Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question BH-3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: raw
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question BH-3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: raw
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question BH-3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: raw
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: Raw
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave
Universe: Applicable if child was ever breastfed (BH-1 ANYNURSE1 = 1) and child was ever fed something other than breastmilk (BH-2 FEDSOLID1 = blank or 1)
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question BH-3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if child was ever breastfed (BH-1 ANYNURSE1 = 1) and child was ever fed something other than breastmilk (BH-2 FEDSOLID1 = blank or 1)
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question BH-3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if child was ever breastfed (BH-1 ANYNURSE1 = 1) and child was ever fed something other than breastmilk (BH-2 FEDSOLID1 = blank or 1)
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question BH-3 : Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if child was ever breastfed (BH-1 ANYNURSE1 = 1) and child was ever fed something other than breastmilk (BH-2 FEDSOLID1 = blank or 1)
Variable: FRSTEATD1
Description/Question Age (in months) when 1st supplemented - 1st from this preg (computed in Flow Check B-39b)
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if child was ever breastfed (BH-1 ANYNURSE1 = 1) and child was ever fed something other than breastmilk (BH-2 FEDSOLID1 = blank or 1)
Variable: Variable does not exist in this survey/wave