Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: Computed
Variable: P1YRACE1
Description/Question Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)’s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
Type: Raw
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: Computed
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Universe: Applicable if R’s most recent partner is a current partner and is not R’s current husband or separated husband or cohabiting partner (CI-7 P1YCURRP = 1 and p1yrelp NE (7 or 8))
Notes: This variable has been created for public use, and the original source variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s most recent partner is a current partner and is not R’s current husband or separated husband or cohabiting partner (CI-7 P1YCURRP = 1 and p1yrelp NE (7 or 8))
Notes: This variable has been created for public use, and the original source variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s partner is a wife he is separated from, is a former wife, or is a former cohabiting partner (p1relation = 2, 4, or 5) or if R was never married to or cohabited with this partner or did not know/refused relationship (p1relation = 6, 8, 9)
Notes: This variable has been created for public use, and the original source variable is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s most recent partner is a current partner and is not R’s current husband or separated husband or cohabiting partner (CI-7 P1YCURRP = 1 and p1yrelp NE (7 or 8))
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s partner is a wife he is separated from, is a former wife, or is a former cohabiting partner (p1relation = 2, 4, or 5) or if R was never married to or cohabited with this partner or did not know/refused relationship (p1relation = 6, 8, 9)
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s most recent partner is a current partner and is not R’s current husband or separated husband or cohabiting partner (CI-7 P1YCURRP = 1 and p1yrelp NE (7 or 8))
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s partner is a wife he is separated from, is a former wife, or is a former cohabiting partner (p1relation = 2, 4, or 5) or if R was never married to or cohabited with this partner or did not know/refused relationship (p1relation = 6, 8, 9)
Notes: see recode LSEXPRAC
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent sexual partner in last 12 mos (computed in post-processing)
Type: Computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s most recent partner is a current partner and is not R’s current husband or separated husband or cohabiting partner (CI-7 P1YCURRP = 1 and p1yrelp NE (7 or 8))
Variable: p1yrace1
Description/Question RACE-recode-like variable for most recent partner (computed in post-processing)
Type: Computed
Universe: Applicable if R’s partner is a wife he is separated from, is a former wife, or is a former cohabiting partner (p1relation = 2, 4, or 5) or if R was never married to or cohabited with this partner or did not know/refused relationship (p1relation = 6, 8, 9)
Notes: see recode LSEXPRAC
Variable: P1YRACE1
Description/Question Which of the groups on Card 2 describes (1st REPORTED RECENT PARTNER)’s racial background? Please select one or more groups. [1st MENTIONED]
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R has had 1 or more partners in the last 12 months (parts12 GE 1), this partner is current (CI-9 P1YCURRP = 1 or CG-6 STILFPSX = 1), and he is not her current or separated husband or cohabiting partner ((AB-1 MARSTAT = 3, 4, or 6) or (relprt1y01 = 3 or 4))
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave