Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question FA-1 : Now, I would like to ask you about (other) biological children you may have had with any other sexual partners you never married. (As far as you know / Not counting any children we already talked about, as far as you know), have you ever had any biological children?
Type: raw
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question FA-1 : Now, I would like to ask you about (other) biological children you may have had with any other sexual partners you never married. (As far as you know / Not counting any children we already talked about, as far as you know), have you ever had any biological children?
Type: raw
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question FA-1 : Now, I would like to ask you about (other) biological children you may have had with any other sexual prtners you never married. (As far as you know / Not counting any children we already talked about, as far as you know), have you ever had any biological children?
Type: raw
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question You told me that you have had (no biological children with the women/ one biological child with one of the women /[NUMBER] biological children with the women) we already talked about. Now, please think of other sexual partners you have had in your life. (As far as you know / Not counting the child we already talked about, as far as you know / Not counting the children we already talked about, as far as you know), did you ever have any (other) biological children with any of them?
Type: Raw
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question You told me that you have had (no biological children with the women/ one biological child with one of the women /[NUMBER] biological children with the women) we already talked about. Now, please think of other sexual partners you have had in your life. (As far as you know / Not counting the child we already talked about, as far as you know / Not counting the children we already talked about, as far as you know), did you ever have any (other) biological children with any of them?
Type: Raw
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question FA-1 : Now, I would like to ask you about (other) biological children you may have had with any other sexual partners you never married. (As far as you know / Not counting any children we already talked about, as far as you know), have you ever had any biological children?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R reported more than 3 partners in the last 12 months (mon12prts GT 3), or if R did not know or refused to report how many partners he has had in his life (BC-6 LIFEPRT = DK/RF), or if R reported more than 2 partners in his life (lifeprts GT 2) but at least 1 of these partners was not within the last 12 months (mon12prts = 1 or 2)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question FA-1 : Now, I would like to ask you about (other) biological children you may have had with any other sexual partners you never married. (As far as you know / Not counting any children we already talked about, as far as you know), have you ever had any biological children?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R reported more than 3 partners in the last 12 months (mon12prts GT 3), or if R did not know or refused to report how many partners he has had in his life (BC-6 LIFEPRT = DK/RF), or if R reported more than 2 partners in his life (lifeprts GT 2) but at least 1 of these partners was not within the last 12 months (mon12prts = 1 or 2)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question FA-1 : Now, I would like to ask you about (other) biological children you may have had with any other sexual prtners you never married. (As far as you know / Not counting any children we already talked about, as far as you know), have you ever had any biological children?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R reported more than 3 partners in the last 12 months (mon12prts GT 3), or if R did not know or refused to report how many partners he has had in his life (BC-6 LIFEPRT = DK/RF), or if R reported 2 or more partners in his life (lifeprts GT 2) but at least 1 of these partners was not within the last 12 months (mon12prts = 1 or 2)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question You told me that you have had (no biological children with the women/ one biological child with one of the women /[NUMBER] biological children with the women) we already talked about. Now, please think of other sexual partners you have had in your life. (As far as you know / Not counting the child we already talked about, as far as you know / Not counting the children we already talked about, as far as you know), did you ever have any (other) biological children with any of them?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R reported more than 3 partners in the last 12 months (mon12prts GT 3), or if R did not know or refused to report how many partners he has had in his life (BC-6 LIFEPRT = DK/RF), or if R reported 2 or more 2 partners in his life (lifeprts > 2) but at least 1 of these partners was not within the last 12 months (mon12prts = 1 or 2)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Variable: OTBCHIL
Description/Question You told me that you have had (no biological children with the women/ one biological child with one of the women /[NUMBER] biological children with the women) we already talked about. Now, please think of other sexual partners you have had in your life. (As far as you know / Not counting the child we already talked about, as far as you know / Not counting the children we already talked about, as far as you know), did you ever have any (other) biological children with any of them?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R reported more than 3 partners in the last 12 months (mon12prts GT 3), or if R did not know or refused to report how many partners he has had in his life (BC-6 LIFEPRT = DK/RF), or if R reported 2 or more 2 partners in his life (lifeprts > 2) but at least 1 of these partners was not within the last 12 months (mon12prts = 1 or 2)