Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question BD-9 : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: raw
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question BD-9 : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: raw
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question BD-9 : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: raw
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: Raw
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Universe: Applicable if only pregnancy outcome was cesarean livebirth delivery (BC-1 PREGEND1 - 6 only included code 5)
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question BD-9 : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if only pregnancy outcome was cesarean livebirth delivery (BC-1 PREGEND1 - 6 only included code 5)
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question BD-9 : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if only pregnancy outcome was cesarean livebirth delivery (BC-1 PREGEND1 - 6 only included code 5)
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question BD-9 : Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if only pregnancy outcome was cesarean livebirth delivery (BC-1 PREGEND1 - 6 only included code 5)
Variable: CSECPRIM
Description/Question Was this your first cesarean delivery, or had you had one before this?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if QuestYear >= 2 and if only pregnancy outcome was cesarean delivery (BC-1 PREGEND1 and PREGEND2 and PREGEND3 only includes code 5) and R has not already reported on her first cesarean delivery (PRIMVAR NE 1)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave