when she received her first HPV vaccine shot?
SONVAC : HF-7 : Now I have a few questions about your (youngest) son who is currently between the ages of 9 and 18. Has he received the HPV vaccine, also known as the HPV shot, Cervarix or Gardasil?
HPVSHOT3 : HF-8 : How old was he when he received his first HPV vaccine shot?
SONPRB : HF-9 : How likely is it that he will receive the HPV shot in the next 12 months?
RHHIVT1 : HE-4j : A rapid home HIV test is a test you can use to test yourself that can provide results in about 20 minutes or less. The last time you had an HIV test, did you use a rapid home HIV test?
RHHIVT21 : HE-4k : People use a rapid home HIV test for many different reasons. Looking at Card 73, which of these reasons did you have for using the rapid home HIV test? (1st mentioned)
RHHIVT22 : HE-4k : People use a rapid home HIV test for many different reasons. Looking at Card 73, which of these reasons did you have for using the rapid home HIV test? (2nd mentioned)
CLINEXAM : HD-18c : A clinical breast exam is when a doctor or other health care professional uses his or her hands to feel for lumps or other changes in your breasts. Have you ever had a clinical breast exam?
MOMRISK70 : HD-20a : Do you think that having a mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 70 increases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer a lot, a little, or not at all or do you have no opinion?
MOMRISK40 : HD-20b : Do you think that having a mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 40 increases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer a lot, a little, or not at all or do you have no opinion?
BFEEDRISK : HD-22a : Do you think that breastfeeding decreases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer a lot, a little, or not at all or do you have no opinion?
BLDPRESS : HG-1 : The next couple of questions are about your blood pressure. In the past 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1], have you had your blood pressure checked by a doctor or other medical care provider?
HIGHBP : HG-2 : During your visit in the past 12 months, did a doctor or other medical care provider tell you that you had hypertension, also called high blood pressure?
BPMEDS : HG-3 : Are you currently taking any medicine prescribed by a doctor for your high blood pressure?
OVUL12M : HA-5a2 : You mentioned you have used drugs to improve your ovulation. Have you used any such drugs within the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]?
INSEM12M : HA-5b2 : Did you have this last insemination within the past 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]?
UFSONO : HD-8a : Was your diagnosis of uterine fibroids confirmed by ultrasound?
UFCURR : HD-8b : Do you have uterine fibroids currently?
UFDIAGNOS : HD-8c : How many years ago were you first diagnosed with uterine fibroids?
UFLIMIT : HD-8d : Have you ever had to miss work or school or been unable to perform daily activities due to pain or heavy periods from your uterine fibroids?
UFTREAT_1 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [1ST MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_2 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [2ND MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_3 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [3RD MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_4 : HD-8e : Looking at card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [4TH MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_5 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [5TH MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_6 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [6TH MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_7 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [7TH MENTIONED]
UFTREAT_8 : HD-8e : Looking at Card 56a, what treatments have you ever received for your uterine fibroids? [8TH MENTIONED]
ENDOCURR : HD-9a : Do you have endometriosis currently?
ENDODIAG : HD-9b : How many years ago were you first diagnosed with endometriosis?
ENDOLIM : HD-9c : Have you ever had to miss work or school or been unable to perform daily activities due to pain from your endometriosis?
ENDOTREAT_1 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [1ST MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_2 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [2ND MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_3 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [3RD MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_4 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [4TH MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_5 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [5TH MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_6 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [6TH MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_7 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [7TH MENTIONED]
ENDOTREAT_8 : HD-9d : Looking at Card 56b, what treatments have you ever received for your endometriosis? [8TH MENTIONED]
PCOS : HD-10b : (You may have already told me this, but) Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you that you had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS?
PCOSSYMP_1 : HD-10c : Was your PCOS diagnosis based on any of the following tests or symptoms shown on Card 56c? [1ST MENTIONED]
PCOSSYMP_2 : HD-10c : Was your PCOS diagnosis based on any of the following tests or symptoms shown on Card 56c? [2ND MENTIONED]
PCOSSYMP_3 : HD-10c : Was your PCOS diagnosis based on any of the following tests or symptoms shown on Card 56c? [3RD MENTIONED]
PCOSSYMP_4 : HD-10c : Was your PCOS diagnosis based on any of the following tests or symptoms shown on Card 56c? [4TH MENTIONED]
PCOSSYMP_5 : HD-10c : Was your PCOS diagnosis based on any of the following tests or symptoms shown on Card 56c? [5TH MENTIONED]
PCOSSYMP_6 : HD-10c : Was your PCOS diagnosis based on any of the following tests or symptoms shown on Card 56c? [6TH MENTIONED]
PREPHIV : HE-5c : There are medications available for people who do not have HIV to keep them from getting HIV. Have you heard of these medicines?
NUTRINFO_1 : HG-4 : Now thinking about the past 12 months, which of the sources shown on Card 74a did you use for information or advice about nutrition for this child or children? [1ST MENTIONED]
NUTRINFO_2 : HG-4 : Now thinking about the past 12 months, which of the sources shown on Card 74a did you use for information or advice about nutrition for this child or children? [2ND MENTIONED]
NUTRINFO_3 : HG-4 : Now thinking about the past 12 months, which of the sources shown on Card 74a did you use for information or advice about nutrition for this child or children? [3RD MENTIONED]
NUTRINFO_4 : HG-4 : Now thinking about the past 12 months, which of the sources shown on Card 74a did you use for information or advice about nutrition for this child or children? [4TH MENTIONED]
NUTRINFO_5 : HG-4 : Now thinking about the past 12 months, which of the sources shown on Card 74a did you use for information or advice about nutrition for this child or children? [5TH MENTIONED]
COVER12 : Now I have some questions about health insurance and coverage of medical expenses in the past year. Card 75 lists some examples of types of health care coverage. In the past 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, 2001], was there any time that you did not have any health insurance or coverage?
NUMNOCOV : In how many of the past 12 months were you without coverage?
COVERHOW01 : Card 76 shows different types of health care coverage. In the past 12 months, that is since [INTERVIEW MONTH, 2001], which of these were you covered by? (1ST MENTION)
COVERHOW02 : (Card 76 shows different types of health care coverage. In the past 12 months, that is since [INTERVIEW MONTH, 2001], which of these were you covered by?) (2ND MENTION)
COVERHOW03 : (Card 76 shows different types of health care coverage. In the past 12 months, that is since [INTERVIEW MONTH, 2001], which of these were you covered by?) (3RD MENTION)
NOWCOVER01 : Which of these, if any, are you covered by now? (1ST MENTION)
NOWCOVER02 : (Which of these, if any, are you covered by now?) (2ND MENTION)
NOWCOVER03 : (Which of these, if any, are you covered by now?) (3RD MENTION)
SAMEADD : Now I have some questions about where you live. Were you living at this same address on April 1, 2000?
CNTRY00 : Were you living in the United States on April 1, 2000?
BRNOUT : Were you born outside of the United States?
yrstrus : Year R came to the U.S. to stay.(computed)
PAYDU : This next question is about your residence. Are your current living quarters owned or being bought by you or someone in your household, rented for cash, or occupied without payment of cash rent?
RELRAISD : Now I have a few questions about religion. Please look at Card 77. In what religion were you raised, if any?
ATTND14 : Please look at Card 79. When you were 14, about how often did you usually attend religious services?
RELCURR : Please look at Card 77. What religion are you now, if any?
FUNDAM : Please look at Card 80. Which of these do you consider yourself to be, if any?
RELDLIFE : Currently, how important is religion in your daily life? Would you say it is very important, somewhat important, or not important?
ATTNDNOW : Please look at Card 79. About how often do you attend religious services?
EVWRK6MO : Now I'm interested in knowing if you've ever worked full-time, for 6 months or longer. If you've ever taken leave from work, such as family leave, vacations, disability leave, strikes and temporary layoffs, that counts as still working, as long as you were still officially employed. Have you ever worked for pay, full-time, for six months or longer?
cmbfstwk : Century month R began 1st full time work of 6+ months.(computed)
EVRNTWRK : Since you started that first period of work, has there ever been a time lasting 6 months or longer when you weren't working full-time? (Remember, family leave, disability leave, strikes, temporary layoffs, maternity leave, and similar situations count as working if your employer considered you as still employed there.)
WRK12MOS : Now I'd like to ask about your work experience in the last 12 months. By work, I mean any job for pay that was regularly scheduled, for which you were expected to show up. Please include full-time, part-time, and temporary or summer jobs. In the last 12 months, that is since [INTERVIEW MONTH, 2001], for how many months did you have any job for pay?
FPT12MOS : In the last 12 months, did you work all full-time, all part-time or some of each?
DOLASTWK1 : Please look at Card 81. Last week, what were you doing? Were you working, keeping house, going to school, or something else? (1ST MENTION)
DOLASTWK2 : (Please look at Card 81. Last week, what were you doing? Were you working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (2ND MENTION)
DOLASTWK3 : (Please look at Card 81. Last week, what were you doing? Were you working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (3RD MENTION)
DOLASTWK4 : (Please look at Card 81. Last week, what were you doing? Were you working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (4TH MENTION)
DOLASTWK5 : (Please look at Card 81. Last week, what were you doing? Were you working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?)(5TH MENTION)
DOLASTWK6 : (Please look at Card 81. Last week, what were you doing? Were you working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (6TH MENTION)
rwrkst : Whether R is employed.(computed)
everwork : Whether R ever worked at all.(computed)
RPAYJOB : Did you ever work at a job or business for pay on a regular basis?
RNUMJOB : How many jobs did you work (last week / during the last week you worked)?
RFTPTX : (Please think about the last week you worked on your (primary) job. Did / At your primary job, do/ Do) you work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
rearnty : Whether R is currently working or ever worked at all.(computed)
SPLSTWK1 : Please look at Card 82. Last week, what was (HUSBAND/PARTNER'S NAME) doing? Was he working, keeping house, going to school, or something else? (1ST MENTION)
SPLSTWK2 : (Please look at Card 82. Last week, what was (HUSBAND/PARTNER'S NAME) doing? Was he working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (2ND MENTION)
SPLSTWK3 : (Please look at Card 82. Last week, what was (HUSBAND/PARTNER) doing? Was he working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (3RD MENTION)
SPLSTWK4 : (Please look at Card 82. Last week, what was (HUSBAND/PARTNER'S NAME) doing? Was he working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (4TH MENTION)
SPLSTWK5 : (Please look at Card 82. Last week, what was (HUSBAND/PARTNER'S NAME) doing? Was he working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (5TH MENTION)
SPLSTWK6 : (Please look at Card 82. Last week, what was (HUSBAND/PARTNER'S NAME) doing? Was he working, keeping house, going to school, or something else?) (6TH MENTION)
spwrkst : Whether husband/partner is employed.(computed)
SPPAYJOB : Did he ever work at a job or business for pay on a regular basis?
SPNUMJOB : How many jobs did he work (last week/ during the last week he worked)?
SPFTPTX : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did/At his primary job, does/Does) he work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
spearnty : Whether husband/partner is currently working or ever worked at all.(computed)
CHCARANY : In the past four weeks (has your child/have any of your children, aged 12 or under,) been cared for in any regular arrangement such as a day care, nursery school, play group, babysitter, after school care, relative, or some other child care arrangement? (By 'regular' I mean at least once a week for a month or more.)
CHCARTYP01 : Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks? (1ST MENTION)
CHCARTYP02 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (2ND MENTION)
CHCARTYP03 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (3RD MENTION)
CHCARTYP04 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (4TH MENTION)
CHCARTYP05 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (5TH MENTION)
CHCARTYP06 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (6TH MENTION)
CHCARTYP07 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (7TH MENTION)
CHCARTYP08 : (Please look at Card 83. Which of these, if any, have you used for (any of your children/your child) in the past four weeks?) (8TH MENTION)
BETTER : It is better for a person to get married than to go through life being single. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree?
STAYTOG : Divorce is usually the best solution when a couple can't seem to work out their marriage problems.
SAMESEX : Sexual relations between two adults of the same sex are all right. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree?
ANYACT : Any sexual act between two consenting adults is all right.
SXOK18 : It is all right for unmarried 18 year olds to have sexual intercourse if they have strong affection for each other.
SXOK16 : It is all right for unmarried 16 year olds to have sexual intercourse if they have strong affection for each other.
CHREWARD : The rewards of being a parent are worth it, despite the cost and the work it takes.
CHSUPPOR : It is okay for an unmarried female to have a child. Would you say you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree?)
GAYADOPT : Gay or lesbian adults should have the right to adopt children.
OKCOHAB : A young couple should not live together unless they are married.
WARM : A working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work.
ACHIEVE : It is much better for everyone if the man earns the main living and the woman takes care of the home and family.
FAMILY : It is more important for a man to spend a lot of time with his family than to be successful at his career. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree?
REACTSLF : If you got pregnant now how would you feel? Would you be very upset, a little upset, a little pleased, or very pleased?
CHBOTHER : If it turns out that you do not have any children, would that bother you a great deal, some, a little, or not at all?
LESSPLSR : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that if your partner used a condom during sex, you would feel less physical pleasure?
EMBARRAS : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that it would be embarrassing for you and a new partner to discuss using a condom?
APPREC1 : Please look at Card 21. What is the chance that if a new partner used a condom, you would appreciate it?
ACASILANG : Language to be used in ACASI.
USUALCAR : Is there a place that you usually go to when you are sick or need advice about health?
USLPLACE : Please look at CARD 25. What kind of place is it?
COVERHOW04 : Card 76 shows different types of health care coverage. In the past 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), which of these were you covered by? [4th MENTION]
GOFPCWGF : Please look at Card 68, which shows various types of family planning and health services. Have you ever gone with a female partner or girlfriend to a family planning clinic or Planned Parenthood clinic when she received services such as these?
WHENGOGF : When was the last time you went with a female partner or girlfriend to a family planning clinic or Planned Parenthood clinic? Was it within the last 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), or more than 12 months ago?
YOUGOFPC : Now please look at Card 69, which shows some family planning and health services. Have you, yourself, ever received services such as these from a family planning clinic or Planned Parenthood clinic?
WHENGOFP : When was the last time you received services from a family planning clinic or Planned Parenthood clinic? Was it within the last 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE), or more than 12 months ago?
YOUFPSVC1 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? [1st MENTION]
YOUFPSVC2 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? [2nd MENTION]
YOUFPSVC3 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? [3rd MENTION]
YOUFPSVC4 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? [4th MENTION]
YOUFPSVC5 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? [5th MENTION]
PHYSEXAM : Now I'd like to ask you about health services you may have received in the past 12 months, that is, since (M/Y of 1 YR before INTERVIEW DATE). In the past 12 months, have you had a routine physical examination?
TESTICHK : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Had your testicles examined by a doctor or other medical care provider?
BCADVICE : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Received advice or counseling from a doctor or other medical care provider about using methods of birth control, including condoms?
STERADVI : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Received advice or counseling from a doctor or other medical care provider about getting surgically sterilized?
STDADVIC : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Received advice or counseling from a doctor or other medical care provider about sexually transmitted infections other than HIV, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, or genital herpes?
HIVADVIC : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Received advice or counseling from a doctor or other medical care provider about HIV or AIDS?
ONEVISIT : You have reported that you had the following services in the last 12 months: (REASONS REPORTED BY RESPONDENT IN ID-1 PHYSEXAM- ID-6 HIVADVIC) Did you have (both/all) of these services at the same visit to a doctor or other medical care provider, or did you have more than 1 visit?
NUMVISIT : How many visits did you have in the last 12 months in order to receive all of these services from a doctor or other medical care provider?
PLACEVIS01 : Please look at Card 25. At what kind of place did you have (your (NAME OF SERVICE)/ these services)? [1st MENTION ]
PLACEVIS02 : Please look at Card 25. At what kind of place did you have (your (NAME OF SERVICE)/ these services)? [2nd MENTION ]
PLACEVIS03 : Please look at Card 25. At what kind of place did you have (your (NAME OF SERVICE)/ these services)? [3rd MENTION ]
PLACEVIS04 : Please look at Card 25. At what kind of place did you have (your (NAME OF SERVICE)/ these services)? [4th MENTION ]
SVCPAY1 : Please look at Card 16. In which of the ways shown on this card was the bill for ((NAME OF SERVICE)/these services) paid? [1st MENTION]
SVCPAY2 : Please look at Card 16. In which of the ways shown on this card was the bill for ((NAME OF SERVICE)/these services) paid? [2nd MENTION]
SVCPAY3 : Please look at Card 16. In which of the ways shown on this card was the bill for ((NAME OF SERVICE)/these services) paid? [3rd MENTION]
INFHELP : (Did you or your wife ever go / Have you or your wife ever been / During any of your relationships, have you or your (wife or) partner at the time ever been) to a doctor or other medical care provider to talk about ways to help you have a baby together?
INFSVCS1 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? [1st MENTION]
INFSVCS2 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? [2nd MENTION]
INFSVCS3 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? [3rd MENTION]
INFSVCS4 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? [4th MENTION]
INFSVCS5 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? [5th MENTION]
INFSVCS6 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? [6th MENTION]
INFTEST : Who was it that had infertility testing?
WHOINSEM : Was your wife or partner inseminated with sperm from you only, from some other donor only, or from both?
INFHLPNW : Are you and your (wife/partner) currently pursuing medical help to have a baby together?
cminfvis : Century Month of last/most recent infertility service visit [COMPUTED]
INFRTHIS1 : When you and your wife or partner went for medical help to have a baby together, were you ever told that you had any of the following male infertility problems shown on Card 71? [1st MENTION]
INFRTHIS2 : When you and your wife or partner went for medical help to have a baby together, were you ever told that you had any of the following male infertility problems shown on Card 71? [2nd MENTION]
HIVTST1 : Please look at Card 73b. Why did you have that HIV test? [1st MENTION]
HIVTST4 : Please look at Card 73b. Why did you have that HIV test? [4th MENTION]
NOWCOVER04 : (Which of these, if any, are you covered by / Are you covered by any of these health care plans) now? (4th MENTIONED)
RELTRAD : IC-5/IC-6 Religion R is now with Protestant denominational detail
FUNDAM1 : Please look at Card 80. Which of these do you consider yourself to be, if any? (1st MENTIONED)
FUNDAM2 : Please look at Card 80. Which of these do you consider yourself to be, if any? (2nd MENTIONED)
FUNDAM3 : Please look at Card 80. Which of these do you consider yourself to be, if any? (3rd MENTIONED)
FUNDAM4 : Please look at Card 80. Which of these do you consider yourself to be, if any? (4th MENTIONED)
BEGFSTWK_M : When, in what month and year, did you start your first period of full-time work that lasted 6 months or longer altogether? (MONTH)
BEGFSTWK_Y : When, in what month and year, did you start your first period of full-time work that lasted 6 months or longer altogether? (YEAR)
CHUNLESS : People can't be really happy unless they have children.
MARRFAIL : Please look again at Card 84. Marriage has not worked out for most people I know.
CHCOHAB : It is okay to have and raise children when the parents are living together but not married.
PRVNTDIV : Living together before marriage may help prevent divorce.
GETALONG : Living together before marriage is a good way for a couple to make sure they get along.
YOUFPSVC6 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? (6TH MENTION)
BCADVICEF : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Received advice or counseling from a doctor or other medical care provider about using female methods of birth control?
BCADVICEM : (In the past 12 months, have you...) Received advice or counseling from a doctor or other medical care provider about using male methods of birth control (condoms or vasectomy)?
PLACEVIS05 : Please look at Card 25. At what kind of place did you have your [(NAME OF SERVICE/ these services]? (5th MENTION)
LASTVIS_M : In what month and year was your (last/most recent) visit for medical help to have a baby together? (MONTH)
LASTVIS_Y : In what month and year was your (last/most recent) visit for medical help to have a baby together? (YEAR)
INFRTHIS3 : When you and your wife or partner went for medical help to have a baby together, were you ever told that you had any of the following male infertility problems shown on Card 71? (3RD MENTION)
USL12MOS : IA-0c : Have you gone to this place in the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1]?
CNTRY10 : IB-2 : Were you living in the United States on April 1, 2010?
workp12 : Whether R worked in the previous 12 months (computed variable)
VISIT12MO1 : ID-1 : Please look at card 69a. In the past 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1), did you have any of these types of visits to a doctor or health care provider? (1st MENTION)
VISIT12MO2 : ID-1 : Please look at card 69a. In the past 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1), did you have any of these types of visits to a doctor or health care provider ? (2nd MENTION)
VISIT12MO3 : ID-1 : Please look at card 69a. In the past 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1), did you have any of these types of visits to a doctor or health care provider ? (3rd MENTION)
VISIT12MO4 : ID-1 : Please look at card 69a. In the past 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1), did you have any of these types of visits to a doctor or health care provider ? (4th MENTION)
SVC12MO1 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (1st MENTION)
SVC12MO2 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (2nd MENTION)
SVC12MO3 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (3rd MENTION)
SVC12MO4 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (4th MENTION)
SVC12MO5 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (5th MENTION)
SVC12MO6 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (6th MENTION)
SVC12MO7 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (7th MENTION)
SVC12MO8 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (8th MENTION)
PLACEVIS06 : ID-4 : Please look at Card 25a. What place or places did you go for these service(s)? (6th MENTION)
SVCPAY4 : ID-5 : Please look at Card 16a. In which of the ways shown on this card was the bill for these visits paid? (4th MENTION)
SVCPAY5 : ID-5 : Please look at Card 16a. In which of the ways shown on this card was the bill for these visits paid? (5th MENTION)
TALKSA : ID-6 : During your visit(s) in the past 12 months did a doctor or health care provider ask you if you were sexually active?
TALKEC : ID-7 : During your visit in the past 12 months, did a doctor or health care provider talk with you about emergency contraception?
PARINSUR : IA-5 : Are you covered on your parents' private health insurance plan?
PLACEVIS07 : ID-4 : Please look at Card 25a. What place or places did you go for these service(s)? (7th MENTION)
INFRTHIS_1 : IE-7 : When you and your wife or partner went for medical help to have a baby together, were you ever told that you had any of the following male infertility problems shown on Card 71? (1ST MENTION)
INFRTHIS_2 : IE-7 : When you and your wife or partner went for medical help to have a baby together, were you ever told that you had any of the following male infertility problems shown on Card 71? (2ND MENTION)
CURRCOV : IA-1 : Are you currently covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan?
INS_EXCH : IA-4 : (Were any of / Was) your health insurance plan obtained through or the [DISPLAY STATE MARKETPLACE NAME]?
INS_PREM : IA-5 : A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for health care coverage. Do you or a family member pay a premium for (any of your / your) health insurance (plans / plan)?
MILSVC : ID-1 : Have you ever been on active duty in the Armed Forces for a period of 6 months or more?
YOUFPSVC7 : IB-3 : Please look again at Card 69. Which of these services did you receive at that visit? (7TH MENTION)
SVC12MO9 : ID-2 : Please look at Card 69b. Did you receive any of the services shown on this card at those visits in the past 12 months? (9th MENTION)
INFSVCS7 : IE-2 : Which of the services shown on Card 70 (did / have) you or your (wife/partner) (have / had) to help you have a baby together? (7th MENTION)
INFRTHIS_3 : IE-7 : When you and your wife or partner went for medical help to have a baby together, were you ever told that you had any of the following male infertility problems shown on Card 71? (3RD MENTION)
RHHIVT23 : IF-4b : People use a rapid home HIV test for many different reasons. Looking at Card 73, which of these reasons did you have for using the rapid home HIV test? (3rd mentioned)
RHHIVT24 : IF-4b : People use a rapid home HIV test for many different reasons. Looking at Card 73, which of these reasons did you have for using the rapid home HIV test? (4th mentioned)
RHHIVT25 : IF-4b : People use a rapid home HIV test for many different reasons. Looking at Card 73, which of these reasons did you have for using the rapid home HIV test? (5th mentioned)
WAGE : In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive any wages and salaries, including tips, bonuses and overtime?
SELFINC : In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive any income from self employment including business and farm income?
SOCSEC : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from Social Security or Railroad Retirement?
DISABIL : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from any disability pension (other than Social Security or Railroad Retirement)?
RETIRE : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from any retirement or survivor pension (other than Social Security or Railroad Retirement)?
SSI : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?
UNEMP : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from unemployment compensation?
CHLDSUPP : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from child support?
INTEREST : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from interest from savings or other bank accounts?
DIVIDEND : (In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive) any income from dividends received from stocks or mutual funds, or net rental income from property, royalties, estates or trusts?
OTHINC : In the year 2001, did you (or any members of your family living here) receive any income from any other source, such as alimony, contributions from family or others, Veteran's Administration (VA) payments, or Worker's Compensation?
TOINCWMY : The next question will ask about (your total income/ the total combined income of your family) in the year 2001. Remember, this item is important and your answers will be kept confidential. Will it be easier for you to report the total income per week, per month, or per year?
TOTINC : Which category on represents (your total (weekly/monthly/yearly) income/ the total combined (weekly/monthly/yearly) income of your family) in the year 2001, including income from all the sources you just went through, such as wages, salaries, Social Security or retirement benefits, help from relatives, and so forth? Please enter the amount before taxes.
PUBASST : At any time in the year 2001, even for one month, did you or any members of your family living here receive any government payments because your income was low, such as public assistance or welfare?
PUBASTYP1 : In the year 2001, did you or any members of your family living here receive welfare or public assistance payments sometimes called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), or some other type of assistance payments? [1st MENTIONED]
FOODSTMP : In the year 2001, did you or any members of your family living here receive food stamps?
WIC : In the year 2001, did you or any members of your family living here receive WIC, the Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program?
HLPTRANS : In the year 2001, did you or any members of your family living here receive the following type of government assistance because your income was low? Transportation assistance, such as gas vouchers, bus passes, or help registering, repairing, or insuring a car?
HLPCHLDC : (In the year 2001, did you or any members of your family living here receive the following type of government assistance because your income was low...) Any child care services or assistance so you or they could go to work or school or training?
HLPJOB : (In the year 2001, did you or any members of your family living here receive the following type of government assistance because your income was low...) A social services or Welfare office's help with job training, a Job Club, a job search program, or anything else to help you or anyone in the household try to find a job?
startmil : Year when R began military service
endmil : Year when R ended military service
FTPT12MOS : In the last 12 months, did you work all full-time, all part-time or some of each?
GENHEALT : In general, how is your health? Would you say it is...
RWEIGHT : How much do you weigh? Please answer in pounds and then press [Enter].
inches : Height in inches (computed in post-processing)
bmi : Body Mass Index (computed in post-processing)
EARNTYPE : Next, I need to know your total earnings before (taxes / taxes on your last job). Will it be easier for you to tell me your total weekly, monthly, or yearly earnings?
EARN : Which category represents your total (weekly / monthly / yearly) earnings before (taxes / taxes on your last job)?
EARNDK1 : Was it $20,000 or more per year?
EARNDK2 : Was it $50,000 or more per year?
EARNDK3 : Was it $75,000 or more per year?
FMINCDK1 : Was it $20,000 or more last year?
FMINCDK2 : Was it $50,000 or more last year?
FMINCDK3 : Was it $75,000 or more last year
pmarcohb : Whether R ever cohabited premaritally (Computed in Flow Check J-26b)
CASIBIRTH : JB-1 : Between January [YEAR OF INTERVIEW - 5] and December [YEAR OF INTERVIEW - 1], how many pregnancies did you have that resulted in live birth, that is, in a baby born alive? Having twins or triplets should be counted as 1 pregnancy.
CASILOSS : JB-2 : Between January [YEAR OF INTERVIEW - 5] and December [YEAR OF INTERVIEW - 1], how many pregnancies did you have that ended in miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic pregnancy?
CASIABOR : JB-3 : Between January [YEAR OF INTERVIEW - 5] and December [YEAR OF INTERVIEW - 1], how many pregnancies did you have that ended in abortion?
CASIADOP : JB-4 : Have you ever placed a child you gave birth to for adoption?
EVSUSPEN : JC-0a : The next couple of questions are about your school experience. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
GRADSUSP : JC-0b : What grade were you in when you were suspended or expelled from school? If you were suspended or expelled more than once, please enter the grade you were in the most recent time.
SMK100 : JC-1 : These next questions are about your use of cigarettes, alcohol, and other substances. In your entire life, have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes?
AGESMK : JC-2 : How old were you when you first started smoking fairly regularly? Please enter your age in years. If you never smoked regularly, enter 0.
SMOKE12 : JC-3 : During the last 12 months, that is since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1], how many cigarettes did you smoke a day, on average?
DRINK12 : JC-4 : During the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1], how often have you had beer, wine, liquor, or other alcoholic beverages?
UNIT30D : JC-4a_U : This next question asks about your drinking over the past 30 days. Would you prefer to answer in terms of days per week or days per month?
DRINK30D : JC-4a_N : During the past 30 days, that is, since (mo/day/yr), on how many days (per week) did you have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage such as beer, wine, a malt beverage or liquor?
DRINKDAY : JC-4b : One drink is equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a drink with one shot of liquor. During the past 30 days, on the days when you drank, about how many drinks did you drink on the average?
BINGE30 : JC-4c : Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have 4 or more drinks on an occasion?
DRNKMOST : JC-4d : During the past 30 days, what is the largest number of drinks you had on any occasion?
BINGE12 : JC-5 : During the last 12 months, how often did you have 4 or more drinks within a couple of hours?
POT12 : JC-6 : During the last 12 months, how often have you smoked marijuana?
COC12 : JC-7 : During the last 12 months, how often have you used cocaine?
CRACK12 : JC-8 : During the last 12 months, how often have you use crack?
CRYSTMTH12 : JC-8a : During the last 12 months, how often have you used Crystal or meth, also known as tina, crank, or ice?
INJECT12 : JC-9 : During the last 12 months, how often have you shot up or injected drugs other than those prescribed for you? By shooting up, we mean anytime you might have used drugs with a needle, by mainlining, skin-popping, or muscling.
VAGSEX : JD-1 : Has a male ever put his penis in your vagina (also known as vaginal intercourse)?
AGEVAGR : JD-2 : The first time this occurred, how old were you?
AGEVAGM : JD-3 : The first time this occurred, how old was he?
CONDVAG : JD-4 : Was a condom used the last time you had vaginal intercourse with a male?
WHYCONDL : JD-5 : The last time you had vaginal intercourse with a male, did you use the condom to...
GETORALM : JD-6 : The next few questions are about oral sex. By oral sex, we mean stimulating the genitals with the mouth. Has a male ever performed oral sex on you?
GIVORALM : JD-7 : Have you ever performed oral sex on a male? That is, have you ever stimulated his penis with your mouth?
CONDFELL : JD-8 : Was a condom used the last time you performed oral sex on a male?
anyoral : Whether R has ever had oral sex with a male (Computed in Flow Check J-8b)
TIMING : JD-8b : Thinking back to when you had oral sex with a male for the first time, was it before, after, or on the same occasion as your first vaginal intercourse with a male?
ANALSEX : JD-9 : Has a male ever put his penis in your rectum or butt (also known as anal sex)?
CONDANAL : JD-10 : Was a condom used the last time you had anal sex with a male?
oppsexany : Whether R has ever had vaginal, oral, or anal sex with a male partner (Computed in Flow Check J-9)
oppsexgen : Whether R has ever had male-genital-involving sex with a male partner (Computed in Flow Check J-9)
CONDSEXL : JD-11 : The very last time you had any type of sex -- that is, vaginal intercourse or anal sex or oral sex -- with a male partner, was a condom used?
WANTSEX1 : JE-1 : Think back to the very first time you had vaginal intercourse with a male. Which would you say comes closest to describing how much you wanted that first vaginal intercourse to happen?
VOLSEX1 : JE-2 : Would you say then that this first vaginal intercourse was voluntary or not voluntary, that is, did you choose to have sex of your own free will or not?
HOWOLD : JE-3 : How old were you when this first vaginal intercourse happened?
GIVNDRUG : JE-4a : Were you given alcohol or drugs?
HEBIGOLD : JE-4b : Did you do what he said because he was bigger than you or a grown-up, and you were young?
ENDRELAT : JE-4c : Were you told that the relationship would end if you didn't have sex?
WORDPRES : JE-4d : Were you pressured into it by his words or actions, but without threats of harm?
THRTPHYS : JE-4e : Were you threatened with physical hurt or injury?
PHYSHURT : JE-4f : Were you physically hurt or injured?
HELDDOWN : JE-4g : Were you physically held down?
EVRFORCD : JE-5 : (At any time in your life / Besides the time you already reported), have you ever been forced by a male to have vaginal intercourse against your will?
AGEFORC1 : JE-6 : (How / After the time you already reported, when you were age [age at first vaginal intercourse from JE_3 HOWOLD], how) old were you the (very first/next) time you were forced by a male to have vaginal intercourse against your will?
GIVNDRG2 : JE-7a : Were you given alcohol or drugs?
HEBIGOL2 : JE-7b : Did you do what he said because he was bigger than you or a grown-up, and you were young?
ENDRELA2 : JE-7c : Were you told that the relationship would end if you didn't have sex?
WRDPRES2 : JE-7d : Were you pressured into it by his words or actions, but without threats of harm?
THRTPHY2 : JE-7e : Were you threatened with physical hurt or injury?
PHYSHRT2 : JE-7f : Were you physically hurt or injured?
HELDDWN2 : JE-7g : Were you physically held down?
PARTSLIF_1 : JF-1a : Thinking about your entire life, how many male sex partners have you had? Please count every partner even those you had sex with only once.
PARTSLFV : JF-1v : It is very important that we get accurate responses to this key question. The computer recorded that you have had [# from JF_1a PARTSLIF_1] male sex partners in you entire life. If this answer is correct, select "Yes" to move on to the next question. If the computer recorded an incorrect response, please select "No" to change your answer.
PARTSLIF_2 : JF-1b : Thinking about your entire life, how many male sex partners have you had? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once.
opplifenum : Number of opposite-sex partners in lifetime for all types of sex [Computed in Flow Check J-14d]
PARTS12M_1 : JF-2 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many male sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
PARTS12V : JF-2v : It is very important that we get accurate responses to this key question. The computer recorded that you have had [# from JF_2 PARTS12M_1] male sex partners in the last 12 months. If this answer is correct, select "Yes" to move on to the next question. If the computer recorded an incorrect response, please select "No" to change your answer.
PARTS12M_2 : JF-2 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many male sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
oppyearnum : Number of opposite-sex partners in last 12 months for all types of sex [Computed in Flow Check J-14f]
NEWYEAR : JF-2YR : Earlier you reported having more male partners in the last 12 months than you have had in your life. One or both of these numbers appear to be entered incorrectly, so those questions will be asked again. Your previous answers are displayed below:
NEWLIFE : JF-2LF : How many male partners did you have in your lifetime?
VAGNUM12 : JF-2YRa : Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below. Thinking of your male partners in the last 12 months, with how many of them did you have vaginal intercourse?
ORALNUM12 : JF-2YRb : (Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below.) Thinking of your male partners in the last 12 months, with how many of them did you have oral sex, either giving or receiving?
ANALNUM12 : JF-2YRc : (Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below.) Thinking of your male partners in the last 12 months, with how many of them did you have anal sex?
CURRPAGE : JF-2a : Earlier you reported that you last had sexual intercourse with the (person / first person) shown on the screen in [M/Y OF LAST SEX WITH THIS PARTNER]. How old was he at that time?
RELAGE : JF-2b : Is he older than you, younger than you, or the same age? (FIRST DISPLAYED PARTNER)
HOWMUCH : JF-2c : By how many years? (FIRST DISPLAYED PARTNER)
CURRPAGE2 : JF-2a : Earlier you reported that you last had sexual intercourse with the second person shown on the screen in [M/Y OF LAST SEX WITH THIS PARTNER]. How old was he at that time?
RELAGE2 : JF-2b : Is he older than you, younger than you, or the same age? (SECOND DISPLAYED PARTNER)
HOWMUCH2 : JF-2c : By how many years? (SECOND DISPLAYED PARTNER)
CURRPAGE3 : JF-2a : Earlier you reported that you last had sexual intercourse with the third person shown on the screen in [M/Y OF LAST SEX WITH THIS PARTNER]. How old was he at that time?
RELAGE3 : JF-2b : Is he older than you, younger than you, or the same age? (THIRD DISPLAYED PARTNER)
HOWMUCH3 : JF-2c : By how many years? (THIRD DISPLAYED PARTNER)
BISEXPRT : JF-3 : (Now please think about all of / Have any) your male partners in the last 12 months, that is since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1] ever had sex with other males?
NONMONOG : JF-4 : In the last 12 months, did you have sex with any males who were also having sex with other people at around the same time?
NNONMONOG1 : JF-5a : To the best of your knowledge, how many of your male sexual partners in the last 12 months were having sex with other people around the same time?
NNONMONOG2 : JF-5b : (Thinking of your 1 male partner in the last 12 months), how many other partners do you think this partner had around the same time as he was having sex with you?
NNONMONOG3 : JF-5c : Thinking of your most recent male partner who had other sexual partners, how many other partners do you think he had around the same time as he was having sex with you?
MALSHT12 : JF-6 : In the last 12 months, have you had sex with a male who takes or shoots street drugs using a needle?
PROSTFRQ : JF-7 : In the last 12 months, has a male given you money or drugs to have sex with him?
JOHNFREQ : JF-8 : In the last 12 months, have you given a male money or drugs to have sex with you?
HIVMAL12 : JF-9 : In the last 12 months, last 12 months, have you have sex with a male who you knew was infected with the AIDS virus?
GIVORALF : JG-1a : The next questions ask about sexual experiences you may had with another female. Have you ever performed oral sex on another female?
GETORALF : JG-1b : Has another female ever performed oral sex on you?
FEMSEX : JG-1c : Have you ever had any sexual experience of any kind with another female?
samesexany : Whether R has had any sexual experience with a female partner (Computed in Flow Check J-19)
FEMPARTS_1 : JG-2 : Thinking about your entire life, how many female sex partners have you had?
FEMLIFEV : JG-2v : It is very important that we get accurate responses to this key question. The computer recorded that you have had [# from JG_2 FEMPARTS_1] female sex partners in your entire life. If this answer is correct, select "Yes" to move on to the next question. If the computer recorded an incorrect response, please select "No" to change your answer.
FEMPARTS_2 : JG-2 : Thinking about your entire life, how many female sex partners have you had?
samlifenum : Number of same-sex partners in lifetime [Computed in Flow Check J-19d]
FEMPRT12_1 : JG-3 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many female sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
FEM12V : JG-3v : It is very important that we get accurate responses to this key question. The computer recorded that you have had [# from FEMPRT12_1] female sex partners in the last 12 months. If this answer is correct, select "Yes" to move on to the next question. If the computer recorded an incorrect response, please select "No" to change your answer.
FEMPRT12_2 : JG-3 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many female sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
samyearnum : Number of same-sex partners in last 12 months [Computed in Flow Check J-19f]
SAMESEX1 : JG-4 : Thinking back to the first time you ever had oral sex or another kind of sexual experience with a female partner, how old were you?
MFLASTP : JH-1 : The very last time you had any type of sex -- that is vaginal intercourse or anal sex or oral sex -- was that last sexual partner male or female?
ATTRACT : JH-2 : People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you...
ORIENT : JH-3 : Do you think of yourself as ...
CHLAMTST : JH-4 : In the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1], have you been tested for chlamydia?
STDOTHR12 : JH-4b : In the past 12 months, have you been tested for any other sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea, herpes, or syphilis?
STDTRT12 : JH-5 : In the past 12 months, have you been treated or received medication from a doctor or other medical care provider for a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea, herpes, or syphilis?
GON : JH-6 : In the last 12 months, have you been told by a doctor or other provider that you had gonorrhea?
CHLAM : JH-7 : In the last 12 months, have you ever been told by a doctor or other medical care provider that you had chlamydia?
HERPES : JH-8 : At any time in your life, have you ever been told by a doctor or other medical care provider that you had genital herpes?
GENWARTS : JH-9 : At any time in your life, have you ever been told by a doctor or other medical care provider that you had genital warts or human papillomavirus also called HPV?
SYPHILIS : JH-10 : At any time in your life, have you ever been told by a doctor or other medical care provider that you had syphilis?
EVRINJECT : JH-11 : At any time in your life, have you ever shot up or injected drugs other than those prescribed for you?
EVRSHARE : JH-12 : At any time in your life, have you ever used a needle that you knew or suspected someone else had used before you?
EARNDK4 : JI-0f : Was it $100,000 or more per year?
FMINCDK4 : JI-3d : Was it $75,000 or more last year?
FMINCDK5 : JI-3e : Was it $100,000 or more last year?
FREEFOOD : JI-9 : In the last 12 months, did you receive free or reduced-cost food or meals because you couldn't afford to buy food?
HUNGRY : JI-10 : In the past 12 months, were you or any member of your family ever hungry, but you just couldn't afford more food?
MED_COST : JI-11 : In the past 12 months, was there anyone in your household who needed to see a doctor or go to the hospital but couldn't go because of the cost?
SEXNEEDS : JG-19a : Men have greater sexual needs than women.
WHENSICK : JG-19b : Men only need to see a doctor when they are hurt or sick.
SHOWPAIN : JG-19c : When a man is feeling pain he should not let it show.
ENGSPEAK : JA-7 : How well do you speak English?
CONFCONC : JH-3a : Would you ever not go for sexual or reproductive health care because your parents might find out?
TIMALON : JH-3b : The last time you had a health care visit in the past 12 months, did a doctor or other health provider spend any time alone with you without a parent, relative or guardian in the room?
RISKCHEK1 : JH-3c : In the last 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1), has a doctor or other medical care provider asked you about your sexual orientation or the sex of your sexual partners?
RISKCHEK2 : JH-3d : In the last 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider asked you about your number of sexual partners?
RISKCHEK3 : JH-3e : In the last 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider asked you about your use of condoms?
RISKCHEK4 : JH-3f : In the last 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider asked you about the types of sex you have, whether vaginal, oral, or anal?
DRWEIGH : JA-6a : The next couple of questions are about your weight. In the past 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1], did a doctor or other medical care provider weigh you?
TELLWGHT : JA-6b : During your visit in the past 12 months, did a doctor or other medical care provider tell you that you were underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese, or were you not told?
WGHTSCRN : JA-6c : During your visit in the past 12 months, did a doctor or other medical care provider refer you to diet or exercise counseling?
NOBEDYR : JC-0a : In the last 12 months, that is, since (INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1), was there ever a time when you did not have a permanent place to stay and had to stay at least overnight in a location such as a shelter, a car or someplace outdoors?
STAYREL : JC-0b : In the last 12 months, was there ever a time when you did not have a permanent place to stay and had to stay at least overnight with a friend or relative?
SMKSTOP : JC-3a : During the last 12 months, has a doctor or other medical care provider provided you with counseling or support for you to stop smoking or using other kinds of tobacco?
FSAMEREL : JG-4a : At the time you first had any sexual experience with a female partner, how would you describe your relationship with her?
ORIENT_A : JH-3 : Do you think of yourself as ...
ORIENT_B : JH-3b : Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?
bmicat : Body Mass Index (categorical) (computed in post-processing)
DATEAPP : JH-1a : JH-1a : In the past 12 months, have you had sex with anyone you first met using a dating or âhookupâ website or mobile app? Sex includes vaginal, anal and oral sex.
SHELTER : KB-1 : In the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1] have you stayed overnight in a shelter for the homeless or some other type of shelter?
JAILED : KB-2 : In the last 12 months, have you spent any time in a jail, prison or a juvenile detention facility?
JAILED2 : KB-3 : Have you ever spent time in a jail, prison or juvenile detention center?
FRQJAIL : KB-4 : Have you been in jail, prison, or a juvenile detention facility only one time or more than one time?
FRQJAIL2 : KB-5 : (How long were you in/The last time you were in) jail, prison, or juvenile detention (how long were you in)?
MADEPREG : KD-1 : To the best of your knowledge, have you ever made someone pregnant?
PREGTOT2 : KD-2 : To the best of your knowledge, how many times have you ever made someone pregnant? Please include any pregnancies you may have already told the interviewer about.
pregacasi : Number of pregnancies reported in ACASI (Computed in Flow Check K-4b)
NUMABORT : KD-3 : To the best of your knowledge, how many of these pregnancies ended in abortion?
NUMLIVEB : KD-4 : To the best of your knowledge, how many of these pregnancies resulted in a baby being born? Twins or triplets from a pregnancy count as one pregnancy.
TOLDPREG : KD-5 : Have you ever been told by someone that you may have made her pregnant?
WHATHAPP : KD-6 : The last time you were told by someone that you may have made her pregnant,...
FEMTOUCH : KE-1 : Has a female ever touched your penis until you ejaculated, or "came"?
SHEBIGOL : KF-4b : Did you do what she said because she was bigger than you or a grown-up, and you were young?
PARTS12_1 : KG-2 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many female sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR -1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
PARTS12_2 : KG-2 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many female sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR -1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
FEMSHT12 : KG-6 : In the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1], have you had sex with a female who takes or shoots street drugs using a needle?
HIVFEM12 : KG-9 : In the last 12 months, have you had sex with a female who you knew was infected with the AIDS virus?
ORALCONDM : KH-2b : Did you use a condom the last time you had oral sex with a male?
ANALSEX2 : KH-3 : Has another male ever put his penis in your anus or butt (anal sex)?
ANALCONDM1 : KH-3b : Did you use a condom the last time you had receptive anal sex with a male?
ANALSEX3 : KH-4 : Have you ever put your penis in another male's anus or butt (insertive anal sex)?
ANALCONDM2 : KH-4b : Did you use a condom the the last time you had insertive anal sex with a male?
MALPRTAGE : KH-5 : Thinking of your most recent or last male sex partner, that is, the man with whom you last had oral or anal sex, was he older than you, younger than you, or about the same age?
malprthrace : HISPRACE2-recode-like variable for current/most recent same-sex partner (computed in post-processing)
EVRFORC2 : KI-1 : At any time in your life, have you ever been forced by a male to have oral or anal sex against your will?
AGEFORC2 : KI-2 : How old were you the very first time you were forced by a male to have sexual intercourse against your will?
GIVNDRG3 : KI-3a : Were you given alcohol or drugs?
ENDRELA3 : KI-3c : Were you told that the relationship would end if you didn't have sex?
WRDPRES3 : KI-3d : Were you pressured into it by his words or actions, but without threats of harm?
THRTPHY3 : KI-3e : Were you threatened with physical hurt or injury?
PHYSHRT3 : KI-3f : Were you physically hurt or injured?
HELDDWN3 : KI-3g : Were you physically held down?
MALEPRTS_1 : KJ-1 : Thinking about your entire life, how many male sex partners have you had?
MALEPRTSV : KJ-1v : It is very important that we get accurate responses to this key question. The computer recorded that you have had [MALEPRTS_1] male sex partners in your entire life. If this answer is correct, select "Yes" to move on to the next question. If the computer recorded an incorrect response, please select "No" to change your answer.
MALEPRTS_2 : KJ-1 : Thinking about your entire life, how many male sex partners have you had?
MALPRT12_1 : KJ-2 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many male sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
MALPRT12V : KJ-2v : It is very important that we get accurate responses to this key question. The computer recorded that you have had [MALPRT12_1] male sex partners in the last 12 months. If this answer is correct, select "Yes" to move on to the next question. If the computer recorded an incorrect response, please select "No" to change your answer.
MALPRT12_2 : KJ-2 : Thinking about the last 12 months, how many male sex partners have you had in the 12 months since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR-1]? Please count every partner, even those you had sex with only once in those 12 months.
SAMORAL12 : KJ-2YRa : Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below. Thinking of your male partners in the last 12 months, with how many of them did you have oral sex?
RECEPANAL12 : KJ-2YRb : (Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below.) Thinking of your male partners in the last 12 months, with how many of them did you have receptive anal sex where he put his penis in your anus (butt)?
INSERANAL12 : KJ-2YRc : (Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below.) Thinking of your male partners in the last 12 months, with how many of them did you have insertive anal sex where you put your penis in his anus (butt)?
MSMNONMON : KJ-4 : Your number of male partners in the last 12 months is displayed below. In the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1], how many of your male partners were having sex with other people around the same time?
JOHN2FRQ : KJ-6 : In the last 12 months, have you given a male money or drugs in exchange for having sex with you?
PROS2FRQ : KJ-7 : In the last 12 months, has a male given you money or drugs to have sex with him?
MSMWEB12 : KJ-9 : Some men meet their sexual partners by using the internet, and some do not. Internet includes the use of social network websites such as Facebook or MySpace, websites directed towards gay men such as Manhunt or, dating websites, or the use of mobile social applications such as Foursquare or Grindr. Thinking about your male sex partners in the last 12 months, did you first meet any of them using the internet?
MSMSORT12 : KJ-10 : Some men only have sex with other males that they know have the same HIV status as they do, and some do not. Thinking about your male sex partners in the last 12 months, do you usually limit your male partners to those of the same HIV status to prevent getting or transmitting HIV? Would you say...
CNDLSMAL : KJ-11 : Now think of the last time you had oral or anal sex with a male partner, was a condom used?
CONDALLS : KK-1 : The very last time you had any type of sex -- that is vaginal intercourse or anal sex or oral sex -- with a male or female partner, was a condom used?
WHYCOND : KK-3 : Was the condom used...
RECTDOUCH : KK-6e : Some men use a rectal douche before or after anal sex, and some do not. During the last 12 months, that is, since [INTERVIEW MONTH, INTERVIEW YEAR - 1], how often, if at all, did you use a rectal douche?
STDSITE12 : KK-7b : In the past 12 months, have you been tested by a doctor or other medical care provider for a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea or chlamydia in your throat or pharynx or your rectum (anus or butt)?
MALESEX : KH-4c : Have you ever had any other sexual experience of any kind with another male?
MSAMEREL : KJ-3a : At the time you first had any sexual experience with a male partner, how would you describe your relationship with him?
AGER : R's age at interview
FMARITAL : Formal (legal) marital status
EDUCAT : Education (number of years of schooling)
HIEDUC : Highest completed year of school or highest degree received
HISPANIC : Hispanic origin of respondent
RACE : Race of respondent
HISPRACE : Race & Hispanic origin of respondent
NUMKDHH : Number of bio/adopt/related/legal children under age 18 in household
NUMFMHH : Number of family members in household
INTCTFAM : Intact status of childhood family
PARAGE14 : Parental living situation at age 14
EDUCMOM : Mother's (or mother-figure's) education
AGEMOMB1 : Age of mother (or mother-figure) at first birth
AGER_I : AGER Imputation Flag
EDUCAT_I : EDUCAT Imputation Flag
HIEDUC_I : HIEDUC Imputation Flag
RACE_I : RACE Imputation Flag
NUMKDHH_I : NUMKDHH Imputation Flag
NUMFMHH_I : NUMFMHH Imputation Flag
PARAGE14_I : PARAGE14 Imputation Flag
EDUCMOM_I : EDUCMOM Imputation Flag
AGEMOMB1_I : AGEMOMB1 Imputation Flag
RCURPREG : Whether R is currently pregnant
PREGNUM : CAPI-based total number of pregnancies
COMPREG : CAPI-based total number of completed pregnancies
LOSSNUM : CAPI-based total # of spontaneous pregnancy losses
ABORTION : CAPI-based total # of induced abortions
LBPREGS : CAPI-based total # of pregs ending in live birth
PARITY : CAPI-based total # of live births (accounting for mult birth)
BIRTHS5 : Number of live births in last 5 years
OUTCOM01 : Outcome of pregnancy - 1st
OUTCOM02 : Outcome of pregnancy - 2nd
OUTCOM03 : Outcome of pregnancy - 3rd
OUTCOM04 : Outcome of pregnancy - 4th
OUTCOM05 : Outcome of pregnancy - 5th
OUTCOM06 : Outcome of pregnancy - 6th
OUTCOM07 : Outcome of pregnancy - 7th
OUTCOM08 : Outcome of pregnancy - 8th
OUTCOM09 : Outcome of pregnancy - 9th
OUTCOM10 : Outcome of pregnancy - 10th
OUTCOM11 : Outcome of pregnancy - 11th
OUTCOM12 : Outcome of pregnancy - 12th
OUTCOM13 : Outcome of pregnancy - 13th
OUTCOM14 : Outcome of pregnancy - 14th
OUTCOM15 : Outcome of pregnancy - 15th
OUTCOM16 : Outcome of pregnancy - 16th
OUTCOM17 : Outcome of pregnancy - 17th
OUTCOM18 : Outcome of pregnancy - 18th
OUTCOM19 : Outcome of pregnancy - 19th
DATEND01 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 1st
DATEND02 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 2nd
DATEND03 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 3rd
DATEND04 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 4th
DATEND05 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 5th
DATEND06 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 6th
DATEND07 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 7th
DATEND08 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 8th
DATEND09 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 9th
DATEND10 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 10th
DATEND11 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 11th
DATEND12 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 12th
DATEND13 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 13th
DATEND14 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 14th
DATEND15 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 15th
DATEND16 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 16th
DATEND17 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 17th
DATEND18 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 18th
DATEND19 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 19th
AGEPRG01 : Age when pregnancy ended - 1st
AGEPRG02 : Age when pregnancy ended - 2nd
AGEPRG03 : Age when pregnancy ended - 3rd
AGEPRG04 : Age when pregnancy ended - 4th
AGEPRG05 : Age when pregnancy ended - 5th
AGEPRG06 : Age when pregnancy ended - 6th
AGEPRG07 : Age when pregnancy ended - 7th
AGEPRG08 : Age when pregnancy ended - 8th
AGEPRG09 : Age when pregnancy ended - 9th
AGEPRG10 : Age when pregnancy ended - 10th
AGEPRG11 : Age when pregnancy ended - 11th
AGEPRG12 : Age when pregnancy ended - 12th
AGEPRG13 : Age when pregnancy ended - 13th
AGEPRG14 : Age when pregnancy ended - 14th
AGEPRG15 : Age when pregnancy ended - 15th
AGEPRG16 : Age when pregnancy ended - 16th
AGEPRG17 : Age when pregnancy ended - 17th
AGEPRG18 : Age when pregnancy ended - 18th
AGEPRG19 : Age when pregnancy ended - 19th
DATCON01 : CM date when pregnancy began - 1st
DATCON02 : CM date when pregnancy began - 2nd
DATCON03 : CM date when pregnancy began - 3rd
DATCON04 : CM date when pregnancy began - 4th
DATCON05 : CM date when pregnancy began - 5th
DATCON06 : CM date when pregnancy began - 6th
DATCON07 : CM date when pregnancy began - 7th
DATCON08 : CM date when pregnancy began - 8th
DATCON09 : CM date when pregnancy began - 9th
DATCON10 : CM date when pregnancy began - 10th
DATCON11 : CM date when pregnancy began - 11th
DATCON12 : CM date when pregnancy began - 12th
DATCON13 : CM date when pregnancy began - 13th
DATCON14 : CM date when pregnancy began - 14th
DATCON15 : CM date when pregnancy began - 15th
DATCON16 : CM date when pregnancy began - 16th
DATCON17 : CM date when pregnancy began - 17th
DATCON18 : CM date when pregnancy began - 18th
DATCON19 : CM date when pregnancy began - 19th
AGECON01 : Age when pregnancy began - 1st
AGECON02 : Age when pregnancy began - 2nd
AGECON03 : Age when pregnancy began - 3rd
AGECON04 : Age when pregnancy began - 4th
AGECON05 : Age when pregnancy began - 5th
AGECON06 : Age when pregnancy began - 6th
AGECON07 : Age when pregnancy began - 7th
AGECON08 : Age when pregnancy began - 8th
AGECON09 : Age when pregnancy began - 9th
AGECON10 : Age when pregnancy began - 10th
AGECON11 : Age when pregnancy began - 11th
AGECON12 : Age when pregnancy began - 12th
AGECON13 : Age when pregnancy began - 13th
AGECON14 : Age when pregnancy began - 14th
AGECON15 : Age when pregnancy began - 15th
AGECON16 : Age when pregnancy began - 16th
AGECON17 : Age when pregnancy began - 17th
AGECON18 : Age when pregnancy began - 18th
AGECON19 : Age when pregnancy began - 19th
MAROUT01 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 1st
MAROUT02 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 2nd
MAROUT03 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 3rd
MAROUT04 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 4th
MAROUT05 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 5th
MAROUT06 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 6th
MAROUT07 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 7th
MAROUT08 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 8th
MAROUT09 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 9th
MAROUT10 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 10th
MAROUT11 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 11th
MAROUT12 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 12th
MAROUT13 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 13th
MAROUT14 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 14th
MAROUT15 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 15th
MAROUT16 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 16th
MAROUT17 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 17th
MAROUT18 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 18th
MAROUT19 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 19th
RMAROUT01 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 1st
RMAROUT02 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 2nd
RMAROUT03 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 3rd
RMAROUT04 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 4th
RMAROUT05 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 5th
RMAROUT06 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 6th
RMAROUT07 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 7th
RMAROUT08 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 8th
RMAROUT09 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 9th
RMAROUT10 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 10th
RMAROUT11 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 11th
RMAROUT12 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 12th
RMAROUT13 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 13th
RMAROUT14 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 14th
RMAROUT15 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 15th
RMAROUT16 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 16th
RMAROUT17 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 17th
RMAROUT18 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 18th
RMAROUT19 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 19th
MARCON01 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 1st
MARCON02 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 2nd
MARCON03 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 3rd
MARCON04 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 4th
MARCON05 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 5th
MARCON06 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 6th
MARCON07 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 7th
MARCON08 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 8th
MARCON09 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 9th
MARCON10 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 10th
MARCON11 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 11th
MARCON12 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 12th
MARCON13 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 13th
MARCON14 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 14th
MARCON15 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 15th
MARCON16 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 16th
MARCON17 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 17th
MARCON18 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 18th
MARCON19 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 19th
CEBOW : Number of children born out of wedlock
CEBOWC : Number of children born in cohabiting unions
DATBABY1 : CM date of 1st live birth
AGEBABY1 : Age at 1st live birth
LIV1CHLD : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child
PREGNUM_I : PREGNUM Imputation Flag
COMPREG_I : COMPREG Imputation Flag
LOSSNUM_I : LOSSNUM Imputation Flag
LBPREGS_I : LBPREGS Imputation Flag
PARITY_I : PARITY Imputation Flag
BIRTHS5_I : BIRTHS5 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM01_I : OUTCOM01 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM02_I : OUTCOM02 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM03_I : OUTCOM03 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM04_I : OUTCOM04 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM05_I : OUTCOM05 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM06_I : OUTCOM06 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM07_I : OUTCOM07 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM08_I : OUTCOM08 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM09_I : OUTCOM09 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM10_I : OUTCOM10 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM11_I : OUTCOM11 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM12_I : OUTCOM12 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM13_I : OUTCOM13 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM14_I : OUTCOM14 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM15_I : OUTCOM15 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM16_I : OUTCOM16 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM17_I : OUTCOM17 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM18_I : OUTCOM18 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM19_I : OUTCOM19 Imputation Flag
DATEND01_I : DATEND01 Imputation Flag
DATEND02_I : DATEND02 Imputation Flag
DATEND03_I : DATEND03 Imputation Flag
DATEND04_I : DATEND04 Imputation Flag
DATEND05_I : DATEND05 Imputation Flag
DATEND06_I : DATEND06 Imputation Flag
DATEND07_I : DATEND07 Imputation Flag
DATEND08_I : DATEND08 Imputation Flag
DATEND09_I : DATEND09 Imputation Flag
DATEND10_I : DATEND10 Imputation Flag
DATEND11_I : DATEND11 Imputation Flag
DATEND12_I : DATEND12 Imputation Flag
DATEND13_I : DATEND13 Imputation Flag
DATEND14_I : DATEND14 Imputation Flag
DATEND15_I : DATEND15 Imputation Flag
DATEND16_I : DATEND16 Imputation Flag
DATEND17_I : DATEND17 Imputation Flag
DATEND18_I : DATEND18 Imputation Flag
DATEND19_I : DATEND19 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG01_I : AGEPRG01 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG02_I : AGEPRG02 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG03_I : AGEPRG03 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG04_I : AGEPRG04 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG05_I : AGEPRG05 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG06_I : AGEPRG06 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG07_I : AGEPRG07 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG08_I : AGEPRG08 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG09_I : AGEPRG09 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG10_I : AGEPRG10 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG11_I : AGEPRG11 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG12_I : AGEPRG12 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG13_I : AGEPRG13 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG14_I : AGEPRG14 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG15_I : AGEPRG15 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG16_I : AGEPRG16 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG17_I : AGEPRG17 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG18_I : AGEPRG18 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG19_I : AGEPRG19 Imputation Flag
DATCON01_I : DATCON01 Imputation Flag
DATCON02_I : DATCON02 Imputation Flag
DATCON03_I : DATCON03 Imputation Flag
DATCON04_I : DATCON04 Imputation Flag
DATCON05_I : DATCON05 Imputation Flag
DATCON06_I : DATCON06 Imputation Flag
DATCON07_I : DATCON07 Imputation Flag
DATCON08_I : DATCON08 Imputation Flag
DATCON09_I : DATCON09 Imputation Flag
DATCON10_I : DATCON10 Imputation Flag
DATCON11_I : DATCON11 Imputation Flag
DATCON12_I : DATCON12 Imputation Flag
DATCON13_I : DATCON13 Imputation Flag
DATCON14_I : DATCON14 Imputation Flag
DATCON15_I : DATCON15 Imputation Flag
DATCON16_I : DATCON16 Imputation Flag
DATCON17_I : DATCON17 Imputation Flag
DATCON18_I : DATCON18 Imputation Flag
DATCON19_I : DATCON19 Imputation Flag
AGECON01_I : AGECON01 Imputation Flag
AGECON02_I : AGECON02 Imputation Flag
AGECON03_I : AGECON03 Imputation Flag
AGECON04_I : AGECON04 Imputation Flag
AGECON05_I : AGECON05 Imputation Flag
AGECON06_I : AGECON06 Imputation Flag
AGECON07_I : AGECON07 Imputation Flag
AGECON08_I : AGECON08 Imputation Flag
AGECON09_I : AGECON09 Imputation Flag
AGECON10_I : AGECON10 Imputation Flag
AGECON11_I : AGECON11 Imputation Flag
AGECON12_I : AGECON12 Imputation Flag
AGECON13_I : AGECON13 Imputation Flag
AGECON14_I : AGECON14 Imputation Flag
AGECON15_I : AGECON15 Imputation Flag
AGECON16_I : AGECON16 Imputation Flag
AGECON17_I : AGECON17 Imputation Flag
AGECON18_I : AGECON18 Imputation Flag
AGECON19_I : AGECON19 Imputation Flag
MAROUT01_I : MAROUT01 Imputation Flag
MAROUT02_I : MAROUT02 Imputation Flag
MAROUT03_I : MAROUT03 Imputation Flag
MAROUT04_I : MAROUT04 Imputation Flag
MAROUT05_I : MAROUT05 Imputation Flag
MAROUT06_I : MAROUT06 Imputation Flag
MAROUT07_I : MAROUT07 Imputation Flag
MAROUT08_I : MAROUT08 Imputation Flag
MAROUT09_I : MAROUT09 Imputation Flag
MAROUT10_I : MAROUT10 Imputation Flag
MAROUT11_I : MAROUT11 Imputation Flag
MAROUT12_I : MAROUT12 Imputation Flag
MAROUT13_I : MAROUT13 Imputation Flag
MAROUT14_I : MAROUT14 Imputation Flag
MAROUT15_I : MAROUT15 Imputation Flag
MAROUT16_I : MAROUT16 Imputation Flag
MAROUT17_I : MAROUT17 Imputation Flag
MAROUT18_I : MAROUT18 Imputation Flag
MAROUT19_I : MAROUT19 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT01_I : RMAROUT01 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT02_I : RMAROUT02 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT03_I : RMAROUT03 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT04_I : RMAROUT04 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT05_I : RMAROUT05 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT06_I : RMAROUT06 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT07_I : RMAROUT07 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT08_I : RMAROUT08 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT09_I : RMAROUT09 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT10_I : RMAROUT10 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT11_I : RMAROUT11 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT12_I : RMAROUT12 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT13_I : RMAROUT13 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT14_I : RMAROUT14 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT15_I : RMAROUT15 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT16_I : RMAROUT16 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT17_I : RMAROUT17 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT18_I : RMAROUT18 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT19_I : RMAROUT19 Imputation Flag
MARCON01_I : MARCON01 Imputation Flag
MARCON02_I : MARCON02 Imputation Flag
MARCON03_I : MARCON03 Imputation Flag
MARCON04_I : MARCON04 Imputation Flag
MARCON05_I : MARCON05 Imputation Flag
MARCON06_I : MARCON06 Imputation Flag
MARCON07_I : MARCON07 Imputation Flag
MARCON08_I : MARCON08 Imputation Flag
MARCON09_I : MARCON09 Imputation Flag
MARCON10_I : MARCON10 Imputation Flag
MARCON11_I : MARCON11 Imputation Flag
MARCON12_I : MARCON12 Imputation Flag
MARCON13_I : MARCON13 Imputation Flag
MARCON14_I : MARCON14 Imputation Flag
MARCON15_I : MARCON15 Imputation Flag
MARCON16_I : MARCON16 Imputation Flag
MARCON17_I : MARCON17 Imputation Flag
MARCON18_I : MARCON18 Imputation Flag
MARCON19_I : MARCON19 Imputation Flag
CEBOW_I : CEBOW Imputation Flag
CEBOWC_I : CEBOWC Imputation Flag
DATBABY1_I : DATBABY1 Imputation Flag
AGEBABY1_I : AGEBABY1 Imputation Flag
LIV1CHLD_I : LIV1CHLD Imputation Flag
RMARITAL : Informal marital status
MARDAT01 : CM date when marriage began - 1st
MARDAT02 : CM date when marriage began - 2nd
MARDAT03 : CM date when marriage began - 3rd
MARDAT04 : CM date when marriage began - 4th
MARDAT05 : CM date when marriage began - 5th
MARDIS01 : CM date when marriage ended - 1st
MARDIS02 : CM date when marriage ended - 2nd
MARDIS03 : CM date when marriage ended - 3rd
MARDIS04 : CM date when marriage ended - 4th
MARDIS05 : CM date when marriage ended - 5th
MAREND01 : How marriage ended - 1st
MAREND02 : How marriage ended - 2nd
MAREND03 : How marriage ended - 3rd
MAREND04 : How marriage ended - 4th
MAREND05 : How marriage ended - 5th
fmar1age : Age at first marriage
AGEDISS1 : Age at dissolution of first marriage
AGEDD1 : Age at divorce or death: 1st marriage
MAR1DISS : Months btw/1st marriage & dissolution (or interview)
DD1REMAR : Months btw/divorce or death (1st marriage) and remarriage (or interview)
MAR1BIR1 : Months btw/1st marriage & 1st birth (or interview)
MAR1CON1 : Months btw/1st marriage & 1st conception (or interview)
CON1MAR1 : Months btw/1st conception & 1st marriage (or interview)
B1PREMAR : Whether R's first birth was premarital
COHEVER : Whether R ever cohabited outside of marriage
EVMARCOH : Whether R ever married OR cohabited
COHAB1 : Date of 1st cohabitation (incl. premar cohab)
COHSTAT : Cohabitation experience relative to 1st marriage
COHOUT : Outcome of 1st cohabitation
COH1DUR : Duration (in months) of R's first cohabitation
HADSEX : Whether R has ever had sexual intercourse with a male
SEXEVER : Whether R has ever had sexual intercourse with a male since menarche
VRY1STAG : Age at first intercourse (even if before menarche)
SEX1AGE : Age at first intercourse since menarche
VRY1STSX : CM date of first intercourse (even if before menarche)
DATESEX1 : CM date of first intercourse since menarche
SEXONCE : Whether R has only had sex once
FSEXPAGE : Age of R's first sexual partner at time of first sex
SEXMAR : Mos btw/1st intercourse (even if before menarche) & 1st marriage (or interview)
SEX1FOR : Mos btw/1st intercourse since menarche & 1st marriage (or interview)
PARTS1YR : CAPI-based number of opposite-sex partners in last 12 mos
LSEXDATE : CM date of last or most recent sexual intercourse
LSEXRAGE : R's age at last or most recent sexual intercourse
LIFPRTNR : CAPI-based number of opposite-sex partners in lifetime
FMARNO_I : FMARNO Imputation Flag
MARDAT01_I : MARDAT01 Imputation Flag
MARDAT02_I : MARDAT02 Imputation Flag
MARDAT03_I : MARDAT03 Imputation Flag
MARDAT04_I : MARDAT04 Imputation Flag
MARDAT05_I : MARDAT05 Imputation Flag
MARDIS01_I : MARDIS01 Imputation Flag
MARDIS02_I : MARDIS02 Imputation Flag
MARDIS03_I : MARDIS03 Imputation Flag
MARDIS04_I : MARDIS04 Imputation Flag
MARDIS05_I : MARDIS05 Imputation Flag
MAREND01_I : MAREND1 Imputation Flag
MAREND02_I : MAREND2 Imputation Flag
MAREND03_I : MAREND3 Imputation Flag
MAREND04_I : MAREND4 Imputation Flag
MAREND05_I : MAREND5 Imputation Flag
FMAR1AGE_I : FMAR1AGE Imputation Flag
AGEDISS1_I : AGEDISS1 Imputation Flag
AGEDD1_I : AGEDD1 Imputation Flag
MAR1DISS_I : MAR1DISS Imputation Flag
DD1REMAR_I : DD1REMAR Imputation Flag
MAR1BIR1_I : MAR1BIR1 Imputation Flag
MAR1CON1_I : MAR1CON1 Imputation Flag
CON1MAR1_I : CON1MAR1 Imputation Flag
B1PREMAR_I : B1PREMAR Imputation Flag
COHEVER_I : COHEVER Imputation Flag
COHAB1_I : COHAB1 Imputation Flag
COHSTAT_I : COHSTAT Imputation Flag
COHOUT_I : COHOUT Imputation Flag
COH1DUR_I : COH1DUR Imputation Flag
HADSEX_I : HADSEX Imputation Flag
SEXEVER_I : SEXEVER Imputation Flag
VRY1STAG_I : VRY1STAG Imputation Flag
SEX1AGE_I : SEX1AGE Imputation Flag
VRY1STSX_I : VRY1STSX Imputation Flag
DATESEX1_I : DATESEX1 Imputation Flag
SEXONCE_I : SEXONCE Imputation Flag
SEXMAR_I : SEXMAR Imputation Flag
SEX1FOR_I : SEX1FOR Imputation Flag
PARTS1YR_I : PARTS1YR Imputation Flag
STRLOPER : Type of sterilization operation "in effect"
ovarect : R currently sterile from ovary removal
FECUND : Fecundity status
anybc36 : Any method use in 36 months before interview
nosex36 : Any months of NONintercourse in 36 months before interview
INFERT : Infertility status
anybc12 : Any method use in 12 months before interview
ANYMTHD : Ever used any method for any reason
NOSEX12 : Number of months of nonintercourse in the 12 months prior to interview
SEXP3MO : Whether R had sex in past 3 months (from mons of nonintercourse series)
SEX3MO : Whether R had sex in past 3 months (from sexual partner dates)
CONSTAT1 : Current contraceptive status (1st priority code)
CONSTAT2 : 2nd priority code for current contraceptive status
CONSTAT3 : 3rd priority code for current contraceptive status
CONSTAT4 : 4th priority code for current contraceptive status
PILLR : Ever used the pill for any reason
CONDOMR : Ever used condom
SEX1MTHD1 : Contraceptive method used at first sex, if any: 1st mentioned
SEX1MTHD2 : Contraceptive method used at first sex, if any: 2nd mentioned
SEX1MTHD3 : Contraceptive method used at first sex, if any: 3rd mentioned
SEX1MTHD4 : Contraceptive method used at first sex, if any: 4th mentioned
MTHUSE12 : Whether used any contraceptive method at last sex in past 12 months
METH12M1 : Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 1st mentioned
METH12M2 : Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 2nd mentioned
METH12M3 : Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 3rd mentioned
METH12M4 : Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned
MTHUSE3 : Whether used any contraceptive method at last sex in past 3 mos
METH3M1 : Contraceptive method used last sex past 3 mos: 1st mentioned
METH3M2 : Contraceptive method used last sex past 3 mos: 2nd mentioned
METH3M3 : Contraceptive method used last sex past 3 mos: 3rd mentioned
METH3M4 : Contraceptive method used last sex past 3 mos: 4th mentioned
NUMP3MOS : Number of male partners in last 3 mos
FMETHOD1 : First method ever used: 1st mentioned
FMETHOD2 : First method ever used: 2nd mentioned
FMETHOD3 : First method ever used: 3rd mentioned
FMETHOD4 : First method ever used: 4th mentioned
DATEUSE1 : Date R used first method for the first time
SOURCEM1 : Source of method used in month prior to interview (1st method)
SOURCEM2 : Source of method used in month prior to interview (2nd method)
SOURCEM3 : Source of method used in month prior to interview (3rd method)
SOURCEM4 : Source of method used in month prior to interview (4th method)
OLDWP01 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP02 : Wantedness of 2nd pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP03 : Wantedness of 3rd pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP04 : Wantedness of 4th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP05 : Wantedness of 5th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP06 : Wantedness of 6th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP07 : Wantedness of 7th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP08 : Wantedness of 8th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP09 : Wantedness of 9th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP10 : Wantedness of 10th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP11 : Wantedness of 11th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP12 : Wantedness of 12th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP13 : Wantedness of 13th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP14 : Wantedness of 14th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP15 : Wantedness of 15th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP16 : Wantedness of 16th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP17 : Wantedness of 17th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP18 : Wantedness of 18th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWP19 : Wantedness of 19th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version
OLDWR01 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR02 : Wantedness of 2nd pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR03 : Wantedness of 3rd pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR04 : Wantedness of 4th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR05 : Wantedness of 5th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR06 : Wantedness of 6th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR07 : Wantedness of 7th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR08 : Wantedness of 8th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR09 : Wantedness of 9th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR10 : Wantedness of 10th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR11 : Wantedness of 11th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR12 : Wantedness of 12th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR13 : Wantedness of 13th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR14 : Wantedness of 14th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR15 : Wantedness of 15th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR16 : Wantedness of 16th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR17 : Wantedness of 17th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR18 : Wantedness of 18th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
OLDWR19 : Wantedness of 19th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version
WANTRP01 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP02 : Wantedness of 2nd pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP03 : Wantedness of 3rd pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP04 : Wantedness of 4th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP05 : Wantedness of 5th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP06 : Wantedness of 6th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP07 : Wantedness of 7th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP08 : Wantedness of 8th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP09 : Wantedness of 9th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP10 : Wantedness of 10th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP11 : Wantedness of 11th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP12 : Wantedness of 12th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP13 : Wantedness of 13th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP14 : Wantedness of 14th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP15 : Wantedness of 15th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP16 : Wantedness of 16th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP17 : Wantedness of 17th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP18 : Wantedness of 18th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTRP19 : Wantedness of 19th pregnancy--Respondent
WANTP01 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP02 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP03 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP04 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP05 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP06 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP07 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP08 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP09 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP10 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP11 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP12 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP13 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP14 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP15 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP16 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP17 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP18 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP19 : Wantedness of 1st pregnancy--R's partner
WANTP5 : Number of wanted pregnancies in the last 5 years
FECUND_I : FECUND Imputation Flag
INFERT_I : INFERT Imputation Flag
ANYMTHD_I : ANYMTHD Imputation Flag
NOSEX12_I : NOSEX12 Imputation Flag
SEXP3MO_I : SEXP3MO Imputation Flag
SEX3MO_I : SEX3MO Imputation Flag
CONSTAT1_I : CONSTAT1 Imputation Flag
CONSTAT2_I : CONSTAT2 Imputation Flag
CONSTAT3_I : CONSTAT3 Imputation Flag
CONSTAT4_I : CONSTAT4 Imputation Flag
PILLR_I : PILLR Imputation Flag
CONDOMR_I : CONDOMR Imputation Flag
SEX1MTHD1_I : SEX1MTHD1 Imputation Flag
SEX1MTHD2_I : SEX1MTHD2 Imputation Flag
SEX1MTHD3_I : SEX1MTHD3 Imputation Flag
SEX1MTHD4_I : SEX1MTHD4 Imputation Flag
MTHUSE12_I : MTHUSE12 Imputation Flag
METH12M1_I : METH12M1 Imputation Flag
METH12M2_I : METH12M2 Imputation Flag
METH12M3_I : METH12M3 Imputation Flag
METH12M4_I : METH12M4 Imputation Flag
MTHUSE3_I : MTHUSE3 Imputation Flag
METH3M1_I : METH3M1 Imputation Flag
METH3M2_I : METH3M2 Imputation Flag
METH3M3_I : METH3M3 Imputation Flag
METH3M4_I : METH3M4 Imputation Flag
NUMP3MOS_I : NUMP3MOS Imputation Flag
FMETHOD1_I : FMETHOD1 Imputation Flag
FMETHOD2_I : FMETHOD2 Imputation Flag
FMETHOD3_I : FMETHOD3 Imputation Flag
FMETHOD4_I : FMETHOD4 Imputation Flag
DATEUSE1_I : DATEUSE1 Imputation Flag
SOURCEM1_I : SOURCEM1 Imputation Flag
SOURCEM2_I : SOURCEM2 Imputation Flag
SOURCEM3_I : SOURCEM3 Imputation Flag
SOURCEM4_I : SOURCEM4 Imputation Flag
OLDWP01_I : OLDWP01 Imputation Flag
OLDWP02_I : OLDWP02 Imputation Flag
OLDWP03_I : OLDWP03 Imputation Flag
OLDWP04_I : OLDWP04 Imputation Flag
OLDWP05_I : OLDWP05 Imputation Flag
OLDWP06_I : OLDWP06 Imputation Flag
OLDWP07_I : OLDWP07 Imputation Flag
OLDWP08_I : OLDWP08 Imputation Flag
OLDWP09_I : OLDWP09 Imputation Flag
OLDWP10_I : OLDWP10 Imputation Flag
OLDWP11_I : OLDWP11 Imputation Flag
OLDWP12_I : OLDWP12 Imputation Flag
OLDWP13_I : OLDWP13 Imputation Flag
OLDWP14_I : OLDWP14 Imputation Flag
OLDWP15_I : OLDWP15 Imputation Flag
OLDWP16_I : OLDWP16 Imputation Flag
OLDWP17_I : OLDWP17 Imputation Flag
OLDWP18_I : OLDWP18 Imputation Flag
OLDWP19_I : OLDWP19 Imputation Flag
OLDWR01_I : OLDWR01 Imputation Flag
OLDWR02_I : OLDWR02 Imputation Flag
OLDWR03_I : OLDWR03 Imputation Flag
OLDWR04_I : OLDWR04 Imputation Flag
OLDWR05_I : OLDWR05 Imputation Flag
OLDWR06_I : OLDWR06 Imputation Flag
OLDWR07_I : OLDWR07 Imputation Flag
OLDWR08_I : OLDWR08 Imputation Flag
OLDWR09_I : OLDWR09 Imputation Flag
OLDWR10_I : OLDWR10 Imputation Flag
OLDWR11_I : OLDWR11 Imputation Flag
OLDWR12_I : OLDWR12 Imputation Flag
OLDWR13_I : OLDWR13 Imputation Flag
OLDWR14_I : OLDWR14 Imputation Flag
OLDWR15_I : OLDWR15 Imputation Flag
OLDWR16_I : OLDWR16 Imputation Flag
OLDWR17_I : OLDWR17 Imputation Flag
OLDWR18_I : OLDWR18 Imputation Flag
OLDWR19_I : OLDWR19 Imputation Flag
WANTRP01_I : WANTRP01 Imputation Flag
WANTRP02_I : WANTRP02 Imputation Flag
WANTRP03_I : WANTRP03 Imputation Flag
WANTRP04_I : WANTRP04 Imputation Flag
WANTRP05_I : WANTRP05 Imputation Flag
WANTRP06_I : WANTRP06 Imputation Flag
WANTRP07_I : WANTRP07 Imputation Flag
WANTRP08_I : WANTRP08 Imputation Flag
WANTRP09_I : WANTRP09Imputation Flag
WANTRP10_I : WANTRP10 Imputation Flag
WANTRP11_I : WANTRP11 Imputation Flag
WANTRP12_I : WANTRP12 Imputation Flag
WANTRP13_I : WANTRP13 Imputation Flag
WANTRP14_I : WANTRP14 Imputation Flag
WANTRP15_I : WANTRP15 Imputation Flag
WANTRP16_I : WANTRP16 Imputation Flag
WANTRP17_I : WANTRP17 Imputation Flag
WANTRP18_I : WANTRP18 Imputation Flag
WANTRP19_I : WANTRP19 Imputation Flag
WANTP01_I : WANTP01 Imputation Flag
WANTP02_I : WANTP02 Imputation Flag
WANTP03_I : WANTP03 Imputation Flag
WANTP04_I : WANTP04 Imputation Flag
WANTP05_I : WANTP05 Imputation Flag
WANTP06_I : WANTP06 Imputation Flag
WANTP07_I : WANTP07 Imputation Flag
WANTP08_I : WANTP08 Imputation Flag
WANTP09_I : WANTP09 Imputation Flag
WANTP10_I : WANTP10 Imputation Flag
WANTP11_I : WANTP11 Imputation Flag
WANTP12_I : WANTP12 Imputation Flag
WANTP13_I : WANTP13 Imputation Flag
WANTP14_I : WANTP14 Imputation Flag
WANTP15_I : WANTP15 Imputation Flag
WANTP16_I : WANTP16 Imputation Flag
WANTP17_I : WANTP17 Imputation Flag
WANTP18_I : WANTP18 Imputation Flag
WANTP19_I : WANTP19 Imputation Flag
WANTP5_I : WANTP5 Imputation Flag
R_STCLIN : Whether R had sterilizing operation at a clinic in last 12 months
FPTIT12 : Type of clinic used for fp services in last 12 months
FPTITMED : Type of clinic used for medical services in last 12 months
FPREGFP : Title X clinic used for FP svcs: regular place for care
FPREGMED : Title X clinic used for med svcs: regular place for care
FPTIT12_I : FPTIT12 Imputation Flag
FPREGFP_I : FPREGFP Imputation Flag
INTENT : Intentions for additional births
ADDEXP : Central number of additional births expected
INTENT_I : INTENT Imputation Flag
ADDEXP_I : ADDEXP Imputation Flag
ANYPRGHP : Any medical help to become pregnant
ANYMSCHP : Any medical help to prevent miscarriage
INFEVER : Ever used infertility services of any kind
OVULATE : Infertility services: drugs to improve ovulation
TUBES : Infertility services: surgery to correct blocked tubes
INFERTR : Infertility services: infertility testing on R
INFERTH : Infertility services: infertility testing on H/P
ADVICE : Infertility services: advice
INSEM : Infertility services: artificial insemination
INVITRO : Infertility services: in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproduction
ENDOMET : Infertility services: surgery or drug treatment for endometriosis
FIBROIDS : Infertility services: surgery for uterine fibroids
PIDTREAT : Ever been treated for PID
EVHIVTST : Ever had an HIV test
INFEVER_I : INFEVER Imputation Flag
OVULATE_I : OVULATE Imputation Flag
TUBES_I : TUBES Imputation Flag
INFERTR_I : INFERTR Imputation Flag
INFERTH_I : INFERTH Imputation Flag
ADVICE_I : ADVICE Imputation Flag
INSEM_I : INSEM Imputation Flag
INVITRO_I : INVITRO Imputation Flag
ENDOMET_I : ENDOMET Imputation Flag
INSURANC : Health insurance coverage status
METRO : Place of residence (metropolitan-non-metropolitan)
RELIGION : Current religious affiliation
LABORFOR : Labor force status
METRO_I : METRO Imputation Flag
POVERTY : Poverty level income
TOTINCR : Total income of R's family
PUBASSIS : Whether R received public assistance in 2001
POVERTY_I : POVERTY Imputation Flag
TOTINCR_I : TOTINCR Imputation Flag
firstpflag : Flag indicating which section and which series reflects R's first sexual partner
elapsed : # of mos btwn 1st sex and last sex:R's 1st partner (DF series only)
FSEXRLTN : Relationship with 1st sexual partner at time of 1st sex
LSEXDATE2 : Date of last (or most recent) sexual intercourse (ordered according to partner dates)
orderflag : Flag indicating out-of-order partner dates in Section D reporting
SEX12MO : Whether R had sexual intercourse in past 12 months (based on LSEXDATE)
lsexpage : Age of last (or most recent) partner at last sex
LSEXRLTN : Relationship with last sexual partner at last sex ever
LSEXUSE1 : Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse ever - 1st mentioned
LSEXUSE2 : Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse ever - 2nd mentioned
LSEXUSE3 : Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse ever - 3rd mentioned
LSEXUSE4 : Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse ever - 4th mentioned
MAREND1 : How R's first marriage ended
PREMARW1 : Whether R lived premaritally with his first wife
MARBABY1 : Formal marital status at time of R's first biological child's birth
CEBOWP : Number of biological children born out of wedlock, but paternity established
EVRNOPAT : Whether R has never established paternity for his biological children born out of wedlock
NONLIVEB : Number of non-live birth pregnancies R has fathered
WANTB01 : Wantedness of 1st birth within last 5 years
WANTB02 : Wantedness of 2nd birth within last 5 years
WANTB03 : Wantedness of 3rd birth within last 5 years
WANTB04 : Wantedness of 4th birth within last 5 years
WANTB05 : Wantedness of 5th birth within last 5 years
WANTB06 : Wantedness of 6th birth within last 5 years
WANTB07 : Wantedness of 7th birth within last 5 years
WANTB08 : Wantedness of 8th birth within last 5 years
WANTB09 : Wantedness of 9th birth within last 5 years
WANTB10 : Wantedness of 10th birth within last 5 years
UNINTB5 : Whether R fathered an unintended birth within last 5 years
SEX12MO_I : SEX12MO Imputation Flag
LSEXUSE1_I : LSEXUSE1 Imputation Flag
LSEXUSE2_I : LSEXUSE2 Imputation Flag
LSEXUSE3_I : LSEXUSE3 Imputation Flag
LSEXUSE4_I : LSEXUSE4 Imputation Flag
MAREND1_I : MAREND1 Imputation Flag
PREMARW1_I : PREMARW1 Imputation Flag
MARBABY1_I : MARBABY1 Imputation Flag
CEBOWP_I : CEBOWP Imputation Flag
WANTB01_I : WANTB01 Imputation Flag
WANTB02_I : WANTB02 Imputation Flag
WANTB03_I : WANTB03 Imputation Flag
WANTB04_I : WANTB04 Imputation Flag
WANTB05_I : WANTB05 Imputation Flag
WANTB06_I : WANTB06 Imputation Flag
WANTB07_I : WANTB07 Imputation Flag
WANTB08_I : WANTB08 Imputation Flag
WANTB09_I : WANTB09 Imputation Flag
WANTB10_I : WANTB10 Imputation Flag
UNINTB5_I : UNINTB5 Imputation Flag
DADTYPE : Type of children aged 18 or younger that R has
DADTYPU5 : Type of children under 5 that R has
DADTYP518 : Type of children 5-18 that R has
NUMCRU18 : Number of coresidential children (<= 18 yrs old)
NUMNCU18 : Number of noncoresidential children (<=18 yrs old)
SUPP12MO : Contribution of child support in last 12 months
DADTYPE_I : DADTYPE Imputation Flag
DADTYPU5_I : DADTYPU5 Imputation Flag
DADTYP518_I : DADTYP518 Imputation Flag
NUMCRU18_I : NUMCRU18 Imputation Flag
NUMNCU18_I : NUMNCU18 Imputation Flag
SUPP12MO_I : SUPP12MO Imputation Flag
HISPRACE2 : Race & Hispanic origin of respondent - 1997 OMB standards (RECODE)
HHFAMTYP : Type of household/family structure (RECODE)
HHPARTYP : Type of parental situation in household (RECODE)
NCHILDHH : Number of R's bio or non-bio children (18 or younger) living in household (RECODE)
HHKIDTYP : Whether R has children (18 or younger), and whether bio or non-bio, living in the household (RECODE)
CSPBBHH : Number of R's biological children (18 or younger) with current spouse/cohabiting partner who live in household (RECODE)
CSPBSHH : Number of R's biological children (18 or younger) in household who are the not the biological children of her current husband/cohabiting partner (RECODE)
CSPOKDHH : Number of all other children (18 or younger) living in household with R and current spouse/cohabiting partner (RECODE)
HISPRACE2_I : HISPRACE2 Imputation Flag
CSPBBHH_I : CSPBBHH Imputation Flag
CSPBSHH_I : CSPBSHH Imputation Flag
CSPOKDHH_I : CSPOKHH Imputation Flag
RMARCON01 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 1st (RECODE)
RMARCON02 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 2nd (RECODE)
RMARCON03 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 3rd (RECODE)
RMARCON04 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 4th (RECODE)
RMARCON05 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 5th (RECODE)
RMARCON06 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 6th (RECODE)
RMARCON07 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 7th (RECODE)
RMARCON08 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 8th (RECODE)
RMARCON09 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 9th (RECODE)
RMARCON10 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 10th (RECODE)
RMARCON11 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 11th (RECODE)
RMARCON12 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 12th (RECODE)
RMARCON13 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 13th (RECODE)
RMARCON14 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 14th (RECODE)
RMARCON15 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 15th (RECODE)
RMARCON16 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 16th (RECODE)
RMARCON17 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 17th (RECODE)
RMARCON18 : Informal marital status when pregnancy began - 18th (RECODE)
RMARCON19 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 19th (RECODE)
LIVCHILD01 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 1st pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD02 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 2nd pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD03 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 3rd pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD04 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 4th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD05 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 5th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD06 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 6th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD07 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 7th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD08 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 8th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD09 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 9th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD10 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 10th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD11 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 11th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD12 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 12th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD13 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 13th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD14 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 14th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD15 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 15th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD16 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 16th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD17 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 17th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD18 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 18th pregnancy (RECODE)
LIVCHILD19 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 19th pregnancy (RECODE)
RMARCON01_I : RMARCON01 Imputation Flag
RMARCON02_I : RMARCON02 Imputation Flag
RMARCON03_I : RMARCON03 Imputation Flag
RMARCON04_I : RMARCON04 Imputation Flag
RMARCON05_I : RMARCON05 Imputation Flag
RMARCON06_I : RMARCON06 Imputation Flag
RMARCON07_I : RMARCON07 Imputation Flag
RMARCON08_I : RMARCON08 Imputation Flag
RMARCON09_I : RMARCON09 Imputation Flag
RMARCON10_I : RMARCON10 Imputation Flag
RMARCON11_I : RMARCON11 Imputation Flag
RMARCON12_I : RMARCON12 Imputation Flag
RMARCON13_I : RMARCON13 Imputation Flag
RMARCON14_I : RMARCON14 Imputation Flag
RMARCON15_I : RMARCON15 Imputation Flag
RMARCON16_I : RMARCON16 Imputation Flag
RMARCON17_I : RMARCON17 Imputation Flag
RMARCON18_I : RMARCON18 Imputation Flag
RMARCON19_I : RMARCON19 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD01_I : LIVCHILD01 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD02_I : LIVCHILD02 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD03_I : LIVCHILD03 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD04_I : LIVCHILD04 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD05_I : LIVCHILD05 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD06_I : LIVCHILD06 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD07_I : LIVCHILD07 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD08_I : LIVCHILD08 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD09_I : LIVCHILD09 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD10_I : LIVCHILD10 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD11_I : LIVCHILD11 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD12_I : LIVCHILD12 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD13_I : LIVCHILD13 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD14_I : LIVCHILD14 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD15_I : LIVCHILD15 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD16_I : LIVCHILD16 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD17_I : LIVCHILD17 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD18_I : LIVCHILD18 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD19_I : LIVCHILD19 Imputation Flag
CSPBIOKD : Total number of biological children R has had with current spouse or cohabiting partner (RECODE)
MARDAT06 : CM date of R's 6th marriage (RECODE)
MARDIS06 : CM date when R's 6th marriage ended (RECODE)
MAREND06 : How R's 6th marriage ended (RECODE)
PMARRNO : Number of premarital cohabitations (RECODE)
NONMARR : Number of nonmarital cohabitations (RECODE)
TIMESCOH : Total number of cohabitations (RECODE)
SEXUNION : Months between 1st intercourse and 1st coresidential union (marriage or cohabitation) (RECODE)
SEXOUT : Outcome of 1st sexual intercourse (RECODE)
FPDUR : Months between 1st and last/most recent intercourse with 1st partner ever (RECODE)
PARTDUR1 : Months between 1st and most recent intercourse with last/most recent partner (RECODE)
PARTDUR2 : Months between 1st and most recent intercourse with 2nd-to-last partner within past 12 mos (RECODE)
PARTDUR3 : Months between 1st and most recent intercourse with 3rd-to-last partner within past 12 mos (RECODE)
RELATP1 : Relationship at time of 1st sex with last/most recent partner (RECODE)
RELATP2 : Relationship at time of 1st sex with 2nd-to-last partner within past 12 mos (RECODE)
RELATP3 : Relationship at time of 1st sex with 3rd-to-last partner within past 12 mos (RECODE)
MARDAT06_I : MARDAT06 Imputation Flag
MARDIS06_I : MARDIS06 Imputation Flag
MAREND06_I : MAREND6 Imputation Flag
PMARRNO_I : PMARRNO Imputation Flag
NONMARR_I : NONMARR Imputation Flag
SEXOUT_I : SEXOUT Imputation Flag
FPDUR_I : FPDUR Imputation Flag
PARTDUR1_I : PARTDUR1 Imputation Flag
PARTDUR2_I : PARTDUR2 Imputation Flag
PARTDUR3_I : PARTDUR3 Imputation Flag
RELATP1_I : RELATP1 Imputation Flag
RELATP2_I : RELATP2 Imputation Flag
RELATP3_I : RELATP3 Imputation Flag
FPTITSTE : Source of services in last 12 months: Sterlization operation (RECODE)
FPTITBC : Source of services last 12 mos: Method of BC or prescription (RECODE)
FPTITCHK : Source of services in last 12 mos: Check-up or test re: BC (RECODE)
FPTITCBC : Source of services in last 12 mos: Counseling re BC (RECODE)
FPTITCST : Source of services in last 12 mos: Counseling re sterilization (RECODE)
FPTITEC : Source of service in last 12 months: EC or prescription (RECODE)
FPTITCEC : Source of service in last 12 mos: Counseling or info on EC (RECODE)
FPTITPRE : Source of service in last 12 mos: Pregnancy test (RECODE)
FPTITABO : Source of service in last 12 mos: Abortion (RECODE)
FPTITPAP : Source of service in last 12 mos: Pap smear (RECODE)
FPTITPEL : Source of service in last 12 mos: Pelvic exam (RECODE)
FPTITPRN : Source of service in last 12 mos: Prenatal care (RECODE)
FPTITPPR : Source of service in last 12 mos: Post-pregnancy care (RECODE)
FPTITSTD : Source of service in last 12 mos: Counseling/ test/treat STD (RECODE)
FPTITBC_I : FPTITBC Imputation Flag
FPTITEC_I : FPTITEC Imputation Flag
FPTITHIV : Source of service in the last 12 mos: HIV test (RECODE)
CURR_INS : Current health insurance status
CURR_INS_I : CURR_INS Imputation Flag
CSPSBHH : Number of R's nonbiological children (18 or younger) in household who are the biological chldren of his current wife/cohabiting partner (RECODE)
CSPSBHH_I : CSPSBHH Imputation Flag
lsexprac : Race/ethnicity of last (or most recent) sexual partner (RECODE)
PARENT01 : Other biological parent of R's 1st biological child (RECODE)
PARENT02 : Other biological parent of R's 2nd biological child (RECODE)
PARENT03 : Other biological parent of R's 3rd biological child (RECODE)
PARENT04 : Other biological parent of R's 4th biological child (RECODE)
PARENT05 : Other biological parent of R's 5th biological child (RECODE)
PARENT06 : Other biological parent of R's 6th biological child (RECODE)
PARENT07 : Other biological parent of R's 7th biological child (RECODE)
PARENT08 : Other biological parent of R's 8th biological child (RECODE)
PARENT09 : Other biological parent of R's 9th biological child (RECODE)
PARENT10 : Other biological parent of R's 10th biological child (RECODE)
LSEXDATE2_I : LSEXDATE2 Imputation Flag
LSEXPRAC_I : LSEXPRAC imputation Flag
PARENT01_I : PARENT01 Imputation Flag
PARENT02_I : PARENT02 Imputation Flag
PARENT03_I : PARENT03 Imputation Flag
PARENT04_I : PARENT04 Imputation Flag
PARENT05_I : PARENT05 Imputation Flag
PARENT06_I : PARENT06 Imputation Flag
PARENT07_I : PARENT07 Imputation Flag
PARENT08_I : PARENT08 Imputation Flag
PARENT09_I : PARENT09 Imputation Flag
PARENT10_I : PARENT10 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP01 : Detailed wantedness of 1st pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP02 : Detailed wantedness of 2nd pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP03 : Detailed wantedness of 3rd pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP04 : Detailed wantedness of 4th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP05 : Detailed wantedness of 5th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP06 : Detailed wantedness of 6th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP07 : Detailed wantedness of 7th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP08 : Detailed wantedness of 8th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP09 : Detailed wantedness of 9th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP10 : Detailed wantedness of 10th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP11 : Detailed wantedness of 11th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP12 : Detailed wantedness of 12th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP13 : Detailed wantedness of 13th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP14 : Detailed wantedness of 14th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP15 : Detailed wantedness of 15th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP16 : Detailed wantedness of 16th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP01_I : NWWANTRP01 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP02_I : NWWANTRP02 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP03_I : NWWANTRP03 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP04_I : NWWANTRP04 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP05_I : NWWANTRP05 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP06_I : NWWANTRP06 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP07_I : NWWANTRP07 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP08_I : NWWANTRP08 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP09_I : NWWANTRP09 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP10_I : NWWANTRP10 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP11_I : NWWANTRP11 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP12_I : NWWANTRP12 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP13_I : NWWANTRP13 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP14_I : NWWANTRP14 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP15_I : NWWANTRP15 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP16_I : NWWANTRP16 Imputation Flag
OUTCOM20 : Outcome of pregnancy - 20th (RECODE)
DATEND20 : CM date when pregnancy ended - 20th (RECODE)
AGEPRG20 : Age when pregnancy ended - 20th (RECODE)
DATCON20 : CM date when pregnancy began - 20th (RECODE)
AGECON20 : Age when pregnancy began - 20th (RECODE)
MAROUT20 : Formal marital status when pregnancy ended - 20th (RECODE)
RMAROUT20 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 20th (RECODE)
MARCON20 : Formal marital status when pregnancy began - 20th (RECODE)
RMARCON20 : Informal marital status when pregnancy ended - 20th (RECODE)
LIVCHILD20 : Living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from 20th pregnancy (RECODE)
OUTCOM20_I : OUTCOM20 Imputation Flag
DATEND20_I : DATEND20 Imputation Flag
AGEPRG20_I : AGEPRG20 Imputation Flag
DATCON20_I : DATCON20 Imputation Flag
AGECON20_I : AGECON20 Imputation Flag
MAROUT20_I : MAROUT20 Imputation Flag
RMAROUT20_I : RMAROUT20 Imputation Flag
MARCON20_I : MARCON20 Imputation Flag
RMARCON20_I : RMARCON20 Imputation Flag
LIVCHILD20_I : LIVCHILD20 Imputation Flag
OLDWP20 : Wantedness of 20th pregnancy--R's partner--cycle 4 version (RECODE)
OLDWR20 : Wantedness of 20th pregnancy--Respondent--cycle 4 version (RECODE)
WANTRP20 : Wantedness of 20th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
WANTP20 : Wantedness of 20th pregnancy--R's partner (RECODE)
NWWANTRP17 : Detailed wantedness of 17th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP18 : Detailed wantedness of 18th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP19 : Detailed wantedness of 19th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
NWWANTRP20 : Detailed wantedness of 20th pregnancy--Respondent (RECODE)
OLDWP20_I : OLDWP20 Imputation Flag
OLDWR20_I : OLDWR20 Imputation Flag
WANTRP20_I : WANTRP20 Imputation Flag
WANTP20_I : WANTP20 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP17_I : NWWANTRP17 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP18_I : NWWANTRP18 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP19_I : NWWANTRP19 Imputation Flag
NWWANTRP20_I : NWWANTRP20 Imputation Flag
birth1 : Whether R had a live birth in the last 12 months (computed in post-processing)
lastpreg : How recent was R's last pregnancy (computed in post-processing)
preg_int1 : Inter-pregnancy interval (in months) between 1st live birth and 2nd pregnancy conception, regardless of outcome (computed in post-processing)
preg_int2 : Inter-pregnancy interval (in months) between 2nd live birth and 3rd pregnancy conception, regardless of outcome (computed in post-processing)
preg_int3 : Inter-pregnancy interval (in months) between most recent pregnancy conception and prior live birth (computed in post-processing)
preg_int4 : Inter-pregnancy interval (in months) between most recent pregnancy conception and prior pregnancy end date, regardless of outcome (computed in post-processing)
lsexpreg : Whether R was pregnant in month of last sexual intercourse in the past 12 months (computed in post-processing)
fmar2age : R's age at 2nd formal marriage (computed in post-processing)
fmar3age : R's age at 3rd formal marriage (computed in post-processing)
fmar4age : R's age at 4th formal marriage (computed in post-processing)
BASEWGT : Base weight
ADJ_MOD_BASEWGT : Adjusted modified base weight
FINALWGT : Final post-stratified and adjusted weight
SECU_R : Scrambled version of the sampling error computational unit
SEST : Scrambled version of the stratum
cmintvw : Century month of interview date (computed; respondent variable)
cmlstyr : Century month of month of interview minus 1 year
intvlngth : Interview Length in Minutes
SECU : Scrambled version of the sampling error computational unit
cmfivyr : Century month of month of interview minus 5 years
FINALWGT30 : Final weight for the 1st 2 1/2 years of data collection (quarters 1 to 10)
WGTQ1Q16 : Final weight for 4 years of data collection (quarters 1 to 16)�
WGTQ9Q16 : Final weight for years 3 and 4 of data collection (quarters 9 to 16)
WGTQ5Q16 : Final weight for years 2, 3, and 4 of data collection (quarters 5 to 16)
WGTQ1Q8 : Final weight for years 1 and 2 of data collection (quarters 1 to 8)
cmjan3yr : Century month for month/year of interview minus 3 years (Computed in Flow Check A-1)
cmjan5yr : Century month for month/year of interview minus 5 years (Computed in Flow Check A-1)
questyear : Questionnaire version year (1, 2, 3, or 4)
quarter : Quarter when case was sampled
phase : Regular- or double-sample portion of the quarter
WGT2011_2013 : Final weight for the 2011-2013 NSFG
cmjan4yr : Century month for month/year of interview minus 4 years (Computed in Flow Check A-1)
INTVWYEAR : Calendar year when interview occurred
WGT2013_2015 : Final weight for the 2013-2015 NSFG
WGT2015_2017 : Final weight for the 2015-2017 NSFG
WGT2017_2019 : Final weight for the 2017-2019 NSFG
CASEID : Case identification number (pregnancy file)
pregordr : Pregnancy order (number) (pregnancy file)
HOWPREG_N : How many weeks or months pregnant are you now? (NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
HOWPREG_P : How many weeks or months pregnant are you now? (UNITS) (pregnancy file)
moscurrp : Number of Months Currently Pregnant (computed) (pregnancy file)
NOWPRGDK : Are you in your first trimester, in your second trimester, or in your third trimester? (pregnancy file)
PREGEND1 : In which of the ways shown on Card 13 did the pregnancy end? (1st mention) (pregnancy file)
PREGEND2 : In which of the ways shown on Card 13 did the pregnancy end? (2nd mention) (pregnancy file)
NBRNALIV : (With your (nth) pregnancy,) How many babies did you have that were born alive? Please include babies that may have died shortly after birth and babies that you placed for adoption. (pregnancy file)
MULTBRTH : Did you have (twins/triplets/all of these babies with this [nth] pregnancy)? (pregnancy file)
cmotpreg : Century Month for Pregnancy End Date (if nonlivebirth) (computed) (pregnancy file)
prgoutcome : Outcome of Pregnancy (based on priority ordering) (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmprgend : Century Month for Pregnancy End Date (regardless of outcome) (computed) (pregnancy file)
flgdkmo1 : Flag indicating season/DK/RF for BC-4a DATPRGEN_M (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmprgbeg : Century Month for Pregnancy Begin Date (regardless of outcome) (computed) (pregnancy file)
AGEATEND : How old were you when this pregnancy ended? (pregnancy file)
HPAGEEND : How old was the father when this pregnancy ended? (pregnancy file)
GESTASUN_M : How many months or weeks had you been pregnant when (the baby was born/the [twins/triplets] were born/that pregnancy ended)? (MONTHS) (pregnancy file)
GESTASUN_W : How many months or weeks had you been pregnant when (the baby was born/the [twins/triplets] were born/that pregnancy ended)? (WEEKS) (pregnancy file)
wksgest : Gestational length of completed pregnancy (in weeks) (computed) (pregnancy file)
mosgest : Gestational length of completed pregnancy (in months) (computed) (pregnancy file)
DK1GEST : Was it less than 6 months, or 6 months or more? (pregnancy file)
DK2GEST : A preterm delivery is one that occurs at 36 weeks or earlier in pregnancy. As far as you know, did you have a pretermdelivery? (pregnancy file)
DK3GEST : Was it less than 3 months, 3 months or more but less than 6 months, or 6 months or more? (pregnancy file)
bpa_bdscheck1 : Whether 1st liveborn baby from this pregnancy was unnamed and either placed for adoption or died shortly after birth (computed) (pregnancy file)
bpa_bdscheck2 : Whether 2nd liveborn baby from this pregnancy was unnamed and either placed for adoption or died shortly after birth(computed) (pregnancy file)
bpa_bdscheck3 : Whether 3rd liveborn baby from this pregnancy was unnamed and either placed for adoption or died shortly after birth(computed) (pregnancy file)
BABYSEX : ((Is/Was) (BABY'S NAME/the 1st baby) male or female?) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_LB : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 1st baby) weigh at birth? (pounds) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_OZ : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 1st baby) weigh at birth? (ounces) (pregnancy file)
LOBTHWGT : Did (she/he) weigh 5 1/2 pounds or more, or less than 5 1/2 pounds? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
BABYSEX2 : ((Is/Was) (BABY'S NAME/the 2nd baby) male or female?) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_LB2 : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 2nd baby) weigh at birth? (pounds) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_OZ2 : How much did (BABYNAME/this 2nd baby) weigh at birth? (ounces) (pregnancy file)
LOBTHWGT2 : Did (she/he) weigh 5 1/2 pounds or more, or less than 5 1/2 pounds? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
BABYSEX3 : ((Is/Was) (BABY'S NAME/the 3rd baby) male or female?) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_LB3 : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 3rd baby) weigh at birth? (pounds) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_OZ3 : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 3rd baby) weigh at birth? (ounces) (pregnancy file)
LOBTHWGT3 : Did (she/he) weigh 5 1/2 pounds or more, or less than 5 1/2 pounds? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
cmbabdob : Century Month for baby's or babies' date of birth (delivery date) (computed) (pregnancy file)
kidage : Current Age (in months) of R's child(ren) from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
HPAGELB : How old was the father when (he/she/the [twins/triplets]) (was/were) born? (pregnancy file)
BIRTHPLC : Where did you give birth? Was it in a hospital, in a birthing center, in your home, or some other place? (pregnancy file)
PAYBIRTH1 : When ([BABY'S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (1st mention) (pregnancy file)
PAYBIRTH2 : When ([BABY'S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (2nd mention) (pregnancy file)
PAYBIRTH3 : When ([BABY'S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention) (pregnancy file)
KNEWPREG : How many weeks pregnant were you when you learned that you were pregnant this (nth) time? (pregnancy file)
TRIMESTR : Was it less than 3 months, at least 3 months but less than 6 months, or six or more months? (pregnancy file)
LTRIMEST : Was it less than 3 months or more than 3 months? (pregnancy file)
PRIORSMK : Please look at Card 17. In the 6 months before you found out you were pregnant this (nth) time, how many cigarettes did you smoke a day, on the average? (pregnancy file)
POSTSMKS : After you found out you were pregnant this (nth) time, did you smoke cigarettes at all during the pregnancy? (pregnancy file)
NPOSTSMK : Looking at Card 18, on the average, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day after you found out that you were pregnant this (nth) time? (pregnancy file)
GETPRENA : During this (nth) pregnancy, did you ever visit a doctor or other medical care provider for prenatal care, that is, for one or more pregnancy check-ups? (pregnancy file)
BGNPRENA : How many weeks pregnant were you at the time of your first prenatal care visit? (pregnancy file)
PNCTRIM : Was it less than 3 months, at least 3 months but less than 6 months, or 6 or more months? (pregnancy file)
LPNCTRI : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more? (pregnancy file)
WORKPREG : Maternity leave is any leave, paid or unpaid, due to pregnancy and childbirth that a woman takes from a job to which she expects to return, at least when she starts the leave. At any time while you were pregnant with ([BABY'S NAME]/this baby/your [twins/triplets]), were you employed at a job for pay? (pregnancy file)
WORKBORN : Did you ever take maternity leave, paid or unpaid, from a job you held when you were pregnant with ([BABY'S NAME]/this baby/your[twins/triplets])? (pregnancy file)
DIDWORK : Was this because you did not need to take maternity leave, you were not offered or allowed to take leave, or for some other reason? (pregnancy file)
MATWEEKS : In total, how many weeks of maternity leave, paid or unpaid, did you take? (pregnancy file)
WEEKSDK : Did you take 4 weeks or less or longer than 4 weeks? (pregnancy file)
MATLEAVE : Some women receive pay from their jobs during their maternity leave, through vacation pay, sick pay, maternity benefits, and other kinds of paid leave. In total, how many weeks of paid leave did you receive from your job while you were on maternity leave? (pregnancy file)
matchfound : Check on whether child matches bio child in HH roster - 1st (computed) (pregnancy file)
LIVEHERE : Earlier I don't think you mentioned (BABY'S NAME) when you told me who lives with you. Does (BABY'S NAME) still live with you? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ALIVENOW : Is (she/he) still living? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
cmkidied : Century Month for child's date of death - 1st from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmkidlft : Century Month for date child'stopped living w/R - 1st from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
lastage : Age (in months) when child last lived w/R-1st from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
WHERENOW : Please look at Card 19. Where does (BABY'S NAME) now live? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
LEGAGREE : Do you and (BABY'S NAME)'s father have a legal agreement about (BABY'S NAME) regarding child'support, alimony, custody, visitation, or where the child lives? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
PARENEND : Are you still the legal mother of (BABY'S NAME)? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ANYNURSE : (When (BABY'S NAME) was an infant,) (Have/did) you breastfeed (him/her) at all? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FEDSOLID : Besides breastmilk, babies are sometimes given formula, baby food, or other liquid or solid foods. (Did you feed/Have you fed) [BABY'S NAME] something other than breast milk yet? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_N : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (1st child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_P : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (1st child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed) (pregnancy file)
QUITNURS : (Have/Had) you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_N : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (1st child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_P : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (1st child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR : Age (in months) when R'stopped nursing child - 1st from this preg (computed) (pregnancy file)
matchfound2 : Check on whether child matches bio child in HH roster - 2nd (computed) (pregnancy file)
LIVEHERE2 : Earlier I don't think you mentioned (BABY'S NAME) when you told me who lives with you. Does (BABY'S NAME) still live with you? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ALIVENOW2 : Is (she/he) still living? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
cmkidied2 : Century Month for child's date of death - 2nd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmkidlft2 : Century Month for date child'stopped living w/R - 2nd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
lastage2 : Age (in months) when child last lived w/R - 2nd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
WHERENOW2 : Please look at Card 19. Where does (BABY'S NAME) now live? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
LEGAGREE2 : Do you and (BABY'S NAME)'s father have a legal agreement about (BABY'S NAME) regarding child'support, alimony, custody, visitation, or where the child lives? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
PARENEND2 : Are you still the legal mother of (BABY'S NAME)? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ANYNURSE2 : (When (BABY'S NAME) was an infant,) (Have/did) you breastfeed (him/her) at all? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FEDSOLID2 : Besides breastmilk, babies are sometimes given formula, baby food, or other liquid or solid foods. (Did you feed/Have you fed) [BABY'S NAME] something other than breast milk yet? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_N2 : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (2nd child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_P2 : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (2nd child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD2 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 2nd from this preg (computed) (pregnancy file)
QUITNURS2 : (Have/Had) you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (2nd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_N2 : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (2nd child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_P2 : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (2nd child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR2 : Age (in months) when R'stopped nursing child - 2nd from this preg (computed) (pregnancy file)
matchfound3 : Check on whether child matches bio child in HH roster - 3rd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
LIVEHERE3 : Earlier I don't think you mentioned (BABY'S NAME) when you told me who lives with you. Does (BABY'S NAME) still live with you? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ALIVENOW3 : Is (she/he) still living? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
cmkidied3 : Century Month for child's date of death - 3rd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmkidlft3 : Century Month for date child'stopped living w/R - 3rd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
lastage3 : Age (in months) when child last lived w/R - 3rd from this pregnancy (computed) (pregnancy file)
WHERENOW3 : Please look at Card 19. Where does (BABY'S NAME) now live? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
LEGAGREE3 : Do you and (BABY'S NAME)'s father have a legal agreement about (BABY'S NAME) regarding child'support, alimony, custody, visitation, or where the child lives? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
PARENEND3 : Are you still the legal mother of (BABY'S NAME)? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ANYNURSE3 : (When (BABY'S NAME) was an infant,) (Have/did) you breastfeed (him/her) at all? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FEDSOLID3 : Besides breastmilk, babies are sometimes given formula, baby food, or other liquid or solid foods. (Did you feed/Have you fed) [BABY'S NAME] something other than breast milk yet? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_N3 : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (3rd child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_P3 : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (3rd child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 3rd from this preg (computed) (pregnancy file)
QUITNURS3 : (Have/Had) you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (3rd child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_N3 : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (3rd child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_P3 : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (3rd child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR3 : Age (in months) when R'stopped nursing child - 3rd from this preg (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmlastlb : Century Month for R's most recent live birth (computed variable from respondent file) (pregnancy file)
cmfstprg : Century Month for R's first completed pregnancy (computed variable from respondent file) (pregnancy file)
cmlstprg : Century Month for R's most recent completed pregnancy (computed variable from respondent file) (pregnancy file)
cmintstr : Century Month for date of beginning of pregnancy interval (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmintfin : Century Month for date of end of pregnancy interval (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmintstrop : Open interval: Century Month of date of beginning (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmintfinop : Open interval: Century Month of date of end (month of interview) (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmintstrcr : Currently pregnant: Century Month of date of beginning of interval (computed) (pregnancy file)
cmintfincr : Currently pregnant: Century Month of date of end of interval (month of interview) (computed) (pregnancy file)
EVUSEINT : Did you ever use any method of birth control between (your first intercourse/[BABY NAME's] birth in [DATE]/your [Nth] pregnancy which ended in [DATE]) and (DATE OF Nth+1 pregnancy end)/[BABY NAME's] birth)? Remember to include methods men use--that is condoms, vasectomy, and withdrawal--in your answer. (pregnancy file)
STOPDUSE : Before you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in [DATE of Nth pregnancy end]/this time), had you stopped using all methods of birth control? (pregnancy file)
WHYSTOPD : Was the reason you stopped using all methods of birth control because you yourself wanted to become pregnant? (pregnancy file)
WHATMETH01 : You may have already told me, but looking at Card 38, what methods were you using at the time you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time)? (1st mention) (pregnancy file)
WHATMETH02 : You may have already told me, but looking at Card 38, what methods were you using at the time you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time)? (2nd mention) (pregnancy file)
WHATMETH03 : You may have already told me, but looking at Card 38, what methods were you using at the time you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time)? (3rd mention) (pregnancy file)
WHATMETH04 : You may have already told me, but looking at Card 38, what methods were you using at the time you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time)? (4th mention) (pregnancy file)
RESNOUSE : (IF R NEVER USED A METHOD:) Before you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time), was the reason you did not use any birth control methods because you, yourself, wanted to become pregnant? (IF USED A METHOD BETWEEN FIRST SEX/LAST PREGNANCY AND THIS ONE:) You told me you had stopped using a birth control method before you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time). Was the reason you had stopped using any methods because you yourself wanted to become pregnant? (IF DID NOT USE A METHOD BETWEEN FIRST SEX/LAST PREGNANCY AND THIS ONE:) You did not use any method of birth control from (your first intercourse/[BABY NAME's] birth in [DATE]/your [Nth] pregnancy which ended in [DATE]) until you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time). Was the reason you were not using any methods because you yourself wanted to become pregnant? (pregnancy file)
WANTBOLD : Right before you became pregnant (with your (NTH) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)/this time), did you yourself want to have a(nother) baby at any time in the future? (pregnancy file)
PROBBABE : It is sometimes difficult to recall these things but, right before (this/that) pregnancy began, would you say you probably wanted a(nother) baby at some time in the future or probably not? (pregnancy file)
CNFRMNO : So right before you became pregnant (this time/that time), you thought you did not want to have (any children/a Nth child from this pregnancy) at any time in the future, is that correct? (pregnancy file)
WANTBLD2 : Right before you became pregnant (with your (Nth) pregnancy (which ended in (DATE)/this time), did you yourself want to have a(nother) baby at any time in the future? (pregnancy file)
TIMINGOK : So would you say you became pregnant too soon, at about the right time, or later than you wanted? (pregnancy file)
TOOSOON_N : How much sooner than you wanted did you become pregnant? (number of months or years) (pregnancy file)
TOOSOON_P : (How much sooner than you wanted did you become pregnant?) (units -- months or years) (pregnancy file)
WTHPART1 : Right before (the/this/that) pregnancy, did you want to have a(nother) baby with that partner? Would you say definitely yes, probably yes, probably no, or definitely no? (pregnancy file)
WTHPART2 : Right before (the/this/that) pregnancy, did you think you might ever want to have a(nother) baby with that partner? Would you say definitely yes, probably yes, probably no, or definitely no? (pregnancy file)
FEELINPG : Please look at the scale on Card 39. On this scale, a one means that you were very unhappy to be pregnant and a ten means that you were very happy to be pregnant. Tell me which number on the card best describes how you felt when you found out you were pregnant. (pregnancy file)
HPWNOLD : Right before you became pregnant (this time/that (Nth) time,) did the father want you to have a(nother) baby at any time in the future? (pregnancy file)
TIMOKHP : So would you say you became pregnant sooner than he wanted, at about the right time, or later than he wanted? (pregnancy file)
COHPBEG : Were you living with the father of (the pregnancy/this pregnancy/your (Nth) pregnancy which ended in (DATE)) at the beginning of the pregnancy? (pregnancy file)
COHPEND : (When [BABY NAME] was born, were you living with (his/her) father? / Were you living with the father of (the/that) pregnancy when ([BABY NAME] was born/the pregnancy ended))? (pregnancy file)
TELLFATH : Did you tell the father of (the pregnancy/that (Nth) pregnancy/your current pregnancy) that you (were/are) pregnant? (pregnancy file)
WHENTELL : When did you tell him that you were pregnant - during the pregnancy or after the baby was born/after the pregnancy ended? (pregnancy file)
TRYSCALE : Look at the scale on Card 40, where a 0 means trying hard not to get pregnant, and a 10 means trying hard to get pregnant. If you had to rate how much you were trying to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy right before you got pregnant (this time/that time), how would you rate yourself? (pregnancy file)
WANTSCAL : Look at the scale on Card 41, where a 0 means you wanted to avoid a pregnancy and a 10 means you wanted to get pregnant. If you had to rate how much you wanted or didn't want a pregnancy right before you got pregnant (this time/that time), how would you rate yourself? (pregnancy file)
WHYPRG1 : Please look at Card 42. (Earlier you told me (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in DATE))? Your birth control method failed, or you did not use your birth control method properly? (1st mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYPRG2 : Please look at Card 42. (Earlier you told me (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in DATE))? Your birth control method failed, or you did not use your birth control method properly? (2nd mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE1 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in DATE))? You did not use birth control because... (1st mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE2 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in DATE))? You did not use birth control because... (2nd mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE3 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in DATE))? You did not use birth control because... (3rd mention) (pregnancy file)
anyusint : Any method used in pregnancy interval? (computed) (pregnancy file)
PRGLNGTH : Duration of completed pregnancy in weeks (recode) (pregnancy file)
OUTCOME : Pregnancy outcome (recode) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHORD : Birth order (recode) (pregnancy file)
DATEND : Century month for date pregnancy ended (recode) (pregnancy file)
AGEPREG : Age at pregnancy outcome (recode) (pregnancy file)
DATECON : Century month for date of conception (recode) (pregnancy file)
AGECON : Age at time of conception (recode) (pregnancy file)
FMAROUT5 : Formal marital status at pregnancy outcome (recode) (pregnancy file)
PMARPREG : Whether pregnancy ended before R's 1st marriage (premaritally) (recode) (pregnancy file)
RMAROUT6 : Informal marital status at pregnancy outcome - 6 categories (recode) (pregnancy file)
FMARCON5 : Formal marital status at conception - 5 categories (recode) (pregnancy file)
LEARNPRG : Number of weeks pregnant when R learned she was pregnant (recode) (pregnancy file)
PNCAREWK : Number of weeks pregnant at first prenatal care (recode) (pregnancy file)
PAYDELIV : Payment for delivery (recode) (pregnancy file)
LBW1 : Low birthweight - Baby 1 (recode) (pregnancy file)
BFEEDWKS : Duration of breastfeeding in weeks (recode) (pregnancy file)
MATERNLV : Use of maternity leave (recode) (pregnancy file)
OLDWANTR : Wantedness of pregnancy - respondent - Cycle 4 version (recode) (pregnancy file)
OLDWANTP : Wantedness of preg - R's partner (father of pregnancy) - Cycle 4 version (recode) (pregnancy file)
WANTRESP : Wantedness of pregnancy - respondent - Cycle 5 version (recode) (pregnancy file)
WANTPART : Wantedness of preg - R's partner (father of pregnancy) - Cycle 5 version (recode) (pregnancy file)
cmbirth : Century month of R's birth (computed; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
AGER : Age at interview (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
agescrn : R's age at screener (computed; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
FMARITAL : Formal marital status (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
RMARITAL : Informal Marital Status (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
EDUCAT : Education (completed years of schooling) (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
HIEDUC : Highest completed year of school or degree (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
RACE : Race (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
HISPANIC : Hispanic origin (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
HISPRACE : Race and Hispanic Origin (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
RCURPREG : Pregnant at time of interview (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
PREGNUM : CAPI-based total number of pregnancies (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
PARITY : Total number of live births (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
INSURANC : Health insurance coverage status (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
PUBASSIS : Whether R received public assistance in 2001 (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
POVERTY : Poverty level income (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
LABORFOR : Labor force status (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
RELIGION : Current religious affiliation (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
METRO : Place of residence (Metropolitan / Nonmetropolitan) (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
BRNOUT : Were you born outside of the United States? (respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
yrstrus : Year R came to the U.S. to stay (computed; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
PRGLNGTH_I : PRGLNGTH Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
OUTCOME_I : OUTCOME Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
BIRTHORD_I : BIRTHORD Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
DATEND_I : DATEND Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
AGEPREG_I : AGEPREG Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
DATECON_I : DATECON Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
AGECON_I : AGECON Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
FMAROUT5_I : FMAROUT5 Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
PMARPREG_I : PMARPREG Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
RMAROUT6_I : RMAROUT6 Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
FMARCON5_I : FMARCON5 Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
LEARNPRG_I : LEARNPRG Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
PNCAREWK_I : PNCAREWK Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
PAYDELIV_I : PAYDELIV Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
LBW1_I : LBW1 Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
BFEEDWKS_I : BFEEDWKS Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
MATERNLV_I : MATERNLV Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
OLDWANTR_I : OLDWANTR Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
OLDWANTP_I : OLDWANTP Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
WANTRESP_I : WANTRESP Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
WANTPART_I : WANTPART Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
AGER_I : AGER Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
FMARITAL_I : FMARITAL Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
RMARITAL_I : RMARITAL Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
EDUCAT_I : EDUCAT Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
HIEDUC_I : HIEDUC Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
RACE_I : RACE Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
HISPANIC_I : HISPANIC Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
HISPRACE_I : HISPRACE Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
RCURPREG_I : RCURPREG Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
PREGNUM_I : PREGNUM Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
PARITY_I : PARITY Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
INSURANC_I : INSURANC Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
PUBASSIS_I : PUBASSIS Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
POVERTY_I : POVERTY Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
LABORFOR_I : LABORFOR Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
RELIGION_I : RELIGION Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
METRO_I : METRO Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
BASEWGT : Base weight (pregnancy file)
ADJ_MOD_BASEWGT : Adjusted modified base weight (pregnancy file)
FINALWGT : Final post-stratified and adjusted weight (pregnancy file)
SECU_P : Scrambled version of the sampling error computational unit (pregnancy file)
SEST : Scrambled version of the stratum (pregnancy file)
cmintvw : Century month of interview date (computed; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
PREGEND3 : In which of the ways shown on Card 13 did the pregnancy end? (3rd mention) (pregnancy file)
HOWENDDK : I understand that you may not want to answer this question in detail. If you are willing to say, did this (nth) pregnancy result in a baby or babies born alive, or did it end in some other way? (pregnancy file)
bornaliv : Number of babies born alive from this pregnancy (computed in Flow Check B-10) (pregnancy file)
DATPRGEN_M : In what month and year did this pregnancy end? (MONTH) (pregnancy file)
DATPRGEN_Y : In what month and year did this pregnancy end? (YEAR) (pregnancy file)
BABYSEX1 : ((Is/Was) (BABY'S NAME/the 1st baby) male or female?) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_LB1 : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 1st baby) weigh at birth? (POUNDS) (pregnancy file)
BIRTHWGT_OZ1 : How much did (BABY'S NAME/this 1st baby) weigh at birth? (OUNCES) (pregnancy file)
LOBTHWGT1 : Did (she/he) weigh 5 1/2 pounds or more, or less than 5 1/2 pounds? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
BABYDOB_M : In what month and year ((was she/was he/were the [twins/triplets]) born)/did this pregnancy end)? (pregnancy file)
BABYDOB_Y : In what month and year ((was she/was he/were the [twins/triplets]) born)/did this pregnancy end)? (pregnancy file)
PAYBIRTH4 : When ([BABY'S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (4th mention) (pregnancy file)
CSECPRIM : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this? (pregnancy file)
CSECMED1 : Please look at Card 16b. Which of these medical reasons, if any, were there for this cesarean delivery? (1st MENTION) (pregnancy file)
CSECMED2 : Please look at Card 16b. Which of these medical reasons, if any, were there for this cesarean delivery? (2nd MENTION) (pregnancy file)
CSECMED3 : Please look at Card 16b. Which of these medical reasons, if any, were there for this cesarean delivery? (3rd MENTION) (pregnancy file)
CSECMED4 : Please look at Card 16b. Which of these medical reasons, if any, were there for this cesarean delivery? (4th MENTION) (pregnancy file)
CSECMED5 : Please look at Card 16b. Which of these medical reasons, if any, were there for this cesarean delivery? (5th MENTION) (pregnancy file)
CSECPLAN : Was this cesarean the result of your own idea to have a planned cesarean before labor began? (pregnancy file)
LIVEHERE1 : Earlier I don't think you mentioned (BABY'S NAME) when you told me who lives with you. Does (BABY'S NAME) still live with you? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ALIVENOW1 : Is (she/he) still living? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
WHENDIED_M1 : When did (BABY'S NAME) die? (1st child from this pregnancy; MONTH) (pregnancy file)
WHENDIED_Y1 : When did (BABY'S NAME) die? (1st child from this pregnancy; YEAR) (pregnancy file)
cmkidied1 : Century Month for child's date of death - 1st from this pregnancy (computed in Flow Check B-35) (pregnancy file)
WHENLEFT_M1 : When did (BABY'S NAME) stop living with you? (1st child from this pregnancy; MONTH) (pregnancy file)
WHENLEFT_Y1 : When did (BABY'S NAME) stop living with you? (1st child from this pregnancy; YEAR) (pregnancy file)
cmkidlft1 : Century Month for date child'stopped living w/R - 1st from this pregnancy (computed in Flow Check B-36) (pregnancy file)
lastage1 : Age (in months) when child last lived w/R-1st from this pregnancy (computed in Flow Check B-38) (pregnancy file)
WHERENOW1 : Please look at Card 19. Where does (BABY'S NAME) now live? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
LEGAGREE1 : Do you and (BABY'S NAME)'s father have a legal agreement about (BABY'S NAME) regarding child'support, alimony, custody, visitation, or where the child lives? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
PARENEND1 : Are you still the legal mother of (BABY'S NAME)? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
ANYNURSE1 : (When (BABY'S NAME) was an infant,) (Have/did) you breastfeed (him/her) at all? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FEDSOLID1 : Besides breastmilk, babies are sometimes given formula, baby food, or other liquid or solid foods. (Did you feed/Have you fed) [BABY'S NAME] something other than breast milk yet? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_N1 : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (1st child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD_P1 : How old was (she/he) when you first fed (her/him) something other than breast milk? (1st child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
FRSTEATD1 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b) (pregnancy file)
QUITNURS1 : (Have/Had) you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (1st child from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_N1 : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (1st child from this pregnancy; NUMBER) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR_P1 : How old was (she/he) when you stopped breast-feeding (her/him) altogether? (1st child from this pregnancy; UNITS) (pregnancy file)
AGEQTNUR1 : Age (in months) when R stopped nursing child - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-40_1) (pregnancy file)
WHENDIED_M2 : When did (BABY'S NAME) die? (2nd child from this pregnancy; MONTH) (pregnancy file)
WHENDIED_Y2 : When did (BABY'S NAME) die? (2nd child from this pregnancy; YEAR) (pregnancy file)
WHENLEFT_M2 : When did (BABY'S NAME) stop living with you? (2nd child from this pregnancy; MONTH) (pregnancy file)
WHENLEFT_Y2 : When did (BABY'S NAME) stop living with you? (2nd child from this pregnancy; YEAR) (pregnancy file)
WHENDIED_M3 : When did (BABY'S NAME) die? (3rd child from this pregnancy; MONTH) (pregnancy file)
WHENDIED_Y3 : When did (BABY'S NAME) die? (3rd child from this pregnancy; YEAR) (pregnancy file)
WHENLEFT_M3 : When did (BABY'S NAME) stop living with you? (3rd child from this pregnancy; MONTH) (pregnancy file)
WHENLEFT_Y3 : When did (BABY'S NAME) stop living with you? (3rd child from this pregnancy; YEAR) (pregnancy file)
outcom_s : Outcome of pregnancy (based on corrected/chron sorted data) (computed in Flow Check B-42d) (pregnancy file)
nbrnlv_s : Number of babies born alive from this pregnancy (based on corrected/chron sorted data) (computed in Flow Check B-42d) (pregnancy file)
cmendp_s : Century Month for Pregnancy End Date (regardless of outcome) (based on corrected/chron sorted data) (computed in Flow Check B-42d) (pregnancy file)
cmpbeg_s : Century Month for Pregnancy Begin Date (regardless of outcome) (based on corrected/chron sorted data) (computed in Flow Check B-42d) (pregnancy file)
cmpg1beg : Century Month when R's first pregnancy began (based on corrected/chron sorted data) (computed in Flow Check B-42d; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE4 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in [DATE]))? You did not use birth control because... (4th mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE5 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in [DATE]))? You did not use birth control because... (5th mention) (pregnancy file)
MAINOUSE : Which one of these is the main reason that you did not use birth control? (pregnancy file)
RMARCON6 : Informal marital status at conception - 6 categories (recode) (pregnancy file)
LIVCHILD : Current living arrangements of 1st liveborn child from this pregnancy (recode) (pregnancy file)
HISPRACE2 : Race & Hispanic origin of respondent - 1997 OMB standards (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
CURR_INS : Current health insurance coverage status (respondent recode) (pregnancy file)
RMARCON6_I : RMARCON6 Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
LIVCHILD_I : LIVCHILD Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
HISPRACE2_I : HISPRACE2 Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
CURR_INS_I : CURR_INS Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
FINALWGT30 : Final weight for the 1st 2 1/2 years of data collection (quarters 1 to 10) (pregnancy file)
WGTQ1Q16 : Final weight for 4 years of data collection (quarters 1 to 16)� (pregnancy file)
WGTQ9Q16 : Final weight for years 3 and 4 of data collection (quarters 9 to 16) (pregnancy file)
WGTQ5Q16 : Final weight for years 2, 3, and 4 of data collection (quarters 5 to 16) (pregnancy file)
WGTQ1Q8 : Final weight for years 1 and 2 of data collection (quarters 1 to 8) (pregnancy file)
SECU : Randomized version of the sampling error computational unit (pregnancy file)
cmlstyr : Century month of interview minus 1 year (cmintvw-12) (computed in Flow Check A-1; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
cmjan3yr : Century month for the January three years prior to cmintvw (computed in Flow Check A-1; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
cmjan5yr : Century month for the January five years prior to cmintvw (computed in Flow Check A-1; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
questyear : Questionnaire version year (1, 2, 3, or 4) (pregnancy file)
quarter : Quarter when case was sampled (pregnancy file)
phase : Regular- or double-sample portion of the quarter (pregnancy file)
CSECMED6 : BD-10 : Please look at Card 16b. Which of these medical reasons, if any, were there for this cesarean delivery? (6th MENTION) (pregnancy file)
TOOSOON : Number of months too soon pregnancy occurred (recode) (pregnancy file)
NEWWANTR : Detailed wantedness of pregnancy - respondent (recode) (pregnancy file)
TOOSOON_I : TOOSOON Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
NEWWANTR_I : NEWWANTR Imputation Flag (pregnancy file)
WGT2011_2013 : Final weight for the 2011-2013 NSFG (pregnancy file)
cmjan4yr : Century month for the January four years prior to cmintvw (computed in Flow Check A-1; respondent variable) (pregnancy file)
INTVWYEAR : Calendar year when interview occurred (pregnancy file)
whynopg1 : EG-24aa : Could you say a bit more about why you did not think you could get pregnant? (1st mention) (pregnancy file)
whynopg2 : EG-24aa : Could you say a bit more about why you did not think you could get pregnant? (2nd mention) (pregnancy file)
WGT2013_2015 : Final weight for the 2013-2015 NSFG (pregnancy file)
WGT2015_2017 : Final weight for the 2015-2017 NSFG (pregnancy file)
MDSOLID1 : BH-5a : Now I have a few more questions about (BABY'S NAME) when (he/she) was an infant,) (Did/did) your child's doctor or other health care provider talk with you about when to start feeding (him/her) solid foods? (1st or only from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
WHNSOLID1 : BH-5b : At what age did your child's doctor or other health care provider recommend that you start feeding (him/her) solid foods? Was it⦠(1st or only from this pregnancy) (pregnancy file)
MDNUTRIT1_1 : BH-5c : Thinking still about [BABY'S NAME], which of the topics shown on Card 19a has (his/her) doctor or other health care provider discussed with you? (1st mention/1st or only from this preg) (pregnancy file)
MDNUTRIT1_2 : BH-5c : Thinking still about [BABY'S NAME], which of the topics shown on Card 19a has (his/her) doctor or other health care provider discussed with you? (2nd mention/1st or only from this preg) (pregnancy file)
MDNUTRIT1_3 : BH-5c : Thinking still about [BABY'S NAME], which of the topics shown on Card 19a has (his/her) doctor or other health care provider discussed with you? (3rd mention/1st or only from this preg) (pregnancy file)
MDNUTRIT1_4 : BH-5c : Thinking still about [BABY'S NAME], which of the topics shown on Card 19a has (his/her) doctor or other health care provider discussed with you? (4th mention/1st or only from this preg) (pregnancy file)
MDNUTRIT1_5 : BH-5c : Thinking still about [BABY'S NAME], which of the topics shown on Card 19a has (his/her) doctor or other health care provider discussed with you? (5th mention/1st or only from this preg) (pregnancy file)
LATERNUM : EG-11c : How much later than you wanted did you become pregnant? (number of months or years) (pregnancy file)
LATERMY : EG-11d : How much later than you wanted did you become pregnant? (unit - months/years) (pregnancy file)
WHYPRG3 : EG-23 : Please look at Card 42. (Earlier you told me (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is, with the pregnancy that ended in [DATE]))? Your birth control method failed, or you did not use your birth control method properly? (3rd mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE6 : EG-24 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is,with the pregnancy that ended in [DATE]))? You did not use birth control because... (6th mention) (pregnancy file)
WHYNOUSE7 : EG-24 : Please look at Card 43. (Earlier you told me (your/that) pregnancy occurred too soon / Earlier you told me that (your/this/that) pregnancy occurred at a time when you wanted no future pregnancies.) Which of the following statements applies to you right before you became pregnant (this time/that time (that is,with the pregnancy that ended in [DATE]))? You did not use birth control because... (7th mention) (pregnancy file)
gest_lb : Gestational length (if live birth) (computed in post-processing) (pregnancy file)
gest_othr : Gestational length (if not live birth) (computed in post-processing) (pregnancy file)
gestimp : Categorical gest_lb or gest_othr var based on imputed value of PRGLNGTH recode (pregnancy file)
WGT2017_2019 : Final weight for the 2017-2019 NSFG (pregnancy file)