All Waves


Pregnancy, 2017-2019

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question: BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

Pregnancy, 2015-2017

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

Pregnancy, 2013-2015

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

Pregnancy, 2011-2013

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

Pregnancy, 2006-2010

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

Pregnancy, 2002

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)

2017-2019 only


Pregnancy, 2017-2019

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question: BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

2015-2017 only


Pregnancy, 2015-2017

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

2013-2015 only


Pregnancy, 2013-2015

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

2011-2013 only


Pregnancy, 2011-2013

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question BD-8 : When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

2006-2010 only


Pregnancy, 2006-2010

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)
Notes: use recode PAYDELIV

2002 only


Pregnancy, 2002

Variable: PAYBIRTH3
Description/Question When ([BABY’S NAME] was born/your [twins/triplets] were born,) in which of the ways on Card 16 was the delivery bill paid? (3rd mention)
Type: Raw

Universe: Applicable if more than 2 forms of payment reported for this delivery (see BD-8 PAYBIRTH1)