Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: Recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How marriage ended - 2nd
Type: Recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: Recode
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO > 2) or R’s 2nd marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO > 2) or R’s 2nd marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO GT 2) or R’s second marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO > 2) or R’s 2nd marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO GT 2) or R’s second marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO > 2) or R’s 2nd marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO GT 2) or R’s second marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: Recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO > 2) or R’s 2nd marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How R’s 2nd marriage ended (RECODE)
Type: Recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married more than 2 times (FMARNO GT 2) or R’s second marriage is not intact (FMARNO = 2 and FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: MAREND02
Description/Question How marriage ended - 2nd
Type: Recode
Universe: Applicable if R has been married at least 2 times (FMARNO > 1) and R’s 2nd marriage is not intact (FMARITAL NE 1)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave