Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AG-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AG-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AG-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was (she/your biological mother) when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AF-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AF-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AF-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was (she/your biological mother) when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother figure while growing up (intact18 = 1 or AG-5 WOMRASDU NE 3, DK/RF)
Notes: Use recode AGEMOMB1.This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AG-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother figure while growing up (intact18 = 1 or AG-5 WOMRASDU NE 3, DK/RF)
Notes: Use recode AGEMOMB1.This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AF-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother-figure while growing up (intact18=1 or AF-5 WOMRASDU NE 3, DK/RF)
Notes: use recode AGEMOMB1.This variable has been modified for public use, and the original variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AG-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother-figure while growing up (intact18=1 or AF-5 WOMRASDU NE 9, DK/RF) (This variable has been recoded for public use)
Notes: use recode AGEMOMB1
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AF-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother-figure while growing up (intact18=1 or AF-5 WOMRASDU NE 9, DK/RF) (This variable has been recoded for public use.)
Notes: use AGEMOMB1
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AG-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother-figure while growing up (intact18=1 or AF-5 WOMRASDU NE 9, DK/RF) (This variable has been recoded for public use)
Notes: use recode AGEMOMB1
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question AF-9 : How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R had a mother or mother-figure while growing up (intact18=1 or AF-5 WOMRASDU NE 9, DK/RF) (This variable has been recoded for public use.)
Notes: use AGEMOMB1
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s mother or mother-figure had at least one child born alive (AG-8 MOMCHILD NE 0, DK/RF) (This variable has been recoded for public use.)
Notes: use recode AGEMOMB1
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was she when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s mother or mother-figure had at least one child born alive (AF-8 MOMCHILD NE 0, DK/RF) (This variable has been recoded for public use.)
Notes: use AGEMOMB1
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was (she/your biological mother) when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s mother or mother-figure had at least one child born alive (AG-8 MOMCHILD NE 0, DK or RF) (This variable has been recoded for the Public Use File)
Variable: MOMFSTCH
Description/Question How old was (she/your biological mother) when she had her first child who was born alive?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s mother or mother-figure had at least one child born alive (AF-8 MOMCHILD NE 0, DK or RF) (This variable has been recoded for the Public Use File)