Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question BC-4b : How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: raw
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question BC-4b : How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: raw
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question BC-4b : How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: raw
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: Raw
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: Raw
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question BC-4b : How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer the month/year when this pregnancy ended (cmotpreg = DK/RF) or she reported season/DK/RF on the month when this pregnancy ended (BC-4a DATPRGEN_M = 13,14,15,16, or DK/RF)
Notes: use recode AGEPREG
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question BC-4b : How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer the month/year when this pregnancy ended (cmotpreg = DK/RF) or she reported season/DK/RF on the month when this pregnancy ended (BC-4a DATPRGEN_M = 13,14,15,16, or DK/RF)
Notes: use recode AGEPREG
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question BC-4b : How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer the month/year when this pregnancy ended (cmotpreg = DK/RF) or she reported season/DK/RF on the month when this pregnancy ended (BC-4a DATPRGEN_M = 13,14,15,16, or DK/RF)
Notes: use recode AGEPREG
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer the month/year when this pregnancy ended (cmotpreg = DK/RF) or she reported season/DK/RF on the month when this pregnancy ended (BC-4a DATPRGEN_M = 13,14,15,16, or DK/RF)
Notes: use recode AGEPREG
Variable: AGEATEND
Description/Question How old were you when this pregnancy ended?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer the month/year when this pregnancy ended (cmotpreg = DK/RF) or she reported season/DK/RF on the month when this pregnancy ended (flgdkmo1 = 1 or 2)