All Waves


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question: IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Female, 2015-2017

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Female, 2013-2015

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Female, 2011-2013

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Female, 2006-2010

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Female, 2002

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did/At his primary job, does/Does) he work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner worked at least 1 job last week (IF-3 SPNUMJOB > 0)


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Male, 2015-2017

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Male, 2013-2015

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Male, 2011-2013

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Male, 2006-2010

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

Male, 2002

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time, or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner worked at least 1 job last week (JF-3 SPNUMJOB > 0)

2017-2019 only


Female, 2017-2019

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question: IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)


Male, 2017-2019

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

2015-2017 only


Female, 2015-2017

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)


Male, 2015-2017

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

2013-2015 only


Female, 2013-2015

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)


Male, 2013-2015

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

2011-2013 only


Female, 2011-2013

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question IF-4 : (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)


Male, 2011-2013

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question JF-4 : (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

2006-2010 only


Female, 2006-2010

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did / At his primary job, does / Does) he work part-time or full-time, or some of each? By full-time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (IF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)


Male, 2006-2010

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner was working last week (spwrkst = 1) or has worked for pay on a regular basis (JF-2 SPPAYJOB = 1)

2002 only


Female, 2002

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week he worked on his (primary) job. Did/At his primary job, does/Does) he work part time or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s husband or partner worked at least 1 job last week (IF-3 SPNUMJOB > 0)


Male, 2002

Variable: SPFTPTX
Description/Question (Please think about the last week she worked on her (primary) job. Did / At her primary job, does / Does) she work part time, or full time, or some of each? By full time I mean 35 or more hours a week.
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if R’s wife or partner worked at least 1 job last week (JF-3 SPNUMJOB > 0)