All Waves


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question: ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))? If it is easier to recall, you can tell me the month and year you started.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.

Female, 2015-2017

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))? If it is easier to recall, you can tell me the month and year you started.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.

Female, 2013-2015

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))? If it is easier to recall, you can tell me the month and year you started.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.

Female, 2011-2013

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))?
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.

Female, 2006-2010

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


Female, 2002

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave



Male, 2017-2019

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


Male, 2015-2017

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


Male, 2013-2015

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


Male, 2011-2013

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


Male, 2006-2010

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


Male, 2002

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


2017-2019 only


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question: ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))? If it is easier to recall, you can tell me the month and year you started.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


2015-2017 only


Female, 2015-2017

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))? If it is easier to recall, you can tell me the month and year you started.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.


Male, 2015-2017

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


2013-2015 only


Female, 2013-2015

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))? If it is easier to recall, you can tell me the month and year you started.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.


Male, 2013-2015

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


2011-2013 only


Female, 2011-2013

Variable: MC1MONS3
Description/Question ED-9d : (For how many months altogether had you been using the (HORMONAL/LONG-ACTING METHOD)?/Think about the one you started using most recently. For how many months had you been using it, without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR)?/For how many months altogether had you been using a combination of (METHOD1, METHOD2, etc) without a break, before (DATE OF START OF METHOD CALENDAR))?
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if (R ever used a method (everused = 1) or had a hysterectomy but used a method since start date for method calendar (INTR_ED4a = 1)) and date of first method use was on or before January [interview year - 3] (cmfirsm <= cmjan3yr] and R used more than one method in month corresponding to cmjan3yr and used the methods at the same time during the month (MC1SIMSQ=1)
Notes: Respondents had the option to report a date instead of the number of months. See ED-9y DATBEGIN_Y and ED-9m DATBEGIN_M for the reported month and year. Also see CMDATBEGIN for the computed century month of beginning of use, for all applicable respondents.


Male, 2011-2013

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


2006-2010 only


Female, 2006-2010

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave



Male, 2006-2010

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave


2002 only


Female, 2002

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave



Male, 2002

Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
