All Waves


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question: HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)

Female, 2015-2017

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)

Female, 2013-2015

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)

Female, 2011-2013

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)

Female, 2006-2010

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)

Female, 2002

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK)


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

Male, 2015-2017

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

Male, 2013-2015

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

Male, 2011-2013

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

Male, 2006-2010

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

Male, 2002

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? [5th MENTION]
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

2017-2019 only


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question: HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

2015-2017 only


Female, 2015-2017

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)


Male, 2015-2017

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

2013-2015 only


Female, 2013-2015

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)


Male, 2013-2015

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

2011-2013 only


Female, 2011-2013

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question HE-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)


Male, 2011-2013

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question IF-7 : Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

2006-2010 only


Female, 2006-2010

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK01)


Male, 2006-2010

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTION)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)

2002 only


Female, 2002

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? (5th MENTIONED)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R reported talking with a doctor or medical care provider about more than 4 HIV or AIDS topics (see HE-7 AIDSTALK)


Male, 2002

Variable: AIDSTALK05
Description/Question Looking at Card 74, what topics related to HIV or AIDS were covered in the discussion you had with the doctor or other health professional? [5th MENTION]
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R discussed more than 4 topics related to HIV/AIDS with the doctor (See IF-7 AIDSTALK01)