All Waves


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question: Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)

Female, 2015-2017

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)

Female, 2013-2015

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)

Female, 2011-2013

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)

Female, 2006-2010

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)

Female, 2002

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx04 not blank)


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

Male, 2015-2017

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

Male, 2013-2015

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

Male, 2011-2013

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

Male, 2006-2010

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

Male, 2002

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

2017-2019 only


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question: Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

2015-2017 only


Female, 2015-2017

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)


Male, 2015-2017

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

2013-2015 only


Female, 2013-2015

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)


Male, 2013-2015

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

2011-2013 only


Female, 2011-2013

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)


Male, 2011-2013

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

2006-2010 only


Female, 2006-2010

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx4 not blank or EF-2 LSTMTHP4 not blank)


Male, 2006-2010

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned (RECODE)
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)

2002 only


Female, 2002

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sex past 12 mos: 4th mentioned
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R has had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner in the last 12 mons (PARTS1YR > 0) and used more than three methods at last sex in the past 12 mons (mthfstsx04 not blank)


Male, 2002

Variable: METH12M4
Description/Question Contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse in past 12 mos: 4th mentioned
Type: Recode

Universe: Applicable if R had sex in the past 12 months (SEX12MO = 1) and reported a 4th method at last sex (LSEXUSE4 < 95)