All Waves


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question: Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.

Female, 2015-2017

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.

Female, 2013-2015

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable was recoded for public use.)

Female, 2011-2013

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable was recoded for public use.)

Female, 2006-2010

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable was recoded for public use.)

Female, 2002

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.

Male, 2015-2017

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.

Male, 2013-2015

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable has been recoded for public use.)

Male, 2011-2013

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable has been recoded for public use.)

Male, 2006-2010

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable has been recoded for public use.)

Male, 2002

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents

2017-2019 only


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question: Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.

2015-2017 only


Female, 2015-2017

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.


Male, 2015-2017

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents
Notes: This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.

2013-2015 only


Female, 2013-2015

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable was recoded for public use.)


Male, 2013-2015

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable has been recoded for public use.)

2011-2013 only


Female, 2011-2013

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable was recoded for public use.)


Male, 2011-2013

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable has been recoded for public use.)

2006-2010 only


Female, 2006-2010

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable was recoded for public use.)


Male, 2006-2010

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents. (This variable has been recoded for public use.)

2002 only


Female, 2002

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents


Male, 2002

Variable: EDUCMOM
Description/Question Mother’s (or mother-figure’s) education
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable for all respondents