Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: respondent recode
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: respondent recode
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: respondent recode
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: Resp recode
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: Resp recode
Universe: Applicable for all pregnancies (respondent-level variable)
Notes: Respondents age 50 were 49 at screener. The century-month variable for respondent’s birth has been suppressed for public use, but is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: respondent recode
Universe: Applicable for all pregnancies (respondent-level variable)
Notes: Respondents age 50 were 49 at screener. The century-month variable for respondent’s birth has been suppressed for public use, but is accessible by application to the NCHS Research Data Center. See Appendix 7 of the User’s Guide for further information.
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: respondent recode
Universe: Applicable for all pregnancies (respondent-level variable)
Notes: Respondents age 45 were 44 at screener
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: respondent recode
Universe: Applicable for all pregnancies (respondent-level variable)
Notes: Respondents age 45 were 44 at screener
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: Resp recode
Universe: Applicable for all pregnancies (respondent-level variable)
Notes: Respondents age 45 were 44 at screener
Variable: AGER
Description/Question Age at interview (respondent recode)
Type: Resp recode
Universe: Applicable for all pregnancies (respondent variable)