
I’m a researcher and statistician interested in open science, computational reproducibility, and interesting ways to visualize data. In “real life” my main research focus is on sexual and reproductive health, and I may post occasionally about that in this space, but this site is mainly to host side analyses and projects that don’t fit in to my main portfolio of work/aren’t worth publishing in a scientific journal (or aren’t developed enough to do that).

I’m in no way an R ninja, so feel free to let me know if you see errors in my code, or just ways that I could be doing things more easily. In general, feel free to leave comments on any post; I love to hear thoughts on how to improve my code/analyses/world.

(And this goes without saying, but any views posted here are my own.)

If you are interested in my academic research, check out my Google Scholar page, or my Impact Story; all of my articles are open access/freely available to read.