Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question BE-8b : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: raw
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question BE-8b : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: raw
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question BE-8b : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: raw
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: Raw
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: Raw
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question BE-8b : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer when she began prenatal care (BE-7 BGNPRENA = DK/RF) and gestational length was between 3 and 6 months (3 LE mosgest LT 6)
Notes: use recode PNCAREWK
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question BE-8b : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer when she began prenatal care (BE-7 BGNPRENA = DK/RF) and gestational length was between 3 and 6 months (3 LE mosgest LT 6)
Notes: use recode PNCAREWK
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question BE-8b : Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer when she began prenatal care (BE-7 BGNPRENA = DK/RF) and gestational length was between 3 and 6 months (3 LE mosgest LT 6)
Notes: use recode PNCAREWK
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer when she began prenatal care (BE-7 BGNPRENA = DK/RF) and gestational length was between 3 and 6 months (3 LE mosgest LT 6)
Notes: use recode PNCAREWK
Variable: LPNCTRI
Description/Question Was it less than 3 months or 3 months or more?
Type: Raw
Universe: Applicable if R did not know or refused to answer when she began prenatal care (BE-7 BGNPRENA = DK/RF) and gestational length was between 3 and 6 months (3 le mosgest lt 6)