Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AF-9 : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AF-9 : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AF-9 : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: Raw
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AE-9y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AE-9y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AE-9y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: Raw
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, she is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and she does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or do not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Notes: The month and century-month variables for this event have been suppressed for public use, but are accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AF-9 : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, she is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and she does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or do not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Notes: The month and century-month variables for this event have been suppressed for public use, but are accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AE-9y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, he is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AE-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AE-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AE-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and he does not have a diploma (AE-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AE-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or does not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AE-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AE-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Notes: The month and century-month variables for this event have been suppressed for public use, but are accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AF-9 : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, she is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and she does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or do not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AE-9y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, he is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AE-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AE-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AE-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and he does not have a diploma (AE-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AE-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or does not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AE-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AE-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AF-9 : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, she is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and she does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or do not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question AE-9y : (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, he is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AE-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AE-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AE-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and he does not have a diploma (AE-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AE-6 DIPGED NE 1 or 3) or does not know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AE-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AE-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: Raw
Universe: Year 1 (QuestYear = 1): Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, she is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-5 HAVEDIP = 5, DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and she does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-5 HAVEDIP = 5, DK/RF) or don’t know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5) Starting in Year 2 (QuestYear >= 2): Universe : Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, she is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5,DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and she does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5, DK/RF) or don’t know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Variable: MYSCHOL_Y
Description/Question (In what month and year did you last attend (HIGHEST GRADE 1-12) grade?/regular school?) (YEAR)
Type: Raw
Universe: Year 1 (QuestYear = 1): Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, he is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-5 HAVEDIP = 5, DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and he does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-5 HAVEDIP = 5, DK/RF) or don’t know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Starting in Year 2 (QuestYear >= 2): Applicable if R’s highest grade is 1-12, he is not in school, and does not have HS diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 1-12 and AF-1 GOSCHOL NE 1 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5, DK/RF), or R’s highest grade is 13-19, and he does not have a diploma (AF-3 HIGRADE = 13-19 and AF-6 DIPGED 2,5, DK/RF) or don’t know highest grade attended and R not currently in school (AF-3 HIGRADE = DK/RF and AF-1 GOSCHOL = 5)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave