

I’m a researcher and statistician interested in open science, computational reproducibility, and interesting ways to visualize data. In “real life” my main research focus is on sexual and reproductive health, and I may post occasionally about that in this space, but this site is mainly to host side analyses and projects that don’t fit in to my main portfolio of work/aren’t worth publishing in a scientific journal (or aren’t developed enough to do that).

This blog is written completely in RStudio using Rmarkdown; I’d never have been able to get it set up without the invaluable advice given on Andy South’s blog, and (even more so), the Jekyll-Now repository created by Barry Clark. I won’t do those posts justice trying to summarize them here, but suffice it to say that I tend to be helpless at any code/set-up that isn’t explictly statistical, and it was still extremely straightforward (as long as you have a Git repository set up, and know the very basics of how to fork/commit/push).

Feel free to leave comments in this space or on any post; love to hear any thoughts on how to improve my code/analyses/world.

(And this goes without saying, but any views posted here are my own.)

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